10 month stats

Lana turned 10 months old 2 weeks ago tomorrow. Gheesh, can you tell I’m way behind on my blogging this summer?


Let’s see what’s changed since last month’s update, shall we?


She crawls everywhere, and as fast as possible. The army crawl/belly flop has now been left completely in the past, and when she really gets moving she puts her head down and barrels forward like a little bulldog. She chases Della around the house like crazy (or Della crawls with her a lot too), or chases us down and tries to climb our pant legs when she doesn’t want to be put down on the floor.


She pulls herself up on everything and walks in between and around furniture like nobody’s business. Her standing alone ability is improving too, but so far those real first steps all by herself haven’t happened yet. But seeing how far she’s come in her standing since last month, I’m sure walking is somewhere in the near future.


She eats basically all of her meals by herself now. I love it! Feeding an infant baby food is not one of my favorite activities, so now that she can feed herself, it makes my job at meal times so much easier. We only have 4 cups of frozen pureed sweet potatoes left, then it’s goodbye baby food. Hooray! Fortunately she’s loved everything she’s eaten so far too – hard boiled eggs, cheese, toast, cereal, cantaloupe, black beans, peas, mixed veggies, crackers, pasta (loves mac and cheese!), blueberries and strawberries (halved or quartered, don’t worry), bananas… I’m sure I’ve forgotten something she’s had to this point, but you get the picture. She’s a great eater. She has begun drinking water from a sippy cup, too, which is nice for after meals.


Sleeping is still going wonderfully, thank heavens. She drinks her bottle before bed (we make an 8 oz. one and she usually drinks most of it), we give everyone goodnight kisses, then she goes down awake with her green monkey and nightlight on. Works like a charm. I really cannot stress enough how much this bedtime routine has saved our sanity. We were just talking about how terrible her sleeping was a few months ago the other day, and it truly has been a 180 degree change since then. I didn’t think in my wildest dreams I’d ever say this, but yay for formula! I think she’s officially down to 2 naps now, too – a mid-late morning one and an afternoon one when Della naps.


Her little “words” are still hysterical, with lots of “da-da” sounds. I can’t tell if she’s just jabbering or really trying to say “Dada” or “Della”. We shall see. She is also great at saying “Hi” and waving, so I’m calling that her official first word. She knows how to put things up to her ear and say hi too, like she’s talking on the telephone. It’s really good!

Like last month, she wears size 3 diapers in the daytime, 4 in overnights, and pretty much all size 12 month clothes. She has 8 teeth now, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom, and you can see the big white outlines of where her top incisors are going to come down too. It looks crazy. One of my sisters dubbed her “SpongeBob” with her 2 big front teeth coming in and her giant blue eyes, and I actually think it’s a pretty fitting moniker.


Sorry, I’m getting kind of lazy with these monthly collages, but they’re a pain to piece together. Maybe I’ll get ambitious and actually make next month’s the right way.

10 months collage

And of course the finale, the Della/Lana comparison photo, with Della’s 10 month stats post here if you’d like to compare that way as well.





9 month stats

Lana turned 9 months old on Sunday. Now she’s spent roughly the same amount of time outside as she did inside. Crazy.


somebody was very sleepy and much more interested in getting the 9 months sticker off her shirt than having her 9 months picture taken

We had her 9 month well check yesterday, so here are the official stats:

  • Height:  28.5″ (75%)
  • Weight:  16 lbs. 15.5 oz. (25%)
  • Head:  44.5 cm (50-75%, i think)

The word this month is MOVEMENT! She started off doing her army crawl/belly flopping around the place awhile ago, but now she’s a full-on regular crawler. We spent the past couple days down at my mom’s house, and as soon as those little legs hit carpet, up on all fours she went. She loved crawling normally (and fast!) on all carpeted areas, but then she’d flop right back down onto her belly as soon as she hit another hard surface. So weird.


One big accomplishment she had was crawling up the steps at my mom’s house too. They have 2 steps from the living room into the kitchen, and she handled them like she’d been crawling since day 1. It was pretty impressive.


