
I think I finally found a blog layout/theme that I like, and here it is. What do you think? It’s the same one I’ve had the past couple days, but I figured out how to make the top picture my own. I really liked the water and colors in the shoreline one that originally came with this theme, but I wanted it a little more personalized. So I found a shot that captured the stunning colors of the water and then just incorporated my old header pictures into it, since I thought they were pretty bland by themselves. Isn’t that picture awesome?? R took it in St. Thomas last year. You really can’t beat the scenery down there.

I figured out how to change a couple other things on here to give it more SM flavor too. Website coding – fun stuff. I might tweak the header a little more, but this should be pretty much it. So I just wanted to get this quick post on here to let you know that hopefully you won’t see a different site each time you check me out anymore. 🙂 I’ll be back later with more good stuff to tell ya.


Limos are fun

For starters, what do you think of this layout for the blog? I can’t change the picture up top to put in my other ones like I used to have, but that shoreline picture is kind of neat and I like the color scheme and graphics of this theme. Good, bad, otherwise – lemme know. I’ll probably keep changing it around a bit too, so don’t be surprised if you see a different look a few more times.

Now here are the pics I promised from our anniversary limo ride this weekend. Like I said, R was totally surprised and had a great time. It’s amazing how much fun you can have pretending to be high rollers. 😉


Your limo awaits


I could get used to this


Big pimpin'


Our last stop - it was a wonderful night!


And since the weather has actually been cooperating the past couple days, I got another jog in last night. Added a little distance this time – 2.09 miles in 19:21, which is a 9:15 pace. A little slower than last week’s pace, but I did add just over half a mile. I’ll take it. I didn’t walk, and my new running kicks felt great. Slowly but surely. I looked back at my past runs and the fastest I’ve ever done that same route was 16:13, a 7:45 pace. Yikes! I’ve fallen a long way in the 3 years since then. 😛


Screwin’ around

Sorry guys, I’m messing around with the theme on my blog right now, so if you’ve visited a couple times and each time the site looks different don’t worry. You’re not going crazy, I’m just trying to figure out what I like best. 🙂

Stay tuned for my final answer…


All high tech and stuff

I’m still learning how to set up all the intricacies of my website and its widgets and plug-ins galore here, and today I found yet another one that I’ve been looking for. Those cool little sharing buttons I see all over the place. If one of my posts is just so fantastically outstanding that you can’t believe the entire general population hasn’t read it, those little clicky buttons at the bottom of each one should send it zooming off across the world wide interwebs in the fashion of your choosing.

Anyone want to test them out? Go ahead, I dare ya… 😉

Working the kinks out

I’m still pretty new to this whole blogging world, so I’m doing a little tweaking of my site. The address is a tad different, my sidebar contents have a few different names, but hopefully you were still able to find me ok. And for those of you who had already subscribed to my blog, a huge THANK YOU!! Please make sure you sign up again through this page because my old feeds will be disabled shortly. Just click on one of the icons under “Follow Me” over there on the right and enter your info to keep receiving my updates. Please let me know if you are having any trouble subscribing, because I set those icons and their respective links up myself with no help from R, our resident computer expert. And by expert, I mean mega uber guru. This guy was tooling around on the interwebs and the Googles long before they existed in any form that we know today. If there was a classification higher than mega uber guru, that would be him.

Thanks for bearing with me through these little changes! As always, feel free to offer any suggestions for page design and content or post topics. And if you have or know someone who has a link that would like to be added to my blogroll over there, shoot that to me as well.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming…

And who might you be?

I’m so glad you asked! I figured as the newbie blogger on the block, I’d better introduce myself a bit. Let’s see, where should I begin…

I’m a Midwestern girl who’s done the brights lights and big city of NYC and has come back to her roots to settle down and start a family. I have an amazingly wonderful husband, a beautiful baby girl, a family that loves me no matter what, and the best group of friends ever. I’m now a Badger for life, and I love, love, love to have fun. Laughter is my favorite medicine.

I want to get back into fighting shape after having my first baby and might attempt a half marathon this summer in order to do so. Am I crazy? Maybe.

Being a mom is more incredible than I ever dreamed possible, and I am surprisingly loving every second of it. That amazing husband mentioned above and I both work full-time, so I have had to come to terms with the guilt of sending baby girl to daycare. So far, so good, but I would love nothing more than to be able to someday leave the corporate world and be either a stay-at-home or work-at-home mommy. That little girl has opened my eyes to this world in a whole new indescribable way, and I can’t thank her enough for that.

I am stubborn and sarcastic, but my sensitive and caring side has come to the forefront much more often since August 1, 2010. I have some of the most random thoughts of any person I know, and my dreams are vivid and bizarre enough to give even the most experienced dream whisperer fits. I love making people laugh, so hopefully I can throw some giggles your way.

So there’s a glimpse into the life of ScooterMarie. Stick around to learn more and see what happens next.










Well hello there…

My very first blog entry, and on the first day of a new month to boot. How fitting. I’ve always wondered how successful I would be if I ever started one of these. Would anyone find it and follow me? Would anyone care what I have to say? Do I even have anything to say? I guess we’ll find out…

Thank you for taking a peek and entering the world of ScooterMarie. Hopefully I turn out to be devastatingly charming and witty with an endless supply of wonderfully interesting conversation topics. If not, well hey, I gave it a shot, and maybe I’ll at least make you laugh a few times along the way. I don’t know yet if I’m an A+ blogger, but as someone just told me, “I’m definitely something.” 🙂