I’m beginning to feel seriously disliked

By my own 14 month old.

Has anyone else with a toddler experienced this, or am I just lucky to suddenly seemingly be the object of my daughter’s disaffection?

The first signs came weeks ago, when diaper and clothes changes on her changing dresser became all-out battles. As soon as I pick her up to lay her up there she begins writhing and kicking in the air, doing anything she can to avoid landing on her changing mat.

This is so crazy to me, because she used to absolutely love it up there. I mean L-O-V-E it. When she was really little she’d get all excited and wiggle around when placed on it for changes. We called it doing her “mat jigs”. And even up until recently she was perfectly content to look at one of her books or play with a lotion bottle while being changed.

But now it’s like her changing mat is on fire or a bed of nails when we put her on it. It usually takes all my might these days to keep her in place so as not to get poop smeared all over her, me, the wall, and the dresser when it’s dirty diaper time.

And I’m kind of ashamed to admit this, but the other night I even resorted to leaning my full weight onto her to push her down so I could get her diaper changed before putting on her pajamas. I mean come on. A grown adult using full-body strength to flatten down her kicking and flailing toddler all for the sake of 1 f’ng diaper? Seems ridiculous, but that is to what I’ve been reduced.

I’ve also been getting “that look” from her a lot lately. That look where she raises her eyebrows and opens her eyes real big, then kind of crinkles up her upper lip and gives a squeaky grunt like no! I don’t want to do that!

Really? You’re ONE. I don’t remember there being a clause in the rule book of life that says ONE year olds get to call the shots. I’m the mom, just trust me right now.

I know I’ve mentioned this one before, but she already exhibits some terrible 2-ish behavior, too. Like the throw-herself-down-on-the-floor-and-cry when she either doesn’t get something she wants or gets something taken away from her that she’s not supposed to have. Very mature.

And if she’s in her high chair and decides she’s totally over eating or sees something on her tray that displeases her, she smashes all her food then swipes her hands across her tray real fast to fling everything onto the floor. Rude.

And the most recent display in this category is the crying meltdown that ensues when she reaches her arms up to you to be picked up but you’re doing something or your hands are full so you can’t get her THAT VERY SECOND. Awesome. Because we’re so heartless that it takes us longer than 1.5 nanoseconds to pick up our child when she thinks she needs to be held.

But this next one is the real winner.

I swear to you, D would rather camp out at daycare round-the-clock than come home with me in the afternoons now. I’m not gonna lie, either. It kinda breaks my heart a little each time and is what has most made me feel like a mommy unloved.

I’m so used to her plowing over any toy and child in her path to get to my arms when she sees me in the door to her room when I arrive for pick-up, that now when she doesn’t even want me to hold her I can’t help but feel totally rejected.

2 perfect examples…

Monday this week her class was on the playground when I picked her up because the weather has been so gorgeous these past couple days. She and another little girl were being pushed in a double-seater swing by the teacher, and when she saw me she lit up with outstretched arms to come get me. Awesome, that’s what I love.

We went inside so I could sign her out on the attendance sheet, and she made an immediate bee-line for the wooden rocking boat in their room, climbed in, and started rocking like crazy. Oh that’s so cute, I thought. I’ve never seen her play in one of those before. Ok, time to go, so I reached for her to pick her out of the boat and carry her back out the door.

You’d think I was coming at her with a hot poker the way she recoiled and grabbed onto the handles of the boat for dear life, wanting nothing to do with me and the nice home to which I was taking her. Hmm, all right.

I finally was able to pry her out of the boat and set her down on the classroom floor since she was trying to flop away from me. Mistake. For then all she wanted to do was run around and play in her empty classroom. The flopping and squealing immediately resumed when I gathered her up to take her out to the car to head home.

Then Tuesday this week I experienced a similar get-away-from-me-Mom episode, again when I picked her up from daycare.

Their class was out on the playground enjoying more sunshine, and this time D was going down the slide when I arrived. She spotted me mid-slide, and I shit you not, she splayed out on the slide when she got to the bottom like she usually does when I try to pick her up even though I was nowhere near her, then sat up and tried to shove a whole handful of wood chips in her mouth with that defiant look on her face again.

What? Like eating wood chips is going to get you out of coming home with me? Puh-lease.

There was no greeting me with outstretched arms this time. No. The teacher had to carry her squirming body and hand her over the fence to me. At least this time I knew better than to put her down when we went into her room to sign out. I may still be there trying to remove her from the premises if I had.

