Holy shitballs! & More random

“Holy shitballs!” Those were the exact words that flew out of my mouth and into D’s ears on the way home yesterday when I saw that gas had dropped to $3.89 per gallon at the cheaper of the two stations near our house. $3.89 per gallon and I’m getting excited? What is wrong with that picture?

The other weekend we were at R’s brother’s house to drop D off to be babysat for a few hours, and R went upstairs to use the bathroom. No big deal, that is a common occurrence at their house. This pit stop was taking longer than usual, however, and finally R’s sister-in-law asked where R was. R’s brother said, “He’s upstairs taking a dump.” Again, no big deal, that is also a common occurrence at their house and we’re all close, so who cares if that is announced? Well in the meantime, I proceeded to use the downstairs bathroom. R came back downstairs before I returned and now asked where I was, and our 5-year-old nephew proclaimed, “She’s in the bathroom taking a dump.” 🙂 (no, i wasn’t really. that bathroom is right off the kitchen and only has a curtain for a door right now as they’re remodeling, so no dumping occurs in that one)

You know what really bugs me? When I get logged off a session on a website I’ve been on for a while and have to log back in to do something. Just leave me signed in. I’m on my own computer, so you don’t need to shut me out every 47 seconds. I realize this is simply a security measure for my information’s protection and we all know the importance of security on the interwebs these days and all, but come on. It just irks me. I have enough stupid log in IDs and passwords to keep track of without you booting me out willy nilly when I come back to your browser window. (i literally have a spreadsheet containing all my log ins and passwords because there’s no way in hell i can remember them all. and then when i have to change one and update the spreadsheet? ugh)

You know what else bugs me? Unread emails in my inbox. I just can’t stand seeing the little new mail icon and the number of unread messages next to the word “Inbox”. Why? Who knows. Maybe it’s my organizational nature and innate disdain for clutter. And if an unread email accidentally finds its way into the deleted items folder? Holy shitballs, the humanity!


My first 5k in at least a year and a half

Is coming up on Saturday morning in our neighborhood, so I decided to try out the route last night to make sure I could finish it. I knew I’d be able to complete 3.1 miles, but I wanted to be able to do so without stopping or walking. And I did. Turns out I actually did more than a 5k last night. I had written one of the streets toward the end of the race route wrong on the little map that I took with me, so I just improvised what I thought would equal the full 5k. Guess I improvised a little too much. I ran 3.82 miles in 34:17, which comes out to a pace of 8:59. Since I thought I was only running 3.1 miles last night this would have put me at roughly an 11:00 pace, so I was kind of surprised. I knew I was purposely going much slower than usual, but I was hoping to be able to finish the race on Saturday in 30:00 or under. Now that I’ve plotted the route I did last night I feel a lot better about that 34:17 time, and I think I’ll be able to reach my goal this weekend. I’ll keep you posted.

The race route goes right past our house, so I told R that he and D can sit on the porch and cheer me on as I go by. 🙂 I’ve been trying to think of the last 5k in which I participated, and it would have to have been at least a year and a half ago, before I got pregnant. It’s probably actually closer to 2 years now, sometime in the summer of 2009 I’m guessing. I honestly can’t think which one it was, or when. I did do a 4 mile race last summer, but that doesn’t count – I was almost 8 months pregnant and I just walked it. Well, I did jog the very end of it, but that part was all downhill into the finish line. When you’re that big, you’ll definitely use gravity to your advantage whenever possible.

We also heard some great news last night – our dear friends the Ds welcomed their second baby yesterday evening, a little boy, K. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to meet the little guy. They now have a girl and a boy – how awesome. I’ve noticed the waves of new babies kind of go in spurts, and right now is apparently high tide. This little man, a girl I work with is due with her second boy in just under a month, my old boss is due with her first (a little girl) the end of June, we have 2 friends here that are both expecting boys in August, and another friend in Madison is also due in August, but I don’t think they have found out the sex.

I must admit, all these wonderful new little angels joining the world… I’m starting to get a yearning in the uterus area… 😉



Last night I had my first pregnancy dream since I was pregnant. Odd. I dreamt that I was in labor with really bad contractions, but when the doctor went to check to see how far dilated I was she just pulled the baby out instead. Like it was nothing. And I don’t mean like she pulled the baby out after I’d been pushing as would be standard procedure. She just all of a sudden had my baby in her arms without me doing anything. It was utterly and totally bizarre.

But it was another girl. And she had a really big nose. Not like a big, old man nose, but really long. And it was all smushed down and sideways as it very well could have been had she actually passed through the birth canal with a nose that long, but she hadn’t. She’d been magically lifted from my womb like a ghost passes through a wall – nothing to it. And she had a really long belly button area where they were trying to snip the umbilical cord off. Like it would have left her with a 2 inch long belly button. Gross. I hate outies. (no offense if any of you have an outie, mind you. i just prefer innies)

Then after this long-nosed, long-belly-buttoned little girl was born, the most disgusting part of the dream occurred – the afterbirth. I won’t go into all the gory details (unless you really want me to), because it was a bajillion times worse than what actually did happen after my own real-life labor, but let’s just say it involved a lot of bloody goopy mess falling onto the floor, some of which was frozen. Frozen?? Yep, frozen. I told you I have truly incomprehensible dreams.

No, I am definitely not pregnant.

And I woke up with really bad gas pains.


My necklace arrived!

I ordered a necklace a few weeks ago to replace the one R gave me right after D was born. It was really cute – he actually got matching ones for me and D, so she can wear hers when she gets older. The one he gave me is a 4 leaf clover with a tiny little diamond in the middle, where the leaves of the clover are peridots, since that’s D’s birthstone. I absolutely love it, but the original chain broke months ago, and the one with which I replaced it has gotten all stretched out from daily wear and D tugging on it so that it’s now much longer than I like. Why not just get a new chain again? Because I found an awesome necklace that I’m very excited about and I have deemed as a suitable replacement. I told R I felt kind of guilty not wearing the one he got me when I first took it off, and he said I was being silly. He said it’s a good thing that I finally took it off to wear others since I have so many nicer necklaces than that one, and he liked the new one I ordered as well. Ok good; I definitely didn’t want him to think I didn’t like my original D one because it was the sweetest gesture ever from a new daddy and that little necklace will always be special to me. I’m just weird and sentimental like that.

Ok, ok, get on with it – the new necklace, please… I found it on The Vintage Pearl (button over there —->), and it is wonderful. They do amazing work, and I’ve seen their pieces showcased on other blogs and in the press. My sister-in-law actually ordered R’s mom a grandmother’s bracelet from them for Mother’s Day this year. It turned out beautifully – it has a charm with each of the grandkids’ names on it, all in different shapes, and a birthstone crystal for each. So I knew their products were high-quality. If you go to their site, I ordered a “dainty names” necklace, and then customized it to have the name stamped around the edge of the circle instead of across the middle. Et voila!


First of all, their packaging is adorable



My dainty names necklace



The necklace in action


I just love it. I chose an 18″ sterling ball chain to go with it, but I think I may order a 16″ too to see which one I like better. I kind of like the shorter look and feel. But overall – it’s fantastic! D’s name looks like it was just meant to be on this perfect little charm around my neck. And I’m a big fan of the silver colors over golds. Almost all of my jewelry is white gold, so I much prefer that hue over yellow gold (this necklace is silver though, not gold).

Check out tvp – you won’t be disappointed!