The D Daily Dose 2023

I’m borrowing the title of this page from the site Ryan created for Della when she was born, The Della Daily Dose. My goal for this page is to write 1 thing daily about or for Della, and the briefer the better. I read about a similar idea on the day of her first birthday and thought it would be an interesting way to chronicle a year of her life. Seeing how I was not blogging when she was born and am terrible about keeping up with my pen-to-paper journal, I thought I’d give it a try on here. And so I give you a dedicated space for The D Daily Dose.

(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)


January 5, 2023

Happy New Year, peanut! I’ve been home in the mornings this week when you go to school because Daddy’s been driving the Cumberland crew to dropoff. You still look back and wave as long as you can see me at the front door watching, almost to the corner. I love it so much! And the other day you explained to me your whole routine of how you get ready and situated as you walk down our block to the corner – you get your coat and backpack on, then you straighten everything out so nothing’s bunched up funny, then you zip your coat and get your hat on (this particular day you were trying to snap the pom pom back on your hat as you were walking down the block), then you zip your coat and put your hands in your pockets by the time you get to the corner and continue your walk down the street to school. You are hilarious and I absolutely adore the way you plan and execute everything. A true firstborn, just like your mama!


January 29, 2023

Big day yesterday, peanut – your first babysitting all alone! Daddy and I went to Miss Clara’s 40th birthday party last night, and you were in charge of your siblings. You did great! Daddy made a frozen pizza before we left so you got everyone served up and finished, cleaned up, helped the twins get ready for bed and put them to bed, had a movie and tablet night with Lana and Morrison, and got everyone to bed before we got home. Thank you so much!


February 3, 2023

Tonight is the first Bay Social at the middle school and you’re going with your best friend Liz. We’re going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house this weekend since they’re back from Florida to meet little Ollie, so we’ll wait and drive down first thing in the morning instead of battling traffic today after school.

ETA: You had a blast! You didn’t win any of the raffles, but you and your friends had so much fun. P.S. Don’t make duck lips!


February 9, 2023

You came to the Cumberland Open House with us tonight, and it was so cute. Mrs. Koch loved seeing you back in her room since she’s had all of you guys for K4 now, and you got to see some of your other old teachers in the hallways. I loved it!


February 16, 2023

SNOW DAY!! I got the call yesterday afternoon preemptively, and you all cheered when I told you the news. I love snow days, because it’s like a mini-weekend for me, too, without having to get up to do the morning routine. I was extraordinarily productive around the house and with work today, so that made it even better for me. Daddy was home, too, as pretty much the whole city canceled stuff in preparation for this winter storm that blew through. We didn’t end up getting nearly as much snow as predicted, but I didn’t mind having an extra day home with you guys. I let you all stay up late last night and sleep in as long as you wanted today, and I said you could have as much time on your tablets as you wanted. Snow day = play day!


March 5, 2023

I signed you up for track today, so I hope you love it! You put high interest in middle/longer distance and hurdles, moderate interest in sprints and field events/jumps, and no interest in throws. I don’t blame you. 🙂


April 4, 2023

You had your first track practice today and you really liked it! I could tell, because when I picked you up you were all excited and talked about it the whole way home. 😀


April 20, 2023

Today was your first track meet, and you did so great! I was timing so unfortunately I didn’t get to take any pictures, but to say I was impressed and proud is a humongous understatement. You ran the 60m hurdles (what?!?!? you didn’t even hit one the whole way down! i would’ve knocked every single one over and broken both my legs), the 4×100 relay, and the 4×200 relay. You were amazing, kiddo! Great job!!


May 3, 2023

Today was your home outdoor meet, and it was another incredible showing for you. You won the triple jump!!! Again, another event I don’t think I could even do! Your coaches told you at the end of the meet when you asked if you could leave with me, and they said how proud they were of you. You were completely surprised, and I could tell by the look of sheer amazement on your face that you definitely did not expect that one. I think they said you jumped 23 feet? Could that even be right?? Needless to say, I about started crying because I was so happy for you. Watching you grow into this great little runner is so fun!


May 9, 2023

Tonight was what will probably be your last band concert. It was Band-O-Rama over at the high school, and 5th-12th grades got to play together. I’m including pictures from your 7th grade band concert at the middle school last month, because it’s easier to see you. You’ve become a great flutist, but you’re choosing to take some different electives next year in 8th grade instead of band. Totally fine, my love. I want you guys to get to do what you want and enjoy most, and if that’s not the flute, that’s ok with me!

ETA: We didn’t end up going to Band-O-Rama tonight, so these pictures were your last middle school band concert.


June 9, 2023

Happy last day of 7th grade, peanut! You have had so much fun this year, and I can’t wait to spend summer vacation all together again!


July 14, 2023

You got up on water skis for the first time today in Canada! You were so excited. You gave it a couple shots the other day and never quite got it, but today it was clearly so much easier for you. Great job, peanut! I definitely did not learn to water ski when I was 12!


July 15, 2023

Like Lana and Morrison, you are learning to bridge shuffle with Grandma on this trip, as well as playing solitaire. It’s always been one of our favorite games to play up here, too, so it’s fun to see you guys doing the same. We also found a giant rope swing down the river today that scared the living daylight out of me when I went off it, but of course you and Unkie Cha-Cha went off without making a peep! Between that and jumping off the other rocks across the river from it, I am super impressed with your daredevil-ness!


August 1, 2023

Happy 13th birthday, peanut!!! I can’t believe you’re a teenager! More because of how strange it is to say that than the fact that we’ve known you for 13 years now. I am so proud of the absolutely wonderful girl you are and keep growing into, and I can’t wait to celebrate so many more birthdays with you. I love you, Della Jolee!


August 23, 2023

We had your 13-year checkup yesterday, and all is healthy! She looked at your back, as Dr. Cafaro always did, and recommends we go back in 6 months so she can make sure it’s not getting any larger of a curvature since she hasn’t been seeing you your whole life, but otherwise you were good! Here are your official 13-year stats:

  • Height: 5′ 6.54″ (96%)
  • Weight: 111 lbs. 4 oz. (67%)
  • BMI: 17.67 (34%)
  • Blood pressure: 112/60

You did get 2 shots, too – your COVID booster and the second dose of your HPV vaccine, and I think that’s the one that made you feel a little sick today. You said your arm really hurt, your head hurt, and you were freezing – in bed with a sweatshirt on, asleep under full covers on a 101-degree day. And the upstairs is not very cool either! Thankfully you felt better by mid-day and had no fever, so that’s why I’m sure it was a side effect and not a germ getting you.


September 1, 2023

Happy first day of 8th grade, peanut! I can’t believe this is your last year of middle school already – crazy! I know you’re looking forward to seeing all your friends again, and I think you’re going to have a great year!


October 10, 2023

Today was your last middle school cross country meet, and I was so proud of you! You were solidly in the middle to front of the pack, you blew past this girl you were neck-and-neck with at the end, and you said you ran the whole way for the first time all season. And you got 59th! It was your conference meet at Mr. Hand’s school and he was the starter again, and there were easily over 100 8th-grade girls running. I have had so much fun watching you do these runs over the past 3 years. Great job, peanut! It’s been your first organized sports team.


October 29, 2023

You had so much fun trick or treating with your group of girlfriends this year. You went as the Smurfs, you were Papa Smurf, and you got over 11 pounds of candy. Gheesh!
