Summertime, and the livin’ is easy

Unfortunately, those days are over for us this year, as school started for both Della and Lana yesterday. Waaahhhhh!!!!

I really hate seeing summer go, but I’m actually looking forward to this school year. Both girls are so excited – Della has been ready to get back for a while now to start 2nd grade, and Lana is happy to be going with her big sister this year for her turn in K4. Lana got the same K4 teacher Della had, who we loved, so we’re all really happy about that. And we’ve heard some great things about Della’s teacher, so she should have a great time, too.

Della’s so happy to be back seeing her friends every day, and it fills my heart to exploding to see her thrive at school. Lana is just such a goofball, I am beyond curious to see what her experience is. I’m just so grateful that we already know her teacher, so I am perfectly comfortable telling her anything and everything and making sure I’m giving and getting enough feedback for how Lana is doing. This is pretty surprising to me, because I honestly thought I was going to be a mess sending little Lana, my fairy girl, off on her own. But thinking back, I was much calmer than I thought I’d be when Della started K4, too. So who knows why my mind thinks the way it does.

But please stay tuned. I have a whole post planned about our summer, including plenty of pictures; I just haven’t had a chance to get it written yet for the world to see. Life has been busy around here lately, but it’s coming, I promise. In the meantime, I’m hoping we get a little taste of summer warmth to enjoy again before it’s gone for the year!



Lana turned 4 on October 21, and she simply gets more twinkly and beautiful by the day. And since I’m almost a month late with this post (shocking, I know!), I’ll fill it with lots of pictures of our incredible middle born.









I just reread her 3-year-old post from last year, and it’s clear that her amazing aura hasn’t changed. But seriously, these kids need to stop growing so fast! I swear the height of things she can reach gets taller daily. Within just the past couple weeks she has become able to ring the back doorbell without me having to lift her up. Thankfully her answer to my question of “Where is my baby girl going?” is still the same as it was last year. “I’m right here!”





It’s funny, because lately she’s been saying, “I feel like I’m 3 today.” She just tickles me to death. Her creativity has only increased exponentially with age, with tinies still being her M.O. She is also drawn to all things Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, Frozen, and princesses and fairies. At any given moment her favorite color is pink, indigo (yes, indigo, not just purple), or turquoise.





She’s become extremely helpful with Morrison, as those two are my little pals all day while Della is at school. I’m honestly going to cry when Lana has to start school next year because I’m going to miss her so much! I’m trying to treasure these days with her home all the time and cherish every last second.




She skips through life with her top piggie and curls bouncing, and I could not love her more for it. She makes up and sings little songs; loves to say, “Mama, guess what?”; adores making collections of things in nature; takes cultivating her fairy garden very seriously; will choose playing just a little longer over doing whatever it is that I’ve asked every time; always needs more hugs and kisses good-bye from Della in the morning school line; is my willing partner whether we go for a run or do what she calls my “inside exercises;” comes out and snuggles up at my side after every nap; is up before Della to come join me in the kitchen almost every morning; has taken to writing me letters and drawing me pictures for our bedroom gallery just like Della; and still never lets Nigh-Night get too far from her side and her sucking thumb.





The overwhelming feeling of joy and love I feel when I simply think of this girl is indescribable. There is something about her that is tied so fiercely and permanently to my heart and soul that I can’t even explain it. The sparkle she brings to this world is heavenly, and I hope it shines as brightly as it possibly can forever.


Happy birthday, Lana Marie! We love you beyond words and to the moon, stars, and tip of my heart and back!


And just for grins, here’s Della’s 4-year-old post to see how these two spectacular little ladies compare and contrast.



Lana Marie just turned 3!



Our beautiful second born turned 3 years old on Wednesday, and I can’t believe how much it seems like she’s grown up in just these past couple weeks. Her sentences are clearer, she pronounces sounds so much better (especially “L”), and she’s getting so tall! I’ll catch myself looking at her and thinking, “Where in the world has my baby girl gone??” Fortunately, her answer to that question is always, “I’m right here! I’ll always be your big baby girl.”



She’s smart, she’s sassy, she’s pretty independent, and she’s wickedly creative. For as often as she makes me yell, I can’t even begin to put into words how much I love this girl and how full my heart and soul are because of her.




I’m secretly thrilled that I get to have her at home with me for another whole year after this one before she has to head off to K4. Spending my days with her and now Morrison, too, makes me so happy.




We love you so much, Lana Marie! Thank you for being the sprite-liest part of our family!!


