The blink of an eye

That’s seemingly how long it took us to get here…


Della started K4 on Tuesday, and I still can’t believe it’s really happened. Each year as the girls age, I say it doesn’t seem as if time has completely flown by to get to that point. I feel like it really has been just over 4 years that we’ve known Della and almost 2 that we’ve known Lana.

And I don’t mean that in a bad, oh-my-gosh-I-can’t-take-another-day-with-these-two way. I mean that in the absolute best way possible – that even though time in general feels as if it flies by most of the time, my days with these girls haven’t felt so. This time has felt just right, something for which I am grateful.

But this whole school thing? Hoo boy, has it crept up on me something fierce.

Not once in her lifetime until just recently, and especially not even when I started staying home with Della and then both once Lana was born, did I realize that their school years were going to approach so quickly. It felt like we had eternity to be together at home, on our own schedule, doing whatever we wanted and whatever the days allowed.

Why, I have no idea, because all along I’ve fully known at what age kids go to school. And around here I’ve always known that K4 is included in our school system, so our kids would naturally be going to it.

But here we are. Back to school.

And I don’t really like it.



I know this will be a wonderful experience for her and for all of us, but it’s just going to take me some time to get there mentally.

I will admit, having these first 2 half days under our belts does make me feel a little better. Like ok, we really can do this. But tomorrow is her first full 3-hour day, so I have to get us up, ready, and out the door to be at school before 8:15. Good luck.

And I did meet some new parents today who seem really nice and easy to get along with, so that made me infinitely more at ease about this whole 14-year process. Yes, 14 years. That’s how long she will be in the public school system now. Class of 2028, anyone? I about die every time I hear that.

There was 1 thing, though, that did make my heart soar when I heard it. Today as we were walking home, Della said, “I love going to school.”

And exhale.




Sights & sounds of summer

I absolutely adore summer. Wanna know why?

Sun shining

Sky warming

Coats and socks disappearing

Windows opening

Breeze blowing

Shadows lengthening

Daylight lingering

Fireflies firing

Dandelions floating

Kids’ laughter pealing

Smiles growing

Play playing

Drinks flowing

Fun increasing

People enjoying

Freshly mowed grass smelling

Bikes pedaling

Skin tanning

Water splashing

Little feet running

Footprints leading

Arms hugging

Legs strolling

Outside happening

Road trips driving

Swings swinging

Hammocks lounging

Laundry hanging

Slides sliding

Vacations occurring

Love spreading

Music drifting


The good times had during summer are always countless, and each and every one simply makes my heart swell.


the spectacular view from our front porch one gorgeous night this summer



Late-night mind wanderings

It never fails. I lie down in bed, often completely exhausted and just waiting for the first of Lana’s mid-night wake-ups, and my mind decides it’s time to think. And think and think and think. And why is it that so often, it always turns to the worst possible scenario of whatever it is about which I’m thinking? Stupid mind.

But there’s always something about the girls in there. To whichever higher power might be listening, I pray for so many things for them.

That they’re watched over every single second of every single day, being protected and kept safe from harm.

That nothing bad ever happens to them.

That they always know how much they are loved, cherished, adored, and wanted.

That they never feel unwanted or know neglect from anyone or for any reason in their entire lives.

That they always find the happiness in life, no matter the situation.

That they always have each other.

Then there are also the more earthly, everyday things.

That they have fun in school and make good friends.

That they’re never bullied.

That they’re never the bully.

That they learn to treat everyone fairly and how they would want to be treated.

That they are never quick to judge and always remember that everyone has their own story, even when they don’t want to hear it. Especially when they don’t want to hear it.

That they learn to recognize right from wrong and choose right, even when wrong seems like the better option at the time.

I pray that I have the strength to help make these things true. These 2 little girls mean the absolute world to me, and I honestly don’t think I could make it if anything ever happened to them. They are my life, and they make life itself so much more enjoyable just by being in it.


getting ready for a princess tea party. della and her little friend josie about died when the princesses started singing songs from Frozen!

Here’s a perfect example of them making my life fun just by being them. Friday morning we were on a run – thankfully it was a mid-length run at a little over 6 miles instead of the killer 10+ milers we do. And when I say “we were on a run,” I mean I was running while pushing the 2 of them in the jogging stroller. Naturally.

The path on which we run passes under a number of city streets, so there are plenty of places for them to shout out and hear their echos. This particular run only contained 1 echo bridge, so I told Della to get a good one ready since we’d only have 2 shots to make nice big, loud ones.