Now that we’re back home she does a combo of crawling and belly flopping, so I have a feeling she’ll stay on her knees for good pretty soon. She has started crawling out of the room chasing Della more often than flopping, so that’s a good sign.

She also started pulling herself up on everything last week. She had begun doing this in her crib the week before so we had to lower her mattress, but I hadn’t seen her do it on the furniture too until almost a week ago. Now she does it like it’s second nature. And she’s very confident in this new found skill. A little too confident sometimes, and I’m constantly afraid she’s going to fall and crack her chin on every single thing.


Let’s see, what else have we got going on now? She’s still sleeping beautifully, thank heavens (knock on wood!). I take her into her room after her nighttime bottle, hand her her big green monkey, and put her in her crib awake still. It’s great. I plugged a little nightlight in right next to her crib, and she’s doing great. Let’s hope this keeps up for good!

I think she’s transitioning from 3 naps a day down to 2, too. Often she’ll take a little later morning nap then a solid mid-afternoon one, so she doesn’t really need more sleep after dinner. Depending on circumstances she does still sneak 3 in some days. I’d say right now it’s about half and half 2 naps vs. 3. Fortunately, though, when she does take an evening nap, she usually wakes up and is pretty much ready to go back to sleep almost right away. I’ll just change her, get her pjs on, and get her bottle ready. This routine is infinitely better than what we had to endure a few months ago!


Eating. She’s a great little chow hound. She eats all solids for lunch and dinner, and yesterday the doctor said to start adding in some more food too. She had Cheerios for the first time yesterday as well, per the doctor’s ok, and she ate them with no problem at all. That’s good, because now I don’t have to worry about buying separate little puffs or anything for her. Cheerios for all.


Teeth. She has the front 2 bottom ones fairly well in, the front 2 top ones are coming down now, and just yesterday I saw the bottom left one right next to the front one coming through. And she grinds them, ugh. No wonder she constantly has to have something in her mouth.

Not a whole ton of “words” yet, but still lots of sounds. “Do” is her big one (sounds like “doh”, not “doo”), and I’ve noticed she says it a lot when I tell her no. Maybe that’s what she’s trying to say, because she hears “no” often. The little stinker is a magnet for everything she shouldn’t have – outlets, DVDs off the shelf, books under the coffee table…


And I keep saying she’s going to be an opera singer. She can scream at an octave that most people could never dream of hitting. It’s practically glass-shattering. And she usually doesn’t do it when she’s upset, rather just to make noise. Lucky us.


For those keeping track at home, these stats are roughly the same as last month – she wears size 3 diapers and size 4 overnights in Seventh Generation (size 2 daytime and size 3 overnights still fit pretty well in other brands), and almost all of the clothes she’s wearing now are 12 month size. I brought all of Della’s summer clothes down from the attic from her first summer, and those are essentially nothing but 12 month pieces. So that’s what Lana’s wearing for her first summer too.


I think that about covers the main things for this month. She is certainly still my little squiggle, and I love her to death.

9 mos collage

Not only do I have a photo comparison of the girls this month, but 9 months is apparently when I had started blogging and updating on Della too. So you can read how they compare as well, right here.


i tried to pick a comparison photo with similar facial expressions 😉

8 month stats

Lana turned 8 months old last Friday, and this has definitely been one of her best months yet. Why, you ask…




I gave that its own line because I can NOT stress enough how significant this fact is. You may recall from her 7 month post how I lamented the dire state into which her nighttime sleeping had fallen. Waking 2, sometimes 3, times a night, with nursing often being the only thing that would get her back to sleep. I was seriously about to lose my mind. Again.

Well at that sick checkup she had the day after her 7 month birthday, I told her pediatrician about this and she was really surprised. I was happy that she found it odd too, and I wasn’t just being a crazy sleep-deprived mother. So we decided to wean Lana off breast milk and nursing all together and switch to formula. I was very ready to be done breastfeeding this time anyway, so I was totally fine with this plan of action.

