Sweet baby girl

You rustle around your crib, pop up, and say, “Hi!”

Your day begins as the sun kisses the sky.

“Milk, milk,” you exclaim, your tiny hand signing as well.

What magic will this day bring? It’s so very hard to tell.

Those giant blue eyes and hair every which way,

Little puffs of baby breath are a sweet start to my day.

Running, chasing, just exploring it all;

Your play doesn’t even skip a beat when you tumble or fall.

You laugh, you cry, you’re amazingly wild.

You’re loud, you’re enchanting, my beautiful second child.

A green monkey and your thumb keep you safe the day through;

May you always know how you’re cherished and how boundless my love is for you.

Come day’s end I see sleep creeping, no longer you twirl.

How deeply I adore you. Good night, sweet baby girl.





12 month stats

Here I am again, later than ever for her biggest update post yet, because Lana is now closer to 13 months than to 12. But just a few weeks ago she turned ONE YEAR OLD!


I’m pretty sure I said it with Della, too, but it doesn’t so much seem hard to believe that she’s 1 now, but more surreal. Like I can’t really call or think of her as an infant anymore, since she’s cruising around the house with the rest of us. She reaches up on tables, chases after Della constantly, dives into the ball house to play all on her own, even enjoys playing outside in the giant leaf piles already.


We had her 12 month checkup last Wednesday, and unfortunately it turned into a sick visit as she had her most relentless cold to date. Thankfully we started amoxicillin that night and she was 100 times better in about 2 days. But either way, here are her official 12 month stats:

  • Height: 30.5″ (90%)
  • Weight: 19 lbs. 15 oz. (50%)
  • Head: don’t know the measurement, but it was 75%


Her walking gets better by the day, and we almost never see her crawl anymore. I know she started doing that last month, but now it really is her main mode of transportation. She’s even started trying to run, and we saw her jump a few weeks ago, too. That was about the funniest thing ever. She only got around a centimeter off the ground, but it was definitely a full-on two-footed jump. In her tiny Badger slippers, to boot.


She still eats basically everything herself. I don’t think she’s met a food yet that she doesn’t like, but I have noticed that pasta in tomato-based sauces are not her favorite. She has begun taking a little lunchbox to work just like Della instead of 2 little cups since she needs more food to fill up. Such a big girl.


I think she’s about done with daytime bottles, too. She’ll still drink a pretty good amount when she wakes up in the morning, but before/after naps and even at bedtime she drinks hardly any now. She loves drinking out of cups, though, so I think I may try giving her milk in them at meals again. I tried to do this a month or so ago, whenever she first started drinking water from a cup, but she just made a mess with the milk. Maybe she’s progressed enough by now, though, to actually drink it.


There was 1 big step this month – we FINALLY moved her crib out of our bedroom and into Della’s, the weekend after her birthday. So it’s now “the girls'” bedroom. Once she started sleeping through the night this summer I didn’t bother, because she was then such a good sleeper. Plus I remembered what a pain it was to fully disassemble the crib to move it between rooms, after having done it when I was pregnant to get it into our room in the first place. But I finally bit the bullet and did the manual labor, and it was a pretty smooth transition. The first couple nights she let out a few cries at bedtime, I’m sure just getting used to her new surroundings, but now there are no problems. I had to start staggering them for afternoon naps, though, letting Lana get fully asleep before having Della go to bed, or vice versa if Lana took a morning nap and isn’t sleepy by the time Della is. And occasionally Della just sleeps in our bed if Lana is messing around too much in her crib and taking too long to get to sleep and I need them both to go down somewhere.


Speaking of naps, I can’t decide if she’s going to stop taking a morning nap all together or not. When she does take one I try to push it earlier now, say closer to 9 or before if at all possible, so she’s plenty tired when it’s time for her afternoon nap to match up with Della’s around 1-1:30. On days she doesn’t take a morning nap she’s usually ready to go down by 12:30 or so, which is ok, but then I just try to get Della down closer to 1 than 2 so they overlap for a longer period of time. I’m pretty sure Della was down to only 1 nap by the time she turned 1, but she was also at daycare full-time then, in a noisier/busier room all day. Most days when we’re home now I can still get L to take her morning nap. And if she does happen to fall asleep at work, I just have them wake her before 11.

