The N/A Chronicles 2023

More kids, more pages on this blog. This, however, will certainly be the last one. Just like the other three, the twins are getting their own space on here, too. But since life gets in the way of this blog more often than not these days, they’re going to share a page. Sorry, guys.

And the title, The N/A Chronicles? That stands for The Nat/Avit Chronicles, not The Nonalcoholic Chronicles. Life with 5 kids without some cocktails here and there? Not a chance. So check back here to see how the story of our twins unfolds.

(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)


January 5, 2023

Happy New Year, my littlest loves! Avit, you are so funny. You’ve been on a really excellent streak of good manners, helping, good listening, etc., lately, and you say the cutest things. Tuesday morning, our first day back to school after Christmas break, you came out as I was in the kitchen getting everything ready for breakfast and said, “Happy back to school day.” Then the next day, you came out, asked me what day it was, then said, “Happy Wednesday, we get to see Squeaky get bigger.” Squeaky was your last Go Noodle character on the smart board at school, and as you guys sing songs and stuff in class they grow bigger and bigger until they’re grownups and go on holiday. Then you get a new one. Right now you’re on Tiny since Squeaky just got all her dots the other day and grew up. I love hearing all the things you guys do and learn at school!

We’re also getting ready for speech assessments for you two. Mrs. Koch recommended being evaluated by the school’s speech therapist because she said sometimes it’s really hard to understand what you’re saying. I can understand you fine, but I’m also the person who talks to you the most ever. So I’ll be very curious what they say! Daddy and I have a Zoom meeting with the team in a few weeks.


January 16, 2023

You guys finally got to move into your bunk beds! I took the cribs down and got the new beds all set up over the past couple days, and you guys are so excited. The bottom bed is a full, so you will be sleeping in it together for a little while until I feel like I can trust either of you in a top bunk.

And Avit, you say some of the craziest things I’ve ever heard. Today you said, “What’s 100 plus 100 plus 100 plus 100? … A lof of hundreds.” Ha!


January 27, 2023

I finally bit the bullet and got the top bunk set up. Avit, you said you wanted to sleep up there, so up you go! Nat, I think you really wanted to stay in the bottom bed because it has the Mario sheets on it, but no arguing works for me!


January 30, 2023

Nat, it was your turn to be Letter Detective at school this week, and I COMPLETELY forgot!! Ugh, I’m so sorry. You took the blue paper out of your folder on Friday, we said how we’ll have to get all the letter P things together this weekend, then I never gave it another thought. I felt horrible when you said in line this morning, “I’m the Letter Detective today!” Oops, sorry, kiddo, no you’re not. Fortunately your teachers were so kind and didn’t care at all, so you’ll have plenty of time to do it tomorrow. Double fun – birthday and Letter Detective!


January 31, 2023

Happy 5th birthday, my littlest loves!! It’s so crazy to think you’re a whole hand of fingers old now. Hopefully I’ll get to your full birthday post soon. We love you so much!


February 2, 2023

Avit, the number of projects you have started creating every day when you guys get home from school is amazing. You’ve never been so into the crafting, but lately you’re on a tear. You’ve made a crossing guard outfit, a robot box, a school bus, a million drawings, shops and stores, school, and countless other “projects” out of boxes, printer paper, and rolls upon rolls of tape. I love it!

We also had an evaluation meeting with Mrs. Koch, the assistant principal, and the speech therapist today to decide whether or not to start you guys in speech class, and we chose to go ahead with it. We figure it can’t hurt anything, and you’ll probably even have some fun. You’ll be doing 30 minutes each week with Ms. Stadler, and you should get started in a couple weeks. I don’t think you guys are any harder to understand than any of the big kids were in K4, but it certainly won’t make understanding you any worse!


February 5, 2023

We went down to Grandma and Grandpa’s “real” house in Palos Park for a quick weekend visit to see them and celebrate your birthday, and it was the first time you guys got your names on the Plush Horse sign! We love it down there so much.


