I am 1 day late for creating this page, so here would have been my entry for August 1, 2011:
Happy 1st birthday, D! This has been an amazing year, kicked off by the indescribable love you brought into our hearts and lives the moment you were born. Thank you for being our daughter, and I hope we have the strength to be good parents to you and any future siblings. I love you so very, very much.
Oh, and I saw the beginning of your 7th tooth tonight – bottom right, next to the one that’s right center. It (and i’m sure a couple of its friends still lurking beneath the surface of your gums) has been causing you much discomfort lately and left a terrific patch of diaper rash on your bottom yesterday.
August 2, 2011
Sorry about your finger last night, D. I hope it doesn’t bother you too much today.
August 3, 2011
You walked last night! And real walking too, not the little single step I’ve seen you take a couple times. You walked all the way across the bathroom from the door to me as I was sitting on the toilet. Because of course the first time you walked would be to me as I was peeing. š Then you took handfuls of steps to walk to me again in the kitchen after that. I could not have been more excited. Great job!
August 4, 2011
Apparently you’re already done with this walking business, for you wanted to take off running into your room at school this morning. I was holding you in my left arm, with some new diapers and wipes in my right, and as soon as I opened your classroom door and you saw Miss Anne you tried to fly out of my arm to get to her. So I put you down one-handed so you were standing, and you literally took off trying to run across the room. And you did. For about 3 steps. Then you splayed out on your stomach in a semi-face plant. š Fortunately you only had 31″ to fall, so it didn’t hurt too badly.
Your legs look good after your shots last night, too, so hopefully all side effects will stay at bay again this time.
August 8, 2011
You had so much fun this weekend! Saturday we had our big summer party to have everyone over and celebrate yours and Daddy’s birthdays, and you had a blast. You loved playing at the water table we got you for your birthday with all the other kids, you had a great time showing off your new walking skills to all your grandparents (even if you were a little tentative on the driveway and preferred scooting still. ouch!), and you even loved your birthday cake that I made for you. I made sure to keep the candle far away from you this time. š
Then yesterday we went to the air show down at the lakefront, and you really enjoyed watching everything. Some of the planes were a little too loud and scared you, but those didn’t last long and you were right back to having fun. We are so lucky you have always been such an easy, well-behaved little girl. You don’t care if we go places when you’re supposed to be taking naps. As long as you have some Cheerios and a drink you’re as happy as a little clam.
August 9, 2011
Today is your dad’s birthday, and I know you are the best present he could have asked for. You’re the gift that keeps on giving. š Last night you were kind of cranky, but this morning you woke up and gave Daddy a birthday squeak. You are so beautiful and funny, little Squeaker.
August 10, 2011
We’re going to the State Fair today! Hopefully you grow to love the Hot Wisconsin Cheese as much as we do.
August 11, 2011
Yesterday when we picked you up at daycare to go to the Fair, you did the most and fastest walking we’ve seen yet. You toddled all the way across your classroom to get to us, arms outstretched. We couldn’t believe it and were so proud of you!
You were also the most excellent child we could have asked for the entire time we were at the Fair, which ended up being 8 hours. You took an hour and a half nap in your stroller at one point, had some snacks and milk throughout the day, and thoroughly loved seeing everything and watching all the people. You especially loved when I put your jellies on you so we could walk around the WI Products Pavilion and stretch your little legs. Your first WI State Fair was a success!
August 12, 2011
Last night you peed on your changing mat as I was putting your nighttime diaper on you, and then after I took your pee-soaked pjs off and had you naked on the floor trying to clean up you peed down there too. I didn’t even know you could hold that much pee at once! So we went and washed off in the sink, then I let you run around naked for awhile. It was the funniest thing ever. Little Baby Frankenstein, stomping out of her bedroom, into the kitchen, through the dining room. You make us laugh, and it is wonderful. I love you so much!
August 15, 2011
I missed you very much while I was gone this weekend, Squeaker. And now you don’t just walk, you run!
August 16, 2011
Yesterday when I picked you up from daycare I learned that you’ll be moving up to the next level room in 2 weeks. Since you walk so much now, you had spent a couple hours in that room yesterday, and even went out and played with the bigger kids on the playground! So today we had to take shoes for you to wear outside. You don’t just go on your buggy rides anymore. You’re growing up so fast, Squeaker!
I’m also going to start trying to replace your morning bottle with milk in a cup. I hadn’t thought much of it until the last day or so, but I think it might be time. We’ll keep your bedtime bottle for awhile. Today you didn’t really want anything to do with the cup, so you only had a drink or 2 of milk before you went to school. I hope you’re not too hungry, but I did let your teacher know.
August 17, 2011
So you’re not moving up a classroom in 2 weeks, there was a mix-up in their paperwork. That doesn’t bother me at all, since we love your current teachers. And you didn’t really like your milk in a cup again this morning. You took a few more drinks than yesterday, but still not much by any means. Hopefully by the end of the week you’ll accept the change and drink up. At least the new overnight diapers I got yesterday worked like a charm last night – no pee bed this morning!
August 18, 2011
You are apparently loving this 1 year old gig. You started walking the day after your birthday, now you run, and yesterday you blew out your first pair of shoes. Hooray! Unfortunately, the overnight diapers I was so excited about totally blew it last night. There was a huge lake of pee in your bed this morning. Ugh. And you would not even touch your morning cup of milk today. I’d really like you to start drinking out of it in the mornings instead of a bottle, because I think it’s about time for the switch since you drink your milk in a cup all day too, but now I’m worried that you’re not getting enough milk over the day’s time if you have none in the morning. Again, ugh.
August 19, 2011
No pee leaks last night – hooray! No milk out of your cup again this morning – boo. So I caved and gave you back your bottle of milk before daycare. I just feel awful that you don’t get milk before school when you don’t drink out of your cup, and that feeling is far outweighing the need to switch yet. So Mommy’s instinct wins and you get your bottle back. š We’ll switch later, no big deal. I don’t mind the bottles at all, and at nap and bedtimes they definitely still help you fall asleep. Plus they’re just as easy as a cup I think, so we’ll just wait. You kind of tripped and smushed your face into my knee and shin this morning and started crying, too, so that made me want to give you your bottle anyway. Yes, I’m easy.
August 22, 2011
We had a great weekend, Squeaker. Auntie M and Unkie C were in town, so they picked you up from daycare on Friday and you had a ton of fun playing with them. They left yesterday morning, so we then spent the whole day playing together and didn’t have to go anywhere. You are now officially down to 1 nap in the middle of the day – it was the first time I couldn’t get you to take 2 naps on a weekend. So yesterday while you were napping after your lunch I laid out in the sunshine in the hammock and snoozed a little myself. Then we set up your water table again in the backyard in the afternoon and you had a ball splashing around in there and carrying your toys all around the driveway while we were outside.
