Resolutions? What resolutions?

So in all the catch-up blog reading I’ve been doing since getting back from Hawaii, I’ve noticed a resounding theme from this past week. What? No, I didn’t read any blogs while I was on vacation. Why would I do that? There were way too many hours to be spent lounging by the pool and sun rays to be caught. Duh.

But as I was saying… It seems the thing to do this time of year is post either a year-in-review recap or a list of resolutions for the year ahead. Or both. For theĀ overachieversĀ out there.

As I read more and more of these posts, I keep thinking maybe I should do the same. But the more I think about it, the more it just doesn’t sound right for me. I mean, I just started this blog last spring, so I don’t have much of anything to recap there. Just a bunch of my random thoughts spilling onto this screen with a few site redesigns thrown in to keep you guessing.

In my non-blogging life nothing too exciting or noteworthy happened either. You’ve heard about most of my days here, and to be perfectly honest, I really can’t thing of anything magnificent that stands out to relive. 2011 was a decent year – some good trips, one of my sisters got married (which was awesome), and we are all healthy, so I’m thankful for that. But other than that – eh, not a whole lot to report. Just another year in the time books.

And as for resolutions, I’ve never been one to make them. I don’t really see the point of resolving to do something for the entire year on the very first day of it, when you really have absolutely no idea what’s going to come your way during said year. I mean maybe it’s kind of nice to have a general guideline in mind for yourself if you have certain areas of your life you really want to work on, but I kind of like myself as I am. I’m happy with most things in my life right now and don’t really feel the need to change much.

So call me a party pooper, but New Year’s resolutions aren’t my bag. And maybe it’s my over-inflated ego talking when I say I don’t have much I want to change, but it’s the truth. Sure some things could be tweaked a little to really make me ecstatically happy, but I’m not crying and whining without them.

I will say, however, that I think 2012 has a much nicer ring to it than 2011, so maybe that’s a sign of good things to come. Either way, a belated Happy New Year to you all!

The last sunset of 2011 that we saw (pardon the iPhone blur)


The little things

They really do mean so much. I’ve never been one who needs a ton of affirmation and praise to be happy. I’m totally fine with an occasional “good job” to know my work is appreciated or a simple hug to feel loved. I don’t need the adoration to be heaped on or to be smothered in kisses. Sure that’s nice every now and then, but I’m not a person who immediately feels unworthy without it.

Case in point, most mornings I drop R off at work after we take D to daycare. There’s a stoplight right around the corner from where I let him out, and I usually see him walk or bike by the intersection as I’m waiting to get through the light and onto the highway. Each time I look over to see where he is, and if the timing is right our eyes meet and he gives me a little wave.

That tiny gesture instantly brightens my day. We could have spoken zero words to each other that morning (not because we’re angry, we’re just not very loud morning people. especially when we’re headed to work, blech), but as soon as I see him wave all is right in the world.

Now as for the rest of the day, well, that’s usually a beast all of its own design. But those moments after the wave? Nothing beats them.


Stop it!

Ok, I normally wouldn’t even waste my breath on this, because I feel like it’s been beaten like a dead horse, but seriously, the child sexual abuse needs to end. Well, all forms of child abuse need to end, but especially that of a sexual nature, since that is what’s been making all these disgusting headlines lately.


Let’s see, we’ve had Catholic priests molesting altar boys for, well, ever I guess. Then of course the Jerry Sandusky Penn State bullshit that just makes me want to vomit more each time I hear new details come forth, and now the scandal involving former Red Sox clubhouse manager Donald Fitzpatrick, who’s been dead for 6 years? And there are obviously countless other attacks in between all those that have never and may never come to light, but which are no less horrifying and damaging.


Well I have a surprise for you all – I have the answer! And it’s this simple:






The end. I will now step off my soapbox and get back to more entertaining fare.




Let’s talk about hold music

Shall we? You know, that crap “elevator” music you must endure each time you’re put on hold on the phone. Now riddle me this… WHY on earth must it be so terrible? Always??


A few weeks ago while on hold I had to listen to “That’s Just the Way It Is” by Phil Collins, which on its own isn’t too obnoxiously unbearable, but throw it into a never-ending string of mind-numbing shit songs and I was ready to chuck my phone across the room by the end of the first refrain. Then this morning I again found myself on perma-hold, being serenaded by the worst light jazz channel I’ve ever heard.