It worked. Plain and simple, I’m convinced this is why she now sleeps as well as she does. It took about a week to get her drinking all formula and no breast milk, which was much faster than I thought it would be. I was very hopeful she’d be fully weaned by the time we undertook our massive road trip to Colorado almost 2 weeks ago now, and she beat that time frame by a mile.

So now at bedtime she takes a 7-8 oz. bottle, gets a good burp out, I have her give everyone a goodnight “kiss”, then I put her to bed in her crib awake with her big green monkey. She rolls over, puts her little thumb in her mouth, hugs her monkey tight, and that’s that for the night. Sometimes she’ll cry out a little as I’m putting her down, but that usually subsides within just a few minutes. I keep a night light on for her, and for 2 solid weeks now she hasn’t awoken once to eat in the middle of the night. In fact, I’ve only had to actually get her out of her crib one time in that span to calm her, and it was almost dawn so I just put her in bed with me and she went right back to sleep.

This is a HUGE breakthrough! We’re finally getting some sleep, and within the past couple days I’ve even stopped making a small bottle to keep in the fridge overnight just in case she wakes. The putting her to bed awake too is new, which I started when we switched to formula. Having to bounce her to sleep in my arms for a good hour every night after her bedtime nursing, then worrying that she would wake up when I put her in her crib was getting mind-blowingly annoying.

I hope I’m not jinxing us by putting this out into the universe, but I think we now have a baby girl who sleeps through the night!! If you have any confetti and noisemakers, please feel free to throw it and use them at this point in the story.


Her naps are still good, as they have been for awhile. Most days consist of a morning, afternoon, and evening nap, unless I’m at work. Then it’s usually just an afternoon and evening nap. There’s just way too much going on in the kids room to doze. She’s got stuff to see!

So other than sleeping, let’s see here… She’s now up to 2 full meals of solids daily, lunch and dinner. We’ve been out of cereal for awhile, so right now it’s all fruits and veggies, but I just got a tub of steel cut oats to make her some more oatmeal. So far I’ve made her oatmeal, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, pears, and bananas, and she’s had a couple other fruits and veggies in store-bought baby food when we were traveling. She also gets whole milk yogurt and applesauce. I was going to do apples too, then remembered from making them for Della that the time and effort required to bake, peel, and sufficiently mash up apples results in one simple thing – applesauce. Buy it. Just get the all-natural kind without high fructose corn syrup. She’s seemed to love everything to this point, too, which is great. I give her a little water from a bottle after each meal. Then she takes 3-4 bottles of formula each day, depending on what time she gets up in the morning.


She’s more active than ever, and no, I no longer leave her unattended on top of anything. She has added to her army crawl of a few weeks ago, and now gets completely up on all fours and rocks back and forth. I’ve been saying it for weeks now, but she really is about to crawl any day. And I have a feeling standing then walking will not be far behind. Just today at work the girls said they left Lana sitting in her highchair after lunch because she’s so fast moving around the room. Yes, yes she is. This is a girl on the move!


Blowing raspberries is her new favorite thing. I know I mentioned she did that last month, but it is now in full effect. Throughout our entire road trip the past week and a half we heard endless strings of baby spit coming from the backseat. It’s rather hysterical, because you simply can’t help but smile.


She also likes to play monkey-see monkey-do with her big sister. The girls sit next to each other at meals, and the other week I heard Lana imitating Della’s coughs. D would cough, then L would look over, watch her, smile, and do her own little fake cough. These 2 crack me up. Most of the time.


She has 2 teeth now, right in the middle of her bottom row. I thought I saw the very tip of the top right one poking through on her 8 month birthday, but I haven’t been able to get a good enough look to confirm or refute that. Every time I try to lift her lip to get a good look the little dragon squirms away. We’ll find out for sure soon enough.