2 other big doings this weekend – Saturday we saw your next tooth popping through. The front left one next to center now (to mirror the right one that came through on your birthday) – this makes 4 on top and 4 on the bottom. We also finally switched you to your convertible car seat, and you seem to be loving it. We had it out on the living room floor for awhile before we put it in the car, and you had a great time climbing in and out of it to just sit there holding your Sesame Street toys (your new favorites). I love you so much, you little peanut.
August 23, 2011
Last night as I rocked you to sleep after your bedtime bottle and again when you woke up in the middle of the night (fortunately a rarity these days), I snuggled you in extra close, kissing your cheeks and smelling your wonderful baby-ness. Some people may say you’re getting too old to be rocked to sleep, but I don’t care. I love it. And I know these night-time snuggles will start dwindling all too quickly, and I will miss them dearly.
August 24, 2011
You are the funniest little thing in the world, Squeaker. Your squeals of delight and the speed with which you come to me when I pick you up from daycare are simply awesome. Last night you were toddling around the backyard while Daddy worked on his bike, “helping” by carrying around the allen wrenches. You even climbed up the back porch steps by yourself, but you’re still not too sure about coming back down. You did wake up again last night (i should say early this morning), but I think you might be getting a little cold, as evidenced by the return of snot rivers and a little congestion. Hopefully it doesn’t last long, since you spent the better part of the first half of your life with a never-ending cold. And hopefully it is what’s causing the nighttime wake-ups, not the beginning of a new and unfortunate sleep pattern.
August 25, 2011
I went to go meet your new little friend S last night, so missed seeing you after work and getting to put you to bed. Daddy said you went to bed at 6:45, though, and then you slept until 6:30 this morning! You must’ve been one tired little Squeaker. I went in and gave you a good-night pat when I got home. And I was happy to see that your snot rivers were not present this morning when your beautiful little self awoke.
August 26, 2011
You were in such a funny mood this morning, Squeaker. Daddy was holding you up in the air on the way out to the car and you were giggling and chuckling as loud as could be. You did the same thing when he took you out when we got to daycare. I love your little laughs and seeing your face crinkle up in happiness.
I tried a new cup with milk again this morning, and you took it for a second, but then realized it wasn’t your bottle and shooed it away. Foiled again. I’ll try giving it to you at dinner tonight with milk, see if you like that any better.
August 29, 2011
You woke up at 4 this morning and I gave you about half a bottle of milk, which I usually don’t do when you wake up at night anymore. But you had been asleep since 6 last night, so I figured you were probably hungry. You gobbled it down then instantly turned into my chest when it was empty, since I always still put you up on my shoulder after you have a bottle. Your sweet little instinct to snuggle into Mommy warmed my heart and made that early morning sleep interruption worth it. I love you, Squeaker. And you started drinking milk out of your new cup at meals this weekend too. Score!
August 30, 2011
Daddy got you a new bike seat to ride up in front on his bike instead of being pulled in your trailer, and it along with the helmet he ordered for you arrived yesterday. You love it! You’re not crazy about the helmet, since you don’t like having things on your head, but with you riding up by Daddy and out in the open you need one. It’s so cute though – pink with lady bugs and flowers and stuff on it. As you took off with him for a test ride yesterday afternoon I could hear your squeals of delight all the way down the block.
The past week or so has seen you making a lot of new sounds too. Your favorite words now are “bdyap” and “bdips”. You guys must be working on b and d sounds at school. And we learned yesterday that you are now moving up to the next room as of Sept. 6. You’re getting so big!
August 31, 2011
You absolutely loved your ride home from daycare yesterday in your new bike seat. And you looked so cute in your helmet! However, your fondness of 4am wake-ups lately is not so cute. Please stop them, thanks. Love, Mommy
September 1, 2011
Happy 13 month birthday, Squeaker! Not quite as momentous as last month’s, but I still think it’s your something birthday every time a new month starts. So apparently you got my vibes about stopping the 4am wake-ups, but today it was 5:20 – 20 minutes before my alarm goes off and a full hour before you usually get up. What gives, kiddo? You did drink a little milk from your purple cup this morning, but then were so tired and fussy I just gave you the rest of your bottle from last night so you had some sustenance after your early start time today. Are more teeth on the way?
September 2, 2011
So you pushed back your wake-up time to 5:40 today, which is when my alarm goes off, so I guess that was ok. You had a big pee puddle in your bed again, though, which stinks. You did have a poopy diaper, too, which may have attributed to the overflow. I guess 12 hours is really more an estimate on the time limit of those things, not a definite.Ā But you enjoy playing in the bathroom with your toys while I get ready for work, so it’s not too bad. I didn’t even bother with the cup of milk today, just went straight for your bottle so you didn’t cry about it and wake Daddy up too early.
We had fun watching the Badgers’ first football game of the season last night, and you were grooving in full-on jam mode when Daddy turned on the Badgers music. But you had to go to bed shortly after kickoff. Today’s your last day in the Teddy Bears room at daycare, so you wore your Bears onesie just for Miss Anne. š
September 6, 2011
Today was your first morning in the Busy Bees room, and I must admit I was a little sad to take you away from Miss Anne and Miss Jo Ann in the Teddy Bears after you gave them your thank you notes this morning. I’m sure you’ll like your new room, but it seemed like you just didn’t want to leave your old one.
You have been testing us lately by standing in your froggie chair when you know you’re not supposed to. You’ll climb in, look to make sure we’re paying attention to you, then stand right up and make this little grunting noise to confirm we see you misbehaving. We keep telling you “Sit down” and “Feet down”, since I think they say feet down at school so you know that one, but you keep right on standing. Yesterday I think I finally figured out the key though – ignore you. If we don’t look at you when you climb in you’re much more likely to just sit instead of standing and trying to show off. Lesson #1 learned for Mommy.
We took you on a bike ride yesterday in your new little seat and went to a couple playgrounds, and you loved it! Seeing you play on the equipment and go down the slides squealing with delight was so awesome. You especially loved the swings. I see many more days like that in our future, little squeaky pants.
September 7, 2011
You had a great first day as a Busy Bee yesterday, Squeaker. This morning the teacher in the room where we drop you off before you go into the Busy Bees room said she thought she was going to have to hold you until you went to your room so you didn’t get run over by the bigger kids, but you did awesome! You got down and held your own just fine, getting right in the thick of it and playing with everyone and everything just like the rest of ’em. I’m so proud of you!