As we approached the bridge, she said, “I’ve got a really good one in my head.” And when we ran under it she shouted, “Apple!” Of course Lana instantly followed suit, shouting “Apple!” as well. Usually they do little wolf howls, which I love. They did start shouting “No!” a couple times last week, which I didn’t really appreciate, so at least it wasn’t that this time. Although Lana did start saying “no” when I told Della to get her echo ready. She’s stinky, that little one.

On the way back I told them they had 1 more time to make an echo since we were going under the bridge again, and this time Della said, “Ok, I have the best one in my head you’ve ever heard.” I could only imagine what was coming, since the best one before that was “apple.” But when we ran under the bridge on our return leg, she shouted, “I love Mama!”

They are the best.


my training partners cheering me on in a 5k a few weeks ago that goes right by our house. they worked – i got my best time by almost 2 minutes (23:17) and 3rd in my age group!



Moving on…

So at the end of last year I mentioned how I kept meaning to put up some 2013 recap posts, remember?

Well I hate to break it to you, but I just don’t have time. So sorry. Instead, I’m going to focus on actually trying to keep up on here better this year. I’m now much more settled into the swing of being home pretty much full-time with the 2 little Goonies, with my freelance editing/proofreading work in the mix, too.

That being said, here is the tiniest of tiny snapshots of what I had wanted to run down for you from last year. I did get good recap posts up from our trip out west in June, so let’s see what happened during the whole second half of 2013:

Our summer of music was fantastic. The best show we saw, BY FAR, was Paul McCartney. I was so pleasantly surprised by that, because for some reason I had really low expectations going into that concert. But he blew us away. I thought The Eagles would be the clear winner in our summer lineup, but not even close. I was totally disappointed by their show, which consisted mainly of ballads and songs I didn’t even know. Hmph.

So if you ever have the chance to see McCartney, DO IT! You will not regret it for a second.


I took the girls to Canada with my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, and we had a blast, as always. It was the 2 youngest Goonies’ first trips to the island, and how could they not love it? I can’t wait to go back this year and watch them grow up to cherish the place as much as my sisters and I do.


Della turned 3, and Lana turned 1.



The holidays came and went, just like they do every year. We spent time with family, ate great food, drank good drinks, and had a lot of fun. 2013 ended a much better year than 2012 was, but I still think 2014 is going to be the best yet.

Xmas game

And there you have it. The rest of my 2013 in a shrunken nutshell.

Now I’m not promising daily or weekly posts anymore. In fact, I doubt those will happen very often ever again. But I do hope to get at least biweekly posts up here for you, just to kind of check in and keep you abreast mainly of these little girls’ adventures. Because they are way cuter than Ryan and I are.


However, the adults in the house do have something fun planned for this weekend. We’re heading down to Chicago for an outdoor beer fest with some friends. Yes, it’s outdoors and I am in the midst of despising this winter with all my might, but it should still be fun. They’ll have heaters, an indoor area in which to warm up, and plenty of beer on tap. Liquid warmth.

Talk to you soon!


Dear 2014, I am ready for you!

I honestly can’t remember beginning another year as optimistically as I have this one. Last year started off as almost a lost cause, which really was an anomaly for me. But even years before that didn’t seem to ring in with as much enthusiasm as this one has.

My editing/proofreading work has been more plentiful and fruitful these past couple months than it ever has before, which is something for which I am beyond grateful. Knowing that I’m bringing in some steady cash right now and covering a number of our bills each month again is a heady feeling. This helps lift some weights off my shoulders immensely. Unfortunately freelance work is never exactly guaranteed or even that steady, but I’m working hard right now to save up everything I can while my plate of work hours is full.

Speaking of my editing/proofreading work, I think it is the exact job for which I was made. I have never been able to answer the question “What’s your dream job?” because I just never had one before. But now I think I do. And I am SO incredibly lucky that it involves me sitting at our dining room table with a jar of fresh-cut flowers and pictures of our family sprucing up my “office” and the Goonies running around behind me filling the house with the music of their play. Not to mention I can take it with me if I need to, which helps extend vacations for as long as I want.

We are actually starting to plan some work on our house again, a subject which had become almost taboo around here because it was just so much of a black hole to even try to picture. But now we have time frames and ideas and excitement and can almost feel the end result. And that money I’m saving up right now will all be plowed back into our little Money Pit to FINALLY  get this crap done.

I also have a couple, not resolutions really, but maybe hopes? I want to retrain my piano fingers so I can get back to playing and teach the girls. I would love to learn how to play the guitar, too, so we’ll see if I get up the mojo to actually take some lessons. That thing called “time” comes into play for both of these, though, something of which I always seem to run out these days.