This is pretty incredible – check out this shot of Della at her 3rd birthday party compared to the one of Lana from her party last weekend. Ryan actually did a double-take, thinking the one of Della was Lana! I’m apparently very creative with their hairstyles at this age. And if you’re interested, here is Della’s 3 year old post. I’m sure it’s chock-full of stats and how her development was at that point, whereas Lana can’t be described by numbers and measurements. This one is off with the fairies!


And a bonus comparison today! Lana loves her birthday parties, as evidenced by the same pose at her 1 year party.




The middle

Little sister

Big sister


Giant blue eyes

Mile-long lashes









Lovable beyond belief




Little snaggle teeth

Adorable lisp

Nigh-Night the Monkey







“I love you, Mama.” (showing me “I love you” in sign language)

“Pinky promise I’ll love you forever.”

Almost 3 (!?!)


Lana Marie







Lana turned 2 last Tuesday, and of course I’m late getting this post up. But there’s no way I could let a celebration of this amazing little creature go unmentioned.


I’m sure Della’s 2-year post was filled with measurements and words she was saying and activities she was doing, but Lana just can’t be described like that. Yes, I do have the stats from her 2-year checkup, but everything else about this kid is just felt.


She’s my little buddy when Della’s at school in the mornings, and I don’t think I could have picked a funnier partner. Her catch phrase of “Help me, Mama?” rings through the house when she’s trying to get her Lego towers apart or get a shoe on or get her beloved Strawberry Shortcake pieces back in their bag or zip a jacket or you name it.

She is the craziest little kid I’ve ever known. Last week the girls rented The Princess and the Frog from the library (my new favorite Disney movie, by the way), and Lana totally dug the music with its bayou flair. She was bopping around playing her air guitar throughout the whole movie, and at one point I looked over to find her standing on her head in a tripod position, bouncing her knees up and down to the music. Literally dancing on her head.


She gallops and hops around the house like a wild child, and one of her newest moves is putting on her jellies and instantly getting happy feet. Her little feet start flying around so fast she’s a blur. She also does what I call interpretive dance. She slowly spins while waving her arms around her head. You just can’t help but watch and laugh.


She has the sweetest little heart, and is always giving hugs and kisses and is very quick with a “Sorry!” when needed. Usually. Her independent play is wonderful, and she loves to narrate as she goes. She’s constantly either chatting away or singing some version of something while she plays, and she loves to work away in their play kitchen, brewing up countless concoctions that she always brings to you for tasting.


Her little snaggle teeth give her the most adorable lisp, and her communication skills are pretty amazing. She talks in all phrases now, sometimes even throwing in what’s pretty close to a full sentence. I got a little princess scooter second-hand from one of our neighbors, and she loves gliding along on it, stretching out her hind leg in the cutest balance pose ever. And everywhere she goes she must run.


Now for the stats:

  • Height: 35.75″ (93%)
  • Weight:  27.6 lbs. (61%)
  • Head:  48.7 cm (69%)

She wears size 2T clothes, about size 6-7 shoe, size 6 Seventh Generation diapers (size 5 in most other brands), and size 6 overnight diapers. Potty training is nonexistent right now, but I’m not going to push it until she actually shows some interest. She’s really good at singing her ABCs, she can count to 10, and we’re working on learning her colors and shapes.


What else can I say, besides this little girl is simply incredible. A shining personality would be an understatement for this one. My sweet baby girl is 2 years old! Happy birthday, Lana Marie! We love you SO very much!





Where did she come from?

Little Miss Lana Marie has pretty much been a mystery since birth. As a newborn, we constantly tried to figure out the magic trick to make her stop screaming. Now as a toddler, well, I guess we still constantly try to figure out the magic trick to make her stop screaming.

Aw, I jest.

Kind of.

She does scream a lot.

Good thing she’s so dang cute.


But one major mystery that has always surrounded this little beauty is who she looks like. She and Della look nothing alike and never really have (except when Lana was a baby, they looked identical when they were asleep). From the moment she was born, everyone has said Della looks exactly like Ryan, but I don’t think Lana looks anything like me. So from which tree did this apple fall?

Here are some pictures from our childhoods. Maybe you can help us decide.

First off, here is Della with comparison pictures of Ryan. I guess I can see the resemblance, although I’ve never thought oh, she looks exactly like him, as everyone claims.


lil’ miss D at 3 years, 9 months





I’m not sure how old Ryan was in any of those, but I’m guessing the first couple were maybe a little younger than Della is now, with the Santa one being a little older than she is now.

