The D Daily Dose 2022

I’m borrowing the title of this page from the site Ryan created for Della when she was born, The Della Daily Dose. My goal for this page is to write 1 thing daily about or for Della, and the briefer the better. I read about a similar idea on the day of her first birthday and thought it would be an interesting way to chronicle a year of her life. Seeing how I was not blogging when she was born and am terrible about keeping up with my pen-to-paper journal, I thought I’d give it a try on here. And so I give you a dedicated space for The D Daily Dose.

(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)


February 14, 2022

Sorry, peanut, you got your first real bout of discipline today. You found this little ring in the gym lockerroom months ago, and when I saw it, I told you you had to return it to the school office. It was a pretty little gold ring with blue and clear (I’m assuming) crystal rhinestones in it, and I said I’m sure whoever lost it was looking for it. So you did, or at least you said you did. Then a few weeks later, I found it on your ring stand by your jewelry box. Busted. Take it back to school, why do you still have it? I like it. It’s not yours – turn it back in. Ok. Then today, well after I’d told you to return it for the second time, I found it AGAIN! This time, it was in the bottom of my valentine’s bag from Grandma Rau. How it got there, I have no idea, but I assumed it fell out of your coat pocket or wherever you were hiding it. Turns out I was right, because you were hiding it in your Chromebook case, which is right by where this bag was. So you got in big trouble. I’ve told you since you were little that you will always get in more trouble for lying than for whatever it is you did, no matter how big or small. So I will take you into the office myself to return that ring, you lose your tablet for a week, and we’ll think about your friend’s birthday party you’re supposed to be going to this weekend. Never lie to me, child.

(ETA: You got to go to your friend’s party.)


February 21, 2022

You had your first school musical practice today! You guys had auditions last week, and you had to sing, dance, and perform a nursery rhyme with various emotions that the instructors gave you. You’re loving it! You said the singing part wasn’t very fun, and I said it wouldn’t have been fun for me either. Singing is definitely not my forte. But I’m very proud of you for stepping a little outside your comfort zone and getting up there to audition. They don’t cut anyone who tries out, which makes it a huge cast and tons of fun. You got split into 2 casts – half practices Monday/Wednesday (your cast) and the other half practices Tuesday/Thursday. Then your performance is the end of April, so you’ve got quite a bit of practicing these next couple months. I can’t wait to come see the show!


April 28, 2022

Tonight was your big musical debut! It was a revue this year instead of a full musical, and you guys did one song each from The Music Man, Grease, Wicked, High School Musical, Hairspray, Rent, and The King and I. You were an excellent part of the ensemble, and I about burst with pride watching you sing and dance your heart out on stage for the first time. You had so much fun, and I could tell how happy you were by the strength of hugs you gave me right after the performance and when you went to bed tonight. You had a blast! I was so excited for you, you looked far too grown up on that stage, and I just love that you did something so completely new for you. Wonderful job, my love!!


May 24, 2022

It was a big night for you, peanut. You and I went to the Highest Awards Celebration for Girl Scouts at one of the college theaters downtown. It’s like the Eagle Scout awards for Boy Scouts – the highest honors. Last year as a Junior Girl Scout, your troop completed your Bronze Award by building and installing a bat house near a local ski/hiking area. So you girls were recognized at the ceremony tonight. You were the only one from your troop who went, and I was honestly surprised you had any interest in going at all since you’re not doing Girl Scouts this year. But you had so much fun and said you were really happy we went. I’m so proud of you!


June 10, 2022

Happy last day of 6th grade, peanut! Your first year of middle school is in the books, and we couldn’t be prouder. You had an absolute blast, and I know you’ll be looking forward to starting back up in the fall. I just love, too, how you, Morrison, and Lana immediately started playing your brand new Prodigy math memberships this afternoon when you got home. Parenting win! I love you so much, and I’m looking forward to another summer break with you guys. Happy summer vacation, my big 7th grader!


June 11, 2022

You passed level 4 of swimming today, so you are officially done with swim lessons. Congratulations!


August 1, 2022

Happy 12th birthday, Sweet Pea!! Man, I haven’t called you that in forever. Usually I stick with Peanut. But Daddy called you Squeak in his birthday post today, which reminded me that we used to call you Squeaker, too. How far we’ve come from those days, but our love for you has only grown exponentially with time. I cannot even tell you how proud I am of the amazing, kind, thoughtful, responsible, caring, and overall incredible person you’re becoming. Having you as the oldest child, leader of the Rau pack, makes me so, so happy. I love you more than words, my dear. Happiest of days today, and may your year ahead be fantastic!