Definitely able to sit now. She still doesn’t get up into a sitting position from her stomach or back yet, but if you sit her down she’ll stay there for a long time now. She can also pull herself back to a sitting position if she starts leaning in one direction or another. Her favorite move is to tip forward into “crawl” mode from a sitting position and take off across the room after a toy, Della, a bug, whatever happens to catch her eye.


Umm, I think that’s about it. The posterity stats – size 3 diapers and size 4 overnights (in Seventh Generation. other brands she can still fit into size 2 and size 3 overnights); mostly sizes 9-12 months for clothes, although a few 6 month things still fit; and we’ve been done with drool bibs for awhile. Her official growth stats will come next month after her 9 month well check.

I probably say it every month, but she really does get more and more fun every day. Especially now that I’m regaining sanity from actually getting some sleep! My little blue-eyed beauty.

8 mos collage

And finally, the Della/Lana 8 month comparison…

D L 8

Friday Funk

2 Friday Funks in a row?? Crazy. I must be on a roll over here. I’ll call this one the “No More Moo” edition, because I’ve been given the green light by Lana’s pediatrician to start weaning her from breast milk. Time to start shutting down the milk factory.

The reason for doing this is kind of a need mixed with a want. She NEEDS to start sleeping through the night again, and her doctor said weaning will absolutely help with that. I took her in the other night for her first sick check because she’s had this congestion and cough for months now, and I was afraid she might have an ear infection since she tugs on her left one all the time. Ears look perfect, the doctor said, but she said she still sounds a little croupy. Something in her upper respiratory system is definitely still bugging her, so she’s currently on a 5-day antibiotic just to try and kick whatever keeps running around in there.

But anyway, I was telling her how terrible Lana’s sleeping at night has gotten, and she was pretty surprised to hear that she almost always wakes up 2-3 times per night now. A complete sleep through is essentially nonexistent these days, which is really shitty for a 7 month old.

So after we discussed the decline in night sleeping and I asked about maybe stopping breastfeeding soon, her doctor said yes, let’s definitely start to wean her. That’s where the want part comes in.

I’m ready to be done nursing this time around. I don’t know if it’s the novelty wearing off earlier the second time around or maybe the fact that me having been home basically all of Lana’s life so far with her she’s just spent more time actually nursing than Della did since she was in daycare so much or what, but I’m pretty much over it. That “magical bond” between mother and nursing babe just isn’t that magical anymore.

As when Della was stopping breastfeeding, I would love to not have to worry about it over the summer. Taking my stupid hand pump to all-day events gets so old, and enduring the pain of engorgement when I’d rather just not have to think about it is getting annoying right now. Plus we need to get Lana to know that boobs are no longer an option in the middle of the night. That’s the worst part – as long as she continues to wake up inconsolable save for nursing, we’ll keep taking steps backward instead of forward in this process.

So enter Enfamil, the formula I’ve always dreaded due to its price tag. The act of giving my baby formula doesn’t bother me in the least; it’s paying for the crap when I know I can provide plenty of breast milk for free. But like I said, I’m willing to sacrifice the dollars for a few months this time to get my body freedom back. Selfish? Probably. But Mama needs her sanity too, thank you very much, and Lana will thrive just fine on formula for only a couple months. For when she turns 11 months, we’ll put her on whole milk anyway.

Day 1 of the weaning saga was yesterday, and it was an utter failure. The doctor said to begin by replacing the least important breast milk meals with formula until there is no more nursing, so we’re starting with the one she usually has between her now solid lunches and dinners. Yesterday I whipped up a 6 oz. bottle containing 4 oz. of breast milk and 2 oz. of formula, thinking that would be more than enough breast milk to mask whatever the foreign taste of formula is in there. Nope. She drank a couple good gulps, then refused the rest of it. Well shit. I even made a separate 1 oz. bottle of strictly formula, thinking maybe the breast milk was bad. Still refused. Double shit.