I really hope your head does ok on our flight tonight. Last night you woke up whimpering a couple times, one of which I did end up going in your room and you started crying so hard while I was changing your diaper that you almost choked on all your snot/spit a couple times before I could give you your bottle to calm down. I’m praying that your bit of congestion doesn’t make you miserable for our trip. I know it’s happened to me before and my entire head felt like it needed to explode. I can’t imagine the pain you’d be in and not be able to tell anyone. I’m taking 2 bottles of milk and your cup for water on the plane, so hopefully those will help keep your ears right. We’re going on an adventure tonight!
September 11, 2011
I saw your sleep smile again today, Squeaker, and it made my heart explode. You did great on both flights this weekend, falling asleep before takeoff on the way out and sleeping the whole way, then falling asleep shortly after takeoff on the way home today and sleeping about 3/4 of the ride. Thank you! Unfortunately, you are sick. Your cold turned nasty yesterday, with a slight fever, no appetite, a lot of throwing up when you cough and gag, and horribly sad, sleepy sick eyes. You didn’t let it stop you as the cutest flower girl in the history of flower girls at your aunt and uncle’s wedding yesterday afternoon, though.
Today is the anniversary of a terrible day, D. I hope you never have to experience one like it in your lifetime. I was there and witnessed the horrible things that happened that day, and I am so very, very lucky to be here today to be your mommy. I love you so much.
September 12, 2011
I stayed home with you today to get you in to see the doctor, and you have croup and a double ear infection. You poor little thing; you just whined in misery most of the day. You did get an oral dose of a 3 day steroid for your lungs at the doctor’s office and we started you on amoxicillin again for the ears, so hopefully you’ll feel better soon. I hate seeing you in pain, especially when you can’t tell me what’s wrong. I’m just amazed you barely made a peep on both flights these past couple days with all that mess going on inside you.
I’ve also noticed how many people lately have been saying how tall you are. Guess you’re going to take after Mommy and Daddy in height for sure.
September 13, 2011
Sorry, Squeaker, you’re still sick today. You woke up screaming once last night, then I could barely roust you this morning. I changed your diaper and gave you some milk before I went to work, but then you fell right back to sleep. Another sick day for you today, home with Daddy. I sure hope you can stop coughing and feel better soon. Your poor little body needs some food before you waste away to 15 lbs. You did stand on the regular scale like a big girl at the doctor yesterday, though, weighing in at 20.7 lbs.
September 14, 2011
Fingers crossed, but I think you may finally be on the mend. You didn’t wake up in the middle of the night last night, just coughing a little before 11 and then again a little before 5, so that’s better than the past couple nights. And you ate a tiny bit of dinner last night, too. A couple bites of hot dog and cheese, and some Goldfish, but I’ll take it. That’s more than you’ve eaten in about 4 days. You’re back at daycare today, so I hope all goes well.
When we dropped you off this morning the teacher said she’s still blown away by how sturdy you are when we put you down to stand in the classroom. That’s my girl!
September 15, 2011
Well, little one, you’re still sick. Surprise, surprise. The past couple days you’ve been waking up really early, needing to be changed, having a bottle to calm your coughing, then going back to sleep before we leave for school. Unfortunately I don’t think your milk helps your phlegm and sore throat situation at all, so more often than not you start coughing again then end up barfing up all your milk. And sour milk stinks! After this morning I have to wash our sheets, your sheets and mattress pad, your jammies, my pj shirt, and Daddy’s pj shorts. At least you ate all your meals and snacks at daycare yesterday, which is more than you do at home.
And for some reason Daddy’s had to be the one to get you during these early morning episodes. I don’t hear a thing until he brings you into our bed with your bottle. This is weird, because I usually hear every noise you make during the night. I’m not sure why I’ve stopped.
September 16, 2011
You ate dinner last night! And slept through the night again with minimal coughing! My fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed that you are finally on the mend from this nasty sickness. And we’re going down to Grandma’s tonight for the weekend, so I know you’ll have fun and be showered with plenty of attention there.
September 19, 2011
Good news – I think you’re finally back to normal. You ate and slept great all weekend, and your fun, goofy little spirit has returned. Hooray! You actually like taking your medicine now, too, as opposed to trying to push your lips together as hard as humanly possible to avoid having to get the dropper in there like last week. Ahh the joys… Grandma and Grandpa especially loved having you visit all weekend too!
September 20, 2011
You greeted me with wake-up farts in your crib this morning as I was getting my pants and shoes out of the closet in your room. Then you gave me some more on my lap as I gave you your bottle of milk before school (yes, still a bottle. i know, i know, i haven’t switched to the cup yet). You really are your daddy’s girl, and I love you so much.
September 21, 2011
You walked all the way across your room at daycare this morning when we dropped you off, just so you could keep waving good-bye and smiling at us. Then you finally turned to go play with the toys and teacher. (i hate when you watch us leaving, so i was very glad you toddled off to play today) It both broke my heart and melted it at the same time.
September 22, 2011
Today was the first time you didn’t want to go to school, and it sucked. I carried you into your room to wash your hands as we do every morning, but instead of going straight out into your room to start playing when we were done, you got down on the floor and crawled back over to me to be picked up. Then I couldn’t hand you off to your teacher – you were buried in my shoulder in a head-down bear hug, holding on for dear life. This I love, but it broke my heart that you didn’t want to be let go. Finally I decided to try some books, since you love those. We knelt down by the bookshelf and found Good Dog Carl, one I remember from my youth that has a Rottweiler on the cover, and since you love puppies this got your attention immediately. So once you were engrossed in the books with the teacher, I quietly ducked out.
This was so out of character for you, Squeaker. Usually you’re totally ready to get right into your room and play with everyone and everything. Fortunately you weren’t crying – if you were I don’t know if I could’ve left you. And this was after your teacher just finished saying how wonderful of a kid you were. Apparently yesterday one of the teachers in your main room said how great it would be if all the kids were like you – you’re always ready to go outside when it’s time, you’re always ready to help clean up when it’s time, you’re just an all around awesome little person. That made me so proud!
September 23, 2011
Daycare drop-off went much better today – back to your usual walking right in to play. Whew! And you now have 5 teeth poking through. FIVE! Ouch.
September 25, 2011
The sounds of your little feet padding through our house and your belly laughs are the most wonderful things in the world. And your head snuggled up under my chin after you fall asleep makes my heart basically explode.
September 26, 2011
We had so much fun this weekend! Saturday we went downtown for a little Oktoberfest, and you loved being outside and seeing all the puppies. Even if it was raining, you didn’t mind one bit. Then yesterday we went to the Brewers game and got to sit in a suite, and you had a ball walking all around with your little cup of snacks watching all the other bigger kids. Everyone commented on how cute and well-behaved you are, and as usual, it made me so proud. I love you so much, Squeaker!