She’s actually forming some recognizable words, which is great:

  • hi
  • bye-bye
  • nigh-night
  • bubbles
  • purple
  • map
  • dada (either dada or della or both)
  • mama
  • no (of course)
  • yeah
  • pop
  • clap-clap
  • choo-choo
  • knock knock
  • boo (for peek-a-boo)
  • yuck
  • sock

She also loves to clap and roll her hands like when you play pat-a-cake, and she does the tickle me signal for when you put the cake in the oven. She’s becoming quite a good mimic. Yesterday she started rubbing her hands together and putting them on her tummy when she saw me putting on lotion after my shower. She will also comb her hair, and she’s a whiz with all the magnets on the fridge. Having Della to watch and imitate definitely helps in this category.


I think those are the main things for this month. She has now moved up to size 4 daytime diapers and size 5 overnights in Seventh Generation, and wears size 12 month or 18 month clothes. Her shoes are about a 2-3 now, too.

Lana Marie, I tell ya. This one is about as funny and lovable as they come!

And now the comparisons. Here is Della’s 12 month post; here is the picture with D on the left and L on the right.

D L 12

And finally, here is the collage from Lana’s first full year. I have a hunch I probably will not continue this past 12 months, so enjoy it while you can!

L 12 Collage





From 1 to 2

Seeing how we don’t have Lana’s 12 month well-check for another couple weeks, I won’t be able to do her “official” 12 month post until we get those stats. So to honor her 1st birthday, I’ll instead go with a post that is roughly 365 days overdue. But you guys should be used to my extreme tardiness with this stuff by now, though. Right…?

When I got pregnant for the second time, I had no idea what to expect as far as our new family dynamic. I think I just kind of assumed 2 kids, 2 of everything that fell under the general umbrella of “stuff they need”. It didn’t take me long to realize that was 100% inaccurate.

Before Lana was born, I felt pretty good about having everything we needed for another newborn, since all of Della’s stuff was only 2ish years old and still in perfect working order. We had a crib, an infant car seat, newborn clothes (even though i had to go out and get a bunch of warm-weather girl pj’s once she arrived since hers and della’s seasons are just that much off), I got my pump out and dusted it off, washed all the bottles, washed all the playmat/baby carrier/baby bed paraphernalia, stocked up on newborn diapers (no, i still couldn’t muster the effort to try cloth this time around either), etc. We were good to go.

The one big unknown, as always, was timing of this little one. Della was born 8 days before my due date and my doctor said women tend to have similar gestational periods with subsequent babies, but you never really know. So I literally had my mom on standby in the weeks leading up to my due date with Lana, waiting for that call to come watch Della while Ryan and I went to the hospital to see who was going to come next. I had my hospital bag packed and so did she.

Something that gave me a huge leg up this time over when Della was born, though, was that I pretty well knew what the start of my labor was going to feel like. I was just worried that my mom wouldn’t be able to get here in time if it all went as fast as it did with Della, or that it would happen in the middle of the night and we’d have no idea what to do with D.

Fortunately, however, everything fell perfectly into place – I woke up to a contraction at 1:30 a.m., they continued about every half hour for the rest of that night/early morning until I got up around 7, sent my mom the “I think it’s the day. Come on up!” message, showered, made sure every last thing was cleaned up and ready to go, double checked my hospital bag and the stuff D was going to need while I was staying there, then just waited. My mom got to our house just after 9 a.m., Ryan of course had to run some crazy errand that was like 45 minutes away so was gone when she arrived, I talked to the doctor to see when they wanted me to come in this time since I tested positive for Strep B and needed penicillin ideally 4 hours before delivery, and just sat tight until my contractions were 5-10 minutes apart for a solid half hour.

Ryan and I got to the hospital around 3 p.m., they broke my water a little after 6:30, and Lana Marie came screaming into this world at 7:24 p.m. one year ago today. Crazy, eh? I wouldn’t say it’s hard to believe it’s been a whole year, but I’d say it’s more surreal. Surreal that we now have a 1 year old walking around our house like she owns the place, hollering the whole while. It’s wonderful.