So what gives? What has happened to cause this fall from grace of mine? I used to be the one she wanted all the time. Now it seems like I’m the last one she wants. I guess I more expected this assertion of independence around oh, say age 15, not 1. Is this normal? Or have I really done something wrong to make my little girl not like her mommy anymore?



Finding a little Mom Sexy of my own

I recently discovered a great blog, the Mommyologist (i know, i’m sorry, i’m way late on that one. but better late than never, eh?). It’s hysterical. Mary is the Mommyologist – a career woman turned stay-at-home-mom, and she takes us on her journey through this craziness that is motherhood.

She’s funny, she swears, and she lets us know that it’s ok when we feel like total parenting failures and are ready to pluck our eyelashes out one-by-one – this job called parent isn’t always all puppies and rainbows. Or eating chocolates and drinking wine during nap time, if that ideal is more your style.

She also started the Mom Sexy Revolution over a year and a half ago. SM, what the hell is Mom Sexy? Yeah I had no idea either, but it’s really simple…

Just because we’re moms doesn’t mean we have to be relegated to the frumpy-jeans, bad hair cut, stuck-in-a-rut, no time for “me” brigade. We can still be cute, we can still be fun, we can still rock it. Mom + Sexy = Mom Sexy. Voila!

So anyway, I did a little super-sleuthing, went back through her archives to learn myself a thing or two about her Mom Sexy crusade, and believe or not, it’s stuck with me. And it comes to me at the most random times.

Now if you know me very well, you know I’ve never been one to “flaunt it” or really even consider myself sexy at all. So I’m more surprised than anyone to hear myself saying I’ve found a little Mom Sexy. But I totally did…

I’ve started working out as part of a group of 4 women with my trainer instead of just one-on-one sessions each week, and Monday night was my second group session.

Now for a little background, after the first week I came home and told R I didn’t think I was going to like this because there’s a girl in the group who was a track runner at UW-Madison, graduated 4 years after me, is tiny and petite and rock solid, and just had a baby 6 months ago and bears no signs of pregnancy whatsoever.

So yeah, I was jealous and felt like I was competing against her. Which I totally am not, we’re all just there for the workout, but I couldn’t shake that twinge of envy. I felt like a huge clod next to her. So that didn’t exactly get me off to the greatest start attitude-wise for this little workout group, and was pretty much the opposite of Mom Sexy.

Well this Monday I decided to try to kick it up a mini-notch. I wore a cute workout tank to the gym that night to show off my guns instead of a baggy t-shirt, and tried to feel confident going into the session. I’m in decent shape right now, but I still feel like an Amazon compared to the runner.

And of course, what did she wear that night? A cute little workout tank too and skin-tight running shorts to boot! Ugh. (i feel kinda bad talking shit about her, because she’s actually quite nice and i’m sure they would all think i’m an idiot for feeling this way. but whatever, i just do.)

All right, forget the outfit, you’re here for a good workout. And man, did we ever get our money’s worth that night! Our trainer must have majored in ass-kicking in college, and now she’s going back for her Masters in making-sure-your-clients-can’t-walk-or-raise-their-arms-the-next-day.

But at one point I was doing chest flys with a band stretched around a pole, and my Mom Sexy suddenly came to me. I was looking down toward the floor and thought hey, my abs look nice and flat right now. My arms look really strong. My legs look even stronger as they’re supporting me in this stance. And you know what? F runner girl, I’m the hot one here tonight!

Granted, all those thoughts took place in about a 7 second span, but still. It was a glimpse of my Mom Sexy and it felt great.

So thank you, Mommyologist, for awakening something I never even knew I had – my Mom Sexy. I may not yet be grabbing my butt and boobs in admiration like she does (seriously, go check out her site and videos. she’s got some awesome ‘tude goin’ on.), but I am feeling pretty good about this mommy body of mine.

And for all you other moms out there, try rockin’ a little of your own Mom Sexy. You just might surprise yourself.



Mommy fitness

So instead of working on getting all the pictures together that I owe you, I’ve been checking out a lot of new blogs lately. Sorry. (i swear, you will have wedding pics soon!)

But this morning I found another great one. Check out Robin’s post today over on PureNaturalMom. It’s awesome! This is exactly what I needed after D was born – a simple, broken-down way to make me realize I could still fit exercise into my post-baby world, no matter how daunting that seemed (or how little i really wanted to do it).

Yes, I now am able to get a couple runs in a week (and by a couple i mean 1-2. i’m not being outrageous here), plus usually a weekly workout with my trainer and another day of maybe a walk or bike ride, but dudes, D is now almost 14 months old (holy what!? what’d you just say? how’d that happen??). I’ve had time to ease back into the exercise world and try to maintain a routine again. Those first couple months, though, hoo boy. Working up a sweat was definitely not high on the priority list anymore. Unless you count the sweats I broke walking up and down the basement stairs doing countless loads of laundry. Which, actually, do count! So there you go.