Your molars are really starting to poke through now, too. I’m surprised they don’t seem to be bothering you more, but you do have your fingers in your mouth a lot lately. Hopefully they stay pretty uneventful for you.
September 27, 2011
Last night you were in a great mood, and it was hysterical. When I got home you were sitting in your usual play corner in the living room, drinking a bottle of milk, and when you saw me you got up, bottle clenched between your teeth, and starting toddling towards me and clapping. So awesome! Then as I was changing clothes before the gym you were pulling pieces of arcade buttons out of a bag in our bedroom and handing them to me, so I would line them up one by one on our dresser. I stepped out of the room for a minute and noticed that you were still walking over to the dresser and putting them in your own little pile, just as you’d watched me do. You are so smart, and you amaze me more every day. I love you!
September 28, 2011
I just have to say it again – your laughter is infectious. Especially when you fake laugh at something. And you love puppies and squirrels. You have also now perfected saying “uh-oh”, except it usually comes out “oo-oh” because you say it with a tiny little Cheerio mouth. You’ve been signing “all done” and “more” for months now too, which really helps at meal time to tell if you’re finished or not.
September 29, 2011
Last night as I was giving you your bottle before bed you were gripping my left thumb with your left hand. I hope I always remember when your hands were this little.
September 30, 2011
You turn 14 months old tomorrow – wow! These past couple months have flown by, after your first year seeming to go by just right. Ā I read a story yesterday about a little girl who experienced something horrific at her daycare center, and it scared the living shit out of me. Thank heavens she was ok, but the whole situation could have ended in tragedy. I pray that I can protect you from such scenarios, and if, god forbid, one was to ever happen to you, I just hope that I am strong enough to teach you well what to do. Please know you can always tell me anything, and I will fight to save you with every fiber of my being. You are my life now, Squeaker.
October 3, 2011
You have a cold again, sweet pea. Ugh. The snot rivers and coughs are back. I’m hoping it’s not a continuation of your double ear infection from a few weeks ago, so I’ll try to get you into the doctor for a recheck of them. We had a great weekend despite the sickness, though. Saturday you played with Grandma all day while Daddy and I went to the Brewers’ first playoff game, then yesterday the 3 of us went to the game together. You konked out in the car on the way to the ballpark and slept in your car seat for about an hour, which you desperately needed. As usual you were the hit of the game – playing with everyone at the tailgate, smiling at all the people we passed inside the park. Daddy made you a shirt with a mini-super logo on it, and you were the best WI sports fan ever!
October 4, 2011
You had a pretty rough night again last night – lots of coughing and I was up for an hour with you at one point, changing your barfy sheets, washing your hair, changing your diaper and jammies, and trying to get you back to sleep with your bottle of water. I have a bad feeling your ear infections may not have been fully cured last month and are rearing their ugly heads again, so we’ll go to the doctor for a recheck today or tomorrow. As tired as I am this morning, I didn’t really mind our wee hours session – rocking to comfort you is what I love. I will always be here to rock you, whenever you need it.
October 5, 2011
You have another tooth coming in! I discovered it last night when I was “brushing” your teeth with my finger and your toothpaste, since you’ve hated me using your little rubber finger toothbrush lately. It’s another top one, the first molar on the right side. I let you play with a regular toothbrush to see if you liked that any better than your rubber finger one, and if you could get the hang of moving it around your teeth. Not too bad – you liked chewing on it more than actually using it. You had another awful night last night too – more coughing, but fortunately no barfing. Daddy was up with you off and on for a couple hours. Hopefully you both get to sleep through the night tonight.
October 6, 2011
So, little peanut of mine, we went to the doctor last night and there is absolutely nothing wrong with your ears, throat, or lungs. Not a hint of ear infection left, no fluid at all in there, lungs sounded perfectly fine, and your throat was a-ok. So what gives with this nasty cough? Guess it’s just a cold. I’m sorry you’ve inherited my penchant for coughing uncontrollably when I’m sick. It’s so not fun. I slept out in the living room with you last night so you could stay propped up on some pillows on the couch. We thought it would help the mucous drain, and it did seem to work. After starting out coughing a lot in your crib when you first fell asleep at your normal bedtime, you slept all the way through the night in your little upright couch nest. Almost… You decided to try to flip yourself around at approximately 5:30, which got you all discombobulated and woke you up fully, an hour before usual. Awesome. We tried to put you in bed with Daddy with your bottle to go back to sleep, but you were having none of that. So you played in your high chair in the bathroom with me while I got ready for work. All seemed well until I took you out to go put your clothes on and discovered the little present you had left behind…

October 7, 2011
I picked up your poop this morning when it fell out of your diaper onto your changing mat. Splendid.
October 10, 2011
Squeaker, you are getting so big. Last night as I was rocking you with a bottle I realized how much more your weight bears down on my arm now, and how much farther off the edge of my legs your little feet hang. And just the other day I saw you reaching farther on top of the end table in the living room than you ever have before. How did this happen? Where’s my baby going? I know you’re only 1, and definitely still our little little girl, but realizing your growth can be a little shocking sometimes. At one point this weekend I looked over and you were reaching up to your highchair tray to get some Cheerios, then decided to start hanging from the edge. Yeah, we’ll have to work on curtailing that adventure before the highchair falls over on top of you. I don’t think you’d enjoy that very much.
It’s a very exciting time for the Brewers, too. I know you have no idea what’s happening at the games, but yesterday we went to the 1st game of the NLCS at Miller Park, and the Brewers beat the Cardinals to open up the series. Hooray! You finally fell asleep in the stroller in the last 2 innings, and I was so happy the roaring crowd didn’t wake you when we won. By far, the cutest little fan in the stadium. You woke up afterwards when we were talking to some of Daddy’s cousins, aunts, and uncle, and of course everyone was happy to see and play with you. We all love you so much.
October 11, 2011
Another night at the ballpark for you last night, my dear. Game 2 of the NLCS, and unfortunately the Brewers lost. We headed home before the end because you desperately needed to get to bed. You’re still coughing until you gag/puke sometimes, which you did on the way home last night, so I really wish that would go away. The doctor said there’s nothing wrong in there, though, so I have no idea what’s causing it. I just hope it goes away before the weather turns, which might even make it worse.
