M’s Musings 2018

Following in his sisters’ footsteps, here is Morrison’s journal page. It won’t really be his own personal musings, obviously. We just thought that would be a catchy title. Follow along to see what life as a boy is like in this household – something new and different for sure!

(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)


January 10, 2018

Daddy gave you your first clippers haircut at home last weekend, and you look like such a real little kid now! He got it real short on the sides and left it longer right on top, and I can’t get over how much older you look now. It’s like when Grandma gave you your very first haircut ever and got rid of your little baby mullet. You are such a little squirt!


January 24, 2018

Just 1 more week until you become a big brother, my love! I can’t even believe it. You’ll no longer be the baby. And you’ve said that showing the babies how Daddy plays Cuphead and giving them their pacifiers is going to be your job. But, as I just said to Daddy the other night, you have never seemed like the baby of the family to me, not even from the start. You are about the loudest, chattiest little kid I’ve ever known. My days are filled with your constant remarks and questions, but I can’t turn them down. And your new wake up words are the best – “Mama or Daddy? Hello?” It’s so cute! I think this started over Christmas break when Daddy was home for a nice long stretch with us, but I now love hearing you call for both of us. Or either. Or whoever’s around. My sweet little boy.


January 30, 2018

Last day before the twins, lovebug! I can’t believe you’re going to be a big brother, you silly little thing.


February 1, 2018

You came to the hospital this afternoon to meet the twins, and you love them! You and your sisters brought me cards you made for me and the babies, and I absolutely love them. I’ll keep them forever in the twins’ mementos. You also loved getting to eat cheeseburgers and french fries in my big hospital room before you guys went home for the night.


February 11, 2018

We switched you to a booster seat at the dining room table today and put the high chair away. You did a great job sitting next to your sisters on the bench to eat.


February 12, 2018

You know how to type your M and O to start spelling your name! I was very impressed when you did this on your tablet today. Next we’ll work on learning the next letters to get the full name.


February 20, 2018

All right, kiddo, here we go. You’re going back to undies, and hopefully it will be for good this time. You had the biggest, messiest poop in your pants this morning that got absolutely everywhere, and that was the last straw with you in diapers. We’ll keep them on for naps and nighttimes for a while, but no more during the days. I know you can do it.


February 23, 2018

Potty training is going pretty well, except you pooped in the bathtub tonight and got all upset. Oops!


February 28, 2018

You pooped on the toilet twice today and had no accidents. Great job, lovebug!!


March 1, 2018

You pooped on the toilet again today and peed unprompted all day. Great start! Pooping has been your sticking point this time around, so hopefully this is you getting past that.


March 2, 2018

Unfortunately you pooped in your pants today while playing outside with your sisters, so your day count starts over to get your set of Lincoln Logs from Daddy and to wear your Spiderman real undies. You need to have a week of no pooping in your pants and accidents to get both.


March 6, 2018

You pooped on the toilet 3 times today. Amazing job!


March 10, 2018

You got your second clippers haircut from Daddy today, and you look so adorable! You also played outside this afternoon with no accidents – way to go! You came in all by yourself to go pee and poop.


March 11, 2018

I think you’re really potty training this time, my love. You got your Lincoln Logs and real Spiderman undies today for having no accidents for a week – congratulations! You also got up in the middle of the night to go pee and keep your nighttime diaper dry. I was amazed!


March 13, 2018

You’ve been waking up to go pee on the toilet the past couple nights and haven’t had accidents in a good amount of time, so I’m getting closer to feeling confident that you’re potty trained. Hooray!


March 15, 2018

You can count fully to 10 by yourself, lovebug. Way to go! You showed me today while we were reading your Greedy Python book before nap. There’s a page with 10 animals on it, and you counted them all. There have always been a few sticking points until now, but today you got all of them 1-10 perfectly.


March 19, 2018

I just love watching you, my sweet boy. My first sweet boy. You love to run around the house and jump at any opportunity possible. I always feel bad when I tell you to stop, because I know how much you love your body to be active – it’s just in your little nature. You are so nice to the twins and love holding, hugging, kissing, and helping with them. You love setting up your Shopkins in a nice line along the living room rug, setting up your little cars in various areas and passing certain ones out to all of us, and creating little tea and coffee parties and giving us each a cup to drink. I just love you so much, and it’s amazing seeing how you grow and learn every day. You like to snuggle in and “sleep” on my shoulder before naps now, and I always say I know you’re mine because your little head and body fit there perfectly. I’m so lucky to have these years at home to just be with all of you.


March 22, 2018

You finally put your socks on all by yourself today. I knew you could do it! You and your sisters had a real tea party tonight with Daddy, and you had so much fun. You especially liked putting the sugar in your tea, just like a grownup.