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but going for walks with D those first couple months turned out to be essential in getting back some cardiovascular endurance. I couldn’t tell at the time, since my first walk post-delivery was maybe 1 mile total and about did me in, but looking back they were immensely helpful. And before baby I viewed walking as kind of fake-exercise. Yeah, it put me in my place right quick.

So for all you new moms and moms-to-be who have been used to being gym rats, don’t sweat it now. Literally. You’ll get your groove back, all in due time. Enjoy your time with a new baby without worrying about burning your usual calories (and if you’re breastfeeding, you shouldn’t be counting calories anyway!). And if you really need to sneak in some exercise, use that new little bundle – he/she will be getting heavier by the day and building your biceps for you!


p.s. run stats – last night i ran 3.84 miles in 33:52, for an 8:53 pace. not bad. this was a longer run that i hadn’t done yet this season, so i was happy to finish without walking.


Advice needed

Ok kids, time for a “help SM” day again. I’ve really been harping on myself lately for not at least trying cloth diapering. Why now, a whole year after D was born? I have no idea. Maybe it’s the 3 pack of reusable diapers I ordered before she appeared that has just been sitting in the drawer taunting me, or maybe it’s hearing about so many other people who can do it, so why can’t I? I don’t really know what the impetus has been lately, but I feel like I might want to give it a shot.

So here’s where you come in. I need help with these questions:

  1. How often do you do laundry with cloth diapers? Like I said before, I usually only do laundry once a week – 1 load of our stuff, 1 load of D’s or a combo load if she doesn’t have much that week. Having to face 4+ days of laundry is kind of off-putting right now.
  2. What kind do you use? There are so many brands out there, I have no idea where to begin. I don’t even remember what kind I have at home (gro-Baby? is that one? that might be what they are). And does each brand have its own corresponding inserts, or are inserts universal?
  3. Do these things size like regular diapers, or are they all adjustable up to a certain weight? I know the ones I have are adjustable, but again, I have no idea what the upper limit on them is. My luck we’ve already outgrown them anyway.
  4. How much money do you think you’ve really saved by using cloth diapers over disposables? I’ve signed up for monthly auto-delivery of 7th Generation diapers through Amazon, and with that we spend just under $30/month on diapers (more, obviously, if we have to run out for extras for any reason). I’ve also set up auto-delivery of 7th Gen wipes through Amazon, which come every 3 months for $25. I doubt we’d use cloth wipes if we ever switched to cloth diapers. Let’s not get crazy here.
  5. For anyone out there reading this and thinking of answering – do you work or SAH? The reason I ask is that I know our daycare does prefer disposable diapers. If you send your little cloth-bottomed one(s) to daycare, how did you get around this, or does your daycare just not care? (i think ours might allow them, but they do prefer disposables)
  6. Do you use cloth all the time, or do you go with disposables for certain occasions – travel, errands, etc.?
  7. How did you convince your partner to give cloth a chance? Or was he/she on board from the start? I have a feeling R will not be too keen on the idea when I bring up that I have a hankering for trying cloth.

See – I’m kind of at a loss here. So any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated!


Things they don’t tell you about pregnancy – #11

Ok, this one is about something that can be both a very sensitive subject and very frightening, but I’m just gonna put it out there – not all bleeding during pregnancy is a bad omen.

Now I am definitely not implying that you should ignore it if you start bleeding at any time throughout your pregnancy, but just know that it doesn’t always signal the worst. Certainly call your doctor if you see anything more than some light spotting (or even if you do see spotting and it makes you nervous, for that matter) just so they are aware and can direct you if anything needs to be done. Let me give you my little example…

When I was about 4 months along, I woke up one Sunday morning to some nasty bleeding. I thought oh my god! What is that?? What’s happening? What’s going wrong? For I had zero pain or discomfort whatsoever and had done nothing strenuous at all in the days prior. It was just all of a sudden there when I first went to the bathroom that morning. So I went into a mild freak out and called my doctor’s after hours line, it being 7:30am on a Sunday and all. The on-call doctor with whom I spoke didn’t seem concerned since there was no pain associated with it, there appeared to be no lumps in it, and it was more of a dark red than a bright red. He told me to just lay low and relax that day, and try not to do too much physical activity. Ok, done. I sat in bed all day watching tv. This was actually what I would have done most of that day anyway, since R and I had gotten in a huge fight the night before when I picked him up from an all-day bar crawl, he slept on the couch that night, and I was going to generally try to avoid him all day Sunday even without these new doctor’s orders.