October 13, 2011
Oops! I totally forgot to write to you yesterday, Squeaker. I’m so sorry. Last night we went hiking up to Parnell Tower with you in the backpack carrier, and you loved it. You wanted to touch every tree in the woods, you squealed in utter delight when you saw a puppy up at the tower, but you did get a little unsettled when it got pretty breezy up at the top. You obviously enjoyed this hike much better than last year’s, just about exactly 1 year ago, when you just hung in the Baby Bjorn on Daddy and really had no idea what was going on. Plus it was raining then, and last night was gorgeous. We missed the best Fall colors by a week, but there were still plenty of leaves for you to “oo” and point at in amazement. Sorry you only had Cheerios from your little tub and a bottle of milk for dinner on the way home, but after your bedtime crying jag you slept wonderfully all through the night.
This morning you woke up all smiles and playfulness, as usual. I absolutely love that time of the day – when I flip on the closet light and you realize I’m there, and instantly light up. You’ve taken to flopping and rolling around your crib when I come to get you, being all silly and fun. I hope you start every day off full of so much love forever. I love you, peanut.
Oh one more thing… This morning you loved it when Daddy made his fingers “pop” out of his mouth, so now your favorite thing is to suck on your pointer finger and fling it out of your mouth in imitation. So funny.
October 14, 2011
I looked back at you on our way to daycare this morning, and saw your little head turned to the left, looking out the window. I always wonder what’s going on in that little brain of ours, what you’re looking at while we’re driving, and can’t help but be amazed. You’re a little person. A perfect, wonderful little person. And I’m just so happy that we have you.
October 15, 2011
A bonus note today, Squeaker, since I’m not usually on here on the weekends. But we had a great day today, all playing together the whole time. We didn’t have to go anywhere, and it was wonderful. Daddy got you a Magna Doodle and letters/numbers mats for the floor this morning, and you are absolutely in love with them. I’m so happy he got the floor mats, especially, because with no carpet in our house I’ve been wanting to get you some of those or a rug ever since you were born. You like stepping and dancing on them, and scratching your little finger nails across the nubby rubber. And you barely put the Magna Doodle down after we took it out of the box for you. I think we have a little artist on our hands!
October 17, 2011
You always have so much to say when you wake up in the mornings, and it is adorable. Today you were still sleepy when I went in your room to wake you, so you just laid there babbling away with your head still down on your crib mattress. Too cute.
October 18, 2011
Watching your excitement every time you see Daddy in the mornings when he wakes up is so wonderful. You instantly perk up when you hear him walking into your room, and you always want to get into the bathroom to see him when he’s in there getting ready for work. This morning he slept a little later than usual, so we had to go greet him ourselves with a little D-on-the-bed action. You were thrilled!
October 19, 2011
I rocked you to sleep last night with a bottle for the first time in a week or so, and your slowly closing eyelids filled my heart yet again. I love watching you sleep, so peaceful and beautiful. You woke up crying once during the night, but fell right back to sleep on my shoulder when I went in to comfort you. A bad dream maybe? I wonder what you know so far that would cause nightmares in that little head.
This morning you came the closest to falling off your changing table yet. You’ve been flopping around up there for months, but today when I stepped 2 feet to the right to get clothes out of your dresser, you flipped onto your stomach and fell about halfway over the edge before I caught you. See, I told you to stay put up there.
October 20, 2011
You’ve started doing this new little quick step dance that makes me laugh every time. You do it at all different times too, so I’m not yet sure what it means, or if it’s just for fun. But you’ll stand there and stomp your feet in place really fast. Sometimes you do it on your play mat, sometimes when you’re waiting for something you want like a bite of food from my plate, and sometimes you seem to do it just because. Impatient? Excited? A combo? Either way, it’s funny. For now, that is, until it turns into the start of a toddler tantrum…
October 21, 2011
You almost have a word – Moo! One of your favorite books is Who Says Moo? about a little cow, and you now say “Mmmmm” when we say “Who says moo?” You’re getting the hang of this talking thing, now we just need to add a couple Os on the end there. And we both heard you say “mama” the other night, but of course Daddy doesn’t want to count it as an actual first word since we couldn’t get you to repeat it.
October 24, 2011
Grandma babysat you last night when Daddy and I went downtown for a concert, and her report was as glowing as always. She said how funny you are, marching around the house following her and carrying your toys with you; how smart you are, knowing to try to put the cap on your bottle and minding what you can and can’t play with even with Mommy and Daddy not there; and how content and happy you are, just playing by yourself and making yourself laugh with the silliest things. You have no idea how happy and proud that makes me to hear. You really are a great little kid.
October 25, 2011
Oh, little peanut, you got so sick last night. Right after I went to bed at 10 I heard you coughing in your crib, which is nothing new lately. However, a couple coughs sounded really weird, and I had a feeling something wasn’t right. Sure enough, right when I got to the door of your bedroom you started crying and I found the problem. You had barfed all over your crib, then laid your head down and smeared it all over your face, hair, and pjs. It was disgusting, and I felt so bad for you. You kept rubbing your little fists in your eyes, which of course just made it feel worse. So Daddy got up too and helped me run you a bath, and he changed your crib bedding while I got all the barf washed off you. It was A LOT of barf, too. Fortunately you went back to bed easily once you were all clean and puke-free, and slept fine the rest of the night. This morning you were your usual happy little self, so I’m hoping that was just a bad night and not the start of the flu. For any of us.
October 26, 2011
This morning right before we left for school/work you didn’t want me to put you down so you came into the bathroom with me, which is nothing new and different. We think you’re teething again, upper eye teeth and molars – awesome, so you’ve been especially clingy and whiny lately, even at school, which surprises them since you’re usually so happy. You didn’t even eat any dinner last night, just drank your normal bottle of milk before bed. But anyway. So this morning I set you down as I had to pee, because that’s hard to do now while holding you. Before I sat down, however, I farted, and you stopped, looked up at me, and with a totally blank expression on your face made a “pppfft” raspberry noise with your lips. I almost died laughing, because it was basically the exact sound my fart had just made. I thought it was hysterical, and had to tell Daddy of your fart impression. Quite the little myna bird you are, my dear.
October 27, 2011
I saw your next tooth last night. Upper right, first molar. And it must be a doozy because it is seriously messing with your state of being. I mentioned some symptoms yesterday, but bedtime was kind of a battle again last night, too. We were carving pumpkins, and it took Daddy about 4 tries to get you to finally go down. You didn’t want dinner again, so your bedtime bottle of milk was pretty much all you had besides a couple bites of actual food. Plus you cough so hard when you cry you throw up still, so that resulted in a couple bedding and pj changes last night as well. Hopefully these teeth get fully in quickly so you can feel better. You had a lot of fun helping Daddy dig out the guts of your little pumpkin, though!
