The D Daily Dose 2013

January 3, 2013

Your pure, beautiful heart of gold was on full display today. After getting ready for bed tonight, you and I played under a blanket on our bed. You love this game – we were “hiding” from Daddy, even though he had no idea what we were doing and certainly wasn’t looking for us. But we sang songs, pretended that we were going night-night, and I got an up-close view of the inside of your little mouth as you fake snored with your face pressed up against mine. Finally it was too hot to take, so you came to help me wash my face. Then you insisted on washing yours too, which was so darn cute I stopped saying that you couldn’t play with my face-washing bubbles and just let you do it. I’m glad I did. Then at bedtime, Daddy had to put Lana on your bed for a minute and she was crying – you went over to her, held her pacifier in her mouth and said, in your own little words, “Don’t cry, Baby Lana. I’m your big sister. I’ve got your blue for you. Don’t cry.” Then, shortly thereafter, I slammed my funny bone into the arm of your chair and almost puked it hurt so badly. You went out to the living room and came back with a snowman sticker which you put on it to make it feel better, since stickers are what you use as band-aids. You also gave it a feel-better kiss. I love you so very, very much.


January 6, 2013

Well we tried underwear overnight last night for the first time, and you woke up with pee-soaked underwear. Oops. We’ll keep trying. You did have your bee underwear on, though, which is like a cloth diaper-type training pant, so it’s fleecier and soft inside instead of regular underwear. I think that texture may have made you think you could use it like a diaper, because one of your few accidents in the beginning was while wearing that same pair.


January 7, 2013

Night #2 with underwear was a success! You wore your bees again and woke up totally dry after a full night’s sleep. Yesterday I told you that your bees were just like regular underwear, not a diaper, so we can’t pee in them. You said, “Oh,” so I think maybe you understood. And I’m not quite sure what’s happened, but ever since the calendar flipped to the new year, you have just been making me happier and happier daily. Not that you weren’t making me happy before, but I find myself being much more patient and tolerant. Mama’s trying, my little sweet pea.


January 8, 2013

2 nights in a row now with dry bees. Fingers crossed that we’re on our way to once again being a 1-diaper household! And your vocabulary is growing exponentially, little one. Today I heard you say your versions of “macaroni and cheese” and “kangaroo” for the first time. Not bad, either. Not bad at all.


January 9, 2013

Guess we celebrated a little too early. You wet the bed last night, and you peed on the living room floor this afternoon before your nap. Whoops! Good thing we have hard wood floors…


January 10, 2013

Dry bees again last night, woo hoo! Yesterday I forgot to note this – you were the absolute sweetest kid I’ve ever seen. Lana was having a particularly cranky day, crying a lot. At one point I had her in the chair in your bedroom and she was crying again. You came in with your musical Sesame Street book and held it up to her to help calm her with the music playing. I about exploded with pride and love. You become more amazing every day. Also, your new word is “nope”. Except you say it as “mope”, which is simply hilarious. I love you!


January 14, 2013

Well we’re gonna try daycare once a week, see how you like getting back to play with some of your friends again. Daddy doesn’t think it’s necessary, but I think it’s a great idea. We’ll see how it goes.


January 15, 2013

We had a friend take some pictures of you and Lana this morning, and you were such a goofball. It was like as soon as we got in her studio you had to go into little showoff/not listening mode. Which was annoying, until we discovered we could bribe you with the pets. Her daughters have a turtle named “Chocolate” and a guinea pig named “Penguin”, which you loved seeing. You are definitely an animal-lover.


January 16, 2013

First day back at once-a-week daycare – I hope you’re loving it!


January 25, 2013

Up the past 2 nights at 2am. Hmm, no thanks. You were very cute, though, when you were outside with me this morning while I shoveled snow. You had your snow pants and little boots on with your coat, pink mittens, and pink flowered hat, and sometimes I almost die at how unbelievably adorable you are.


January 28, 2013

You put your baby doll in Lana’s jumperoo this morning, and it was so cute. You rolled up your baby’s little blanket to stick behind her in the seat, just like I do for Lana so she doesn’t flop around. Then you bounced the seat for her, turned on the music, and made the toys move for her. Such a good big sister and little mom.


January 29, 2013

Peed the bed last night. Oopsies.


January 30, 2013

You seemed to enjoy your first day in the Kids’ Clubhouse at the gym, which is great. I had little doubt. They said you were such a good big sister, too, always checking in on Lana to make sure she was ok. You’re so cute.


February 1, 2013

Happy 2.5 year birthday!


February 4, 2013

Peed the bed again the night before last. Fortunately it was all contained in your pj’s and robe, which you wore to bed, so at least I didn’t have to change and wash your bedding. But let’s not make this a common occurrence, please.


