Friday Funk – 34 weeks

Sorry, these pictures are terrible this week. I really need to remember to stand farther back from that wall so I don’t look all squished against it.

  • How far along?  34 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  29.5 lbs. as of yesterday morning. Why is that down half a pound from last week, you ask? I have no clue. I know the weight gain tends to level off at some point toward the end of the 3rd trimester, but I didn’t think I was at that point yet. Now watch – next week I’ll be up like 5 lbs. just for fun.
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And dresses and skirts are quite comfortable but are making less frequent appearances as the weather cools off.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Pretty shitty. Rolling over is now a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is basically a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption.
  • Best moment this week:  Getting to have both Ryan and my mom along for our zoo trip this week. D was in heaven. My mom was up for a few days while my stepdad was out of town, and Ryan was able to do his Monday morning work from home then play hooky for a few hours. So we got to show them all of D’s favorite animals, ride the choo-choo train (a must!), and she even went on the carousel for the 1st time. Of course then she had to ride it twice and cried when we made her get off the 2nd time. Boog.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially this summer. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks have become all over – I can feel what I now think are feet kicking under my right ribs while simultaneously getting bumped by probably the head on the lower left/back side. Must be a long kid in there.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (constant now, which is oh-so pleasant), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. My stomach muscles have stopped tweaking as much, though, when I try to use my abs, so I’m just assuming that means they’ve gotten totally worn out. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past month or so, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again. Oh and here’s a new one – butt cheek cramps. Yes, that’s correct. Last weekend and earlier this week my left butt cheek was plagued by a deep, middle-of-the-glute muscle cramp. Why? Because I’m almost 9 months pregnant, that’s why.
  • Belly button in or out?  Definitely starting to bulge on the right side, but still not fully out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked, but it’s already farther out than how it went with her. Weird.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Getting more stuff done around here so I can cross things off my million-and-one pre-baby to-do list. I know this is the same as last week’s “looking forward to” entry, but I’m still working on that list. Fortunately this week I did get a ton of stuff crossed off it, like getting D moved into her new bed and the crib set up in our room as you can see in the pictures, but I still have a fair amount left. Once that thing is done I will feel much better. But then it’ll be time to get the hospital bag ready – WHAT?!?!

And now this week’s comparison shot. I was 34w1d pregnant with D on the left, and I’m 34w4d pregnant with Dv2.0 on the right. For some strange reason I just can’t get myself to take these pictures on the actual weeks lately. Ah well.




Friday Funk – 33 weeks

All right seriously, time really needs to slow down right about now. I have WAY too much to do before this kid arrives, and I’ve realized I’m very quickly running out of time.

  • How far along?  33 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  30 lbs. as of Tuesday morning. Finally hit that big 3-0 mark. Only 3 lbs. left until I catch up to my total weight gain with D.
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And dresses and skirts are quite comfortable.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Pretty shitty. Rolling over is now a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is basically a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption.
  • Best moment this week:  Hearing the doctor say she’s pretty sure the baby is already head down on Tuesday. She’ll check for sure at my next appointment in 2 weeks, but that’s a good sign right now.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially this summer. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks have become all over – I can feel what I now think are feet kicking under my right ribs while simultaneously getting bumped by probably the head on the lower left/back side. Must be a long kid in there.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (constant now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. My stomach muscles have stopped tweaking as much, though, when I try to use my abs, so I’m just assuming that means they’ve gotten totally worn out. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past couple weeks, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again.
  • Belly button in or out?  Definitely starting to bulge on the right side, but still not fully out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Getting more stuff done around here so I can cross things off my million-and-one pre-baby to-do list.

For your viewing enjoyment, the comparison shots are back. I know you were saddened by the lack of them these past couple weeks. On the left I was 33w pregnant with D; on the right I’m 33w4d pregnant with Dv2.0. Yep, same shorts.