August 16, 2022

You were so excited when you got home from piano lessons this morning, because you figured out how to ride your bike no handed! You and Lana have been biking over to Miss Sylvia’s for lessons all summer, which has worked out great. I remember how fun it was learning to ride no handed, but I’m sure I’d fall over if I tried it now, ha! Great job, peanut!


September 1, 2022

Happy first day of 7th grade, my love! You’ve been dragging your feet all week, saying oh I don’t want to do this because I only have a few days of summer vacation left, oh I don’t want to do that because it’s the last day of summer break, but I think you were actually glad to get back and see everyone today. You ate lunch with 3 of your best friends from the past 2 years, who you haven’t really seen at all all summer, so I’m sure that brightened your day. Plus I let you walk to school on your own instead of going the first half of the walk early when I went with the twins to their first day like we usually do, so I know that made you feel a little more independent. We are so proud of you, peanut, and I can’t wait to see how this year goes!


September 13, 2022

First cross country meet of the season in the books, peanut! Unfortunately I couldn’t be there to watch you this time, but thankfully you got a ride with one of our neighbors and friends and other friends were there watching their kids, so I got pictures and videos. You did great! It was so much easier for you than your very, very first meet at this same one last year, and I could tell when you got home that you were very happy with your results and proud of yourself. So are we, my love! And we had your favorite, Qdoba, waiting for dinner when you got home – a perfect way to kick off the season!


September 21, 2022

We finally had your 12-year well check today, and here are your stats. Healthy again!

  • Height: 5′ 3.5″ (90%)
  • Weight: 95 lbs. 3.2 oz. (54%)
  • BMI: 16.60 (25%)
  • Blood Pressure: 108/70


September 23, 2022

We got the following email from your teachers today, and to say we couldn’t be prouder is an understatement! Even Daddy was so impressed he’s going to treat you by letting you pick to go to Starbucks or choose the dinner one day next week. Excellent job, peanut!!

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rau, 

Today Della ‘s Core teachers met for a House meeting. We were talking about kids who have had a great start to the school year. Della’s name came up.   

She has been doing such a wonderful job of working hard, participating in our class discussions, and being a positive classmate.       

We feel lucky to have Della in our classes and look forward to a fantastic rest of the year!   

Cherie Andrus, Joe Wieland, and Mark Yanisch 

Also today, we all went to your cross country meet at a park close to our house. Mr. Hand and Miss Clara came to watch, too, and you did amazing! You came barreling down the finish chute right where we were standing, and you beat these girls next to you out by a step you said! Awesome time, too, at 15:59 for a 1.86 mile course. You’re rockin’ this 7th grade year, my love!!


October 6, 2022

Your last cross country meet of the season was today, peanut, and it was the Conference meet. It was at Mr. Hand’s school again this year, and he was the starter, just like last year. Your highlight, though, was that Miss Clara came, too, and brought Lloyd, so everyone was in heaven. 🙂 Great job on another season well done, my love. You improved in all of your races, and your walking stints during the races were much, much shorter and fewer in number. Now you and your cross country friends are looking forward to running track in the spring.


October 12, 2022

7th grade camp started today, and you were so excited! The whole grade is spending 2 nights and 3 days at Camp Anokijig up in Plymouth, and it sounds almost exactly like the week I spent with my 8th-grade class at Lorado Taft. You’re staying in cabins, teachers and parents are chaperoning, you’re doing a ton of outdoor and class-building activities, all your meals are in the mess hall, there’s night classes, and there’s even a social tonight. You rode up on a couple Coach buses plus one van, and you were SO excited to ride on a fancy bus with a bathroom. 😀 You had a packing list for your duffle bag, took a sleeping bag and pillow, headlamp for nighttime adventures, snacks, poncho, etc., etc. Of course yesterday afternoon started off with a tornado warning for us here, but fortunately you guys just had rain and winds up there, no warnings. It has gotten really chilly, though, down near 30 at night and high 40s during the day, so hopefully your sweatshirts, fleece, and poncho are keeping you warm. I can’t wait to hear all the stories when you get home tomorrow!


November 16, 2022

I love catching glimpses of your sweet little-girl heart still there in your big-girl body. Today Daddy took the Cumberland crew to school so I was able to wave you out the front door when you left for school, and, as I always do when I’m home when you leave, I watched you walk down the sidewalk from our front door. At the very last second before you were out of sight of the door frame, you turned back and waved at me. I was so happy, because not even moments before that I had shut the door, then quickly opened it again thinking maybe there was just a little chance that you’d turn around again and look for me, and you did. I love you SO much, my sweet pea.


November 29, 2022

I caught your wave again this morning, peanut! This time it was my turn to leave first, as I took the Cumberland crew on our usual morning walk to school. I waved as we walked down the sidewalk in front of our house, as always, and at the very edge of the window frame, over the car, until we were finally out of sight, you were waving from the window. I just love it!