I’ll never forget how worried I was about adding another child to our family, either. I had this unnerving fear that I’d never be able to love another as much as I loved Della, and that Della would suddenly feel second-rate once a new baby came in and shook everything up. I cried in the shower that morning Lana was born, just hoping and praying that we were doing the right thing by giving Della a sibling. And thankfully not a day goes by where I’m not absolutely convinced that we did. The way these 2 play with and love each other is just incredible.

That’s not to say every day has been filled with sunshine and roses, though. Ha! No way. You all know how hard it got for me last winter. I was so frustrated feeling like I just couldn’t get everything right by everyone after a couple months being home full-time with a newborn and a 2 year old.

That original notion I had that 2 kids just meant 2 of everything? So totally wrong. The needs don’t just increase by a factor of how many children you have. Unfortunately. They increase EXPONENTIALLY. Yeah, math. For you see, newborns are so much more needy with the copious amounts of stuff and things than toddlers, a fact that had simply slipped my mind in those 2 years between Della’s newborn days and Lana’s.

I couldn’t just put an extra outfit, diaper, and snacks in the bag for Lana like I did for Della when we’d go somewhere. L needed multiple outfits for the inevitable multiple blowouts/leaks/barfs; multiple burp rags for those exact same episodes; multiple (multiple!) diapers because you never knew how many of those episodes would occur on even the shortest errands/trips; bottles at the ready if I wasn’t planning on nursing her wherever we went; pacifiers for the emergency yowl that always seemed to escape her tiny lips; numerous layers to keep that precious baby skin protected since her early days were spent in the decline of sunlight and warmth for the year (yuck!); and on and on and on.

I think that was part of what drove me the most crazy. Constantly having to write and rewrite the mental list of “things we need” every time I even thought of trying to get the 3 of us out the door. I think our first outing as a trio was a walk to CVS, which is roughly a dozen blocks from our house. Like the easiest walk in the world and something we’ve done countless times before and since. But I swear to you, it took HOURS to get that train out the door. By the time I got us all ready and bundled and loaded (lana being worn in a carrier on me since she was tiny and we had no double stroller at the time), either D had to pee, I had to pee, L had to eat again because we’d taken so damn long, D had to get a new pair of mittens on, I had to change because I was so sweaty from trying to do all this while wearing my winter coat with a baby on my chest, or whatever.

I think the highlight of my winter last year was getting home from that 1 simple walking errand. I had done it! No matter that it literally took all morning to take a 20 minute round-trip walk, but we had made it. And I’d even remembered to keep Lana’s pacifier up at the ready by her face for the second she started crying in the store.

So just 1 small example of how doubling our children didn’t mean doubling their stuff, it meant burying us under it.

And this is definitely the reason why we potty trained Della at 28 months. She was just under 27 months old when Lana was born, and once we started having to get 2 shipments of diapers each month I said forget it. This kid’s gonna go on the toilet like the rest of us, so help me god. And fortunately she’s the most easily-taught kid ever and she did. She’d already shown interest in the toilet and gone on it a couple times, so it wasn’t like I just sprung this all on her, but she honestly only had a handful of accidents at most in those first couple weeks. We just went right into underwear, no pull-ups, and that was it. No more double diapers!

So yeah, going from 1 kid to 2 was harder than I expected and harder than I think I really let myself believe at first. Like I said, it took a couple months before I really felt overwhelmed, probably because I didn’t want to admit I couldn’t handle it. But once I realized that I was struggling and said and did something about it, every day has gotten better since. Yes, I know that sounds utterly cliche, but it really has.

There was a week last winter when Ryan was out of town for some training, and I was terrified at having to be home by myself with both of them for most of that time (i took the girls down to my mom’s house on thursday of that week, i believe, so i didn’t have to serve the entire sentence alone). But I took it one half day at a time – light and dark (lana wasn’t even close to sleeping through at that point, so that’s why i didn’t bother calling it night. like i was sleeping, ha!) – and we made it.

Just like with your first-born, you start getting into a rhythm, and everything begins falling into its rightful place in the scheme of your new lives. Hours at a time at first, then days, then weeks, and now it’s been a year. And I am the happiest and most stress-free I’ve been in a very long time. And I have 1 kid hanging on each leg.

So there you have it. My story of how life changed when we went from a family of 3 to a family of 4. Fine at first with all the newborn bliss, then increasingly hard as daily life at home with 2 set in, but now fantastic with 2 of the happiest, most amazing children I could have asked for. Well, they’re happy most of the time anyway. Until Lana remembers she wants something that she doesn’t have in her hand that very second and starts wailing for it.

