All jumbly

Unfortunately I don’t have a nice coherent, witty, intriguing, clever, or even very informative post for you today, so for that I apologize. I’ve been really busy this week wading through more social media waters and trying to better find my place in this bloggy-blog world, and it seems all my great ideas for posts have escaped me. All these awesome thoughts I have keep getting all jumbled up in my head and I can’t seem to get a good paragraph started with them. Even the notes I’ve jotted down for topics seem dull and mundane, so I’m skipping them until I can dress things up a little better for you.


This is going to be a very exciting weekend in a total non-blogging way. Have y’all checked out our home sports teams lately?? Dudes! The Badgers play Nebraska at Camp Randall tomorrow night in Nebraska’s first Big Ten game ever. They’re currently ranked #8 and we’re ranked #7. And we’re going!!!! Oooohh yeah, I can’t wait to jump around in that stadium.** I seriously think the place might fall down. I’ve heard estimates that Madison is expecting close to 20,000 Nebraska fans without tickets! Not to mention however many of them will actually be attending the game. Oh man, I’m getting excitement butterflies just thinking about it. Go Badgers!

Awesome tee from Wiscondiego



The Brewers are in the playoffs! Woo hoo!!! The last time they made it was in 2008, and those were 2 of the most fun and electrifying sporting events I have ever attended. You could literally feel the excitement crawling through the crowd, and the stadium was alive with energy. Unfortunately we’ll have to catch this weekend’s baseball games on TV instead of being there live and in person, but that’s ok. I’m sure the vibes will easily reach into our living room as we cheer them on against the Diamondbacks.** Go Brewers!

The Packers are doing well too, but they beat my Bears last weekend so I don’t really care about them right now.

Oh, and tomorrow’s also the first day of October. Not exactly an earth-shattering announcement, but something of note nonetheless.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Hopefully I’ll be able to get my shit back together and have some engaging content for you next week. Until then…


**edit:  so when i wrote this, i thought we were going to madison for the badgers game, but there were about 4 last-minute changes of plans. we’re now going to both brewers games this weekend instead. wowzers!


Am I?

Am I good enough?

Am I strong enough?

Am I fast enough?

Will D always love me?

Am I setting a good example for her as both a parent and a person?

Am I making the right choices for her?

Will R always love me?

Am I now and will I forever be all he ever dreamed of, or am I just adequate?

Did he settle?

Will I have the resolve to do what I dream or will I just keep on?

Am I a good mom?

Will I be able to always be a good mom no matter how many children we have?

Am I smart enough?

Am I as “smart” as I once was?

Am I nice?

Am I one who people view as a good and decent person, or am I one who’s followed by whispers of, “Oh there’s that girl again”?

Can I take care of everything?

Can I do what I need?

Will we always be happy?

Will we always be safe?

Am I doing the right things?

Am I enough?


Why am I doubting?


The Interrupters

Wow. This trailer brought tears to my eyes and left me wanting more. Now that’s a preview.

The film documents a year in the life of Chicago’s communities and their struggles with urban violence. The 3 main characters are the “Violence Interrupters” who work for CeaseFire, a local organization aimed at stopping violence at the source. Ameena, one of the 3, spoke at Marquette today, and R showed me the video of her appearance. Amazing – I want to see this even more after hearing her speak.

You can expand the synopsis under the YouTube video to read more, but here’s what captured my attention:


Super Logo

So R created this mash-up of WI sports teams’ logos, and has called it the Wisconsin Super Logo. He made himself a shirt bearing it, and we can’t go anywhere without at least a handful of people commenting on how awesome it is.

And I must admit, it is pretty sweet. Although I would change the G in the middle to the C for the Chicago Bears, but I’ll let that slide.

He posted it on Facebook a few weeks ago, and now it seems to be spreading like wildfire. Yesterday one of the big sports analysts in the area even tweeted about it.

Poor R feels like everyone’s stealing it from him now, so I wanted to at least give him credit for it here. Like I said, he was the original creator, and you can even go to his site if you’d like to order one (or more):

Here it is in all its glory:

Super Logo!



Dead man walking

Steel yourself for a heavy one here… Capital punishment is a highly debated and debatable subject, the likes of which I usually prefer to steer clear. But with the 2 executions earlier this week, it’s been on my mind. Specifically, do I agree with the death penalty or not?

And the more I think about it, the more my honest answer becomes “I don’t know.” See here’s the sitch: Say someone murdered one of my loved ones. Would I want them dead? Absolutely. Yes, I know how horrible that sounds, to say I would want another human dead, but I’m being brutally honest here. If someone killed R or D or any one of my family members, I might even want to go kill them myself. Screw waiting around for a death sentence.

However… (there’s always a however, isn’t there?)

