A little birdie

This morning when I dropped D off at daycare, a little sparrow flew right into the front door as we were walking up and knocked himself silly. He was all upside down and discombobulated on the sidewalk, and little tufts of down were floating in the air after his collision. I felt terrible, but didn’t really want him to fly up in our face as I was still holding D.

On my way out I saw him still lying there, curled up on his back, so I grabbed a little stick and flipped him over so he was at least on his feet. I sure hope he’s ok and can fly away. Silly little guy.

Also, Happy May Day! I love May. Not only is it generally a beautiful month weather-wise (note *generally*. if our weather doesn’t shape up soon i’m packing up and heading back to the beach permanently), but it’s my birthday month. Yippee! 1 week from today is my birthday. You may get your presents ready to ship now…

Today D turns 21 months old, too. Gheesh! That’s almost 2 years old. Woah. I know I missed her 20 month recap, so I’ll have to get a good one in for this one.

I know I owe you more vacation pictures too, but I’ve only gotten through the ones from 1 of R’s cameras so far. He took 2, so hopefully I’ll get the rest of them done soon to share a lovely gallery for your perusal. It really was a splendid time, and looking back at them just makes me happy.

So there’s a post full of random for you, but at least I didn’t wait 4 years between appearances this time. I’ll leave you with a pretty picture of some lilies of the valley in closing to tide you over until the rest of the St. Thomas pictures materialize. They’re the birth flower of May and one of my favorites. I can’t wait until mine start blooming this year.



Picture me rollin’

Right onto one of those beach chairs and not moving for about the next week and a half.

That’s right – we’re going on vacation!! To St. Thomas this time, with the same group of family with whom we went to Hawaii, plus my sister who couldn’t make that trip. So it’ll be fun.

And I hope more than anything that some good warm sun will burn these haunting germs right out of us once and for all.

So I’ll be gone for awhile, but I promise to bring back loads of pictures and a nice tan for you. See you later, mon!




Ode to daycare

Oh, our daycare, we do love it so.

D loves to constantly learn and play and grow.

She whines a little when we arrive,

But after hand washing she’s off to thrive.


Her days are filled with art and song,

And sometimes she acts like she’d rather stay there all night long.

The teachers in all of her rooms so far

Have been absolutely wonderful – right now she’s a Shining Star.


But there’s just one thing about which I need to complain.

And no, it’s not that today’s filled with rain.

You see this thing keeps happening;

This thing which does not make my heart sing.


Every couple weeks the tell-tale signs begin –

Coughing, sneezing, snot rivers down to D’s chin.

Her excellent sleep patterns are soon replaced

By this screaming monster whom I’d like to punch in the face.


Not one night has gone by this week

Where we haven’t awoken to her midnight shriek.

“No, not again, go back to sleep!” I silently pray.

For I know this will lead to yet another horrible day.


A double ear infection, pink eye, and yes, she’s on meds.

Unfortunately they haven’t yet helped to calm her nighttime head.

I, too, now feel the beginning of this damn stupid cold,

And these aches, pains, and bloodshot eyes are getting quite old.


So dear daycare, you’re the best, but give me a break!

I don’t know how much more sickness our little family can take.

Your kids are all cute, I’m not gonna lie.

But I’m now pretty certain they can all shoot biological-warfare grade snot straight out of their eye.



Friday Funk – Things I Can’t Say edition

A few weeks ago, the beautiful Shell of Things I Can’t Say invited me to do a guest post on her blog. I was flattered and thrilled! And I am pleased to announce that today is my day.

This is only my 2nd guest post anywhere, ever, so I’m a little nervous. Please excuse my sweaty palms and twisty stomach. I really hope I don’t disappoint!

Now if you would be so kind, please head over to Things I Can’t Say and see what I have to say about mawage… er, marriage.