And things seemed to be clearing up just fine. There was no more bleeding that morning and into the afternoon. About 3pm, however, it was back. Shit! I called the doctor again, and this time he wanted me to go into labor and delivery at the hospital just so they could check me out and do a little investigative work. Double shit. I almost had a panic attack. I was so scared. If something happened to the baby I didn’t know how I was going to be able to handle it. Everything had gone so wonderfully in my pregnancy up until that point I hadn’t even thought that losing the baby was still a concern for me. But what else could all this blood mean? Plus I hadn’t said 1 word to R that whole day and now I have to tell him that I’m going to the hospital because I’m bleeding and I don’t know if there’s something wrong with our baby? Oh god, I can’t do it. So I went out in the living room, sat down on the futon to put on my shoes, and he looked over at me to see what I was doing. I told him I had to go to the hospital and instantly broke down in tears. It was the scariest day of my pregnancy, my husband and I were mad at each other, and I thought I was going to have to hear the news every pregnant woman fears most all alone. I broke. R immediately flew off the couch and into action to get ready and take me. I told him he didn’t have to come and he told me not to be ridiculous. I was so relieved. I thought he was just going to be more mad for some reason, hence me not even wanting to tell him where I was going. I honestly thought I was just going to walk out the door without saying anything to him. How awful would that have been?

On the way to the hospital I did one of those sniffle-sobs where you’re really just breathing in, but since you’ve been crying it gets all jumbled up and noisy. You know what I’m talking about? When R heard this he grabbed my hand and held it the rest of the way. I felt so much better. Still scared shitless about what was going on inside me, but at least our fight from the night before was instantly a distant memory. When we arrived at the hospital they showed us up to l&d, and I explained to the nurse at the window that I was the one with the unexplained bleeding about whom the doctor had called in to them. They showed us to a room where I waited to be examined. The nurse had me change into a gown and asked me to describe what had been going on and if there was any pain, blah, blah, she hooked up an ultrasound machine and placed it on my belly, and right away we saw the baby in there, swimming away totally a-ok. Oh thank god and all things holy! You have no idea how relieved we were. Awesome, fantastic, whew! But where was the blood coming from? They weren’t sure. The nurse did an internal exam and said it was old blood, so it could really have been caused by anything – maybe I strained too hard in a movement and it escaped, or it may just have been hiding out in my va-j that whole time and got jostled out somehow, she really wasn’t sure. All right, fine. As long as the baby is ok I really don’t care. I had another ultrasound scheduled with the perinatologist for a different reason a few days from then anyway, so they told me to just take it easy until then and he would be able to get a much clearer picture of what was going on in there. My god was that ride home a bazillion times better than the one on the way to the hospital.

At my next ultrasound, the doctor found the cause of my bleeding – a low-lying placenta, otherwise known as placenta previa. This is a condition where the placenta does not grow up and into the uterus as the baby grows, but rather stays down near the cervix, either partially or completely covering it. If it stays down there until it’s time to deliver, it almost always results in a c-section, since a vaginal delivery would be much too dangerous for both mom and baby and would entail a ridiculous amount of bleeding and tearing. Yee-ouch and yikes! Fortunately mine was about the least severe classification possible – my placenta was just barely touching the cervix, not covering it, but it was still close enough to cause that blood to come out. So I was placed on a 6 week no sex, no heavy physical exertion restriction, in the hopes that the placenta would just naturally correct itself and move up. And fortunately it did. At my ultrasound 6 weeks later everything looked great, I got the all-clear, and I didn’t have to see the perinatologist again during my pregnancy. He’s a nice guy and all, but I’d rather know everything is healthy in there than continue to have to see him.

So you see, as scary as it is when it happens, bleeding doesn’t necessarily mean everything’s going wrong. Like I said, absolutely call your doctor if you do start bleeding, but please try not to assume the worst. I know I’m a bad example since I obviously failed at that, but after going through my little experience I now know that there are so many other causes, and hopefully if it happens again during any future pregnancies I might be able to stay a little more calm until we figure out what’s really going on in there.


Things they don’t tell you about pregnancy – #10

Holy cow, double digits! I think I’m running out of topics here…

But have no fear, I do have one for this week. I had often heard that heartburn was a symptom of pregnancy, but having never experienced it before, I had no idea what it felt like. Everyone always warned oh it’s nasty, it’s this burning up and down your chest that feels like fire. Oh awesome, that sounds like tons of fun.

