FF *Edited*

It’s the Royal Wedding today, duh! And yes, I did get up at 4:30 this morning to watch the VIPs arriving at the church, the ceremony, the recessional, and just now the kiss. Ahh… the kiss! Kisses actually, since they puckered up twice on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the cheering masses. How fun!

I don’t care how many people make fun of me for watching, I thought it was beautiful. It’s every little girl’s dream to be a princess, and now Kate Middleton really is! My sister M and I were texting back and forth all morning commenting on the hats (how ugly most of them were!**), the horses, the Abbey, the Princes giggling together as they walked in, the dresses. It was great! I can’t say Kate’s dress impressed me that much, but I LOVED Pippa’s. Did you see it? Here:

I love the cowl neck and mermaid style


and the buttons down the back!


And how studly did Prince Harry look up at the altar? I always thought he was kind of a chump, but he looked pretty good sauntering in there today. I think he and Pippa would make a cute pair.

Anyone else wake up at the crack of dawn to enjoy some tea and scones and pretend you were a Brit for the morning? Ok I didn’t have any tea or scones, nor did I talk in a haughty fake British accent, but I did thoroughly enjoy watching the Prince finally marry his Princess. 🙂

**Did they honestly look in the mirror before the festivities this morning and think, “Damn this fascinator looks good!”? And why are these called fascinators?

Not exactly my cup of tea



Happy Easter!

“Here comes Peter Cotton Tail, hoppin’ down the bunny trail!”

Seeing as it’s Good Friday, I’m off work today – yippee!! We’re spending the holiday weekend down at my mom and stepdad’s house with one of my sisters and her fiance, and it is a much-needed mini-vacation. I now really think it was the wrong move on our part to forgo the warm weather vacation this winter, because it has made this seemingly endless cold season unbearable. And usually by the end of April we’d have a nice warm weekend for Easter, but no such luck this year. Mother Nature, I’ve got some choice words that you can stick somewhere…

But not even the cold and rain will diminish the fun of our Easter festivities this year, for it’s D’s first Easter. Unfortunately the temperature does prevent her from wearing a little dress (i’m sorry, but even indoors when it’s cold i get chilly, so i assume an 18 lb. person would too), but there’s no way we’re letting it stop us from coloring eggs and hunting for said eggs to fill our Easter baskets after the Easter Bunny hides them. Yes, the Easter Bunny. He still comes to our house, doesn’t he come to yours? 😉

And you know how kids hunt for Easter eggs – see how many they can pick up after they’ve been blatantly “hidden” in the middle of the yard or room. I should say see how many she can scoot over to and roll around in D’s case this year. She is really good at picking things up, though, so she’ll probably get her little hands around a few. I hope she doesn’t decide to lick too many or she’ll end up with a whole color wheel of food coloring on her face.

Then it’s time for ham, fixin’s, and Easter baskets full of candy! Mmm…

So whether you’re celebrating Easter or Passover, the FF for this week is a big happy long weekend!



Yesssss… it’s Friday!! Too bad the weather’s shit again – cold, wind, rain/snow mix later today. Boo. Ah well, at least the weekend’s knockin’ on the door!

I heard this on the radio yesterday morning and it made me giggle, so I thought I’d throw it out there for this week’s FF:

“You must be driving the bus to hell, because you’re lying to me!”




FF & other random musings

Here we are again – TGIF! And an extra special one today, for it’s our anniversary!! Hooray! R and I have made it 5 years so far in the holy sacrament of matrimony. Yeah, I’m not so sure how holy we are, but you catch my drift. 🙂 I did finally figure out something to get him, but I’ll wait to divulge it until after today, just in the off chance that he happens to glance over here.

In other news, you remember that Supreme Court election I was all excited about because it had become so close and the person I’d voted for seemed to have a fighting chance? Yeah, not so much anymore. Apparently they *missed* an entire city in our area when they were tallying the votes, so now the candidate for whom I did not vote is ahead by like 7,000. Um, what? How does that happen?? How do you just miss 11,000+ votes? That is either a) a lie, b) a very convenient stroke of good luck for my opposing candidate, c) the latest scummy incident in what has become the shitstorm of politics in our state, or d) all of the above. Guess which one I’m going with? (hint – the answer is d) I hope that county clerk, or whomever is in charge of the ballots in that city, was fired immediately. Or at the very least has some sort of charges levied against him/her. That just can’t happen. Politics – yuck.

On a lighter note, here’s a good quote for this anniversary FF. I’m not sure what the problem is – I haven’t had any witty nuggets lately, so my quote book’s been getting a workout:

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”  ~ Mignon McLaughlin

And here are a couple pictures from that wonderful day 5 years ago…

The beautiful church in which we were married


Taking off on our carriage ride after the ceremony




Yum, cake!


I love this guy!


FF & other news

Happy April! This is one of my favorite months – the warm weather *usually* starts to settle in for good (although after this miserable winter i’m starting to have my doubts it’ll ever get above 40 again), the flowers and plants all start coming back to life for real after the couple March warmth fake-outs, it’s our anniversary month, and it finally feels like the year is starting fresh after the doldrums of winter hibernation. Plus, D turns 8 months old today. Happy 8 month birthday, you beautiful little girl!