Say it was one of my loved ones who did the murdering (or whatever other heinous crime would have to be committed to warrant the death penalty). Would I want them dead? Absolutely not. I would much rather have them sentenced to life in prison so I could at least go see them and call them and write to them and just know that they were still alive. Is that fair? Would they rather spend the rest of their days confined to a cell knowing there’s probably no hope whatsoever of ever seeing the free world again than be put to death? I can’t say for sure, but I’m selfish and assuming the answer would be yes. If it were me I would definitely prefer a remainder of a lifetime of imprisonment over dying, so I’m just going to simplify things and say someone I love would too.

So what’s my answer? See, herein lies my dilemma. In one circumstance I’m for it, and in another I’m adamantly against it. And I’ve tried to put the shoe on the other foot in my first scenario, where someone I love has been murdered, and see how the accused’s family would not want him/her to die just as I wouldn’t one of my own to die in my second scenario, but the seething black hole of loss in which I imagine I would be suffering usually takes over and makes my decision for me. They must die! God, that’s an awful thought to have even hypothetically. It kind of makes me ashamed knowing I’ve thought it at all. And I definitely don’t want to be teaching D that an-eye-for-an-eye is the rule by which to live, perpetuating violence and all, but really, if someone killed part of my family I would unequivocally want revenge. I’m sorry, I would. Call it a character flaw, call me barbaric and savage, call me a beast, but when I picture something that horrific happening in my life, I just can’t see it as a wound that would ever heal. Do I forgive easily? Unfortunately, no. Maybe that’s something I need to work on (actually i’m sure that’s something i need to work on, but that’s beside the point here). Maybe if this unbearable scenario did play out in my life someday (and dear god i hope it never does) I would be able to find the strength to not want to enact revenge and rip the accused’s head off with my bare hands as his/her death sentence. But I really just don’t know.

Then when you bring all the exogenous factors into a death penalty case, the decision can become even more complicated. Take the 2 executions this week, for instance. Troy Davis – a black man accused of killing an off-duty police officer in Georgia over 20 years ago; a case that lacked physical evidence linking him to the crime; eye witnesses recanting their claims that Davis was the perpetrator; a confession by another man; Davis’s own offer to submit to a lie detector test to prove his innocence; an enormous outpouring of support for Davis and outrage at this seeming miscarriage of justice that there was no stay of execution. And then there was Lawrence Brewer – 1 of 3 white men found guilty of the dragging death of a black man 13 years ago in Texas; they chained the man to the back of a pickup and dragged him by the ankles until he was decapitated when he hit a culvert; the crime was intended to promote Brewer’s white supremacist organization; odd, but there wasn’t much public outcry for this one; did you even hear about it?

I’d like to think that the gumption with which I stand behind my resolution that I would absolutely 100% never want the death penalty enacted against someone I love is stronger than my desire to have it enacted against one who would take someone I love from me, so therefore means I’m against capital punishment, but does that count? Or am I allowed to say “I don’t know”? Can the answer to such a weighty question be “well, it depends”?

What say you?

Continue reading “Dead man walking”

Mommy fitness

So instead of working on getting all the pictures together that I owe you, I’ve been checking out a lot of new blogs lately. Sorry. (i swear, you will have wedding pics soon!)

But this morning I found another great one. Check out Robin’s post today over on PureNaturalMom. It’s awesome! This is exactly what I needed after D was born – a simple, broken-down way to make me realize I could still fit exercise into my post-baby world, no matter how daunting that seemed (or how little i really wanted to do it).

Yes, I now am able to get a couple runs in a week (and by a couple i mean 1-2. i’m not being outrageous here), plus usually a weekly workout with my trainer and another day of maybe a walk or bike ride, but dudes, D is now almost 14 months old (holy what!? what’d you just say? how’d that happen??). I’ve had time to ease back into the exercise world and try to maintain a routine again. Those first couple months, though, hoo boy. Working up a sweat was definitely not high on the priority list anymore. Unless you count the sweats I broke walking up and down the basement stairs doing countless loads of laundry. Which, actually, do count! So there you go.

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but going for walks with D those first couple months turned out to be essential in getting back some cardiovascular endurance. I couldn’t tell at the time, since my first walk post-delivery was maybe 1 mile total and about did me in, but looking back they were immensely helpful. And before baby I viewed walking as kind of fake-exercise. Yeah, it put me in my place right quick.

So for all you new moms and moms-to-be who have been used to being gym rats, don’t sweat it now. Literally. You’ll get your groove back, all in due time. Enjoy your time with a new baby without worrying about burning your usual calories (and if you’re breastfeeding, you shouldn’t be counting calories anyway!). And if you really need to sneak in some exercise, use that new little bundle – he/she will be getting heavier by the day and building your biceps for you!


p.s. run stats – last night i ran 3.84 miles in 33:52, for an 8:53 pace. not bad. this was a longer run that i hadn’t done yet this season, so i was happy to finish without walking.