And speaking of the birthday girl, here’s a little peek from her birthday party this past Saturday. She was the belle of the ball, running around (literally!) with all the big kids and playing all night long. I’ll have plenty more pictures for you when I get her 12 month post up, too. But for now, Happiest of Happy 1st Birthdays, little Lana Marie! We love you so very, very much. Thank you for making us into our family of 4.




11 month stats

Every month I vow to get these monthly posts for Lana up on time, and so far I continue to fail miserably. For example, Lana turned 11 months old last Saturday. Let’s see, that was only what, 10 days ago? Geez. At least I got it up before she got closer to 12 months than to 11 months, right?


We still haven’t had another well-check for official measurement stats, as that comes at 12 months. And I feel like there isn’t a whole ton of new stuff to report this month – she just keeps growing and getting funnier and funnier.


One huge thing that did happen this month, however, was walking!! She took her first actual continuous steps 1 day before her 11 month birthday, and I could not have been more excited. She had taken a couple half or single steps in the days leading up to that, but this was full-on walking partially across the room to me. Baby Frankenstein in full effect.


She’s been great at standing and balancing on her own for a while now, so instead of putting her down on the floor in a sitting position I’ve begun putting her down more often in a standing position, and I think that was her cue to start taking off. That and the fact that Della and I were crouched across the room cheering her on. Della loves to coax her over to her now too, which is one of the cutest things ever. But as I sit here typing this, I am drawing a complete blank on in which room these first steps occurred. Can you even believe that?! Man, my memory is shot. I knew I should have gotten the video camera out! Ugh, terrible mothering. I seriously can’t believe I can’t remember this. What is wrong with me? I’m pretty sure it was the dining room, but for some reason the details are completely escaping me! At least we can get her to do it pretty much all over the place now. And I still remember the first time she rolled over. Does that count for anything?

Aside from walking, though, things are pretty much status quo. She still gets into everything, puts anything possible in her mouth, and is loud as can be. Her talking gets funnier every day too, with the variety of sounds that come out of her mouth. I called her first word “hi”, complete with waving. She now waves and says “buh-bye” too, which is great.


I’ve been trying to teach her a little baby sign language, too – so far she can do “more”, “all done”, “milk”, and we’re working on “eat” and “please”. She’s been really good at “milk”, “more”, and “all done”. I just taught her “milk” last week, and she caught onto that one really quickly.


She feeds herself basically everything now, and her range of foods is really good – bananas, oranges, apples with no skin, sweet potatoes cut up, peaches, pears, grapes (quartered), blueberries, cheese, chicken nuggets, any steamed/mixed vegetables, beans, Cheerios, any other dry cereals, pancakes, waffles, Goldfish, Teddy Grahams, all snack crackers, eggs, and then of course anything that still needs to be fed to her like applesauce, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. I’m such a non-lover of having to spoon feed, though, that I usually take the easy route and give her all finger foods.


One big food-related event was switching over to whole milk already. I said that whenever we ran out of the last tub of formula we were on after she turned 11 months that was going to be her last one, and I stuck to it. I thawed the last 8 bags of breastmilk I had in the basement freezer as we started getting low on formula, so that helped supplement those last couple days, then we switched over to all whole milk last week after she turned 11 months. Hooray! She also drinks from a sippy cup very well. So far I’ve only given her water in it, but hopefully that will translate easily to milk when the time comes.


Here are the posterity stats again – size 12-18 months in clothes with a couple 9 month things left, size 3 daytime diapers, size 4 nighttime diapers, and around size 2 in shoes I think. Her favorite ones right now are little soft-soled ones, so I don’t think they really have a size besides “infant”.


Despite my lack of punctuality on getting this posted, I did actually take the time to do her 11 month collage the right way this time. Ta-da!

11 months collage

And then here are L and D in their side-by-side; Della on the left, Lana on the right. For those really curious as well, here is Della’s 11 month post for even more comparison. These 2 little beans are simply the greatest.

D L 11

The power of weaning

I’ve been meaning to write this post for months, but, like the rest of my well-intended tales, everything else has taken precedence. So for those of you still wondering how the weaning process went this time around with Lana, please read on.