October 28, 2011
Oh, sweet baby D, why does some of the stuff that comes out of you have to be so nasty? This morning Daddy got you out of your crib and announced that I’d better run you a bath because you had pooped all over. A blowout?? Again?! I thought we were past that stage. Ah well. So you got an early-morning sink bath in the kitchen.
Today you’re trick-or-treating with daycare in the hospital that’s right next to your building, and I’m coming to watch. I can’t wait! You have your ladybug costume on today and it’s pretty much the cutest thing ever.
October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween, Peanut! You were the absolute most adorable ladybug at daycare on Friday, and the prettiest Little Red Riding Hood last night that I have ever seen. You were having a sad morning on Friday, but you did great trick-or-treating with your daycare class and didn’t even notice when I left. Last night you were having a ball carrying around and playing with the pumpkin full of candy before trick-or-treating, then loved going up to the doors to get your own candy with Daddy when he took you up and down our block. So much fun, even though it was chilly and windy.
Unfortunately you didn’t have the best night’s sleep last night. From 2:30-5:00 you were up about a half dozen times. I was up with you the first couple, then Daddy tried giving you a bottle of milk for awhile, then finally I slept with you in the glider chair in your bedroom for the rest of the night. Fortunately you were your normal happy little self when you got up for the day today. I wonder what that was all about. You did take a 3 hour nap yesterday, but didn’t seem too sick or anything otherwise. You had some diarrhea this weekend, too, but you were staying hydrated, so maybe your little tummy was bothering you again.
November 1, 2011
Happy 15 month birthday, Squeaker! You gave me a big hug and a kiss before we left daycare this morning. I can’t think of a better way to start a day. And last night you were sitting on Daddy’s lap playing with your puppy Violet, and watching you 2 together made me so happy it brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful little girl, and you make our lives so much fun.
November 2, 2011
I had a parent-teacher conference with your daycare teacher yesterday, and of course you got a glowing review. She said you really are a great kid, and she wasn’t just saying that because I was your mom. š You love to participate in activities, you listen to instruction, you are happy and well-behaved, you go to your teachers when you need comfort, and you’re even starting to drink out of little Dixie cups with no lids! However, she did tell me that no, you do not swipe your hands across your tray when done with your food to fling it all over the room and floor. So you save that one just for us, eh? Real nice, thanks a lot.
Last night was some terrible sleeping again. Growing pains? You went to bed around 8, not out of the ordinary, with little issue. A little over an hour later, though, as I was just about to go to bed, you woke up crying. Why? 2 hours, 1 diaper change, 1 barf, 1 bed change, 1 book reading, 2 bottles, and finally Daddy rocking you when he got home from his concert later, you were finally sleep for good. What gives here, kiddo?
November 3, 2011
You were an absolute star at the doctor last night, Peanut. You had 2 booster shots in your right thigh, which made you cry (more so because we had to take your Cheerios away beforehand), but we sat you up right away afterward and started saying, “Good job, all done!” and the tears stopped within seconds. Fortunately I was smart and ran our errands before the appointment instead of after like we usually do, and I already had all your clothes back on you before the shots so all we had to do was roll your pant leg back down. You even walked right out of the office all by yourself, not in my arms. Then we had to go down to the lab and get some blood drawn. I think this hurt me more than you – seeing your tiny arm in a tourniquet and having to squeeze you so you didn’t move made me feel worse than I think the needle in your arm made you. You did cry, but didn’t flinch one bit and just watched the little tube fill up with blood the whole time. Again, right afterward we said, “Good job, all done!” and you were a-ok. You got a pony sticker and walked right out all by yourself yet again. I was so happy!
Unfortunately I think you’re feeling the effects this morning, especially in your leg. You cried all morning from the time you woke up until the time we went to daycare, and I think moving you and touching your leg really does hurt you. Daddy said you were even kind of walking with a bit of a limp when you went into your classroom. You did get to take your new favorite tractor book with all the flaps to school today since it seemed to comfort you, so I hope it helps. I’m so sorry, little one. I hope you feel better soon!
November 4, 2011
Last night I witnessed something I’ve never seen before. I was scrubbing your head in the bath tub, because you’ve had a little bit of cradle cap for the past couple months that the doctor said will now not go away on its own. So I was scraping all the little scaly patches off after I washed your hair, preparing to wash it again to get them all out. This was kind of an effort, too, and took probably a good 10 minutes. Guess I should’ve taken care of this sooner. Anyway, pretty soon I heard your breathing get really deep, and I looked down at your little face to see you had fallen completely asleep right in the bathtub! I guess you enjoy having your scalp massaged as much as Mommy does at the salon.
Your poor leg is still bothering you a bit from your shots, and you cried a little this morning when you woke up and had to move it. Nothing like yesterday, fortunately, but you still have a little bit of a limp from it, too. This stinks, because they’ve never affected you like this before. Maybe it’s because you’re getting bigger. And I did see your next tooth poking through last night – top left cuspid. That makes #15!
November 7, 2011
Another great weekend in the books, Squeaker. Saturday night we went to a family wedding reception, and you had an absolute blast running around in your party dress and shoes. Up the steps, across the raised seating area, down the steps, across the front, repeat a million times. It was so fun to watch. You’re really growing up! And I kept commenting yesterday how tall you looked. You slept almost 12 hours Friday night, took a 2.5 hour nap Saturday, and took a 3 hour nap yesterday, so you really must be growing.
November 8, 2011
Mommy’s been back at work after maternity leave with you exactly 1 year today, Squeaker, and not a day goes by without me wishing I could be staying at home with you instead. You get smarter and smarter every day – last night I noticed that when it’s time for your bedtime bottle of milk you go right to the refrigerator, knowing where it is. Impressive, squirt.
November 9, 2011
So we’ve noticed a trend here, Squeaker. Well I guess it’s not entirely new, since you started doing it awhile ago, but it hasn’t been as prevalent until recently again. It’s the throwing yourself onto the floor and “crying” when you don’t get your way. Especially when you want a bottle of milk and we give you a cup. We’re trying to slowly but surely wean you off bottles all together, but you’re fighting it. I wonder how long this will take… Your teachers also said yesterday you cried every time they tried to get you to paint, which you usually love to pieces. Weird.
But on a brighter note, it’s pajama day at daycare today. Fun!! You wore a little pair of brown and cream zebra-striped jammie pants and top (i’m assuming they’re jammies, anyway. they’re hand-me-downs so i’m not for sure, but i don’t know where else you would wear velour-looking pants, even as a toddler) and took your bunny lovey that says Della.