March 23, 2018

Today you showed me you can do your buttons now, too. Awesome job! You did the bottom button on the shirt of your Mickey Mouse Christmas pj’s. You were so proud, and so was I! Today was the start of spring break, too, so I set up a campout in your bedroom for you and your sisters since we aren’t going anywhere this year. We kicked it off with s’mores after dinner and everything. You are so excited to get to sleep in a sleeping bag for the first time!


March 28, 2018

I took all 5 of you to the zoo today, and you loved it, as usual. I had the babies in the big stroller, so you walked and rode on the front part above the wheel if you needed a ride. I know how much you love going there, so I was happy you got to see all the animals again.


March 29, 2018

You and your sisters went up to Uncle Rich and Auntie Billie’s for your very first sleepover tonight. Unfortunately you got really sad in the car and cried the whole way up with Auntie Billie, but as soon as you got to their house and started playing with everyone, you were fine for the rest of the time. And you did a great job in your undies the whole time. So proud of you, my little lovebug!


March 31, 2018

Daddy took you and your sisters to Rock Bottom for lunch, and you loved the burger and nachos. And it’s a big night for you tonight – the Plug Fairy is coming to take your plug away! We were going to wait until your 3rd birthday in May, but I noticed that you’d chewed a gigantic hole in your pacifier and were actually pulling chunks of the rubber off of it. Even Daddy said how gross that was and how it needed to go. Good luck, my love! I know you can do it!


April 1, 2018

Happy Easter, little one! You guys had so much fun hunting for Easter eggs this morning. It was pretty cold and wet outside, so the Easter Bunny hid all the eggs in the living room – fun! And it was so exciting to see what the Plug Fairy brought you last night. You got the book Dragons Love Tacos and a little dragon plush to go with it and stay in your bed now, a little bunny roller toy, and $1.


April 2, 2018

I took the front side off your crib today to make it into a toddler bed. I was tired of you climbing over the other side onto Lana’s bed to get in and out, so this just makes it so much easier. A toddler bed and no more plug – you’re getting to be such a big boy!


April 12, 2018

You napped in undies for the first time today and kept everything dry. Wonderful job!! I also got you all new size 4T undies today since all the ones you got from Roan are too small already. You’ve done such a great job potty training!


April 16, 2018

Unfortunately you came down with the stomach bug today that Della had last weekend. You barfed on the front rug when Lana got home from school, then you threw up again in your bed at naptime. You seemed to be almost better after your nap, though, so hopefully that’s the end of it. I did rock you at bedtime tonight for one of the first times ever, though. Poor little guy – I used to rock your sisters all the time. I love this snuggle time with you, since most of your days are spent running around playing.


April 24, 2018

You and your sisters were outside playing with friends this evening, and you ran home across the street by yourself. No way, kiddo, that is so dangerous! So unfortunately now you 3 have to play on our side of the street only all spring and summer unless Daddy or I are out there right with you guys. No more walking you across the street to play with all the other kids without us. There are no second chances for that lesson.


April 28, 2018

You wrote a big M and O on a piece of poster board this morning to start spelling your name! And we picked out all the letters of all of our names on a keyboard to type them the other day. You’re so smart, my love.


May 2, 2018

It’s a big night for you, my love – no more diapers! I got you 2 pairs of nylon undies covers that you’ll wear to bed instead of an overnight diaper, and I am SO excited to not have to put a diaper on you every night anymore. You’ve had dry nighttime diapers for a long time now, so we think you’re ready. Great job, lovebug!


May 4, 2018

Daddy and Lana both had off today, so you 3 went to the zoo this morning then out to lunch. What a fun day!


May 5, 2018

You and your sisters did the kids run after Run the Bay this morning, and Daddy said it was quite the sight. I guess Della didn’t hear the right spot to line you up for your race, then once you got started you ran totally off course and past the finish line. That’s ok, my love, you had fun!


May 9, 2018

Today you recognized the numbers 1-5 on little plastic fish we have – nice job!


May 31, 2018

Happy 3rd birthday, lovebug! You are the cutest, funniest, loving-est, best 3 year old I know. You had such a fun day today – Daddy was off work so he made a birthday breakfast of waffles and peanut butter, you got to open all your presents and do your measuring stick before the girls went to school, you and I went to the grocery store to pick out your special birthday treat (a delicious cupcake and ones for your sisters because you’re so thoughtful), Daddy had a chicken nugget lunch waiting when we got home from the store and picking Lana up, you and Lana went to the park with Daddy after lunch, your brothers and sisters and I went over to Miss Natalie’s to play in the sprinkler and have popsicles after your nap, we spent the rest of the evening playing with friends at Miss Kristen’s after that, then we had your requested birthday dinner of sausage pizza with your cupcake and ice cream afterward. You said it’s your best birthday ever. That makes me so unbelievably happy to hear. I love you so, so much, my sweet little boy!!