Unlike Della, who slept through the night by 3 months and never stopped, Lana was never a good sleeper. The longest stretch she ever slept through was 5 nights in a row, and oddly enough that was when my mom, the girls, and I went out to Tucson in February. Otherwise it was maybe every other night, if that. Then by the time she was 5, 6, 7 months old, her sleep had regressed terribly. She was waking pretty much every night, sometimes 2 or even 3 times a night. We were quickly going insane.

I took her into the doctor the day after her 7 month birthday for a sick visit, because I thought she might have an ear infection or 2 due to the amount of coughing, congestion, and ear pulling she was doing. Of course her ears looked perfect so there was nothing wrong there, but our pediatrician thought she probably had an upper respiratory infection of sorts, possibly left over from the croup she had at 6 months.

While there, she asked about her sleeping, and I described how horrible it had gotten. She was surprised and said that was not normal. I then brought up the subject of stopping breastfeeding, not because of the sleeping, but just because I was sick of it. Yes, I said it. I was starting to hate nursing Lana, especially when those multiple nightly wake-ups could often only be resolved by nursing her back to sleep. It was exhausting and annoying, and I had had enough.

I don’t know if it was because this was the second time around and I knew how the whole breastfeeding routine went from having done it with Della, or what, but that “magical mother-child bond” that everyone describes when they talk about breastfeeding was just not there anymore. Lana had always been a good eater and my supply was overabundant again, so there was no issue there. It was just time to be done.

As soon as I mentioned that I was kind of wanting to stop breastfeeding, the doctor said yes, let’s go ahead and wean her. Not a hint of hesitation. Yahoo! Sign me up. As much as I didn’t want to have to start paying for formula, I was so relieved she was actually recommending what I had secretly been hoping for and I wasn’t crazy for wanting to stop nursing my baby. Plus I was overjoyed to not have to mess with breastfeeding and pumping during the summer again, especially since this was just weeks before we were going on our big road trip out west.

I thought the whole weaning from breastmilk to formula process was going to be hellish and take forever, since the 1 time I tried to give Della formula she absolutely refused it and it was a disaster, so I was overjoyed that it turned out to be so much easier than I ever expected. The day after that doctor visit I tried giving her the first bottle of breastmilk mixed with formula – just 2 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of breastmilk. No dice. She wanted nothing to do with it. Well shit.

The next day I tried again, going with a little less formula mixed in, plus I heated the bottle, something I hadn’t done the day before. Much better. She drank the whole thing no problem. I think that was the key – the heating, not necessarily the ratio. Because after that I started increasing the amount of formula in each bottle pretty quickly.

She was fully weaned within 1 week, and, the best part of all this, she was consistently sleeping through the night within 2 weeks. Thank god!! I had no idea how powerful this was going to be for her sleeping, but I am now a full believer. From the start of the weaning process we gave her a full 8 oz. bottle at night before bed, something we continue to this day. She doesn’t always drink all of it, and a good number of times at the start she’d drink too much and then throw a bunch of it up, but at least we know she’s getting a good amount before sleeping. That was one problem with breastfeeding – I never knew how much she was actually taking, so if she got sleepy before she was actually full, that was probably why she’d wake up so much at night.

Plus the whole having to bounce her to sleep in my arms and then being deathly afraid of waking her when I placed her in her crib had gotten so incredibly irritating. When we started the weaning process that all changed too. No longer did we wait until she was asleep to put her in bed, but we put her down awake. That’s when her love of the big soft green monkey began as well. I knew she liked being snuggled into someone to fall asleep, so I just placed the monkey next to her in her crib because it was the biggest stuffed animal she had. Worked like a charm, and now as soon as she grabs it she knows it’s time to go to sleep, either for a nap or at night.

Since we did a gradual weaning transition with Lana instead of the abrupt stoppage that Della did on her own, me getting my milk supply to stop was kind of a nightmare. With D I did the whole cold cabbage leaves over 1 weekend, and that was that. This time I tried to just decrease the amount I pumped each day a little at a time over a couple week span, and it sucked. I would get so engorged that I couldn’t help but pump to relieve the pain, then everything would fill back up, and I’d have to go through it all again.