February 5, 2013

A little bit of pee in your bees underwear last night. Daddy said he didn’t think it even got to your pants and I felt nothing in your bed again, but this is not a good pattern to start. I think we’ll try sleeping in regular underwear tonight. I do, however, love when you cheer for me when I pee on the toilet, like we always did for you when you were first potty training.


February 7, 2013

You are quite the mimic these days. When you or Lana are getting impatient about something, I always say, “I know, I know.” That has become your new phrase too, and it took me a minute to figure out what you were saying the first time I heard it. So funny. And I swear you’re growing by leaps and bounds every day now, too. Which would explain your sudden surge in appetite – you just ate 11 chicken nuggets, a little Cutie orange, a roll of Smarties and a handful of M&Ms, and for breakfast you had some cinnamon Life, blueberries, and part of an apple. Grow, little girl, grow!


February 10, 2013

Well you had a great day and a bad day yesterday. You had so much fun playing with all of your cousins and aunts and uncles at Andrew’s birthday party yesterday afternoon. However, you had your first accident in quite a while and peed your pants. Oops. Then you were up 3 times during the early morning hours last night. Not sure what that’s all about, but hopefully it doesn’t continue. You’re currently napping after a naptime battle of not listening and getting your bedtime stories taken away. You need to be in a better mood when you wake up or else Mama might run away from home.


February 13, 2013

You poor little bean, you had another barfing spell this afternoon. Daddy woke you up from your nap at 3:30 after you’d only gone to bed at 2 by the time we got home from the gym and into bed, so you had a little shorter nap than usual and were still really sleepy when you came out of your room. You guys were eating some chips, when you started coughing hard. I think maybe a piece of chip went down the wrong pipe. Unfortunately the coughing fit turned into gagging, which in turn led to puking. Your tiny little body was standing over the toilet barfing up everything it could, and your poor little face was all blotchy and snotty. You even had tiny little broken blood vessel dots around your eyes by the time you were done. Fortunately it wasn’t a flu episode I don’t think, because you were great the rest of the day and night; you just got stuck with my coughing to gag genes. Sorry, sweet pea. I hate seeing you in pain like that. Puking is the worst.


February 19, 2013

We’re off on a big airplane tomorrow, peanut! Grandma got you your own little backpack for the trip, so we have some of your books and toys in there to keep you entertained. We’re going out to Tucson again, so hopefully we’ll get a little warmth and sun! It’ll be a long week without Daddy, but hopefully Mama does ok for you.


February 21, 2013

You were an excellent traveler yesterday, peanut! We had your little backpack full of toys and diversions from Grandma, which worked like a charm. It was a long flight, but you were such a trooper. You even took a nap in my lap for Rhee’s end of our first flight before being diverted, and that was great timing. Thank you, sweetheart!


March 1, 2013

Happy 31 month birthday, peanut! You and Lana were excellent travelers home on the plane the other day, so thank you very much for that! Today you also went to the bathroom all by yourself! You set up your little potty chair on the toilet seat, peed, wiped, put your seat away, and came back out to the living room all on your own. Great job!! Unfortunately, you have become very whiny and not going to bed well since we’ve been home from Arizona. Hopefully this is just a phase that ends quickly.


March 5, 2013

You’ve gotten so good at going to the bathroom all by yourself. In the past couple days you have started getting your potty chair steps set up, pants/underwear/pj’s down or off, going to the bathroom, using your wipes, and even putting your little chair away all by yourself. You can now get up on your stool to wash your hands all by yourself too. You’re getting so big!


March 7, 2013

I can’t even believe I’m writing these words, but last night you pooped on the floor. Yes that’s right, pooped on the floor. I had to go to a meeting, so Daddy was watching you and Lana. I texted him when I got to my destination, and he informed me you had pooped on the toilet, ran away naked, then pooped on both your play mat area in the living room and your foot, stuck your hand in it, and freaked out. I almost burst out laughing at the absurdity of that picture, but gross. Let’s keep the feces in the toilet from now on, please.


March 10, 2013

When you get upset and start crying hard, you get so worked up that you throw up. You did it again this afternoon. You were supposed to be taking your nap but were messing around in your room instead. Daddy went in to get you back in bed, but you were hiding behind the door and he hit you in the head with it on accident when he came in. You started crying so hard you started coughing to gag, which made you throw up again. You’ve done this a couple times now, and really need to learn to knock it off.


March 11, 2013

Not only did Lana wake up twice last night, but you decided to get up at 2:20 and then again at 6. What’s with you guys? SLEEP please!