June 9, 2018

We had your birthday party today, and you had so much fun. The weather was cool and a little rainy, but that didn’t stop you from running around with your sisters and some of the neighbor friends having a blast. I absolutely adore watching you, my love. You are the epitome of little boy fun.


June 11, 2018

We had your 3-year well check today at the doctor, and here are your official stats:

  • Weight:  36.6 lbs. (89%)
  • Height:  39.75″ (92%)
  • BMI:  16.3 kg/m2 (60%)
  • Blood pressure:  97/61

You were so funny on the way there. We took the truck, and every time I drove with one hand on the steering wheel you told me to drive with 2 hands. Seriously, every time! It was so cute.


June 24, 2018

You already don’t need to use a potty seat anymore, which amazes me. I know it took your sisters way longer to be able to go on the regular toilet by themselves. Nice job, my love!


June 28, 2018

I took you and your sisters to the zoo today, mainly to see the dinosaur exhibit they have every other year. You loved it, until we got around the bend to the big T-rex. He is a little frightening! I happily carried you through the rest of it, but you said you want to go back and see them again.


June 29, 2018

Daddy took you and your sisters up to Bookworm Gardens with Grandma Rau today and out to lunch with his family, and you guys had so much fun. I love that you guys are having such a great summer!


July 4, 2018

Happy 4th of July! You all had such a great day – parade, playing outside with friends all day, slip n slide, backyard pool, party in our front yard. My heart is so full watching all of you enjoying everything that summer has to offer here. Yesterday we went to the library to turn in your first round of reading program cards and get your second ones, and you love looking through the shelves and picking out your books. And of course we threw our pennies in the fountain and made hand prints. It’s definitely the best time of year, and you’re loving every second!


July 5, 2018

Since thunderstorms popped up and rolled in last night, our 4th of July fireworks were postponed until tonight. Daddy took you big 3 over to the park to watch them, and you did great. You wore Daddy’s noise-reducing ear muffs and couldn’t wait to tell me how much fun you had when you guys got home. I love how you have to come find me right away the second you come through the door, every time. No matter where you’ve been or how long you’ve been gone, “Mama?” is the first thing I hear and you come running. I love you!


July 19, 2018

We went down to Big Bay today and you guys had so much fun playing on the beach and in the water! We found a ton of sea glass, and you were so excited every time a new piece turned up. You’re so cute, my sweet boy!


July 20, 2018

We got to watch the Brewers game from a suite tonight with Uncle Randy and Uncle Rich’s families, and you had SO much fun! You ran around almost the entire time.


July 21, 2018

I took you and your sisters up to the Fairyfolk Festival at Bookworm Gardens today, and you guys had a blast. You especially loved building a fairy house with Della and decorating your wand, and I just loved watching you follow your sisters around playing and creating all day. We went out to lunch with Grandma Rau afterward.


August 8, 2018

We’ve been down in Peoria the past couple days, and today you were brave enough to swim into the deep end of Uncle Nate and Aunt Sherry’s pool by yourself with your puddle jumper on. I’m so proud of you, my sweet boy! You are having so much fun with family.


August 23, 2018

I took you and your sisters to a water park right near our house tonight after dinner, and you had so much fun! You floated around the pool with your puddle jumper on, you loved running through the shallow end, and you even went down the big water slide with me, even though you screamed the whole time. Great job, lovebug!


August 24, 2018

You are now in the phase where you like to come out of your bed a couple times each night after I tuck you guys in for whatever reason of choice. But every time you tell me, “Goodnight, I love you,” when you go back into your room. That part I love. You are the sweetest boy.


August 30, 2018

I took you guys down to Big Bay one last time for the summer to look for sea glass today. The waves were too high to get to the good beach, just like they were at the end of the summer last year, but you guys still found a couple good pieces. You also found what appeared to be some sort of fossil in one of the big rocks on the top edge of the beach by the walkway, which you loved. Of course we said it was from a dinosaur.


September 8, 2018

You had your first swim lesson today, and you did great! I switched us to take lessons at the WFB high school through the rec department instead of at the JCC this time, simply because it’s much more affordable and I’ve heard pretty much all great things. The main reason I hadn’t signed you up here before is because I have to get in the water with you for your level of lesson, but that’s ok. You’re having so much fun!


September 14, 2018

You burned your palm pretty badly tonight, my love, and I’m so sorry. You and Daddy were sitting out on the front porch, and he lit a couple little incense cones to try to keep the horrible mosquitoes away. They have been eating you alive all summer! You were coming back up the porch steps from the sidewalk, put your hand down to climb up like kids always do, and you put your right hand right on top of one of the burned-down cones. Ouch!! You got a pretty nasty burn blister right on your palm under your fingers, but you were so brave. Daddy took you right into the bathroom to wash it and dress it with ointment, so I think it will heal just fine.