February 9, 2023

Tonight was your very first Open House at school! You guys were SO excited to get in your classroom and show us all around, you could barely contain yourselves. We blew through your checklist because you were moving so quickly, but I got to see everything, got a quick peek at your learning log journals (which is ok because I love reading through the whole things when you bring them home at the end of the school year), found all your spots around the room, and saw your great artwork in the hallway. Open House is one of my absolute favorites, and I’m so happy you love school so much to be so excited and proud to show me everything! You were both totally out of control running through the hallways and tearing around Lana’s classroom by the end of the night, however, so I was not very happy about that. But next year will be better… Right?!?


February 13, 2023

You guys had your first speech class today with Ms. Stadler! You each got a new folder to take each week, and this week you were working on the “sh” sound. I think this will be great.


February 14, 2023

Happy 1st Valentine’s Day party at school, my loves! I’m so happy, because I got to come into your classroom for it. I signed up to run one of the minute-to-win-it games, and my station was stacking red Solo cups and paper plates to make the tallest towers you could. You guys had an absolute BLAST! Everyone was so excited and festive, it was just the best. Avit, you even made a valentine for the entire class. I realized it might be my only chance to see you in your room this year, because they don’t have room center helpers anymore. So I jumped at the chance. I’m so glad I did, because you guys said it was the best day ever having me in your classroom and you wanted me to stay the whole day. I love you guys so much!


February 16, 2023

SNOW DAY!! Your very first one! I got the call yesterday afternoon preemptively, and you all cheered when I told you the news. I love snow days, because it’s like a mini-weekend for me, too, without having to get up to do the morning routine. I was extraordinarily productive around the house and with work today, so that made it even better for me. Daddy was home, too, as pretty much the whole city canceled stuff in preparation for this winter storm that blew through. We didn’t end up getting nearly as much snow as predicted, but I didn’t mind having an extra day home with you guys. I let you all stay up late last night and sleep in as long as you wanted today, and I said you could have as much time on your tablets as you wanted. You 2 were actually the only ones who went out to play in the snow. I was kind of surprised, since it was really cold and super windy, but you still had fun. Snow day = play day!


February 17, 2023

It’s your 100th day of school! You guys are so excited, because you get to finally wear your 100th day shirts that the big kids helped you make last weekend. They’re way too big, but who cares. I remember Morrison’s was, too, when he made it. Lana made one for K4, too, but hers actually fit. They turned out so great!


March 3, 2023

Avit, we just got this email from Mrs. Koch. Amazing job, kiddo!!

“I just wanted to share that Avit has been starting to show off his reading skills! He is reading random words on the smartboard and on book covers and it is so fun to see!”


March 6, 2023

Nat, this was too funny. Today you woke up all sleepy and said, “We’re not supposed to be getting up when the sky is blue!” We just switched to Daylight Saving Time so it’s lighter in the mornings. You guys are used to the pitch black dawns of winter!


March 7, 2023

You guys are in heaven – you got to bring your name tags home from school because you’ve switched to learning last names instead of first names. You have played school every day after school since you got them!


March 27, 2023

We’re in Florida for spring break at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, and today we went to an Audubon center in the Everglades. Avit, I don’t know how you managed this one, but you got lost from the rest of us on an enclosed boardwalk loop around the park. At least it was enclosed, though, because the swamp was full of alligators! We took a little side branch to go to a lookout tower, and you didn’t want to take pictures with Grandma because you couldn’t NOT be the leader when we went back to the main walk. But of course you turned the wrong way from the rest of us and took off back the way we had already come all the way from the visitors’ center. We kept thinking you had gone the correct way and we were going to catch up to you, but when we realized we weren’t, Della and I sped walked ahead to get back to the center and try to find you. She volunteered to head back out from the start while I waited at the end for everyone else to return, and after a few minutes I heard on one of the ranger’s walkie talkies, “I have a little boy here named Avit who’s lost from his family. He’s 5 years old.” I said, “Oh, that’s mine! That’s my little boy.” The ranger said he was just a little ways back sitting on one of the resting benches with another woman ranger, so I assumed they’d be back shortly. But she must have taken him all the way around the whole way to the end to bring him back, because after what seemed like forever, you and Della came walking out of the boardwalk hand in hand with the woman ranger behind you guys. She didn’t seem too happy about it, but I didn’t care. I was just glad you were back with us safe and sound. I hadn’t been worried that you weren’t safe, since you couldn’t actually get off the boardwalk, but you were scared and I felt bad because you said you never wanted to go back there again. Maybe a lesson learned, little one?