March 15, 2013

You’ve been having some bedtime sleep issues this week, peanut, and I hope they remedy themselves soon. Daddy has been gone for work all week, so maybe that’s been part of it? You slept in my bed 2 of the 3 nights we were at home alone, and you screamed bloody murder at bedtime last night here at Grandma’s too. Hopefully now that we’re with everyone down here and we’ll be back with Daddy this weekend you’ll calm down some. Fortunately you haven’t been getting up in the night with this, just at bedtime. Yesterday you started a new phrase too – “eeny, meeny, miny, mo”. It’s very funny to hear, since I know we didn’t teach it to you. You guys must play that game in the kids room at work. You’re so entertaining.


March 18, 2013

You are becoming such a little person, and it’s so fun to watch. Even when we got to Grandma & Grandpa’s this weekend they said how much older you looked. My little peanut. Your sentences are getting great, you can sing pretty much the entire alphabet, and you learn so much so quickly. But you always love to run up to the desk and give me hugs and kisses at work. I love you beyond words, my little dear.


March 21, 2013

You are getting so good at the songs we always sing in the car. I can actually make out most of the words now. ABCs, wheels on the bus, itsy-bitsy spider, on top of spaghetti all covered with cheese, mary had a little lamb, row row row your boat. Those are your usual selections.


March 25, 2013

You’re starting to use “I” correctly instead of “me” for everything. As in “I do…” instead of “me do…” You’re getting so grown.


March 26, 2013

Your new favorite phrase is “my best friend”. This morning you said the little pink sticky hand Daddy got you on the pub crawl this weekend was your best friend. Then this evening your blue and purple plates, as well as your dried apricots, were also your best friends. As Daddy said, good, no peer pressure there.


March 31, 2013

Happy Easter, my first little bunny! You had an absolute ball with the holiday this year. We went to Egg Day out at the zoo yesterday morning and you enjoyed making a paper Easter basket, bunny ears, coloring a paper egg, and getting your face painted like a little bunny. You got to ride on a pony too! But fortunately you said you liked riding the choo-choo better, which has cheaper tickets. You also loved helping me color the eggs yesterday, and today’s egg hunt was definitely a hit. Watching you gather all of the eggs in and around your little playhouse in the backyard was simply heartwarming. You got 2 Easter baskets this year, and the day was spent investigating what candy you could eat out of the candy one. Pez was your favorite. You also had a great time “cheersing” Mama and Dada with your orange juice all day. Unfortunately your little cheers glass from Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve got broken today, which scared you and made you really upset, but we found a suitable plastic replacement.

You turn 32 months old tomorrow, too. I can’t believe how big you’re getting! Walking behind you at the zoo yesterday, I noticed that a pair of your 3T jeans is already getting too short. You’re certainly going to have Mama’s long legs.


April 2, 2013

I was watching you color tonight, and you are becoming expert at staying in the lines and coloring precise little areas. Great job, peanut! Also, your 2 new favorite phrases are “all by myself” and “why?”. I can’t believe my go-to answer has already become “because”, but you literally say why after every single thing I say to you or tell you to do. It gets just slightly tiring, but I don’t want to stymie your curiosity.

You’ve been having some terrible sleep issues lately, too. 2 nights ago you were up for 2 hours, and it started with you screaming in fright because you thought the hinge on your door was a snake. You haven’t slept fully through the night in quite awhile now, and it’s becoming exhausting. I never thought Lana would be easier to count on for sleep than you, so hopefully this blows over soon.


April 8, 2013

Well, your sleeping finally rectified itself by the end of last week, but now another cold has struck and interrupted things again. Boo. It started with a runny nose and cough this weekend, and by last night I was almost positive you were going to wake up with a fever today. Thankfully that didn’t transpire, but now your little voice is so hoarse. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard, but I feel so bad that you’re not feeling 100% again. I do think you’re the most lovely sick child I’ve ever seen, though.

We went out to lunch twice over this past weekend, and it never ceases to amaze me how well-behaved you are in public. Yesterday the restaurant was full of tables with kids, most of whom started crying or screaming at some point during their meals. Not you. Even with the onset of this cold, you happily colored your placemat, ate your fruit and french fries, and talked with Grandma and Grandpa Rau. I love you. Hopefully you can teach Lana how to behave like that when the time comes. I think she may try to give us more of a run for our money than you ever have.


