Gettin’ Google-y with it

Na na na na na-na na… Yeah, guess it’s pretty hard to type out song lyrics when they only consist of 2 letters, but sing that to the tune of the refrain in “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It” and I think you’ll get the idea.


Aaanyway… Yesterday I bit the bullet and created a Google+ page for this here blog. Anyone want to come play? It’s great! We’ve got circles and +s and streams and… well just come see for yourself. Here’s the jump off: ScooterMarie


Um, SM, why have you jumped on the Google+ train, yet you haven’t even created a Facebook page for your blog yet? Good question, my friend. See here’s the sitch… When I first started blogging, I was doing it fairly anonymously, and didn’t want to link up my blog with my Facebook profile. Yeah, I didn’t realize I could just create a separate FB page specifically for the blog without linking it to my personal page. Stop laughing, I’m still new to all this social media jazz.


So are you going to create a FB page for ScooterMarie? Well, I don’t know. I guess it depends on if I can cajole y’all into putting my Google+ page into your fantastically awesome circles or not. (don’t have any circles yet? well just let me know and i’ll send out some Google+ invites. it’ll be a party!) I know FB is still the big medium of choice, but word on the street is Google+ is out to be #1. Numero uno. The big cheese.


So please, come on over and play! You can also click on that g+ button up in my header to find me. I’ll be over there waiting for you! Did I mention I brought a couple 6-packs and snacks? Who doesn’t like beer and snacks in the morning? Gheesh.


Well hello there…

My very first blog entry, and on the first day of a new month to boot. How fitting. I’ve always wondered how successful I would be if I ever started one of these. Would anyone find it and follow me? Would anyone care what I have to say? Do I even have anything to say? I guess we’ll find out…

Thank you for taking a peek and entering the world of ScooterMarie. Hopefully I turn out to be devastatingly charming and witty with an endless supply of wonderfully interesting conversation topics. If not, well hey, I gave it a shot, and maybe I’ll at least make you laugh a few times along the way. I don’t know yet if I’m an A+ blogger, but as someone just told me, “I’m definitely something.” 🙂