Friday Funk – 31 weeks

Seriously, this whole being past 30 weeks thing is really freaking me out. We have done NOTHING to get ready for Dv2.0 yet. I foresee lots of loads of little tiny laundry in my future…

  • How far along?  31 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  28 lbs. as of Tuesday morning. I had my next doctor appointment that day and wanted to compare my scale to theirs, even though I know they’re always very different. Again, I’ll stick with my scale. But that’s up half a pound since last week. I’m only 5 lbs. away from my total gain with Della, so we’ll see how far I go past it with this one.
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And lots of dresses and skirts.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Pretty shitty. Rolling over is getting to be a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is basically a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption. Plus D’s been waking up in the night now, so there’s that to contend with as well.
  • Best moment this week:  Hmm… Buffett concert was awesome, and so was hearing Dv2.0’s heartbeat again. So we’ll go with those.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially this summer. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks are pretty low, which I’ve heard signals there’s a boy in there. They are, however, starting to move higher – I’ve noticed the top of my belly getting kicked now too. Must be a long kid in there. I think they’re getting stronger as well.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (constant now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. My stomach muscles have stopped tweaking as much, though, when I try to use my abs, so I’m just assuming that means they’ve gotten totally worn out. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past couple weeks, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again.
  • Belly button in or out?  Starting to bulge a little, but not out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  VACATION!!!! That’s right, we’re off again this afternoon for a good solid week, coming home next Saturday. We’re going to a remote wilderness area in Canada, so I won’t be around here for awhile. Miss me you will, but I’ll be back with some good pictures, as usual.

Sorry, no comparison again this week. Don’t worry, though, they’ll come back when I do – after vacation!! Have a great week next week. Hasta luego.



Friday Funk – 30 weeks (!?!)

What, we’re in the 30s already?? Oh man. This kid will be here before we know it!

i should probably start facing the other way, huh? i look all squished up against the wall, although i’m really not

  • How far along?  30 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  27.5 lbs. as of this morning. Yeah, I knew that down 1 lb. last week wasn’t going to continue…
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And lots of dresses and skirts.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Pretty shitty. Rolling over is getting to be a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is basically a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption.
  • Best moment this week:  Definitely my pedicure up at the Kohler Waters Spa last weekend. It’s quite heavenly there. And the toilets have their own control panels!
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially this summer. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks are pretty low, which I’ve heard signals there’s a boy in there. They are, however, starting to move higher – I’ve noticed the top of my belly getting kicked now too. Must be a long kid in there. I think they’re getting stronger as well.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (constant now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. My stomach muscles have stopped tweaking as much, though, when I try to use my abs, so I’m just assuming that means they’ve gotten totally worn out. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past couple weeks, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again.
  • Belly button in or out?  Starting to bulge a little, but not out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Jimmy Buffett tomorrow at Alpine Valley! Yes, I go when I’m pregnant, too. I’m pretty sure this will be my 9th Buffett concert, 2nd while roughly 7 months pregnant. And when I went while pregnant with D I thought it was going to be miserable, but it was actually still really fun. Sure I don’t get to partake in the cocktails, but that doesn’t stop me from having a great time with the friends with whom we always go.

And since I know you’ve all been waiting with baited breath, the comparison shots are back! Left side is me at 30 weeks with D, right is me at 30 weeks with Dv2.0. I don’t know what’s going on with my hair in that one on the left.



Friday Funk – 29 weeks

So tomorrow marks 30 weeks into this pregnancy. WHAT?!?!?! How did that get here so fast?! For as awful as I felt during the first trimester and wished it away every day (i mean that it would go by faster, not that i didn’t want the pregnancy), the second trimester just up and vanished on me. And now we have, in all likelihood, less than 10 weeks to go until Dv2.0 arrives (i’m guessing this one will come early, just like d did)? Wow.

I was, however, very pleasantly surprised that for my 29 week picture I was able to wear an entirely non-maternity outfit. Excellent! I thought those shorts were goners weeks ago, but I actually managed to wear them again quite comfortably.