October 9, 2018

We got home late tonight from a long weekend trip out to Tucson so Great-Grandma Barbie and Great-Grandpa Bob could see you guys and meet the twins, and fortunately you three had a lot of fun. It was a lot of work for me and I know I got crabby at you a lot (your listening was definitely not the best out there at times!), but you said you still had a good trip. You and your sisters went over to Auntie Mer and Unkie Cha-Cha’s hotel twice – played in their big jet bathtub, fed the fish, walked up to a cool little waterfall, and went swimming and hot tubbing. That was a fun distraction to get you guys out of the house. You had a blast playing with Roan and Amalie – cousin time is always your favorite. And of course you loved spending days with Grandma. You and your sisters were excellent on both flights, so I especially thank you for that!


October 12, 2018

I’m realizing more and more these days that this is my last school year with you at home full time. My sweet little boy! I can’t believe you’re going to be in K4 next year – what?! I’ll enjoy these days to the fullest.


October 17, 2018

I was pumping in my bedroom today, and you ran into the dining room to take a bite of your granola bar. You saw me in my room, then out of nowhere said, “Mama? I love you!” And here I was about to tell you to not ask me a question right now. I’m sorry, my sweet boy. I love you, too! So very, very much. In my heart.


November 25, 2018

You are such a little goober. You spent the majority of the day today doing something naughty; coming up to me and saying, “I’m sorry.” (me) “For what?” “I don’t want to get in trouble!”; bursting into tears; me discovering what you did; and then you getting in trouble. I am trying hard to impress upon you guys that if you’re doing something and you think to yourself “I’m gonna get in trouble if Mama finds out about this,” or “Don’t tell on me!” then DON’T DO IT! Anyway… Tonight I had one of Daddy’s Packers shirts folded and waiting to be put away, and I set it down on top of the toilet while I got your toothbrush ready (because one of the main things you keep getting in trouble for recently is messing with the toothpaste and getting it EVERYWHERE). You snuggled your head down on the shirt, and in a tiny whisper said, “I love you, Daddy. I’ll think of you in my dreams. Of the Packers.” Ha! See, you really are a sweet little boy. My sweet boy.


December 10, 2018

I turned in your K4 enrollment papers this morning. What?! I can’t even believe you’re getting ready to go to school! We had your K4 visit last Friday morning, and I was just so proud watching you the whole time. You were so much more well behaved than many of the kids there, you played with Legos in the classroom the whole time, you raised your hand and patiently waited to tell the librarian that you also had the Dragons Love Tacos plush dragon and book, and you even showed Mrs. Heffron that you’d found her picture in the district budget booklet they gave us with your packet of papers. I was dumbfounded when we got the letter a few months ago notifying us that the incoming K4 visit dates were coming up, because I had completely forgotten that it was almost time for you to go to school. We had tons of time left for you to be home! Not so much, I guess. The start of the school years has snuck up on me with each of you so far, and it’s always like a little punch to the gut. When you were all born, it felt like you’d be here with me forever, just growing and doing our thing at home. But these 4 years go so fast each time. It’s almost time for you to start flying a little on your own, my love, and I will miss you so, just as I always do your sisters. But I know you’ll be in expert hands, and I think you’ll do great. We got to see Della in the hallway during your visit, and you absolutely loved that. She and Lana will protect you until the end of time, and seeing the 3 of you going to school together will be amazing. I love you so much, my sweet boy. You’re growing up so fast, but I will always be here waiting with a huge hug when you get home!


December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas, lovebug! I have never seen you more excited for a holiday than this Christmas. All day yesterday and last night you were bouncing around this house like a pogo stick. I mean literally bouncing up and down with the excitement that only Santa’s impending arrival can bring. I think we checked where Santa was on the map about a million times, then you wanted to check on him again first thing this morning. He gets to nap now, my love, then get ready for next year back at the North Pole. You got so much fun stuff – a BB-8 robot, a Paw Patrol counting book, some Star Wars cars, a Super Monsters PlayDoh set, a giant box of Legos, a letters learning game, and a book from Daddy. You all had a wonderful day playing, Grandma and Grandpa Rau came for Christmas dinner and another round of presents, then you big 3 got to stay up really late watching Home Alone with Daddy. I love watching you all enjoy the magic of Christmas – it fills me with the Christmas spirit all over again. I love you so much.


December 31, 2018

As Della said when she was little, Happy Nu-Nu! Another wonderful year with all of you in the books, and I could not be happier with our now big family. I love you all so much, and I can’t wait to see what next year holds for all of us. Happy New Year!
