One word: sous-vide (or 2 words, depending on if you use the hyphen or not)

Say what? Sous-vide – it’s R’s new culinary experiment, and it was a screaming success. He’s been wanting to test out this cooking method for weeks now, and last night was the debut. Basically you vacuum seal food in plastic bags then cook it in a water bath to your desired temperature. I’ve mainly heard him talk about it for steaks, but I’m pretty sure you can cook other foods this way too. (for reference: sous-vide)

He’s spent a lot of time buying parts to make the temperature control for the water, figuring out which vessel would work best to maintain the water temperature once reached with little variation, and finding the right heating element. I was so happy that this worked, because I know how much effort he’s put into it and would have hated to see it fail and ruin the steaks. Yesterday he got a ribeye and NY strip for himself and 2 filets for me, and last night was our first round of steak sous-vide (part 2 coming on Sunday). Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the setup to show you what this process looks like, but here you can see the amazeballs final result:


Sous-vide = perfection


The steaks turned out spectacularly! Every single millimeter of meat was done to exactly medium rare – how often does that happen? It was tender, it was juicy, it was like tasting rainbows bite-by-bite. Apparently the magic of this system is that you can cook the steaks hours and hours ahead of time, and the water bath will keep them exactly at the doneness that you want. Then when it’s time to eat, you take them out of their bags, flash sear them on each side, and voila! Soup’s on! For a side he made twice baked potatoes with more of his homemade lardons on top. Yes please, and thank you very much.

And don’t forget the wine. We paired one of our old go-to favorites with this meal, Bogle Cabernet Sauvignon.


Bogle Cab

I have totally dumbed-down the explanation of this fine art, mainly because I’m dumb and need simple explanations to figure most things out, especially in the kitchen. But that’s the jist of it, and the final products are outstanding. I’m sure R could expound on the intricacies and whys and hows of it for you, but alas, you’re stuck with me. Keep an eye on TinySausage, though – I’m sure this one will make for a new post soon.

And of course, TGIF!!! We’re meeting up with friends for happy hour today at a new bar downtown, and I, for one, am stoked! This has been a week, and mama needs a cocktail. Have a great weekend, and a very Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there!



My head is clear from the brain drain. Ahh… Well mostly, anyway. I talked to both R and my boss about the various things that have been making me nuts, and I feel a lot better. I know you’re all very relieved to hear that.

TGIF! For the FF this week I have the long-awaited pictures from our brewery tour getaway this past weekend. There are a bunch of shots here, but it’s only a fraction of the entire album. If you’d like to see the whole thing just leave me a comment and I’ll send you the link.

Grumpy Troll in Mt. Horeb


Military Ridge State Trail in Mt. Horeb


There are lots of trolls in Mt. Horeb


New Glarus Brewery - it's beautiful!


Daddy & D inside New Glarus


Look at my crinkly face! I love rocks!


Mommy & D outside New Glarus


Playing in the grass at New Glarus


Mommy & D in the beer museum at Potosi Brewery


Getting ready for some grub at Potosi


Mommy & D in the Potosi beer garden - more crinkles


Our hotel in Galena


Cool classic cars in downtown Galena


My view from the front seat. These things often smell like Cheerios.


Mommy & D at the Great Dane


D enjoying Tyranena


Daddy & D enjoying evening sun on Trynena's patio




TGIF!! And especially an F before a long holiday weekend! Everyone pay a little tribute to our honorable vets for Memorial Day (or even better, a big tribute).

What I have for the FF this week are some long overdue pictures that I promised from D’s first Brewers game a few weeks ago:

My 1st tailgate


Miller Park, yippee!


Mom, this place is fun!


Mmm, strings


Thanks for letting me chew on your water bottle, Auntie Stacey


Of course I cheered with Daddy too


And just because, here are some more artsy nature shots of water droplets in the gardens. This time they were on my bleeding heart plants.

Into the heart of the bleeding heart


Just some more droplets


Have a wonderful 3 day weekend, everybody. I get to go meet our friends’ brand new baby boy, K, on Monday, yay!!



Friday again! And it’s warm outside! Last night while I was doing a little weeding after mowing the lawns, I noticed something really cool in one of the back gardens. On the leaf of one of my tulip plants was the most spectacular water droplet I’ve ever seen. At first I thought it was a drop of nectar or sap or something, it was just so perfectly still and round, but after studying it for a bit I poked it with my finger. Nope, just a really awesome water drop. So the FF this week is my attempt at some artsy nature shots. You can be the judge on how well I succeeded with that.

View from the top


Getting closer




More nature


And here is the great picture frame R got me for Mother’s Day. Sorry for the crappy photo – I took it with my phone since the picture frame is sitting on my desk at work. That’s why there’s a glare and we both look pale as ghosts.





It’s Friday the 13th today – look out! I always associate Friday the 13th with Halloween for some reason, even though Halloween isn’t even on the 13th of the month. Don’t you? So watch out for black cats, ladders, broken mirrors, cracks in the sidewalk… you know, all the typical omens that will render you unlucky for the next 23 lifetimes if you happen to be so unfortunate as to experience one today.

For some Friday the 13th FF cuteness, get a load of this little guy:


Don’t you just want to scoop him up and stick him in your pocket?? TGIF, y’all!



Yay, it’s Friday again!! I don’t know about you, but I am VERY ready for this week to be over.

We’ve got dinner tonight with R’s parents, then the rest of the weekend is MINE. Why, you ask? Because Sunday is my birthday, so I just like to claim the whole weekend as my own. Because I want to and I can. 🙂

How old are you going to be, SM? Well, I would love to say I’ll be about 28. So I’ll just say I’m turning 28 + 4. Blech, 32. That sounds old and gross to me. I know 32 is not old by any stretch of the imagination, but I still don’t like my age not starting with a 2. You’d think after 3 non-2-starting birthdays I’d be over it and used to it by now, but no, I don’t think I really am. I liked being in my 20s. No, I loved being in my 20s. 30s just doesn’t have the same nice ring to it. Ah well, nothing I can do to stop that gravy train of aging.

I like to treat myself to something each year for my birthday, usually something spa-related, and I’m not stopping this year. Tomorrow I’m working out with my trainer first thing in the morning, then getting a pedicure in the afternoon. Ahh… my toes haven’t seen paint since sometime last year, so this is loooong overdue. I hate painting my own toenails, so pedis delight me beyond belief. I have nothing planned for my actual birthday itself. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so I can sit outside in some sunshine, see the wonderfully-mulched gardens blooming (finally!), maybe take the babe for a walk, and enjoy some nice warm fresh air.

This birthday is special for one reason though, and that’s what I have today for the FF. My very first Mother’s Day as a mom is on my birthday! How cool is that? I am very much looking forward to spending the day doing not much of anything except enjoying the best Mother’s Day present I could have ever asked for – D.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers and mothers-to-be out there!