  • How far along?  29 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  24.5 lbs. as of yesterday morning. That’s down 1 lb. from the week before, but why, I have no idea.
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And lots of dresses and skirts.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Definitely heading into the “crappy” territory. Rolling over is getting to be a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is basically a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption.
  • Best moment this week:  Hmm, this one’s always tough. I think I’m supposed to put baby-related stuff in here, but right now the rest of my life is taking precedence over the fact that there is a squash-sized human growing inside me. I know it got 2 mentions in last week’s post, but I think I’m gonna have to go with our trip to the WI State Fair last Friday. It was so much fun! We hung out with our great friends A & S for a couple hours, D LOVED seeing all the livestock, and I got my fried cheese fill.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially this summer. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks are pretty low, which I’ve heard signals there’s a boy in there. They are, however, starting to move higher – I’ve noticed the top of my belly getting kicked now too. Must be a long squash in there. I think they’re getting stronger too.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (fairly constant now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. My stomach muscles have stopped tweaking as much, though, when I try to use my abs, so I’m just assuming that means they’ve gotten totally worn out. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past couple weeks, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again.
  • Belly button in or out?  Starting to bulge a little, but not out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  A pedicure at the Kohler Waters Spa on Sunday. Oh YEAH!! Because you know there is no way I’m bending down to do my own toenails right now. Actually, I don’t ever like doing my own toenails, but especially not now with this protrusion of a belly hindering my reach.

Sorry, 1 more week until the comparison photos are back. Your anticipation is palpable…



Friday Funk – 28 weeks

this is one of my absolute favorite pregnancy skirts ever 

  • How far along?  28 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  25.5 lbs. as of yesterday morning. I was up more than that at the doctor’s office Tuesday afternoon, but their scale is always higher than mine. So I’ll stick with mine, ha!
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And lots of dresses and skirts.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Starting to veer into the “crappy” territory. Rolling over is getting to be a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is almost a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption.
  • Best moment this week:  I know I mentioned it last week, but I’ll say it again since we’re just going today. The WI State Fair. We were going to go yesterday, but it actually rained, so Ryan took today off instead for our annual trip. Yesterday was his birthday, so this is a little extended celebration too. Rest assured I am thoroughly enjoying the fried cheese!
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially now that it’s HOT oustide. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks are pretty low, which I’ve heard signals there’s a boy in there.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Pretty much daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (fairly constantly now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. I’ve started feeling my stomach muscles tweak sharply when I try to use my abs sometimes now too. Guess this kid really is growing in there. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past couple weeks, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again.
  • Belly button in or out?  Starting to bulge a little, but definitely not out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Well the fried cheese at the Hot Wisconsin Cheese stand at the fair is so good I’ll say it again here. Because I’m probably going back for my 2nd (if not 3rd!) round by now…
Sorry, I don’t have a 28 week picture from my pregnancy with D. In fact, I don’t have another one until 30 weeks with her, so you’ll have to survive no comparison shots for a couple more weeks. I know you’re all severely disappointed. 😉



Friday Funk – 27 weeks

So sorry for the lateness of this post today. The start of my “summer vacation” has been crazy!

I was also super lazy and didn’t feel like moving the mirror to the back of the door for this week’s pictures, so you get a different angle today. And speaking of lazy, I didn’t get around to taking these pics until Wednesday, so I’m actually 27 weeks 4 days along in these.

  • How far along?  27 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  Oops! I completely forgot to weigh myself this week. I told you it’s been a crazy week. Oh well, next time.
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – for the most part. And lots of dresses.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Getting a little uncomfortable, but for the most part it’s still ok. Sometimes I have to get up to pee, but that isn’t a constant yet. And I am finding that I’m getting sorer and sorer each time I wake up lying on my back now too.
  • Best moment this week:  Probably getting to spend D’s birthday with her all day, including going to the zoo. Unfortunately I was able to do that since my job ended the day before, but it was still fun nonetheless.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially now that it’s HOT oustide.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks are pretty low, which I’ve heard signals there’s a boy in there.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No.
  • Symptoms:  Pretty much nightly heartburn (still mild though, thankfully), SI pain (almost constantly now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. I’ve started feeling my stomach muscles tweak sharply when I try to use my abs sometimes now too. Guess this kid really is growing in there.
  • Belly button in or out?  In. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Next week settling down so D and I can actually start getting into our “at home” routine. We have our annual summer party tomorrow that has now become a combo birthday party for R & D, so these past 2 days have been busy getting ready for that. When do my naps start? Ha! Actually next week does have some good stuff coming up in it though – I have my next doctor appointment and it’s also R’s birthday, so we’re going to take a day and go to the State Fair to celebrate that. Hot Wisconsin fried cheese – YUM!!

Here’s another comparison for your viewing pleasure. Left side is 27w exactly with D, and like I said the right side is 27w4d with Dv2.0.