The thing that finally worked was pumping out just a tiny bit to alleviate the excruciating pain 1 side was causing me about 6 days after I had last pumped, and that was the solution. My method of simply not pumping at all was obviously not working. After that both sides were pretty much done in a matter of days. I did have to contend with some clogged ducts, which took me about another week to fully hand express, but there was no real supply left to speak of. That all took place during the first 2 weeks of June, so roughly 3-4 weeks after the weaning began.

And I did not miss any of it one bit. Whew.

So there you have it. Nope, didn’t make the 1 year breastfeeding mark with this one either, but honestly, I didn’t care. I was so ready to be done, that had I tried to continue it for another 5 months I think we all would have been much worse off than we are now. Ryan and I would have been utter zombies, I’m almost positive Lana would not be the wonderful sleeper she is now, and Della probably would have just run away from home since the rest of us would have been so mad all the time.

Now that Lana’s fast approaching her 1st birthday, too, (what?!?!) the days of paying for formula are also numbered. That wasn’t so bad. I finally switched to the CVS brand from Enfamil a few months ago after discovering that it’s essentially the exact same thing for almost $10 less per tub, so I saved us a little money there. Whole milk here she comes!

Thank you, baby formula, for turning our once sleepless monster into a well-rested, easy-to-bed, happy little girl. I will be forever grateful.



10 month stats

Lana turned 10 months old 2 weeks ago tomorrow. Gheesh, can you tell I’m way behind on my blogging this summer?


Let’s see what’s changed since last month’s update, shall we?


She crawls everywhere, and as fast as possible. The army crawl/belly flop has now been left completely in the past, and when she really gets moving she puts her head down and barrels forward like a little bulldog. She chases Della around the house like crazy (or Della crawls with her a lot too), or chases us down and tries to climb our pant legs when she doesn’t want to be put down on the floor.


She pulls herself up on everything and walks in between and around furniture like nobody’s business. Her standing alone ability is improving too, but so far those real first steps all by herself haven’t happened yet. But seeing how far she’s come in her standing since last month, I’m sure walking is somewhere in the near future.


She eats basically all of her meals by herself now. I love it! Feeding an infant baby food is not one of my favorite activities, so now that she can feed herself, it makes my job at meal times so much easier. We only have 4 cups of frozen pureed sweet potatoes left, then it’s goodbye baby food. Hooray! Fortunately she’s loved everything she’s eaten so far too – hard boiled eggs, cheese, toast, cereal, cantaloupe, black beans, peas, mixed veggies, crackers, pasta (loves mac and cheese!), blueberries and strawberries (halved or quartered, don’t worry), bananas… I’m sure I’ve forgotten something she’s had to this point, but you get the picture. She’s a great eater. She has begun drinking water from a sippy cup, too, which is nice for after meals.


Sleeping is still going wonderfully, thank heavens. She drinks her bottle before bed (we make an 8 oz. one and she usually drinks most of it), we give everyone goodnight kisses, then she goes down awake with her green monkey and nightlight on. Works like a charm. I really cannot stress enough how much this bedtime routine has saved our sanity. We were just talking about how terrible her sleeping was a few months ago the other day, and it truly has been a 180 degree change since then. I didn’t think in my wildest dreams I’d ever say this, but yay for formula! I think she’s officially down to 2 naps now, too – a mid-late morning one and an afternoon one when Della naps.


Her little “words” are still hysterical, with lots of “da-da” sounds. I can’t tell if she’s just jabbering or really trying to say “Dada” or “Della”. We shall see. She is also great at saying “Hi” and waving, so I’m calling that her official first word. She knows how to put things up to her ear and say hi too, like she’s talking on the telephone. It’s really good!

Like last month, she wears size 3 diapers in the daytime, 4 in overnights, and pretty much all size 12 month clothes. She has 8 teeth now, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom, and you can see the big white outlines of where her top incisors are going to come down too. It looks crazy. One of my sisters dubbed her “SpongeBob” with her 2 big front teeth coming in and her giant blue eyes, and I actually think it’s a pretty fitting moniker.


Sorry, I’m getting kind of lazy with these monthly collages, but they’re a pain to piece together. Maybe I’ll get ambitious and actually make next month’s the right way.

10 months collage

And of course the finale, the Della/Lana comparison photo, with Della’s 10 month stats post here if you’d like to compare that way as well.