November 10, 2011
Sorry, peanut, you woke up in a pee lake again this morning. Guess it’s time to switch it up to the next bigger size for your nighttime diapers. You’re almost ready to move up in your regular ones too, so I’m not that surprised. And totally unrelated, but you are getting very good at getting off Mommy and Daddy’s bed all by yourself when you’re done running around up there. You know exactly how to turn around and slide off backwards. You’re still a little hesitant because it’s a pretty good drop when you’re less than 3′ tall, but with me right behind you ready to catch a fall you slip right onto the floor to your feet with ease.
November 11, 2011
I’m kind of at a loss today, peanut. Nothing spectacularly funny or out of the ordinary happened last night or this morning to report. You did bump your cheek on the shelves at daycare after your nap yesterday and got a little bruise, but fortunately nothing major. Your teacher said you were being very sweet all day too, giving her hugs the whole time. That makes your mama so proud and happy to hear. I love you.
November 14, 2011
Grandma came up to babysit Friday night and Saturday morning, and of course you loved every second of it. She brought a new book and plush toy, which instantly became your favorites. Spot the puppy and Where’s Spot?, another lift-the-flap book. Hopefully we can keep these flaps on a little better than in your other books. You were in kind of a mood the rest of the weekend, though – a little ornery, didn’t want to take your naps or go to bed at your usual time, so I think that left you a little tired this morning. Hopefully you have a good day at school though, in your adorable little dress from Daddy’s cousin-in-law Kristie (even though it’s for the wrong team. we need a Bears one):
November 15, 2011
So, sweet pea… Your weekend seems to have caught up to you yesterday, as you slept for 12 hours last night. But this morning you were a little cranky again, and very clingy. Not that I don’t love the constant hugs and you wanting to be in my arms, but it’s really hard to put in earrings and make coffee with a 23+ lb. toddler occupying one entire arm. Fortunately you went right into your morning room at daycare without issue and started playing right away. Growth spurt? More teeth on the way? And in unrelated news, you now wear size 4 diapers during the days and size 5 at nights. Wow!
November 16, 2011
You have now learned how to jump. It’s so cute!
November 17, 2011
The weirdest thing happened last night, peanut. Daddy got a big box in the mail after dinner, and when he opened it up it was full of packing peanuts and a new tool. When he pulled the tool out of the big shipping box, however, you got really scared and started crying hysterically. We had no idea what had happened, because you were just standing there watching him, holding your cup of snacks, then all of a sudden you burst into tears. I don’t know if the packing peanuts falling off the tool and all over the place was what did it, but you were really frightened. So we both held you and comforted you, but you cried for a really long time afterward. Odd, since we’ve never really seen you do that before. And you are still in a little clingy phase, but I love you wanting me to hold you so that’s not bothering me in the slightest.
November 18, 2011
Sorry, Squeaker. I think you kind of froze on our walk home from the mall and dinner last night. You were really crying by the time we got back to our house and your poor little hands were bright red and freezing. But you wouldn’t keep your mittens on! Fortunately you took a nice hot bath and got snuggled into your jammies right afterward, so you were much better then.
November 21, 2011
Saturday afternoon we were unloading all the Thanksgiving groceries in the kitchen, and a song came on the radio that you apparently loved. You started dancing and twirling and jumping and bopping to the music. It was the most adorable thing ever. Sorry we didn’t get to see you much yesterday since we went to the Packers game and Grandma came down to play with you all day, but fortunately you only have 3 days of daycare this week before the long holiday weekend. Hooray!
November 22, 2011
You woke up in your usual great mood today, Squeaker, as Daddy got you up and changed/dressed while I finished up after my shower. You were running around on our bed laughing and squealing, playing with Spot and the remote, and when Daddy peeked his head in the doorway you started chuckling even harder. So wonderful.
November 23, 2011
It’s Thanksgiving tomorrow, Squeaker! My favorite holiday of the year. This year I think you will fully enjoy our meal, whereas last year you were just a tiny nursing baby still. And we won’t make you wear the silly little turkey hat this time. š This has been another year full of blessings, with you at the top of our list.
Yesterday when I picked you up from daycare you were funny again. You were walking around with your tongue hanging out of your mouth when I walked in your room, then you crawled under the little sink you guys have in there and sat for a minute before you would come out to put your coat on. Your teacher said that’s your new favorite thing to do. Must be your “fort”.
November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving, Squeaker!! We are so very, very thankful for you and all the joy you’ve brought into our little family.
November 28, 2011
We had such a great holiday weekend, little one. Spending Thanksgiving at home just you, me, and Daddy was wonderful. You LOVED the cranberry sauce Daddy made, as well as playing peekaboo in your 3-sided box “fort” in the kitchen. Then Friday you and I drove down to Grandma’s house to spend the rest of the weekend with that side of the family while Daddy went up to Sheboygan Falls for his high school reunion and then onto Madison with friends to watch the Badgers on Saturday. Everyone had so much fun playing with you and seeing you run around now. And I discovered your next tooth on Friday too – top left, first molar. You now have a matching set on each side up there. I could see both sides of the points, so it’s probably been poking through for a few days now. You’ve been doing a lot of chewing on your fingers, too, which would be a tell-tale sign.
November 29, 2011
Last night you were playing with your little learning laptop, and when you close the “screen” it says “Good-bye.” Each time it did this you would then say “bye” too. Is this the start of more actual words besides “uh-oh”? I hope so!
November 30, 2011
Daddy gave you a bath all by himself for the very first time in your whole life last night so I could decorate the Christmas tree! I was so excited!! I’ve been trying to get him to do that for oh, about 16 months now, and he never has. I heard you laughing away in there as usual the whole time, so he was obviously doing it right. Good job, Daddy!
December 1, 2011
Happy 16 month birthday, peanut! You woke up 3 times last night between 2:30-4:30. Just wanted to celebrate early?
December 5, 2011
We had a great weekend down in Peoria together, Squeaker. You were an excellent passenger in the car, and you had just as much fun seeing and playing with all of Grandpa Frank’s family as I did. It’s obvious they love you more than anything, too.
December 6, 2011
You are absolutely LOVING the little pieces of chocolate from your 2 advent calendars this year. Each morning you run to the bench where we have them sitting by the front door and want to get your loot. You do the same when we come in the door each afternoon after daycare, too. Good thing there are 2 so we can split up the sugar high.
Also, I just got you a share of Green Bay Packers stock. Daddy could not be prouder!
December 7, 2011
Ok, 2 things: 1) After your bath last night I let you run around naked for a bit to try and combat your diaper rash. You were playing in the kitchen when you squatted down and peed all over the floor. Then you slipped in your own pee and started crying. Whoops.
2) You REALLY need to stop hitting. You’ve started doing it more often, and when I tell you “No hitting” you then start hitting your own face, which I hate. This morning you walked right into daycare and hit a little girl in the face. Totally unacceptable.