April 9, 2013

I’m so sorry, sweetpea, but you got your first spanking today. It was just a small tap, nothing that would leave a mark or actually hurt you at all, but I felt terrible after I did it. I’ve never been against spanking; I was spanked as a kid and certainly learned those lessons; but I didn’t want to do it when you were so young and we’re teaching you that hitting is wrong. Today I had just had absolutely enough, though. This cold is making you incredibly nasty for some reason – complete disobedience, throwing food, tantrums. I’m sick of it. The last straw was when you were supposed to be taking your nap, refused to lie down when I went in and insisted on rocking, and then I found a crinkled up baby picture of mine in your bed from a shelf that you know you’re not supposed to touch. That was it. I was done. So I tapped your little butt, rocked for a few seconds, and put you in bed. I immediately apologized (not like you know what that even means), but you were instantly quiet and cooperative, and then went right to sleep. Don’t worry, as much as I appreciate the 180 degree turn in attitude after the spank, I won’t make a habit of it.

On a brighter note, yesterday when we were reading your books you read off each of the 4 letters in Elmo’s name perfectly. You actually spoke all the letters instead of saying the words that start with those letters. You were spelling a word off a box last night too saying all the letters themselves. Great job, peanut! Also, we are now bees free at night! It’s been at least a good week now of wearing regular underwear all the time, even at night instead of your little bees training pants. You’re so cute – when you started potty training our chant was “No more diapers. I wear underwear!” And now we chant “No more bees. I wear regular underwear to bed!”


April 14, 2013

Your sentences are getting so good, peanut. And the other day you said “nevermind” perfectly and in the correct context. I didn’t even know you knew what that word meant. You’re getting so tall too. I ordered you some 4T jeans already, because even the 3T pairs are starting to get a little short. Good thing they have adjustable waistbands, because your waist is still definitely the size of a 2 year old’s.


April 19, 2013

You’ve certainly given us some examples of what they mean by the “terrible 2s” lately, but at least they are still the exception and not the rule. Toddlers will be, I guess. You have a new favorite – whenever you know you’re starting to get in trouble or Lana gets a little upset or you just feel like saying something, you sing the hook to the ABC song. “Now I know my ABCs, next time won’t you sing with me.” It’s great.


April 29, 2013

You had so much fun playing with Grandpa Frank this weekend. You guys played outside with bubbles, chalk, took walks, you showed him your books, and you loved helping him shave yesterday morning. It’s so funny – every time he visits you like to get the Tums out of the bathroom closet for him.

I have now been told by 3 separate people how sweet of a little girl you are. I could not agree more – I love you, little one!


April 30, 2013

Your new favorite song is “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, and you were singing it nonstop yesterday afternoon. You guys must sing it a lot in the kids room at work, because I’d never heard you sing the entire thing until yesterday. But man, do you love it. We heard it over and over and over, and it made me smile and laugh every single time.


May 1, 2013

Happy 33 month birthday, peanut! We all know I love you more than words, but damn if you don’t sleep like a Mexican jumping bean. Stay out of our bed! Please.


May 6, 2013

You have been in one sassy attitude way lately, little one. I know you’re 2 and all, and they’re not called the “terrible 2s” for nothing, but geez. I also made the mistake of lying in your bed with you until you fell asleep the other night, so now you always want me to do it. Fortunately I got you to sleep tonight easily and without it, but you were so tired. You didn’t go to bed until almost 11 last night, woke up and came into our room before 6 this morning, and I made sure you only had a short nap so you would sleep tonight. Now let’s just hope you stay in your bed all night.


May 16, 2013

I think you’re loving this turn to nice weather as much as I am. The past 2 days I had off work, so we were outside for 2 hours both mornings. We have a new favorite spot – walking to the fountain in a little park a few blocks from our house and splashing in the water. Yesterday our new thing was making wet handprints on the wall around the fountain. Then we always have to go look to see if the fire station has the garage doors open so you can see the fire trucks. Thankfully the flu you and I had a few days ago only lasted an afternoon and evening so we could get outside and enjoy everything.

You’re so funny with Lana too. You love to squish her, which I constantly have to tell you to stop doing. You also blow on her belly to make her laugh, which I love hearing. You have become fond of saying “getting so big” too – you, Lana, our flowers, pretty much anything you see that grows. You even said Daddy was getting so big tonight.

You’re able to draw circles now too. Who knew!? You were drawing on my shopping list with Daddy tonight, and you produced a group of little circles instead of just scribbles. You even put little circles inside a bigger one to make a tiny face. Nice job, peanut!! I think you’re the one who’s getting so big now. Speaking of getting so big, yesterday was your first full day at the big table in your new booster seat. I think the highchair has officially been bequeathed to Lana.