I was afraid of that. Della did the same thing when she stopped nursing, refusing formula. She was about a month and a half older than Lana is now, though, so I just pumped another month or 2 until she started whole milk. I’m not pumping for 4 more months this time, though, so we have to get this to work with Lana. Fortunately round 2 this afternoon went better. I made another 6 oz. bottle for her, but this time I used only 1 oz. of formula and 5 oz. of breast milk, and she drank the whole thing without hesitation. Much better.

My hope is that I can just keep upping the formula ratio in this afternoon bottle and her mid-morning one over the next week or so until those 2 are strictly formula. Then we’ll work on switching the morning wake-up feeding to formula, then lastly the bedtime feeding. The doctor said that’s the order of importance for the feedings to be breast milk. I may start transitioning the bedtime feeding to a mixed bottle sooner, though, so I can make it bigger. When she nurses I obviously have no idea how many ounces she’s taking, but her doctor said to give her a bigger bedtime bottle (at least 6 oz.) to help her stay satisfied through the night better. Makes sense to me. Let’s get this pony rolling.

I would love more than anything to have her nearly fully weaned in the next 3 weeks before we go to Colorado, but I won’t push it. I’ll try, but if I have to take the damn pump, I’ll take it. So wish us luck on this journey! Any and all easy weaning juju you can send our way will be much appreciated.

Speaking of Colorado, my sister had her baby today!!!! I could just poop I’m so excited for them. His name is Roan, and from what I’ve seen so far he is absolutely perfect. I simply cannot wait to hold this newest little Goonie nugget, and Della already knows she has a new baby cousin. She can even say Roan pretty well. I’m so happy we’ll get to meet him when he’s still so little. I just hope my sister and brother-in-law truly know what they’re signing up for when they invite us all to stay with them with a newborn in the house. Heh.

What else? Oh yeah – my race last weekend. Dudes, I kicked its ass!! I was hoping for under 27:00, secretly wishing for under 26:00, and I blew that thing out of the water. 25:11 was my time. BOOM to the OOM! 8:06 pace. I was floored. No way was I expecting a time like that, which is one of my fastest 5k times ever. Let alone after having 2 kids and just getting back to running a few weeks ago. It felt like a terrible run, too, because I started off way too fast trying to keep pace with a group of grade schoolers. Note – never EVER try to keep up with 7 year olds in a race. They’ll destroy you every time. So when I saw sub-25:00 on the score clock as I approached the finish line I was ecstatic.


Then it was off to Miller Park that afternoon with great friends for the Kenny Chesney concert. Yahoo!! That was an absolute blast. We skipped the first couple opening acts and went in for Eric Church and Kenny, and we had so much fun. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, and we had a wonderful afternoon and night.




I think that about wraps everything up for this week. Just another batch of random I wanted to write down before I forgot it all. We’re off to Madison on Sunday for my cousin’s wedding, which will be awesome. So you all have a great long weekend, thank you to those whom we remember in the name of this holiday, and I’ll talk to you later.


7 month stats

Lana turned 7 months old on Tuesday. Slow down!


We don’t have another well check until 9 months, so no official measurements again this time. However, I do know her weight is 16 lbs. 9.75 oz., because she had her first sick trip to the doctor last night. But let’s see what’s changed since last month with this latest update.


Let’s start with sleep. It’s been nonexistent lately. I have no idea why, but Lana has apparently forgotten everything she learned about sleeping through the night. She’s done it maybe twice in the past month plus. Why? What’s going on in there? Growing, teething, just too busy to sleep? I don’t know what the issue is, but I sure hope it corrects itself soon.

I have tried to cut out all feedings during the night, but sometimes she just can’t be soothed back to sleep, so nursing is my last resort. I know she needs to relearn how to put herself back to sleep, but I can only take so much high pitched screeching in the middle of the night, let alone the other sleepers in the house. I am so ready to get her crib out of our room, too.

Fortunately her naps are still pretty good. I’ve noticed a few times she strays from her solid 3-nap-a-day schedule and takes a longer late morning nap paired with a longer late afternoon nap, so maybe she’s starting to transition from 3 naps down to 2. Most days, though, she still gets in all 3.


