Travel + Kids = ?!

Just in time for summer, I’m very happy to welcome another guest poster! Kendra Thornton is a travel expert and mother of 3, so I will certainly heed her advice with our own 2 tinies on 2 major road trips this summer. Here’s a little intro from Kendra herself:

Bio: Kendra Thornton: Travel advocate, TV spokesperson, PR businesswoman, proud wife and mama of 3. I am a long time travel expert who has been packing my bags and traveling the world since I was 3 months old! I’ve found my utmost desire in life is right here in my own home. I have taken my excitement for travel and brought it to you with some of my favorite travel tips and tricks. Enjoy!

And now the main event…

Traveling with Kids: Advice from a Fellow Mom

Summer is right around the corner. What better way to enjoy it than by vacationing together as a family? Traveling with kids can be challenging, but it’s a lot of fun too. The trick to having the best time is to prepare as fully as possible. By laying the right groundwork beforehand, you’ll be able to enjoy a worry-free, fun-filled family vacation.

Family Globe

photo credit

Try Audio Books – Family vacations go a lot more smoothly when kids are occupied while getting from point A to point B. When it comes to keeping little ones entertained, variety is key. Download a few audio books for your smartphone, tablet or other device and have them ready to go. Make sure to pack spare headphones as well. If possible, download audio books onto a few different devices to reduce the risk of backseat squabbling.

Focus on Family Friendly Places – All too often, people focus exclusively on price when booking stays for family vacations. Many destinations have a variety of family friendly hotels and resorts, so be on the lookout for them. Whether you’re planning a trip in the mountains or in a beach resort area, you should be able to find a place that offers something for every member of the family. Many properties have spas and golf courses for adults and kids’ clubs, playgrounds and activities for children. When my family chose Hawaii as our vacation destination, we knew family friendly was crucial to avoid those catering to the honeymooners.  Our resort was minutes from Waikiki and also provided plenty of on site activities for the kids on days we didn’t make it to the beach.  Research and referrals helped us find our family’s perfect Honolulu hotel.

Pack Extra Bags – Like most moms, you probably have a stockpile of plastic shopping bags. Keep some in your luggage to make packing for your journey home easier. Reusable shopping bags or large Ziploc bags work too. Any style can be used for everything from dirty clothes to wet bathing suits. Upon arriving home, such items can be dumped right into washing machines.

Spice Up Your Tour – From the Grand Canyon to The Liberty Bell, there are a host of vacation destinations that would be best explored with a guide.  However, museums and historical tours can be a drag for kids.  Instead of losing out on cities rich with culture, look into tours and guides that are geared toward families.  Resources like Urban Adventure Quest turn the mundane into the extraordinary with scavenger hunts through 22 of America’s cities.  This downloadable app is perfect for a range of ages.  Try rewarding your little ones with a prize or sweet treat at the end of your quest.

Book an Early Flight – You may shudder at the idea of having to be at the airport at the crack of dawn, but isn’t it better than dealing with delays? The later your flight is, the more likely it is to be backed up from runway congestion. Select an early flight for the trip home as well. Plan on having an early night the evening before your trip ends. By avoiding long waits at the airport, your vacation should end on a positive note.


Thank you so much, Kendra! I hope you all have enjoyed her words as much as I’ve enjoyed having her here. Now let’s take our little munchkins out to see the world!


Natural Living Makes Pregnancy Better

I’m excited to introduce you to my very first guest poster today! Katie contacted me a few weeks ago with an idea for an article to share, and I loved it. So here’s a little intro from Katie herself and some great ideas for all you Mamas-to-be out there…

Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26

Natural Living Makes Pregnancy Better!

If there is one time when it is especially important to be at my healthiest, it’s when I was pregnant. During my pregnancy, I made it my mission to be the healthiest version of myself possible.  I wanted to ensure that my unborn baby was getting the best care she possibly could. I realized that I was going to spend the rest of my life trying to make sure my child is protected and healthy- so why not start now? For that reason, I chose to live as naturally as possible.

Make Small Changes

I found that living a natural lifestyle wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be at first. I took it slowly and started making small changes so that I didn’t overwhelm myself at such an important time in my life. My body was already going through so many changes at the start of my pregnancy that I didn’t want to overwhelm my system or myself. The first thing I did was start buying organically. I found that buying my groceries organically was an easy start. Since I already was eating a healthy diet, I decided that this was a great change in my quest for natural living.

Buying Organic

The first thing I noticed when I started buying organic groceries was that it wasn’t difficult and that the food tasted very fresh. I found myself feeling better and I definitely noticed having more energy. During my pregnancy, I ate organic fruit such as apples, watermelon, and strawberries. I also loved grilling organic vegetables.  Instead of loading my diet with fast food, I was able to keep my weight in check and enjoy healthy meals.

Skip the Aspirin

Another way I decided to live naturally was to forgo medicine. Since most medicines are forbidden during pregnancy anyway, I decided that I was going to ban all medications from my system. When I had a headache or didn’t feel my best, I skipped medication and instead, I exercised. I’ve learned that exercise is the best form of pain and stress relief! Prenatal yoga and brisk walking helped to alleviate headaches and migraines. Yoga helped me significantly when my back began to hurt later in pregnancy from the extra weight. Furthermore, exercise gave me plenty of additional energy so I never felt like I was missing out by not drinking caffeinated coffee or other unnatural beverages. I continued to drink plenty of water and it helped to keep me feeling hydrated, energized, and healthy.

Before making any changes throughout your pregnancy, make sure to consult with your doctor.  Create a pregnancy and birthing plan that fits you and discuss anything you may be unclear about.  I was fortunate enough to have a doctor who ran through everything with me including my delivery options, cord blood banking, breathing techniques and much more.  Making these small changes, and having a plan with your doctor will lead to a happy and healthy pregnancy!


Thank you so much, Katie! I hope you guys enjoyed reading her writing as much as I liked having her stop over. Now please go check out her blog – it’s so cute!


Friday Funk – Things I Can’t Say edition

A few weeks ago, the beautiful Shell of Things I Can’t Say invited me to do a guest post on her blog. I was flattered and thrilled! And I am pleased to announce that today is my day.

This is only my 2nd guest post anywhere, ever, so I’m a little nervous. Please excuse my sweaty palms and twisty stomach. I really hope I don’t disappoint!

Now if you would be so kind, please head over to Things I Can’t Say and see what I have to say about mawage… er, marriage.