And the girls are just at incredible ages right now. Watching the 2 of them run through this house playing with each other is so heart-warming. Never mind that sometimes it involves one crying from something the other one did or 18,000 bumps on the head for Lana every day or Della often coming to sit in the dining room just to “watch me work”. I still get to be home with them to witness all of that, and there is nothing I want more.

So you see, 2014 just feels good. Like a great cup of coffee with my favorite creamer in the middle of this miserable winter. Or putting on my favorite pair of jeans after wearing my black WAC uniform all morning. Or the happiness I will feel when I get to take the girls for a walk or run outside again.

2014 feels like a reassuring hug wrapped tightly around our little family. And that makes me so very, very happy.



Hello, hello

Test, test. This thing on?

Oh hi, here I am. Sorry I’ve been so lacking in the posting department lately. I swear my free time decreases daily for some reason.

But I am going to try my hardest to do some catch-up posts by the end of the year. I can’t believe I still haven’t written anything about our Canadian vacation yet, which was back in AUGUST. Geez.

So please stay tuned. I promise I will have something here for you again. Someday.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying a nice start to the holiday season, though! I was pretty pleased with myself that I got our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and had it all up and decorated before December this year. It’s the little things.

Talk soon!





From 1 to 2

Seeing how we don’t have Lana’s 12 month well-check for another couple weeks, I won’t be able to do her “official” 12 month post until we get those stats. So to honor her 1st birthday, I’ll instead go with a post that is roughly 365 days overdue. But you guys should be used to my extreme tardiness with this stuff by now, though. Right…?

When I got pregnant for the second time, I had no idea what to expect as far as our new family dynamic. I think I just kind of assumed 2 kids, 2 of everything that fell under the general umbrella of “stuff they need”. It didn’t take me long to realize that was 100% inaccurate.

Before Lana was born, I felt pretty good about having everything we needed for another newborn, since all of Della’s stuff was only 2ish years old and still in perfect working order. We had a crib, an infant car seat, newborn clothes (even though i had to go out and get a bunch of warm-weather girl pj’s once she arrived since hers and della’s seasons are just that much off), I got my pump out and dusted it off, washed all the bottles, washed all the playmat/baby carrier/baby bed paraphernalia, stocked up on newborn diapers (no, i still couldn’t muster the effort to try cloth this time around either), etc. We were good to go.

The one big unknown, as always, was timing of this little one. Della was born 8 days before my due date and my doctor said women tend to have similar gestational periods with subsequent babies, but you never really know. So I literally had my mom on standby in the weeks leading up to my due date with Lana, waiting for that call to come watch Della while Ryan and I went to the hospital to see who was going to come next. I had my hospital bag packed and so did she.

Something that gave me a huge leg up this time over when Della was born, though, was that I pretty well knew what the start of my labor was going to feel like. I was just worried that my mom wouldn’t be able to get here in time if it all went as fast as it did with Della, or that it would happen in the middle of the night and we’d have no idea what to do with D.

Fortunately, however, everything fell perfectly into place – I woke up to a contraction at 1:30 a.m., they continued about every half hour for the rest of that night/early morning until I got up around 7, sent my mom the “I think it’s the day. Come on up!” message, showered, made sure every last thing was cleaned up and ready to go, double checked my hospital bag and the stuff D was going to need while I was staying there, then just waited. My mom got to our house just after 9 a.m., Ryan of course had to run some crazy errand that was like 45 minutes away so was gone when she arrived, I talked to the doctor to see when they wanted me to come in this time since I tested positive for Strep B and needed penicillin ideally 4 hours before delivery, and just sat tight until my contractions were 5-10 minutes apart for a solid half hour.

Ryan and I got to the hospital around 3 p.m., they broke my water a little after 6:30, and Lana Marie came screaming into this world at 7:24 p.m. one year ago today. Crazy, eh? I wouldn’t say it’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year, but I’d say it’s more surreal. Surreal that we now have a 1 year old walking around our house like she owns the place, hollering the whole while. It’s wonderful.

I’ll never forget how worried I was about adding another child to our family, either. I had this unnerving fear that I’d never be able to love another as much as I loved Della, and that Della would suddenly feel second-rate once a new baby came in and shook everything up. I cried in the shower that morning Lana was born, just hoping and praying that we were doing the right thing by giving Della a sibling. And thankfully not a day goes by where I’m not absolutely convinced that we did. The way these 2 play with and love each other is just incredible.