Eating. I started her on a meal of solids for dinner shortly after 6 months, and just this week I added a second meal of food in there. So now she gets some baby cereal for lunch and sweet potatoes for dinner, with some more cereal if she’s hungry enough. Right now it’s just sweet potatoes because that’s all I’ve made so far, but she also has eaten and loved baby food pears and apples. I mashed up some banana for her the other night, but she didn’t like it at all. So I think I’m going to bake and mash some apples for her, then maybe try throwing in some green veggies after that.

I keep meaning to look for a baby food cereal that I can make with oatmeal, too, because we have a ton of it in the house and it has to be cheaper than buying box after box of baby cereal. So she’s up to 2 meals of solids a day (sitting in the highchair even!) and down to roughly 4 milk feedings a day, either nursing or from a bottle at work.


Movement. This kid is all over the place! She’s been rolling for a couple months now, and that has been her major mode of transportation thus far. She can roll and spin to get to anything, and just the other day I saw her pull herself along with her hands too. So now that she’s added that weapon to the arsenal, she can seriously get around the house.

We definitely cannot leave her on top of anything anymore – changing table, Della’s bed, even our bed. The other day I went into the bathroom, and when I came back she had moved all the way from the dead center of our king sized bed and had 1 leg hanging off the edge. Yikes!

She isn’t crawling yet, but it has to be soon. She will plant 1 foot and 1 knee, but she hasn’t been able to get up on her hands while in that stance yet. She still keeps her head down, but a few days ago I saw her trying to figure that part out. She also rocks back and forth when she’s on her stomach and pushed up on her arms, which is so cute. It’s like she’s dancing, because she does it all over the place.


She still loves being in the jumperoo, and has been able to spin herself all the way around in the seat for a while now. She’s not a big fan of the playpen, but sometimes she’ll stay in there for a little chunk of time playing with all her toys. Thankfully she loves our new jogging stroller. I have taken her and Della for a ton of rides in it now, and I’ll also buckle Lana in there alone if I need to be outside and she’s not napping. She’ll happily chew on her toys and watch the outdoors for hours.

Personality. Getting bigger by the day still. She talks constantly, and her little strings of baby gibberish are simply divine. She blows raspberries all the time, and her belly laughs are the best. When Della tickles her or makes her laugh, she lets out the loudest chuckles, which warm my heart to hear. She still doesn’t like to be ignored and will let you know it, but her smiles far outnumber those squeals now.

She finally got her first tooth! It just broke through 1 week ago, and I’ve been waiting for this one for quite some time. Della got her first tooth at about 5.5 months, so we’ve been on high alert. Especially since Lana has been such a drooling fool for months now. At first I thought it was bugging her quite a bit, but now I don’t really think so. I think that’s just her normal persona shining through, ha!

She sits pretty well assisted, but still can’t sit on her own yet. She sure tries, though. One of her favorite moves is to try and pull herself up to a sitting position when she’s lying down or when you lay her down on something. She’s going to have abs of steel by age 9 months! Her thumb is still her best friend, which is great for me. I can tell she’s not really waking up in the night when I hear her little plug going in her mouth.


Now for the monthly collage. She’s really starting to grow, and I even brought down all of Della’s old 12 month summer clothes the other day. Lana easily fits into all the 6-9 month stuff, and some 12 month things are even close to fitting. So fortunately it doesn’t look like I’ll have to buy a whole new summer wardrobe for her. And just for posterity, she wears size 2 diapers.

7mos Collage

Here’s our 7 month comparison too – Della on the left, Lana on the right. These are some seriously cute kids, eh? Didn’t Della look like a little doll? Weird.

D L 7



6 month stats

Lana turned 6 months old this past Sunday. A full half year old!! Once her touchy newborn stage ended, the time has definitely started to speed up.