May 21, 2013

You’ve been having a really great stretch lately, pee wee. The sassiness from a few weeks ago has seemed to lessen, and I love watching you more and more every day. You’re such a string bean, watching your little body running around this house is just crazy. And you’re getting so good at stuff – you sing “Twinkle, Twinkle”, which simply cracks me up; you love “Ring Around the Rosy”; and today in CVS you counted backward 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! That’s pretty awesome. You’ve had a couple pee accidents lately, but I do have to remember you are only 2, and in this whole grand scheme of potty training you’ve been incredible. You even like to sit on the big seat now instead of using your little potty chair steps. We planted impatiens in the flower boxes of your little playhouse yesterday, so you’ll be my little helper keeping those thriving this summer. You helped me spread all the mulch, too. I love you and your lanky little body so very, very much.


May 23, 2013

Today you were rolling on Daddy’s foam roller shouting, “This is so much fun!” I’ve never heard you say that before. And yesterday I heard you pronounce “because” perfectly, used in the correct context, too. Your speech keeps getting better and better and amazing me.


May 28, 2013

You had such a great time at Ethan’s wedding this weekend. You had a ball running around with 2 other little girls after the ceremony, and you couldn’t wait to get on the stage and dance at the reception. You loved shaking your tiny little booty with your party shoes on, and you were definitely the cutest little girl there in your pink polka dotted party dress.


June 1, 2013

Happy 34 month birthday, sweet pea! You get taller and taller every day, with your long lanky legs and adorable little face framed by little curls. Your sentences continue to improve daily as well, and 2 of your new good words are “because” and “doing”. You use them perfectly, too. The other day I heard you out in the living room saying every letter of the alphabet, big letter and small letter, then you went through all of your numbers as well. When I went out to see what you were reading you were looking at one of the last projects you made at daycare – it has the alphabet, shapes, and colors on one side, and your handprints with numbers above the fingers on the other side. I was so proud!


June 2, 2013

Yesterday you learned how to hold up 3 fingers while holding down your pinky, and you’re now very good at it. Especially since you know that’s how old you’re going to be on your birthday. And all of your “-ing” words are getting great.


June 3, 2013

Well, I guess you were due. After just thinking how good you’ve been lately, tonight you got in trouble big time – not listening at all, telling us no constantly, and hitting. Put in bed early with no stories, rocking, or anything. Hope you learned.


June 24, 2013

We just got home from our biggest family road trip yet a few days ago, and you and your sister were absolute angels of travelers. I was worried how you 2 would fare being in the car for hours on end across 9 states, but you guys were a dream. Barely a peep of discomfort from either of you, no peed or pooped pants on your end, no spilled food or drinks, and excellent jobs sleeping in multiple hotel rooms along the way. You had an absolute blast at Auntie Mer-Mer and Unkie Cha-Cha’s house too. You loved seeing your new baby cousin Roan and “helping” Auntie Mer-Mer with him, and by the end of our week-long stay you knew how to feed both their cats and their dog all by yourself. Then today you were excited to get back to “Mama’s new work” to play with your “best, best, best, best friend” Amira. Your words and phrases are utterly adorable. Fortunately your sassy-pants attitude has subsided again too, after you got a spank for sticking your tongue out at me in disobedience before we left. No thanks, my dear; no thank you very much. Fortunately you seem to learn lessons fairly quickly, and after all, you are still 2 years old.


July 1, 2013

Happy 35 month birthday, pee wee! I can’t believe in just one month you’ll be 3 on your birthday, as you like to put it. Crazy.


July 5, 2013

You have seriously been the biggest B today. This afternoon you got in trouble numerous times for not listening, blatantly disobeying, telling me “I don’t want to” over and over again, and all around driving us crazy. You refused your nap for the 2nd day in a row, which is always just great. You have been sick this week with a nasty cold and cough, but I couldn’t care less. Doesn’t mean you can act like that. Hopefully you wake up and want to “be nice” tomorrow, as we call obeying.


July 8, 2013

We started your second round of swim lessons at the gym today, and you are so much more confident going into the water now than you were last time. Today you were raring to go and hopped right in when we got there. Last time you barely wanted to sit on the steps in the water. Now we just need to work on putting your face in all the way and then your head under. I don’t expect you to actually learn to swim, but I definitely want you comfortable around the water before we go to Canada. I will be so happy and relieved once you are able to dog paddle your way back up if you ever fall in.


July 9, 2013

You’ve started wanting to use the regular toilet seat instead of your potty seat lately, and you’re doing a really good job. You go in, hop up there, scoot your little butt back, and get down to business. It’s rather adorable to see.


July 11, 2013

You and Daddy got some Hello Kitty popsicles at the store yesterday, and you are so excited about them. I love how you say popsicle, too – “pock-i-ple”.