9 month stats

Lana turned 9 months old on Sunday. Now she’s spent roughly the same amount of time outside as she did inside. Crazy.


somebody was very sleepy and much more interested in getting the 9 months sticker off her shirt than having her 9 months picture taken

We had her 9 month well check yesterday, so here are the official stats:

  • Height:  28.5″ (75%)
  • Weight:  16 lbs. 15.5 oz. (25%)
  • Head:  44.5 cm (50-75%, i think)

The word this month is MOVEMENT! She started off doing her army crawl/belly flopping around the place awhile ago, but now she’s a full-on regular crawler. We spent the past couple days down at my mom’s house, and as soon as those little legs hit carpet, up on all fours she went. She loved crawling normally (and fast!) on all carpeted areas, but then she’d flop right back down onto her belly as soon as she hit another hard surface. So weird.


One big accomplishment she had was crawling up the steps at my mom’s house too. They have 2 steps from the living room into the kitchen, and she handled them like she’d been crawling since day 1. It was pretty impressive.


Now that we’re back home she does a combo of crawling and belly flopping, so I have a feeling she’ll stay on her knees for good pretty soon. She has started crawling out of the room chasing Della more often than flopping, so that’s a good sign.

She also started pulling herself up on everything last week. She had begun doing this in her crib the week before so we had to lower her mattress, but I hadn’t seen her do it on the furniture too until almost a week ago. Now she does it like it’s second nature. And she’s very confident in this new found skill. A little too confident sometimes, and I’m constantly afraid she’s going to fall and crack her chin on every single thing.


Let’s see, what else have we got going on now? She’s still sleeping beautifully, thank heavens (knock on wood!). I take her into her room after her nighttime bottle, hand her her big green monkey, and put her in her crib awake still. It’s great. I plugged a little nightlight in right next to her crib, and she’s doing great. Let’s hope this keeps up for good!

I think she’s transitioning from 3 naps a day down to 2, too. Often she’ll take a little later morning nap then a solid mid-afternoon one, so she doesn’t really need more sleep after dinner. Depending on circumstances she does still sneak 3 in some days. I’d say right now it’s about half and half 2 naps vs. 3. Fortunately, though, when she does take an evening nap, she usually wakes up and is pretty much ready to go back to sleep almost right away. I’ll just change her, get her pjs on, and get her bottle ready. This routine is infinitely better than what we had to endure a few months ago!


Eating. She’s a great little chow hound. She eats all solids for lunch and dinner, and yesterday the doctor said to start adding in some more food too. She had Cheerios for the first time yesterday as well, per the doctor’s ok, and she ate them with no problem at all. That’s good, because now I don’t have to worry about buying separate little puffs or anything for her. Cheerios for all.


Teeth. She has the front 2 bottom ones fairly well in, the front 2 top ones are coming down now, and just yesterday I saw the bottom left one right next to the front one coming through. And she grinds them, ugh. No wonder she constantly has to have something in her mouth.

Not a whole ton of “words” yet, but still lots of sounds. “Do” is her big one (sounds like “doh”, not “doo”), and I’ve noticed she says it a lot when I tell her no. Maybe that’s what she’s trying to say, because she hears “no” often. The little stinker is a magnet for everything she shouldn’t have – outlets, DVDs off the shelf, books under the coffee table…


And I keep saying she’s going to be an opera singer. She can scream at an octave that most people could never dream of hitting. It’s practically glass-shattering. And she usually doesn’t do it when she’s upset, rather just to make noise. Lucky us.


For those keeping track at home, these stats are roughly the same as last month – she wears size 3 diapers and size 4 overnights in Seventh Generation (size 2 daytime and size 3 overnights still fit pretty well in other brands), and almost all of the clothes she’s wearing now are 12 month size. I brought all of Della’s summer clothes down from the attic from her first summer, and those are essentially nothing but 12 month pieces. So that’s what Lana’s wearing for her first summer too.


I think that about covers the main things for this month. She is certainly still my little squiggle, and I love her to death.

9 mos collage

Not only do I have a photo comparison of the girls this month, but 9 months is apparently when I had started blogging and updating on Della too. So you can read how they compare as well, right here.


i tried to pick a comparison photo with similar facial expressions 😉