December 8, 2011
Well good news, I guess. I asked your teachers when I picked you up from daycare yesterday if you’ve been hitting, and they both look shocked and said oh no way. In fact, they said you’re a very well-mannered kid, one of the best in your class, and they haven’t seen you hitting at all. I told them how you do it at home sometimes when we tell you not to do something or don’t let you do something and then turn it on yourself, and they said no, they haven’t witnessed it there at all. Then I relayed the story of how you walked in and hit the little girl yesterday morning and how you hit Debbie’s grandson last weekend, and they both looked very surprised. They said they would definitely be letting us know about it if it had been happening there, and that even on your crabby days when you need a little more attention than normal you’re still a great student. You have no idea how relieved I was to hear all that, so I figure it’s just a toddler phase that comes out of frustration from not being able to use words yet. It’s ok, Squeaker, we’ve all been there (even though none of us remembers it, ha!).
December 9, 2011
Daddy got a new hand cart for moving stuff, and you are loving using it as your own personal sleigh. You squeal with delight when we push you on it, and you will even pull yourself around with your feet if there’s no one there to push. You’re so silly and I love it. I brought down from the attic plush Grinch and Max dolls the other night, and you’ve been carrying them around the house like you’re old friends. I absolutely love watching your personality grow more and more each day.
December 12, 2011
You sprouted a weird little rash yesterday, Squeaker. It looks like little pimples/blisters on your hands, feet, and backs of your thighs, which initially made me think it might be hand, foot, and mouth disease (because there is a sign on the door at daycare saying there’s been a case of that in another room). But you have no sores in your mouth, nor have you had a fever at all. You’ve seemed perfectly fine, eating and sleeping normally, and not acting like the bumps are bothering you at all. I’ll call your doctor today, see what they think. Hopefully it goes away soon.
December 13, 2011
You have hand, foot, and mouth, you poor little thing. I took you to the doctor yesterday afternoon and she found a few little sores on the roof of your mouth, which confirmed it. It’s viral, so there are no antibiotics for it, so we just have to wait it out. You’re home from school with me today because of it, but I’m not calling that a bad thing by any means. I hope these things go away soon!
Also, when I put you to bed last night, you let out a few sleep giggles in your crib. I had to just stop and listen, it was so sweet.
December 14, 2011
Fortunately the sores on your hands and feet look a little better today, so you are back at daycare. But you started crying when I dropped you off because you wanted to read me a book. Breaks my heart.
December 15, 2011
Your sores look much better today, so I think this hand, foot, and mouth is on the way out. Daddy dropped you off at school this morning, which seemed so weird. I’m not sure there’s been a day yet where I wasn’t there to take you. You had a bad day yesterday they said, with much more crying and TLC needed than usual, so hopefully today is better for you.
December 16, 2011
Good news, peanut. Your sores look much, much better, so hopefully HFM is almost done. Unfortunately, last night you had a cough that made you barf again after you went to bed, so I really hope that doesn’t stick around for the trip to Hawaii. Also, we have your Holiday party at daycare this afternoon, for which I’m oddly excited. I baked some candy cane chocolate chip bars last night and took them in this morning, so hopefully people enjoy them. I felt like such a mom – baking goodies for my daughter’s first Christmas room party. Aww… š
December 19, 2011
We had so much fun playing at home all weekend. Your little spirit is simply amazing, and I laugh with you constantly. You didn’t want anything to do with Santa at your party on Friday, but that’s ok. We’ll try to go see him at the mall near our house for a picture later this week. This morning you were a little sad again when I dropped you off at daycare, so I had to make a quick exit when you turned around before you saw me again. Fortunately you had one of your favorite books with you today for a little distraction and comfort. Also? You’re getting so tall!
Part 2:
Bonus entry today! I forgot this part earlier – Daddy was playing with his remote controlled car yesterday in the house. He drove it to your bedroom door as you and I were in there trying on your clothes for Hawaii, and it scared you like nothing I’ve seen before. You jumped at every move it made and shrieked in sheer terror. You scrambled into my arms as it came around the corner, because you couldn’t see Daddy was making it go. I felt so awful. I’ve never seen you so scared.
December 20, 2011
Man, were you crabby last night, peanut. It started when you threw your bowl of macaroni off your high chair tray while you were eating dinner, so I held your hands and told you no, we don’t do that. You started crying and didn’t stop for, oh…. ever! Even once you’d had some more to eat and got all cleaned up and out of your high chair, the tears continued the whole time. Geez. A little dramatic, don’t you think? Apparently the terrible 2s decided to come a few months early to our house. Hooray!
December 21, 2011
Your little tantrum spell continued last night, Squeaker. I’m sensing a new pattern – get home from school; start crying; keep crying no matter what until supper; eat supper with the possibility of food flying all over the floor which will result in more crying; potential crying after supper unless a bath is on the agenda; play time; you get your rag, put your head on your shoulder, and go to the refrigerator signaling you want your bottle of milk for bedtime, even though it’s usually 2 hours before bedtime (stinker); sit with Daddy on the couch to drink your milk for a bit, fooling us into thinking you’re lulling into sleep mode, then pop up with a laugh and start playing again; repeat the last step 3-4 times before actually going to bed around 8:30 now. Ok, challenge accepted. But this morning you were too cute, trying to step into my shoes with your little feet which already had your shoes on them.
December 22, 2011
Your crying jag was more subdued last night, squirt – thank you. There was some crying before/after dinner time again, but not as bad as the past 2 days. We’re trying to hold off on giving you your bottle until at least 7, so you don’t go through 3 of them by the time you go to bed. We kind of succeeded last night. But true to recent form, you went to bed around 8:30 again. I really hope you do ok with our flights this weekend, especially the long one to Maui.
December 23, 2011
Santa Claus came a little early to our house yesterday because he wanted you to be able to play with something before we went on vacation, and I’m so glad he did. You got a Lightning McQueen ride-on car, and you LOVE it! You zoomed around the house on that thing non-stop last night, and Daddy just told me you’re back at it again this morning. You’re so funny. We’re going on a big trip this weekend!
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas, Squeaker! We made it safely and smoothly to Maui yesterday from Denver, and you were so well-behaved the whole time. Unfortunately you started throwing up at Uncle C and Auntie M’s house Friday night and continued in the car on the way to the airport yesterday morning, so that was not fun at all. Thank heavens you were fine on the airplane, though, and even took 2 naps. I thought it was over and may have been altitude sickness, but you threw up again in the car on the way to the hotel yesterday and then once last night here after supper. You did sleep through the night last night without issue though, so fingers crossed it has passed. We’re going to have a great week in Hawaii, squirt!