We had her next well-baby checkup yesterday, complete with another round of shots, so here are the official 6 month stats:

  • Height:  27″ (90% – her height finally caught up!)
  • Weight:  15 lbs. 1.5 oz. (25-50%)
  • Head:  43 cm (50-75%)

Other than growth, not a whole lot has changed since her 5 month stats.

She still only sleeps through the night sometimes, which sucks, but what can ya do? I’ve actually contemplated moving her crib into Della’s room now before she even sleeps consistently until morning. Maybe it would help keep them both calmer through the night knowing the other is right there? Maybe not; we’ll see.

She no longer sleeps swaddled at all. I just wrap the swaddle sides around her middle to keep her a little warmer than using simply a blanket, since apparently winter is never going to end this year. We still have to use the stupid space heater in our room at night for her because it continues to get so cold.

Naps have become pretty scheduled, though. She generally takes a mid-morning nap for roughly an hour, then an afternoon nap starting somewhere between 1-2 that can last a good 2-3 hours, and then an evening nap for another 30-60 minutes. At least we can almost always count on those, even when we never know if we’ll be awakened at night or not.


She’s still exclusively breastfed, eating 6-7 times a day. I tried rice cereal again the other week, and she had no interest. So then I tried baby food bananas last weekend, which she seemed to enjoy more. She still doesn’t really get the hang of the spoon at all, though, so we haven’t implemented solids on a regular basis yet. Fine by me. And the doctor said that’s fine too, whenever she’s ready.


Rolled back to front 5 days after she turned 5 months old and hasn’t stopped since. I say she’s the most mobile non-crawling baby I’ve ever seen. She can roll, spin, and reach her way to nearly anything she wants. I had to put away her playmats and bring the baby jail playpen back down from the attic, because she literally ends up halfway across the room on the hardwood floor every time we put her down on the mat now. It’s not her favorite place, but maybe it’ll grow on her. If not, I guess we’ll just let her roll around on the floor, which she actually doesn’t seem to mind one bit.

As I typed that paragraph, she scooted on her back from the middle of the couch to ram her head into the arm by arching her back and planting her little feet. On the move, that’s for sure.

She absolutely loves the jumperoo. She can now spin the seat in different directions so she can see what else is on the tray. In particular, she loves looking at her reflection in the little whale shaped mirror with the bar and sliding rings above it. She will happily stay in there for long stretches of time, which is very helpful when I’m trying to get something done around the house or need to tend to Della. Unfortunately it usually bounces the poop right out of her, as it is not uncommon for her to be found sitting in a blowout by the end of her jump sessions.


Still very much makes her presence known. She likes to scream for no real reason other than to ensure you don’t forget she’s lying there. It’s not crying, it’s just screaming. I guess she wants to see just which octave she can hit. We’re also starting to hear some consonant sounds in all that chatter. The other day at work one of the girls came out of the kids room carrying Lana and said they were warming up her bottle because she was getting very vocal. Yep, that’s a nice way of saying she was screaming at them to eat, ha!

Some random fun facts from her sixth month of life – she wears size 2 diapers and is pretty much out of her size 3m clothes. There are still a couple shirts and pajama onesies that fit from the 3m era, but the vast majority of her clothes are now 6m or some 6-9m. She unfortunately has her first real illness, a case of croup. I had a feeling that’s what it was when she started having a harsh, hoarse cough Sunday morning, and the doctor confirmed it yesterday. I just hope her cough and congestion clear up soon, because the poor little thing sounds awful.

She’s gotten to be so much fun. She laughs out loud when I nuzzle in to tickle her cheeks and neck. She kicks her little legs to splash all over the place when I give her a bath. She smiles as big as her head and starts panting when she sees us in the morning or when I come into their room at work. I just love it, and I simply cannot get enough of her.


6mos Collage

Now just for grins, here’s a comparison shot of Della at 6 months on the left and Lana at 6 months on the right. Similar or not?


5 month stats

Lana turned 5 months old today. That’s almost half a year!