So when mine struck, I didn’t even think it was heartburn (kinda like i didn’t even think my contractions were contractions, but cramps. hmm, maybe i should have been paying better attention that whole time). The burning sensation I felt was always in my throat, never in my chest. It was kind of a nagging discomfort that seemed to make my mouth water a lot more than usual. As such, I kept thinking man, this sore throat sucks. Why will it not go away?

Yet again, duh, SM. Maybe it was the pregnancy brain, maybe it was just my own typical aloofness, but when I finally considered that maybe heartburn could be felt there, too, I tried some Tums. Ahhhh! (picture that being sung by a small chorus of angels, and that is what it felt like) My fiery, tingling, painful throat was finally feeling some relief. It’s amazing what magic those mushy, chalky little tablets possess. I didn’t even attempt to try the regular flavor ones, though, I went straight for the fruit flavors. Have you ever chewed on chalk? I haven’t, but can’t imagine it’s too pleasant, so didn’t really want to give it a shot. Especially when my body was already doing such weird things from growing a miniature human inside of it.

Dudes, those fruity little circles became my new best friends. But they have calcium too, they can’t be bad! Right? Who knows. I’m sure if you eat 400 a day it’s probably not the best idea, but I stuck to the 2-3 recommended as necessary. And man oh man, did I love those things. They became my pregnancy candy, and we all know how big my sweet tooth is. Think wooly mammoth tusk-sized.

Now I can’t remember exactly when in my pregnancy my heartburn began, unfortunately. But it was a fairly constant companion once it appeared. It didn’t seem to be triggered by certain foods more than others, either, it just seemed to be there at some point during pretty much every day. Fortunately I never had it bad enough to wake me up at night or cause trouble falling asleep, and I never needed anything prescription-strength to calm it. That family-sized little jar of Tums served me just fine. And then once D was born, it just up and disappeared.

How about you mamas out there? Are your hearts burning yet?


Things they don’t tell you about pregnancy – #9

All of you who are now or have ever been pregnant are already well aware of the myriad aches and pains that come with the territory of a fairly rapidly expanding body. So this one will come as no surprise – things hurt. And sometimes things that you didn’t even know could hurt (or even know you had!) hurt.

One of the pains that I remember most distinctly was sacroiliac pain. What the what? Yes, sacroiliac pain. Mine manifested itself as a lot of lower back/butt/hips area pain. Not always a sharp, shooting pain like with a pinched nerve (sometimes i did feel that kind of pain but not as a rule), but an overall uncomfortable soreness in that general area. Being the self-diagnosing wonder that I am, I ruled out sciatica, which can also become an ailment during the latter months of pregnancy. For I didn’t have that tell-tale pain and/or numbness radiating down the backs of my legs that is associated with the sciatic nerve being pinched.

My pain was much more a feeling of man, something is out of whack back there, not ow, my leg hurts. So after some tooling around on the interwebz I figured it was sacroiliac pain. You have 2 sacroiliac joints – 1 on either side of your spine where it joins your pelvis in your lower back. As your pregnancy progresses and your body gets ready for delivery (read – wider and wider!), your pelvic ligaments begin to loosen as well in anticipation of the widening of the birth canal for baby to escape. This loosening of the ligaments in turn causes a concurrent “loosening” of your joints, if you will. So specifically with the sacroiliac joints, as they move out of their regular position, you may very well feel this pain. Delicious, isn’t it?

I think my pain became really noticeable toward the end of the second trimester, when my belly started pulling its weight, literally. It was weird too, because up until that point I honestly hadn’t had too much discomfort. But I started noticing more pain in my butt and hips during weight-bearing activities like standing and walking, obviously, but also during ones you never give much thought to until you’re the size of a small VW, like rolling over in bed. Getting out of bed became painful for that area too. I did ask my doctor about it during one of my visits and she agreed that I was very likely experiencing sacroiliac pain, and not sciatica. For in actuality, true sciatica is fairly rare for women who are otherwise having a generally healthy, problem-free pregnancy.

So if your burgeoning babe is becoming a pain in your pregnant butt in the most literal sense of the phrase, check it out or ask your doc. There’s a very good chance that you, too, may be enjoying some delightful misalignment of your sacroiliac joints. It gets more fun by the day, doesn’t it?


** Side note – it’s not only your pelvic ligaments and joints that loosen during pregnancy, they all do. So be careful! If you find yourself twisting your ankles or tripping more often than usual, you’re not just getting super clumsy. You’re getting ready to have a baby!