Why do companies think their customers, patients, etc., want to hear note after note after note of horrendous music, when they’re probably already in a bad mood about whatever it is that’s causing them to call in and be stuck on hold in the first place? And who picks this stuff out anyway? I’d like to meet the person who decided that oh yeah, EVERYONE wants to listen to Kenny G for 45 minutes while we ignore their call. I would swiftly kick him/her in the shins and duct tape headphones on them to pump in their nauseating choice of songs.


Come on, mix it up a little for us! I don’t know about you guys, but personally, I would LOVE to hear some Snoop Dogg for my “on hold” station. That is my JAM! I would rock the socks off some hold time if I could be rollin’ down the street sippin on gin and juice. Or rockin rough and stuff with my afropuffs – hey rage, rock on wit yo bad self! Yeeeaahh, I could be on hold all day listening to Doggystyle.


Seriously, throw us a bone here, on hold music administrators. Like I said, chances are pretty good that we’re going to be pissed off when you finally decide to answer our call in the order in which it was received since we’ve been sitting there so long waiting to either chew you out because some worthless product failed us again or to make an appointment for a procedure that no one in their right mind would enjoy. So it would be in your best interest to not enrage us further by making us want to pluck our eyebrows out with your god-awful music, but maybe try to soften the blow to your eardrums a bit by lightening our mood with a little rock ‘n roll, hip hop, or even some Christmas carols this time of year.


But please, for the love of god, PLEASE don’t make me listen to any more Phil Collins. Cuz that’s just not the way it is in my book.




It’s a start

So of course I wanted to do a whole Thanksgiving weekend recap post with lots of pictures and stuff, but, as usual, I haven’t had a chance to wrangle them all up yet. BUT, I was able to get our Christmas tree last night and begin decorating it, so I’ll just show you that for now instead. A little teaser of our holiday weekend, if you will.


Step 1: put the lights on, along with D’s little ornament from Auntie A.



It’s just a little tree this year, but with the Hawaii trip coming up and all I knew I’d want to take it down before we leave. And the fewer ornaments to mess with because of that, the better.



So that’s how the festivities of our holiday weekend ended last night. I promise to get the full pictorial post up soon, for we really did have a fantastic long weekend. I hope you all did too!



It was a great weekend

So that weekend that was shaping up to be so much fun didn’t disappoint. Starting with girls’ night out on Friday, we had a blast! Unfortunately, I have to admit that this was probably my least favorite of the Twilight movies so far. It just seemed kind of… bland? I guess that would be the best word to describe how I felt when we left the theater. Kind of like wait, what? That was it? That’s all they gave us?! Now if you haven’t seen it yet and are planning to, you might want to skip the next few sentences… Adios… Go on…


But those who’ve seen it, are you with me? I mean the wedding scene was pretty and all, but it lasted like 7 seconds. And the wedding night, which we were all so fervently anticipating, was over in about 4 seconds. Come on!! That was the best part of the whole book and you just skimmed over it?? It was actually almost comical. Boo, jerks. And then the rest of the movie kind of dragged. It’s hard to put my finger on, but I was just left with a blah feeling at the end. Oh well, we still had a blast getting together, and now we know they better step up their game for the final movie next year!


Saturday we got the Thanksgiving food shopping done, and I can’t wait for that feast! We are so fortunate to be able to put all the food on our table that we need and want, and this year I’m especially thankful to be celebrating the day at home, just our own little family of 3.


Then the Packers game yesterday was a great time too. Even this Bears fan does (usually) have fun at Lambeau Field. We left at 7:15 to head up to Green Bay, picking up our friend L along the way. Once there we met up with a group of about a dozen other people for tailgating, including our good friends J and K who live in Minneapolis. It was a very fun day, the Packers won, and we got to spend some time after the game in Curly’s Pub behind the radio sportscasters, since another one of our friends is one of the main personalities. Our table was right behind theirs and overlooked the players’ parking lot, so we got to watch all the Packers getting into their ridiculously pimped out trucks and SUVs to leave. Pretty cool.


The drive back went smoothly and safely, and we got home shortly before 8. It was a long day, and D was already in bed by the time we got home, but she had a lot of fun playing with Grandma. And Daddy had a lot of fun playing with the Packers fans. See…


R mugging with St. Vince after the game


And now we have a short week before the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Hooray!