March 28, 2023

Nat, now your spelling is getting so good, too! You just spelled Cuphead, red, yes, and no all by yourself without prompting. Great job!


April 15, 2023

You guys had your very first swim lesson today, and your friend Eli from your class at school is in your class! Nat, you hopped right in, which I took as a great sign since Avit, you were a little hesitant (the water is always cold!), but once you started doing your bobs to get your heads wet and go underwater, Avit, you kept right on going, but Nat, you started crying and got out for the rest of the lesson. You kept saying you wanted to go home, which we obviously weren’t doing, plus all the big kids were with us to watch your guys’ first lesson, so I let you just sit on the bleachers wrapped up in your towel for the rest of the lesson so you could at least see and hear what you would have been doing. The classes always get free time at the end, so I was finally able to talk you into getting back in the water with the floaty life belt on and the red pool noodle. I’ll call that a win! Avit, you did great!


April 18, 2023

You guys are in heaven!! Daddy took all 5 of you to go see the Super Mario Bros. movie tonight, and I thought your heads would explode you were so excited. It’s your very first movie in the theater, and of course you both wore your Mario/Luigi sweatshirts and shoes. Too cute!


April 21, 2023

Avit, you crack me up. Today you said the sky was “glitchy” on our walk home from school as the sun went in and out behind the clouds. And your new favorite song is “Manic Monday” by the Bangles.


April 22, 2023

Nat, you stayed in the whole time at swim lessons today and loved it this week. Great job!


May 2, 2023

Avit, on colder mornings when we go to school, you always ask what hat I’m wearing. You love matching me with our pom pom hats, and I love it!


May 16, 2023

Today I’m wearing light khaki-colored joggers and a pale yellow sweatshirt, and Avit, you told me I look like the middle of an Oreo, ha!


May 31, 2023

Happy first Spring Sing, my loves! This is such a fun day every year, and you two are so excited for your very first time participating. You’ve been working on your songs all year in music class, and you can’t wait to do your dance to “Who Let the Dogs Out.” I love it!!


June 6, 2023

Well, something we haven’t dealt with since Della was in daycare – Avit, you have hand, foot, and mouth. Ugh!! I got a call from the clinic this morning that you were sad about spots on your hands itching and bothering you, and the nurse said she thought they looked like HFM. It makes sense, though, because last night you woke up crying and said you don’t like the tickles on your feet (obviously them starting to itch); yesterday at lunch the fresh pineapple juice burned your mouth, which I thought was odd at the time; and this past weekend you were burned out with a fever that I thought was just from running yourself ragged playing. Now seeing the spots on your hands and feet, I don’t even need a doctor to tell us what it is. I hope it clears up soon!


June 7, 2023

We had your first checkup with our new pediatrician, and she confirmed that you have HFM, too, Nat. Your hands and feet aren’t nearly as bad as Avit’s, but yours is more in your mouth. Boo! You guys were both home from school today, but since the fevers are gone and Avit’s sores aren’t open, you’re both cleared to go back for your last day of school tomorrow. Whew!


June 8, 2023

Happy first Campout Day and very last day of K4, my loves! You are so happy you can go back today and have s’mores with your class and say good-bye to everyone, and so am I. Avit, you’re wearing little gloves today because you’re worried about people looking at the spots on your hands, but thankfully they are already SO much better. This is our very last year with Mrs. Koch and Mrs. French, which makes me so sad, but I know you’re both going to love being in full-day school next year just like the big kids. You’re already excited to pick out lunch boxes this summer! I am so proud of you two for how much you’ve grown in school this year, and I know we’re going to have a great summer break.