L 5 mos

We don’t have another well check until 6 months, so no official stats this time. But here is what I can tell you…

Sleeping. Well let’s see. I’d still call it hit or miss. She has now slept through as many as 5 nights in a row, but it’s not enough to call it a nightly occurrence. I have stopped changing her diaper if she wakes to eat, though, so that helps cut down the awake time in the middle of the night for both of us.

I think she did go through a bit of 4 month sleep regression, which was a nasty spell. For weeks she’d wake up crying within an hour of being put to bed not really needing anything but being lulled back to sleep, then wake again once or twice during the night to fuss and/or eat. The worst night of it all was the first night Ryan was out of town last week, and that was awful. Fortunately after that she started her 5 night sleep stretch, so hopefully she was getting the last of it out of her system. (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!)

I guess not sleeping consistently through the night at 5 months isn’t the end of the world, but I can’t help comparing it to Della, who slept through by 3 months and never looked back. Ah well. Lana is definitely her own person, that’s for sure.

Her napping is pretty good. She still usually gets 3 naps in a day, morning, afternoon, and evening. Sometimes if we’re at work she’s too busy to take a morning nap, so then she tends to take a longer one once we get home and I feed her, essentially combining her morning and afternoon ones. That works fine for me.

Eating. Still exclusively breastfed, eating every 2-3 awake hours during the day. I did try giving her her first taste of rice cereal a few weeks ago because she’s now so interested in watching us eat, but she didn’t really enjoy it. She was more enticed by the prospect of chewing on the spoon rather than actually trying to eat. No biggie. We didn’t start Della on solids regularly until around 6 months I think. It’s also just easier right now not having to worry about both nursing and actual feeding. I’m lazy, remember?

Physicality. This girl is constantly moving and wiggling! I call her my little squirm, because that’s what she always does. She can roll front to back no problem, and she is so close to rolling back to front as well. When on her back she’ll pull her legs up into a little bowling ball shape and tip all the way onto one side, but she can’t quite get her arms underneath her correctly to complete the roll.

I swear she’s ready to take off crawling, too. She can practically get onto her hands and knees when she’s on her stomach, and I’ve seen her do a pretty good downward dog imitation too. I looked over at her one day and she was in baby tripod mode with her feet planted on the blanket, pushing her tiny butt up into the air. Any time now, I tell ya. I keep forgetting I can’t leave her on the changing dresser anymore.

She’s pretty good at sitting with assistance, but when I try to have her sit by herself she still readily tips over. Last night I had her sitting in the boppy pillow on the couch, with the boppy around her stomach to kind of barricade her in. She liked it for a little while, but then she toppled over again so I just put her back on her play mat.

She also has the strongest abs ever. She can almost pull herself up to a sitting position from lying down as you start to pick her up. A budding athlete maybe?

Personality. Big. And loud. Lana chatters and shouts nonstop. And I mean shouts. She’ll be playing on her play mat, yanking at all the toys dangling from the arches above her, and I’ll hear all these high-pitched squeals and yells coming from her. Della and I always say she’s talking to her guys. I swear she’s commanding them, “Get down here and get in my mouth!!”


She makes the most adorable faces with the hugest smiles, too. Her tongue is her new favorite accessory, and watching her stick it out in all different directions is hysterical. She has learned to blow real raspberries too, which I love. Something must always be in her mouth, much more so than I ever remember with Della, and I mean always. She will literally lunge at whatever passes in front of her face to try and grab it with her gums.


And she’s a thumb sucker. I actually don’t mind this at all, because it’s much easier to deal with than having to replace the damn pacifier eighty billion times a day/night. I keep one arm out of her swaddle at night so she can get her thumb to calm her when she rustles around. Works like a charm. I sucked my thumb for years and my teeth are just fine.

I took the throw pillow out from under the jumperoo a few weeks ago, and she can now fully bounce herself with her little toes touching the floor. She was in there last night jumping and squealing with delight. So incredibly cute.

I think those are the main points for now. This one just keeps getting better and better, my little bugaboo. My sweet baby girl.

L mos1L mos2

 i swear, all of these really are the same child…