So did anyone get any April Fool’s pranks played on them today? Or play any on someone else? Some people get totally into the tom foolery of this day, but I never really have. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a good prank or a spook every now and then, but I’ve never put cling wrap over the toilet bowl or short-sheeted anybody’s bed or told someone a ridiculous lie in the hopes of getting them to fall for it just to shout “April Fool’s!” once they realized it’s a joke. The Onion always has a great slew of fake headlines on April 1 – check it out:


OnMilwaukee.com has some good ones today too:  http://onmilwaukee.com/

I am also happy to report that I made it out for a jog again yesterday. 2 days in a row?? Woah, slow down before someone gets hurt. I did the same route as the day before, and went 2 seconds faster – 1.44 miles in 13:04. Blazin’! I do need new running shoes, though. I noticed last night that it felt like I had nothing more between my pounding feet and the sidewalk than a flip-flop. Not good for preventing injuries.

This is a totally random post today, but this is too cool not to share. This is a bald eagle’s nest in Decorah, IA, and there are 3 eggs in there that are about ready to hatch. I’ve been watching it for a couple days now, since their expected hatch date is today. This morning was really neat – a second eagle flew into the nest and switched places with the one who had been sitting on the eggs, and you could see all 3 eggs in plain view. They each have a little hole in them, so those chicks have to be getting ready to greet the world. Nature is so awesome. Plus there’s a dead rabbit stuffed in the left side of the nest, maybe just for a mid-hatch snack. 🙂


And now for the FF of the week. I’ll turn to my quote book again, but it’s so hard to pick just one. So I’ll throw 2 atcha this time:

“Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It’s good to be silly at the right moment.” ~ Horace

“Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!” ~ Author Unknown

Take note, Mother Nature!




Ok, before I get to the Friday Funk for this week, I just have to mini-vent. Did you see the Badgers basketball game last night? WTF was that?? Again, playing like a grade school team. I mean, COME ON, it was the Sweet 16 and that’s all you got?! Ugh, seriously. So disappointing. I was, however, thrilled that Arizona beat Duke, so I’ll cheer for them now from here on out. I’ve always liked AZ. Plus my bracket’s shot anyway. 😛

But on to the more important point of this post – the FF. I have a book of quotes in my desk drawer where I jot down good ones that I find along the way, so I thought this would be the perfect venue to showcase some of them. When I don’t have anything really witty or clever to throw out there for the FF (shocking, i know, but sometimes it does happen), I’ll just choose one from my notebook, how’s that?

They’re all wonderful, but here’s one I saw again just the other day that caught my eye and made me look to see if I had it written down yet. I did. That’s apparently how good it is:

“Know how to ask. There is nothing more difficult for some people, nor for others, easier.”  ~ Baltasar Gracian


We meet again, Friday. It’s so good to see you! Here’s a little sumpin’ sumpin’ for this week’s Friday Funk that I thought was hilarious:

If you stick your head in the sand you risk being kicked in the ass.

Love it!

And for those of you scratching your heads trying to figure out what RPC stands for, I’ll clue you in. It’s the Riverwest Pub Crawl, and tomorrow’s the day! Good lord, SM, do all your weekend plans always revolve around beer? Possibly. 😉

The Riverwest Pub Crawl is only the funnest (yes, i know it’s not a word, but i like it) pub crawl EV-AH, and it has become an annual event for us and some of our friends. It’s always held right around this time of March, so it helps us get outside, shake off the winter blahs, and usher in Spring as well (even though it’s only supposed to be 48 tomorrow, but whatevs). A little history on the RPC for those of you still confused…

R discovered this pub crawl back in 2005 and roped two of our good friends L and A into going with him, despite a strong lack of desire on their part due to significant hangovers from the night before. Funny how R has a way of generally getting anything he wants. Weird. But I digress… I dropped the trio off at the starting bar to begin their journey through the Riverwest neighborhood, which was pretty much completely unknown to us at the time. I was heading out of town for the weekend, so was unable to partake in that maiden saunter. Long story short, after over a dozen bars later (a few of which require a buzzer for entry and get quite sketchy after dark), a pile of garage sale records that were purchased/lost/and subsequently found, and a cab ride home for R from a corner on which he had never been before, they were hooked. And every year since our group has grown and fallen more in love with the RPC. One of my sisters, A, joined us for a couple years too, which was great fun. There was even a year or two in there where the *official* crawl was canceled, so we used prior years’ maps and just made our own. ‘Cuz we can, and we’re cool like that.

I’m especially looking forward to tomorrow’s RPC since I had to sit out last year while D cooked. Walking around all day and night while 4 months pregnant, unable to drink, and dealing with everyone getting more and more intoxicated and ridiculous isn’t exactly my cup of tea. So tomorrow I’ll be right back in there with the best of ’em. It is an official crawl this year, and so far there are 23 bars on the list. 23?! Good god. I hope we all survive. I looked at my map from 2009’s RPC, one of the years when we made our own, and R only put 17 bars on that one. Needless to say, 17 beers results in sufficient drunkenness even with all the walking around in between that you do. I’m almost afraid to see what will happen if we try to make it to all 23 this year. Not that I’ll really remember #23 if we get there… 😛

R suggested that I post along the way tomorrow to document the RPC live and in-person, but I said I’m not so sure I want my increasing intoxication publicized. 😉 So too bad, so sad, you’ll just have to wait for a recap afterward. But I promise to take pictures and copious notes along the way so I can give you a full run-down, assuming I’ll be able to read said notes when the time comes. I guarantee there will be plenty of shenanigans and hilarity throughout the day to report.

Until then, here are a couple snaps from past RPCs for a glimpse of some of the fun we experience:

Me & R at the end of 2009's


Group shot from the start of 2008's


Me, sis A, L, and his A toward the end of 2007's


Crazy no-teeth, no-lens, plush m&m guy from 2006


**No, we did not know that odd guy in the last pic, but who can resist getting a shot of a man with a stuffed m&m in an empty cigar box?!**