July 19, 2013

Your use of the English language is improving daily, my dear. You now say “I’m hungry” instead of “I eat”, and the amount of translation needed seems to decrease daily. You are incredible with your numbers and letters, too. The other day we were reading your museum ABC book before your nap, and at the end of it they have all of the letters with their corresponding pictures listed out. But they have them written in vertical order, so when you read across the page as we normally do, none of them are in order. You still were able to read all the way across each page and get every single letter right, even though they weren’t in alphabetical order. So great!


July 22, 2013

I wrote your name on a piece of paper in pencil today then had you trace it with one of your markers, and you did an excellent job!


July 24, 2013

You have started doing the funniest dance lately. I call it your rock star – you begin with your index fingers up in the air, rocking out with your eyes closed, big smile, and head shaking all around. Then you wiggle all over the place, and I swear you transition into an air guitar imitation. I have no idea where you picked this up, because Daddy and I certainly aren’t air guitaring around the house. But it is so fun to watch. I love that both of you girls enjoy music so much. You also have a new game – you love to say “What you say?” and then go into a string of baby talk. Little goofball. I can’t believe you’ll be 3 one week from tomorrow.


July 30, 2013

You had a little incident at swimming yesterday. You were playing around on the steps into the pool as the teacher worked with another kid, and you must have lost your footing or slipped off the railing bar, for when I looked over you were flailing around just under the surface, trying to right yourself. I went over to the steps to pull you out, but you got your feet back down and were climbing up them at just that same time. I could tell you were scared and about to cry as your reached the top step, but when I knelt down to get you and you saw my face, I just said “Great job! You went all the way under and came right back up!” and you instantly started smiling. I know that frightened you, but I was so happy you were able to move around enough to get yourself back up to the surface. Thankfully you were on the steps so didn’t have far to go until your feet could touch again, but I hope it’s a sign you’re learning. You are definitely more comfortable in swim lessons this time than last session, and I think we’ll move up to the Preschool Plus level next time. We’ve been practicing saying what you do if you fall in and Mama and Dada aren’t there to get you out right away – you flip over to your back, put your belly up to the air and your head back, and you call out for Mama and Dada. Hopefully you’ll never have to put this into practice, but I want you to know just in case. You guys work on both front and back floats in your lessons, and yesterday you were kicking on the noodle all by yourself with barely any help from the teacher, so that is encouraging.

Oh, and you’ll be 3 in 2 days!!


July 31, 2013

I can’t believe I put you to bed tonight for the last time as a 2 year old! I placed my hand across your back as you were lying in bed going to sleep, and it fit all the way across it. I wonder how long that will last, especially with how fast you’re growing. My little sweet pea is getting so big.


August 1, 2013

Happy 3rd birthday, Squeaker!! I set up a little birthday display in the dining room for you last night after you went to bed, and you loved it when you saw it first thing this morning. I strung a Sesame Street happy birthday sign, stacked your presents and card, and had 2 helium balloons inflated for you. You got new pink goggles since you’re learning to swim, a Play-Doh set, and a new coloring board that makes sounds when you draw. We took Hello Kitty fruit snacks for a treat in the kids care room today, and those were a huge hit. You’re napping now, but tonight we’ll either go to a makeup swim lesson or to the park with Daddy, then get you a special birthday cupcake. You’ve had so much fun telling everyone that you’re 3 today, and I absolutely love watching your joy and enthusiasm. We’re off to Peoria tomorrow for a weekend with family, so I’m sure you’ll have a blast down there with everyone too. We love you so much!!


August 8, 2013

You had an absolute blast in Peoria last weekend with everyone. You especially enjoyed playing in Uncle Nate and Aunt Sherry’s swimming pool – you used a pair of water wings to get more comfortable in the water off the steps, and you even touched the bottom in the shallow end all by yourself and walked all the way across that side. I was so proud! You still don’t like to get your head wet or go under, so we’ll work on that one. Hopefully you’ll get a little more comfortable with it in Canada these next couple weeks, too.

You’ve added a new word the past week or so – also. You use it correctly, too. I love hearing you expand your vocabulary.


August 22, 2013

Once again, you were an excellent car traveler yesterday on our 13+ hour trip home from Canada. Your 3rd visit to Little Pine Isle was fantastic – you loved jumping off the dock to me in the raft with your floaties on, helping everyone cook, painting, fishing, running all around, dancing with Unkie Cha-Cha, and just playing on the island in general. I can’t wait for you and Lana to grow up there and love it as I and my sisters do!