That’s not to say every day has been filled with sunshine and roses, though. Ha! No way. You all know how hard it got for me last winter. I was so frustrated feeling like I just couldn’t get everything right by everyone after a couple months being home full-time with a newborn and a 2 year old.

That original notion I had that 2 kids just meant 2 of everything? So totally wrong. The needs don’t just increase by a factor of how many children you have. Unfortunately. They increase EXPONENTIALLY. Yeah, math. For you see, newborns are so much more needy with the copious amounts of stuff and things than toddlers, a fact that had simply slipped my mind in those 2 years between Della’s newborn days and Lana’s.

I couldn’t just put an extra outfit, diaper, and snacks in the bag for Lana like I did for Della when we’d go somewhere. L needed multiple outfits for the inevitable multiple blowouts/leaks/barfs; multiple burp rags for those exact same episodes; multiple (multiple!) diapers because you never knew how many of those episodes would occur on even the shortest errands/trips; bottles at the ready if I wasn’t planning on nursing her wherever we went; pacifiers for the emergency yowl that always seemed to escape her tiny lips; numerous layers to keep that precious baby skin protected since her early days were spent in the decline of sunlight and warmth for the year (yuck!); and on and on and on.

I think that was part of what drove me the most crazy. Constantly having to write and rewrite the mental list of “things we need” every time I even thought of trying to get the 3 of us out the door. I think our first outing as a trio was a walk to CVS, which is roughly a dozen blocks from our house. Like the easiest walk in the world and something we’ve done countless times before and since. But I swear to you, it took HOURS to get that train out the door. By the time I got us all ready and bundled and loaded (lana being worn in a carrier on me since she was tiny and we had no double stroller at the time), either D had to pee, I had to pee, L had to eat again because we’d taken so damn long, D had to get a new pair of mittens on, I had to change because I was so sweaty from trying to do all this while wearing my winter coat with a baby on my chest, or whatever.

I think the highlight of my winter last year was getting home from that 1 simple walking errand. I had done it! No matter that it literally took all morning to take a 20 minute round-trip walk, but we had made it. And I’d even remembered to keep Lana’s pacifier up at the ready by her face for the second she started crying in the store.

So just 1 small example of how doubling our children didn’t mean doubling their stuff, it meant burying us under it.

And this is definitely the reason why we potty trained Della at 28 months. She was just under 27 months old when Lana was born, and once we started having to get 2 shipments of diapers each month I said forget it. This kid’s gonna go on the toilet like the rest of us, so help me god. And fortunately she’s the most easily-taught kid ever and she did. She’d already shown interest in the toilet and gone on it a couple times, so it wasn’t like I just sprung this all on her, but she honestly only had a handful of accidents at most in those first couple weeks. We just went right into underwear, no pull-ups, and that was it. No more double diapers!

So yeah, going from 1 kid to 2 was harder than I expected and harder than I think I really let myself believe at first. Like I said, it took a couple months before I really felt overwhelmed, probably because I didn’t want to admit I couldn’t handle it. But once I realized that I was struggling and said and did something about it, every day has gotten better since. Yes, I know that sounds utterly cliche, but it really has.

There was a week last winter when Ryan was out of town for some training, and I was terrified at having to be home by myself with both of them for most of that time (i took the girls down to my mom’s house on thursday of that week, i believe, so i didn’t have to serve the entire sentence alone). But I took it one half day at a time – light and dark (lana wasn’t even close to sleeping through at that point, so that’s why i didn’t bother calling it night. like i was sleeping, ha!) – and we made it.

Just like with your first-born, you start getting into a rhythm, and everything begins falling into its rightful place in the scheme of your new lives. Hours at a time at first, then days, then weeks, and now it’s been a year. And I am the happiest and most stress-free I’ve been in a very long time. And I have 1 kid hanging on each leg.

So there you have it. My story of how life changed when we went from a family of 3 to a family of 4. Fine at first with all the newborn bliss, then increasingly hard as daily life at home with 2 set in, but now fantastic with 2 of the happiest, most amazing children I could have asked for. Well, they’re happy most of the time anyway. Until Lana remembers she wants something that she doesn’t have in her hand that very second and starts wailing for it.

And speaking of the birthday girl, here’s a little peek from her birthday party this past Saturday. She was the belle of the ball, running around (literally!) with all the big kids and playing all night long. I’ll have plenty more pictures for you when I get her 12 month post up, too. But for now, Happiest of Happy 1st Birthdays, little Lana Marie! We love you so very, very much. Thank you for making us into our family of 4.
