I think I finally found a blog layout/theme that I like, and here it is. What do you think? It’s the same one I’ve had the past couple days, but I figured out how to make the top picture my own. I really liked the water and colors in the shoreline one that originally came with this theme, but I wanted it a little more personalized. So I found a shot that captured the stunning colors of the water and then just incorporated my old header pictures into it, since I thought they were pretty bland by themselves. Isn’t that picture awesome?? R took it in St. Thomas last year. You really can’t beat the scenery down there.
I figured out how to change a couple other things on here to give it more SM flavor too. Website coding – fun stuff. I might tweak the header a little more, but this should be pretty much it. So I just wanted to get this quick post on here to let you know that hopefully you won’t see a different site each time you check me out anymore. 🙂 I’ll be back later with more good stuff to tell ya.