It’s open!

I’ve been waiting for the day I could finally post this entry, and that day has arrived…. The roof at Miller Park is open!!

I have kept an eye on it for a couple weeks now, as I can see the ballpark from one of the bridges I take to work each morning. I think because this winter has been so awful and I’m desperate for nicer weather to arrive, I’ve been awaiting that open roof as yet another sign that Spring is officially on the way. Each morning I’d glance over and see the snow-covered roof still firmly closed, but this morning the great park was wide open with the lights blazing inside. Hooray!!!

For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, Miller Park is where the Milwaukee Brewers play baseball, and the stadium is right in the city. We have spent countless spring and summer hours there, and a couple exciting fall ones too, rooting on the Brew Crew. It’s a great place to gather with friends, take your family, or just hang out on a warm Sunday afternoon when you have nothing better to do. Granted it’s not as great as it was a few years ago since they keep jacking up the parking fee and ticket price, but still.

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it to opening day this year, so I’ll have to follow along with the play-by-play on the radio. But just hearing Ueck calling the game with the excitement of the crowd roaring in the background will make it seem like I’m there too. I can smell the brats grilling and feel the electricity of that first home game of the season now.

Play ball!

Ahh… doesn’t that picture just scream summer? I can’t wait!


Check out these videos from the tsunami last week. Talk about an incredible, yet horribly destructive, force of nature. The first one is a first-person view of the tsunami as it hit Japan, and the second one shows what it looked like by the time it reached San Francisco Bay.!5781566/this-is-the-scariest-first+person-video-of-the-japan-tsunami-yet!5781221/the-japan-tsunami-casually-hits-the-san-francisco-bay

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those in Japan and around the world who have been affected. Nature certainly is amazing and never fails to remind us who really rules this planet.

Wow, just wow

I have previously expressed my dislike for our state’s current governor, but this story from Michigan makes Walker look like a pansy:

Can you believe that?? How can that even be legal? “Emergency financial managers” my ass – more like Rick Snyder, tyrant ruler. My word.

Anyone live in Michigan who cares to comment? If you’d like to seek refuge in our great state, come on across the lake; the ferry runs a couple times a day. And hopefully our governor won’t be taking notes from yours.

But if he does, Canada is lovely…. 😉

Dirty little secrets

Admit it, we all have them. Some aren’t so little, and some are dirtier than others. But I’m pretty sure each of us has at least one or two rattling around in our closet somewhere.

I’ll let you in on one of mine… I wax my upper lip. Egad! Now I’m nowhere close to rockin’ one of these, mind you:

But each time I go in to have another gurly area waxed I have her rip off the little fuzz that lives up there too. Why not? It takes approximately 7 seconds and leaves my face smooth and squeaky clean.

Got any you’d like to share? Come on, you know you want to… 🙂


p.s. I also get an occasional whisker or two. Zoinks!!


Aw, shoot!

And that is pronounced “aww shoooot”, very ghetto-fab, if you know what I’m siz-ayin’.

What am I aw shooting about, you may ask? I just got a card for 25% off my total purchase at Coach. Wahoo!! It’s my fave. But what, pray tell, might I need from there now? Nothing really at all, but a girl can always look, can’t she? 🙂

I’ve always wanted one of these…


For these…

For a wedding I’m in this summer. Beautiful, no? And yes, I do need to wear 4″ heels even though I’m almost 6′ tall. Why not? They’re sparkly and fun. ‘Tis a shame though that I am neither willing nor able to pay $700 for a pair of shoes. Weird, I know.

So I’ll settle for these…

I won’t tell if you won’t. 😉