August 28, 2013

The way you address Lana is getting much more correct. In just the past couple days she has gone from “Baby Wawa” to more of a “Landa”. It sometimes sounds like “Wanda” since L isn’t your strongest sound, but it’s definitely getting there. I’ve also been looking back at pictures from the past couple months recently to update our photo albums, and the transformation you have undergone in just the past 10 months since Lana was born is astonishing. I thought you looked like a big girl then, but you looked like a baby compared to now.


September 1, 2013

Happy 37 month birthday, peanut!


September 3, 2013

Tonight as I was emptying the bath water, you started singing a little lullaby song – there was something about rock-a-bye, and sleep sleep sleep, and you have goosebumps. It was so adorable. Too bad you shouting “I don’t want to!” earlier this afternoon when I told you to do something was not. Let’s hope my chastising sunk in. We don’t need to start with any attitude just yet, thanks.


September 5, 2013

Your new thing is to ask for a “big hug” when you’re going to bed, then locking me in an endless giant bear hug. It’s adorable, especially when it’s coupled with an “I love you sooooo much.” I’m cherishing it, because I’m sure they won’t last forever.


September 9, 2013

You started your first dance class today – Little Dancin’ Machines at the gym. I hope you love it. I peeked in on you a couple times as I was working, and you looked adorable. I saw you doing some little arm circles, skipping/running in a circle, and later dancing in and out of a hula hoop. So cute!


September 13, 2013

You are getting SO tall! Today we put on your 4T jeans and I swear they’re almost too short; you can now look in the top of your sock drawer; you can reach all the light switches; and you can climb all the monkey bars at the park by yourself, including the big round climbing tower thing. Man oh man, little one. Your growth over the past 9 months has been incredible.


September 16, 2013

I don’t know what’s gotten into you at naptimes lately, but the past 3 out of 5 days you have been an absolute terror. And it literally happens the minute before you have to lie down. Today, for instance, I told you to stop jumping on your bed and turn on your little musical stuffed animal you always sleep with, and you started in with your pouty attitude – dropping your sleep things on the floor, throwing blankets off your bed, giving me the “I don’t want to do nothing” routine, etc. So I said that’s it, no rocking, good-bye, and walked out. Of course you started screaming immediately, which I totally ignored, and continued on until after I clipped Lana’s finger nails outside, gave her her bottle, and put her down for her nap. Yesterday was a great, regular nap day, but the 3 before that were versions of today’s episode, with 2 of them ending in spankings. I don’t get it, but I don’t like it. I hate spanking you, but you reach a point where you are absolutely intolerable and every single thing I say is answered with a no. Doesn’t sit well with me, and therefore you end up with a sore butt. I did feel terrible, though, on Saturday. You were throwing another naptime fit when I reached down to take your sleep things because you started whipping your toys across the room so I took everything off your bed and put it in the closet, and you said, “Don’t spank me.” I wasn’t even thinking about spanking you that day (don’t worry, it is always my last resort), but I felt really bad that you thought it was going to be your fate again. A sign that it gets my point across or that I’m just a horrible mom?


September 19, 2013

Your use and increasing mastery of the English language impresses me more each day. Today we got home from work and you threw something in the kitchen garbage can, and it stunk in there from some vegetables. You said, “Something stinks in the garbage. What did you have to eat last night?” I couldn’t help but start laughing because it was such a good, complete thought, and not at all what I was expecting to come out of your mouth. And now you just told me, “Just a second.” Ok, you can slow down just a little now.


October 1, 2013

Happy 38 month birthday, Squeaker Pants! You just told me, “I love you too,” 4 times as I was putting you to bed; my day is complete.


October 10, 2013

You have really grown to love your little no-pedal bike this summer, and I think it’s so great. Last year you couldn’t even touch the ground on it, and now you glide along the sidewalks with ease. Every time we’re outside playing with your friends you ask to get it and your little pink helmet out. You have so much fun.


October 15, 2013

You did 2 buttons on your Elmo pj’s last night all by yourself! You’ve been working to get buttons down for a long time, and I could not have been prouder when you did those. You were so excited too, you gave me a big hug after each one. Tonight we’re going to try to get all 4 by yourself. And just a few minutes ago when you were playing with your new dollhouse, you put Elmo and Strawberry Shortcake to bed and said, “Good night, I love you.” You are a dream. I must be doing something right.


October 16, 2013

You got all 4 of your buttons by yourself last night on your pj’s! You again gave me a hug after each one. I think we were both as proud as the other. Unfortunately, you got a time out today in the kids room at work for hitting one of your little friends. I was appalled! She took a toy dinosaur away from your other friend Josie, and apparently you felt the appropriate response was to hit her. I about died when the girls came out and told me. They were surprised too, since you’re usually so well-behaved. You tend to get a little exclusionary when you play with Josie and don’t like to share your friend or things, so I’ve been trying to explain to you that you let everyone play and don’t tell anyone to go away, because that makes your friends sad. And nobody wants to play with a mean little girl. But it’s never gotten physical until today. Man oh man, no thank you. I made you apologize to your friend, her mom, and all your teachers, but still. That is completely unacceptable.


