M’s Musings 2020

Following in his sisters’ footsteps, here is Morrison’s journal page. It won’t really be his own personal musings, obviously. We just thought that would be a catchy title. Follow along to see what life as a boy is like in this household – something new and different for sure!

(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)


January 30, 2020

Tonight was open house at school, and you could not wait! You’d been asking for days if it was Thursday yet so we could go to open house. We went to your room last, and the whole time you were about to burst with excitement before we got there. You got a little checklist that we followed all the way through, showing us your art projects, where you play, where you read, what you do throughout the day. I love seeing your classrooms so much, and open house is always one of my favorite nights. The pride and excitement you have to show off your work is incredible, and it’s so obvious how much you love school. One of your teachers, Mrs. French, again told me tonight how wonderful of a little boy you are, how big and genuine your heart is, and what a great student and kid you are. She told me to keep doing whatever it is I’m doing, because I’m doing such a good job. You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear, my love, because it’s all you!


February 13, 2020

Today was your Valentine’s party at school, and you came out SO excited afterward!! You went through your whole bag of valentines in the car on the way home, and your pure excitement and happiness was amazing. My heart was so full. I think it matched yours! May you always keep that incredible spirit and happiness, my love.


February 17, 2020

Today was your 100th day at school, and you were so excited! Just like Lana’s class, you all made shirts with 100 things on them. You and your sisters used the same puffy paints and fabric markers that they used for Lana’s shirt and drew just 100 random, different things. You were so proud and happy to finally get to wear it! In class, you guys made your necklace of 100 Fruit Loops, and Lana promptly had to make one of 100 Cheerios when we got home. 😀 I had her put her 100th day shirt on, too, so I could take a picture to send to Mrs. Koch – she loved it! I am so happy that you’re still having such a great time at school every day, my love. That’s so important.


February 20, 2020

Tonight was your first school concert, and it was fantastic! K4 was suggested to dress as farmers, because you were performing songs from Click, Clack, Moo. It was so cute! You wore a plaid shirt with corduroy elbow patches, jeans, little boots, and a Case IH hat. You were given a tambourine for your instrument, and you absolutely loved playing it. Great job, my love! I was so proud and had so much fun watching you.


March 8, 2020

Today at Grandma’s house, you said, “Lana’s allergic to up.” Grandma and I said what are you talking about? Your reply – “You know, up, not down.” Oh my gosh, hahaha! You are so funny. You meant Lana was allergic to down, which she is, but you just had your directions reversed. 


March 9, 2020

You are so cute, my love. You love to change into the same type of pj’s that the babies are wearing when you get home from school. You love your little brothers so much!


March 29, 2020

You had the best quote of our shutdown quarantine so far today, kiddo. I was sitting at the dining room table, and you were having some trouble with the twins in the living room. I asked what was wrong, and you said, “Nat is just — nevermind!” Daddy was in the kitchen, and we both started laughing. Then you shouted, “The babies are out of control!” Hahaha! Yes, my friend, they sometimes are!


March 30, 2020

You came into my bed after a bad dream last night, for the first time in quite a while. Was it the last time I’ll have my little bed snuggle partner?


April 27, 2020

Happy Star Student day, my sweet boy! I’m sorry you didn’t get to celebrate it in your K4 classroom like you should, but we had a really fun day for it at home. You got to talk to all your classmates and teachers on your video meeting, I took you to the curbside pickup of your requested Qdoba for lunch since we couldn’t go to a restaurant like we did for your sisters, Daddy played Cuphead, you got to skip your nap, etc., etc. Don’t worry, I wrote all about it in my blog post for that week, complete with a million pictures. 😉 You were so excited and had a marvelous day – that’s all I wanted. I’m so proud of you, my love!


May 31, 2020

Happy 5th birthday, my sweet love bug! I can’t even believe my first baby boy is 5! You had an amazingly fun day, and you said it was your best birthday ever. You got a humongous surprise when I called you to the door this morning and Grandma was standing there! She came up to celebrate with us and spend the night, and you said she was the best present you got all day! You only had 1 thing on your birthday list, a binder for your Pokemon cards, and thankfully you really liked the one I picked out for you. Our old neighbor Boden even stopped by with his family to sing you Happy Birthday, and he brought you a stack of his old cards to put in your binder. It was so kind of him! You were so excited to show your new binder to him and our other neighbor Matthew. The weather was great so you got to play outside almost all day, and Daddy decorated the cake we made with a Packers helmet, per your request. That plus the Plush Horse ice cream Grandma brought up made for the perfect birthday dessert after a yummy dinner of cheeseburgers on the grill. Then you ended the night by playing video games with Daddy, your new favorite. I love you so much, my sweet boy, and I look forward to celebrating so many more birthdays with you. We are so proud of you!