Now let’s work on Lana. I’ll start with a picture of Ryan as a baby (age unknown, but obviously younger than Lana is now), then move on to those from my family. See what you think.



my dad as a boy, probably somewhere between 12-18 months. so roughly lana’s age now.


me at 16 months


me at 18 months. i either had my hair pulled back in the previous picture, or else it had one helluva growth spurt in 2 months’ time.


me at probably 19ish months. i was obviously having loads of fun here. sweet “Busch” shirt, uncle nate.


my middle sister at approximately 18 months, so i would’ve been just shy of 3.5 years. a little younger than della is now.


my youngest sister at approximately 18 months

So the million dollar question is, where did this kid come from?




18 month stats

Lana turned 18 months old a few weeks ago while we were in Hawaii, but we didn’t have her well check until last week. As the doctor said, it was her last baby appointment (!!). So here are the official stats:

  • Height:  33″ (85%)
  • Weight:  24 lbs. 10 oz. (75%)
  • Head:  don’t know the measurement, but it was 70%

We also found out she has a heart murmur, so she has an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist this week to get that checked out further. Fun, eh? Her pediatrician said they are extremely common and it’s probably nothing at all to worry about, but she’s now heard it since her 12 month checkup so wants to know what exactly is causing it.

She said it’s probably one of two things: either a functioning murmur, where it’s simply an extra sound she hears in there, or a VSD (ventricular septal defect), which is a (hopefully) tiny hole in the wall between the heart’s chambers that is allowing some blood to move between the chambers irregularly and causing that extra sound. If it is a small VSD, they generally close naturally by age 2-3. Of course I hear “something’s wrong with her heart” and instantly want to freak out, but I’m just assuming it’s no cause for alarm until I know certainly otherwise.

But other than that, this kid is getting crazier and more amusing every day. Her big personality just keeps growing right along with her little body, and her vocabulary is now pretty impressive. I’m not going to try to list every word she knows in the interest of saving space, but she can basically get whatever point she’s trying to make across fairly well. Usually with a little screaming involved, but c’est la vie with this one.

Most of her words are very recognizable, and she still signs “more”, “please”, “all done”, and “milk” most of the time as well. Her laugh is infectious, and I love when she and Della play together and Della really gets her on a roll. It usually involves Della making her stuffed green monkey “Nigh-Night” dance or flip or somehow fly through the air. She also tells knock-knock jokes. You’ll have to ask her the one about the orange next time you see her.

She loves to color, read her books, watch Team Umizoomi on our tablets with Della (yes, we’ve caved to the age of technology and allow our toddlers to watch shows via computer. they’re good shows, though, so i don’t mind when they’re actually learning lessons), dance around to music, run around outside, blow bubbles, and just play in general. Many days I’ll put on music and just let the two of them play in the living room when I need to get stuff done, and it’s wonderful.


She climbs, she runs, she crawls around pretending to be a puppy dog, and we discovered in Hawaii that she can practically swim. The first day I had a couple little inflatable sit-in rafts for her, and by the end of that afternoon she wanted nothing to do with them. She wanted to dive right into the “deep” water with Della. So I got her a pair of inflatable arm floaties, and the rafts were history. She plowed off the shallow steps into the rest of the pool with the confidence of someone who’d been in the water for decades. I was blown away, especially since Della still doesn’t even want to put her face in or jump off the side. Lana floated, knew how to kick her legs and paddle with her arms, flopped off the side into whoever’s arms awaited her, and didn’t even flinch when she inevitably dunked herself under a number of times. It was awesome. I said had there been a diving board, she’d have lined up to fly off that thing, too.


Her sleep has been iffy lately, but I discovered that an 18 month sleep regression is nothing surprising or cause for worry. It started a few weeks ago, right around the time both the girls got sick before our dreadful flight to Arizona. Lana had started crying at bedtime, and it would take numerous tries to even get her in her crib without a screaming fit. Then she began waking during the night, sometimes a handful of times, when normally this kid sleeps for a solid 12 hours no problem. Fortunately the wakeful nights have started subsiding a little, but they still suck. And with the two of them sharing a room, I can’t just let her cry herself back to sleep, because Della needs to get sleep, too. So fingers crossed that her night-night will all go back to normal soon.

I think that’s about it. She’s definitely a charmer, this one, especially when she makes her goofy little faces at you and wants to give you a nose-rubbing “ug-a-mug-a”. But don’t cross her, or else you’ll have one helluva temper tantrum on your hands. Fortunately Mama doesn’t give in to those. Sorry, my dear, I’m much bigger and smarter than you. A crying, noodle-boned 18 month old isn’t going to outplay me.

Man, do I love this silly little bean!


I don’t have a comparison photo this time, but here is Della’s 18 month post if you’d like to compare entries.