October 27, 2013

The day finally came, peanut – as of last night you have to share your bedroom with your little sister. You’re pretty excited about it, but we’re going to have to work on napping together. I know you guys can do it because you have before both in Colorado and in Canada, so I’ll just have to stagger timing a little I guess. I’ll try putting down whoever seems sleepiest first, give that one about half an hour to really get to sleep, then put the other one down. Today you lucked out and got to take a quick nap in Mama and Dada’s bed before trick-or-treating, but that’s not the best solution. Either way, it’s off to get some candy now, our little chicken!


October 30, 2013

For the first time in about three and a half years the dressers in your room have been separated. When I moved Lana’s crib into your room last weekend, we positioned it at the foot of your bed. This made for a very awkward feel to the layout of the room, and I knew there had to be a better solution. The whole feng shui was totally off. So tonight I moved the shorter changing table dresser over to where the crib had been and put the crib in its old spot. Voila! So much better. I love moving furniture.


October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween, peanut! You were the cutest little chicken I’ve ever seen, and you had an absolute blast with all the festivities this year. You went trick-or-treating with Dada this past Sunday (I made it about half our block with Lana, who was acting up after having her nap cut short), helped him pass out candy that afternoon, went with me to the WFB Great Pumpkin Fest that night, and had your Halloween party at the gym today with me working in the kids room dressed as a farmer for my little chickens. Then tonight we put your costumes back on so you and Lana could trick-or-treat to me to get your Halloween bags from Grandma Rau. You already know what you want to be next year, too – you will be Winnie the Pooh, Lana will be Piglet, Dada will be Christopher Robin, and I will be Eeyore. We’ll see if we really do follow through, or if you change your mind by then.


November 1, 2013

Happy 39 month birthday, pee wee! You are getting so tall, it’s incredible. Every day I look at you and I swear you grew an inch overnight!


November 3, 2013

Well you got your first (of hopefully not many) bloody nose last night. You were playing on my lap, bent over, and slid off, landing smack on your nose on the floor. You didn’t fall far, but the impact was enough to jar something in that little shnoz. You started crying and Dada picked you up, then the blood started coming out when you coughed and your nose started running harder. It actually kept up for a while off and on, so Dada made you a little Kleenex plug to keep in before you went to bed. Thankfully nothing came out overnight; I did put a red pillowcase on your pillow before bed, though, just in case.


November 4, 2013

Your 2 new favorite phrases are “I mean” and “actually”. You’re such a goofball.


November 11, 2013

You’re so silly, peanut. Every once in a while you’ll say something that I just can’t understand, then you’ll go, “I don’t know what I’m talking about.” Yeah, me neither, but we just laugh.


November 17, 2013

You lost your first fingernail the other night. Ick. About a week and a half before, we went out to a friend’s house to play, and you got the middle finger on your left hand stuck in a door. Fortunately we don’t think anything was broken and it was just the fingertip pad, not down to the joint, but your whole nail instantly bruised and then it finally loosened and fell off. Daddy had to pull it with a pair of tweezers once it got really loose so it didn’t catch on stuff, and you were so brave. I was completely grossed out, but you sat on my lap while he did it, closed your eyes, and didn’t even flinch as it took him a couple tries. You said it didn’t even hurt! And now you have a brand new little fingernail under there.


November 29, 2013

Happy belated Thanksgiving, Squeaker! You had so much fun yesterday, wearing your little blue party dress and running around all day with Lana. You helped Daddy with all the food preparations, and you helped me make our chocolate chip halfway bars for dessert the night before. We are so incredibly thankful for you two little turkeys!


December 1, 2013

Happy 40 month birthday, Della! Wow, 40 months. That sounds so old. 😉 Maybe that’s why you look so increasingly grown up daily. Slow down, little one! You absolutely loved opening all of the advent calendars today. We got a new one this year that has little toys to create a snowy woodland scene behind each door, which is awesome. And of course the 2 chocolate ones are high up there on your list, too.


December 4, 2013

It’s so fun seeing you really learning and embracing the holiday spirit this year. You ask for the advent calendars first thing each morning, enjoy pointing out all the ornaments on the tree, love listening to Christmas music, and adore everything Santa Claus. Tonight you’re at the Holiday Train with Daddy, and you practically bounded out the door you were so excited. I love it!