June 5, 2020

Today was your first Cumberland Campout Day, and even though we had to do it virtually this year, you still had fun. You did the bottle toss challenge, tower building challenge, drawing a firepit on a paper plate while it’s on your forehead challenge, and a couple others with your sisters. We didn’t get to making s’mores, but I said the nice thing about having a virtual Campout Day is that we can make it last all weekend. So we’ll have s’mores both days. I can’t believe you only have 3 days left of your first year of school!


June 10, 2020

You’re off to K5, my sweet boy! I cannot believe your K4 year is over. It was sad and unfair that you didn’t get to finish it in the classroom with your amazing teachers, but you still did an outstanding job. I’m so, so proud of you, and I’m so happy you had this wonderful start to your school years. I love you so much, my lovebug, and I can’t wait to see all the great things you’re going to do!


July 18, 2020

Well, good news and bad news, my love. You got your first bee sting today, right in the same place Della and Mr. Hand got theirs yesterday. We’re up north with Mr. Hand and Miss Clara, and some bees have made a nest right in one of the posts on the deck outside the back door. Daddy sprayed them last night, but a couple must still be lingering around. The good news is that you are not severely allergic, just like Della wasn’t. Whew!


July 28, 2020

We had your 5 year wellcheck today, and here are your official 5-year-old stats:

  • Height: 46″ (94%)
  • Weight: 46 lbs. 1 oz. (79%)
  • BMI: 15.3 kg/m2 (46%)
  • Blood Pressure: 98/57

Everything else looked great, and you are very healthy. All good news!


August 13, 2020

You lost your first tooth today! Your bottom and top 2 front teeth have all been a little wiggly since your scooter fall last summer, but now it’s time that they can actually start falling out. Your bottom right one had become so wiggly that it was standing up above the rest of your bottom teeth when you talked, so finally this afternoon I said it was time for it to come out. You said Daddy was going to pull it tonight, but it was so gross I didn’t want to wait that long. We were out in the big back yard and I had you go in to get me a paper towel, then Della wanted to try to pull it because I hate wiggly teeth. It only took a couple tries and she had it out! Here comes the Tooth Fairy, and you can’t wait!! You’re the first little boy to get to use the Tooth Fairy doll that was mine and your aunts’!


August 24, 2020

Tooth #2 is out already, and you pulled it yourself this morning! Great job, kiddo!! There’s no way I was touching that wiggly little thing. 😀 Here comes the Tooth Fairy again!


August 25, 2020

You got your new glasses today! Daddy took you and Della to eye appointments last week (your first), and you have a very weak prescription. They said you really don’t need glasses, but since insurance covers them you could get them if you wanted. So of course you got a pair with green on them. 🙂 You look like such an adorable little man!


October 8, 2020

You have been doing an absolutely INCREDIBLE job in school this year, especially with your reading and writing. You can already read! I keep telling you I’m so impressed and proud of you, because neither of your sisters could read this well at the start of K5. And your writing has been just as good – you can sound out correctly some really great words. Today you had to write as many words as you could on your white board during writer’s workshop, and you filled the whole thing. You even wrote the sentence “A box is big” all by yourself after I gave it to you as an example and we sounded it out. When you were done with the lesson, you said, “I’m really proud of myself!” I said you should be because you are so smart and are working so hard, and it’s very important to feel good about and be proud of yourself. This makes me SO happy to hear, because you are the one who sometimes says you don’t like yourself. And when you read to me while sitting in my lap you say you try to hide your smile when you get all the words right and are proud of yourself because I say, “Aww, great job,” and I said don’t ever hide your amazing smile or the fact that you’re proud. That’s a very important thing. You really are a remarkable kid, my love!


December 14, 2020

Your great work at school continues, my love. Today your class got a virtual field trip to Yellowstone for filling your jar of warm fuzzies for good behavior. You had so much fun! Your favorite part was the fox sticking its head in the snow. Also, you’re doing so well with your reading that you’re moving up to a more advanced group. Awesome job, little one! Daddy and I are so proud of you!