July 5, 2023

So you guys are experiencing something I’ve never seen or even heard of before. Some of your fingernails and toenails are peeling up from the bottom of the nail at the nail bed and coming off. It is so disgusting, but thankfully you say it’s not painful at all. I had to look it up because it kind of freaked me out, and it is actually a rare complication from having hand, foot, and mouth. It’s called onychomadesis. Blech. One of Morrison’s thumbnails is doing it, too, so he must have had HFM with you when he was sick at the end of the school year, too, even though I didn’t see any spots on his hands and feet, just in his throat. Ugh, I’m so sorry!


July 24, 2023

You guys had a dentist appointment today, and Avit, you were so excited to show Miss Lindsee your first wiggly tooth on the bottom. Nat, it turns out you have one, too, same spot, and your grown-up tooth is even already coming in right behind it – I had no idea that was there! You’re also already getting some 6-year molars poking through in the back. Now we need to get those little bottom teeth out to make room for the big one!


July 26, 2023

Nat, you were so sweet today. Avit had fallen asleep on the couch and you got him a blanket because you noticed he had goosebumps. The way you two constantly look out for and take care of each other amazes me.


August 16, 2023

Natty Beans, that wiggly little tooth finally came out last night! You’d been messing with it with your tongue all week, so last night when you were getting ready for bed I said that little thing is about to pop out. So Daddy got a paper towel, and out it came! Now Avit, you’re on a mission to get yours out, too. đŸ˜‰ The Tooth Fairy gets to come for you guys now, too!


September 7, 2023

Happy first day of K5, my littlest loves!! You guys are SO excited to start full-day school with Ms. Ruetz just like Morrison had, and I just can’t wait to hear how everything goes. I love you guys so much, and it makes me so happy that you, Lana, and Morrison will be at school together all day now!


October 4, 2023

You guys are thrilled – it’s your very first Fun Lunch ever, since this is the first year you eat lunch at school, and I get to come help for it in the Great Room! Nat, you ordered mac and cheese, and Avit, you ordered pizza. I love it!


October 11, 2023

It’s your first pajama party and stuffies day! I don’t think you two could possibly be more excited. đŸ™‚


October 25, 2023

Today was your Halloween party and a half day of school for the Halloween costume parade, and then I had conferences with all of your teachers this afternoon. Every single one of them said how well all of you are doing and how much they love having you in their class this year, and I could NOT be more proud. Ms. Stadler, your speech teacher, even said that you guys have improved so much that you’ll almost certainly be done with speech class after this year. Keep up the incredible work!!


October 29, 2023

You guys had so much fun finally getting to wear your Cuphead and Mugman costumes for trick or treating today! I took you guys and Morrison out for a little while, then you two came in while I went back out with him for a little bit longer. Then Avit, you joined us for round 3, and your pumpkin was completely full!


November 17, 2023

Avit, you got a shout out at school today! You’ve been waiting to get one for so long, so you were THRILLED when you came out of school this afternoon with your little shout-out piece of paper from Ms. Ruetz. You got it for being kind and including a friend who didn’t have anyone to play with, and I was so unbelievably proud of you. Great job, my love! Always keep that kindness and pure heart you have, and it will take you far.


November 18, 2023

Natty Beans, you lost your 2nd tooth today! We discovered that the grown-up tooth behind this one was already coming in, too, so I kept telling you to get this wiggly little baby tooth out of your mouth. You kept messing with it and wiggling it with your tongue, too, which was bugging me. Della tried to help get it out but it kind of hurt and didn’t work, but Daddy was able to get it out before you even realized it. Here comes the Tooth Fairy again!


November 30, 2023

Your guys’ reading skills are getting incredible. Avit, you read almost your entire Dog Man graphic novel from the library by yourself, and I couldn’t believe it. Nat, you are sounding out words, too, and reading your little take-home books from class beautifully. I’m so proud of you both!


December 7, 2023

We had your IEP meeting today with Ms. Stadler, Ms. Ruetz, and Ms. Solomon, and you guys will probably be finished with Speech class at the end of this year. Great job!! Ms. Stadler was really impressed, saying she usually doesn’t even reevaluate an IEP for speech before about 3 years, and you two are only 1 year in, let alone finishing it completely after just your first year. Keep up the great work, my little loves!