And then there was a toddler in our bed

There must have been something in her milk Saturday night, because D ended up sleeping in our bed for the 1st time ever. We do NOT make this a habit, obviously, when she can’t sleep, and usually she will eventually go back to sleep in her crib after waking in the middle of the night.

But for whatever reason she just wasn’t having it Saturday night. Try as we may, she wouldn’t sleep more than about 10 minutes at a stretch back in her crib.

Feel my pain? Here’s an approximate timeline of how our evening went:

8:00-9:00  Trying to get D to settle down, put toys away, and get snuggled in for night-night. R and I were engrossed in Season 1 of Downton Abbey on Netflix, so we wanted her to nestle into the blankets on the couch with R and fall asleep, like she often does. She was restless.

9:00  D finally conked out in his lap, so he carried her into her crib.

9:00-11:00 R and I become addicted to Downton Abbey. Well, I’m addicted. He may have just been humoring me by watching all these, but I think he actually kinda likes it too.

11:00ish  D starts crying, so after it becomes clear she’s not just sleep crying R goes in to rock her back to sleep. I hear little cries coming from her room off and on.

11:15  R comes back out to the living room carrying D, who is still not back to sleep. He puts her in the blankets with him on the couch again, but she instantly pops back up and now wants to play after seeing a puppy on the tv. Wrong.

11:15-11:30  I take her back in her room to rock with her turtle projecting stars and moons on the ceiling, and she eventually goes back to sleep.

11:30ish  I go to bed.

11:45-12:30  D wakes up 2-3 times, each time I rock her back to sleep. Those “sleeps” last no more than 10 minutes each. I’m getting really tired.

12:30  R goes in to try to get her to sleep and says he’ll just go lie on the couch with her. I know he’ll end up having to spend the rest of the night out there with her if he does, so I say just bring her into our bed. Little did I know that was the beginning of the end of any hope for a restful night.

12:30-6:30  D sleeps between me and R. And coughs in my face all night long. R bails at some point before morning to take up residence on the couch. Lucky. At 6:24 I awaken to a small arm moving back and forth over my forehead, then a finger in my eye. Nice wake up call.

So yeah, that wasn’t the most brilliant solution, and I now know why we haven’t tried it before.

D took 2 naps yesterday for the 1st time in months.



Happy anniversary to me!

Today marks 1 year exactly since my very 1st post on ScooterMarie. Now how do I go about celebrating that?

image source

I would have loved to show you screen shots from all the iterations of my blog design since last March, but unfortunately I was never trolled by archive.org so I can’t grab any of those for you. ‘Tis a shame, too, since this blog looks WAY different than it did when I 1st started.

It actually looks a lot different than it did just a few months ago. Damn you, Wayback Machine! Why didn’t you find me?

So hmm… What can I say about this 1 year milestone in the blogosphere?

I can honestly say it’s something I never really thought I’d do. For years, whenever I heard the word “blog” I just automatically assumed it meant a tech-based website that was going to be completely over my head in jargon. Not my bag.

Not once did I think this world was full of the humor, wit, class, emotion, ideas, and just all around sense of camaraderie that it has turned out to be. I think that’s the best part about this past year of blogging – all the wonderful blogs and people behind them that I have discovered.

People laugh when I say “My blogging friend so-and-so,” but it’s true. I genuinely consider all of you friends, all of you people who currently only live in the Internet for me, whom I haven’t yet met in real life.

But I still feel like I know you – I’ve read about your families, I’ve learned of your struggles, I’ve laughed at your stories, and I keep you in my reader for more. Now don’t you feel special!

But it’s true – I consider you girls (and guys!) my friends.

And I have a feeling that if (or hopefully when) we do meet in person someday, I will be proven correct. We will be friends.

Thank you all (both from the Internet and in real life) for coming to ScooterMarie and reading my words. It’s your comments and connections that make this so much fun.

So here’s to continued friendships through ScooterMarie. I love telling you our crazy stories, and I hope you’ll keep coming back for more.

1 year down, many to go…