The Life of L

Della has her own page on here, so I wanted to start one for Lana, too. This one won’t be quite as daily journal-ish as D’s is, though. I’ll use this space mainly to keep track of milestones, stats, things of that nature. Basically whatever I’d want to keep track of in a pen-to-paper journal and/or stuff that doesn’t really go in a baby book. So here we go…

(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)


January 1, 2024

Happy New Year, Shmee! Unfortunately we all got the stomach flu on Christmas Eve and spent pretty much all of our winter break sick, so hopefully this new year rings in healthy and true. Here’s to a happy, healthy, safe, and fun 2024 for all of us!


January 9, 2024

SNOW DAY!!! Even though it just rained all day. 🙂 It was still fun having an extra day at home with you guys, though!


January 12, 2024

ANOTHER SNOW DAY!!! Second one this week, and right before a long 3-day weekend! This time we really did get snow, about 6ish inches. Other areas outside of Whitefish Bay got way more than we did so practically everywhere was closed, but thankfully the lake spared us a little this time. Daddy still had to go into work, unbelievably, but you guys had fun being home and playing in the deep, fresh snow.


January 27, 2024

I took you big 3 skiing for your first time today, and you all loved it! I put the 3 of you together in a private lesson to start while I took my time remembering how to do it, which was perfect. We spent a couple hours on the slopes at a small ski place about half an hour from our house, and you guys didn’t want to leave. I said next time I’ll take a lesson, too, and we’ll all learn how to snowboard!


February 8, 2024

Tonight was Open House at school, and I loved getting to see into your 5th-grade world!


April 2, 2024

You lost your 19th tooth today, on palindrome day 4/2/24. Only 1 more to go!


April 25, 2024

Tonight was your first band concert, and your school’s 5th-grade band played over in the middle school’s band room. As we were walking in, I noticed you had on lip gloss and mascara, the first time I’ve seen you wear any makeup in public. You looked great, I was so proud watching you play the flute, and I think you had a lot of fun, too! That good old flute – making the family rounds!


June 5, 2024

Happy Spring Sing day! I’m in California missing it for the very first time and not happy about it, but thankfully Daddy and all your teachers have sent me pictures and videos. This last week and a half of school is the best!


June 14, 2024

Happy last day of 5th grade and last day at Cumberland, Shmee!! I can’t even believe your 7 years there are over, but I know you’re SO ready to be onto middle school. We’re going to have a great summer, and I can’t wait to watch you thrive in all these new adventures!


July 13, 2024

You lost your last tooth today! It’s so cute, though, you’re saving it to put out for the Tooth Fairy in Canada in the hopes that you’ll get a tooney again. I bet she’ll deliver!


August 27, 2024

We had your meet and greet at school tonight, and you got your first tiny taste of middle school. You found your locker, put your supplies in, and started learning how to do your combination lock. We saw a lot of your friends and one of your best friends has a locker right by yours and is in your homeroom class, so I think you’re going to have a great start to the year. You took my advice and introduced yourself to each of your teachers, shook their hands, and looked them directly in the eyes, and I even had to tell Ms. Colo, your 5th-grade teacher last year, all about that. I was so proud of you!!


September 3, 2024

Happy first day of MIDDLE SCHOOL, Shmee! You are so ready for this, and I’m so happy to see you so confident and excited. You allowed me to walk to school with you on this very first day, and I loved watching you wait in line with your group of best friends before heading into your new school. You’re going to do big things, my love, I can feel it already. Have an amazing year in 6th grade!!


September 12, 2024

SHMEE!!!!!! You had your first cross country meet ever today, and you took second place from your school and 28th overall in the 6th-grade girls race! There were a couple hundred runners in the whole meet!!! I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY when I got that news. Your friend Eleanor’s mom drove you to and from the meet since they didn’t have any buses, and she gave me the results and sent some great pictures. Proud doesn’t even describe how I felt. I thought running would be a good fit for you, but I had no idea how well you would do right off the bat! If speechless could describe my mind when I found out, that’s what I would call that feeling. Amazing, amazing, AMAZING job, my love!!! I cannot WAIT to see how well you do this season!
