Does this baby have large talons?

Parents, is it just mine, or do babies’ fingernails grow at a ridiculous pace? I’m talking warp speed, like they go plaid sometimes.

Ever since she was born, D’s fingernails have constantly outpaced my ability to keep them clipped nice and short. I try to get to them about every week or so, but that rarely happens. I’ll notice they’re getting a little long, then usually just ignore that nagging thought in my head that I should tend to my child’s well-being under the guise of “getting to it tomorrow”.

And then, like clockwork, that tomorrow comes and goes and D is left with razor sharp claws at the end of each finger, prime weapons for poking out eyes or scratching cheeks. Hers or mine – those suckers carry no prejudices.

Hers apparently fancy her nose, as that’s where the nail nicks and scratches tend to appear. Once we even went in for 1 of her well-baby appointments and our pediatrician curiously looked at D’s nose and asked, “What’s that?” Oh nothing, I just need to clip her nails again before she claws off the rest of her face.

Very proud Mommy moment right there.

This weekend I was again noticing that it was time to get out the baby nail clippers, yet (of course!) I failed to actually do so. And what was D sporting yesterday morning when she woke up?

Yep – a nice big red scratch above her right ear, trailing into her hairline. A tell-tale sign that once more Mommy has lost the battle against the raging fingernails.

So tonight, dear friends, is the night. Those monsters are going down.

Or maybe tomorrow night…



18 month stats

**Updated 2/9/12: We’re growing a string bean! At her 18 month checkup last night D was 34.25″ tall and weighed 23.7 lbs. Those put her in the 100+% (!!) and ~50%, respectively. Her height just keeps going off the charts as her weight goes down them. She started in the 90%s for both. I swear we feed her!**

Happy 18 month birthday, D! I’m finally on time with your stats update again. Good Mommy. So Happy February to all of you, too. We’ve been having such great spring-like weather, I’m starting to actually harbor a little glimmer of hope that it will last through this month as well. If it does (BIG if, there, seeing as this is still technically winter in wisconsin), then we just may have had the best winter in history. But let’s not get head of ourselves here…

Back to today’s star – our Squeaker! It’s hard to believe that she’s a full year and a half old today. We don’t go in for her 18 month checkup for another week, so I’ll just estimate her stats again. And, as was the case last month, there haven’t been a ton of new major changes since the 17 month stats. Actually not really much big since the 16 month or 15 month ones either, but it seems that it’s more just tiny subtle changes each day that add up to this beautiful, growing, almost-not-baby-anymore girl.

  • She weighs right about 25 pounds and I would guess is roughly 34″ tall. We’ll know for sure next week. We stood her next to her height measurement board that R made for her birthday the other day, and she’s pretty much a full head taller than she was at 1 year.
  • Has kicked the bottle habit! She successfully gave up milk in a bottle 3 and a half weeks ago, with her last bottle being before bedtime on Saturday, January 7. Good job, peanut! You made that transition much easier on us than I was expecting, and for that I thank you immensely.
  • I thought hand, foot, and mouth was coming back a few weeks ago, but thankfully I think I was wrong. When we were down at my mom’s house for her surprise birthday party, I noticed 2 little blister-like sores on the heel of one of D’s palms again. This sent me into a HFM panic, so I gave her a full-body check and saw 1 tiny little red sore forming on the bottom of one of her feet too. I never saw any in her mouth this time, though, and even though her eczema patches were flaring up a little again at the same time, it really never developed into anything more. Whew! She did have a bad cold that following week where we had to keep her home from daycare for 2 days, but fortunately I don’t think HFM struck again. Maybe that’s just kind of a sign of sickness for her now?
  • She digs toys with wheels. R’s mom got her a Little Tykes shopping cart for Christmas, which she loves loading up with her toys and pushing all around the house. Surprisingly, she doesn’t zoom it around as much as I thought she would, but when she sets her sight on that thing, look out. She’ll come flying by with a cart full! She also adores riding on the little Lightning McQueen car R and I got her for Christmas.
  • We may have a budding artist on our hands. Coloring on the paper on her easel is one of her favorite things. Fortunately R got washable crayons the other week, after we saw evidence of her artistic abilities on the hallway wall and bathroom door. Good call, R.
  • And there might be a musician ready to sprout, too. D is fascinated by our keyboard and loves to bang on the keys to hear her musical masterpieces when we turn it on. She still dances all the time when she hears a tune, bobbing and swaying like nobody’s business.
  • She’s moving up to the next classroom at daycare now that she’s 18 months. Starting Monday, D will no longer be a Busy Bee, but a Shining Star.

This is the most hysterically cute and silly girl I’ve ever known, and I just love her to pieces. (oh my god, that’s such a MOM thing to say) I cherish every moment together and can’t wait to see what each new day brings our little family with her in it.

And a little sampling of what this 18 month old looks like today. She wakes up and signs to eat almost immediately every morning now. That growing – makes you hungry!



I fought the bottle (of milk)… and I won!

It has now been just over 3 weeks since D had her last bottle of milk, so I am happy to confidently report that we are currently a bottle-free house. I haven’t washed a bottle or nipple in 24 days. Wahoo!

Our doctor has been recommending D drop the bottles all together by 18 months (which she turns tomorrow!), but until recently I was scared to even try. We were successful in getting her down to just having them at night – 1, maybe 2, before bedtime if she drank the first one and was still wanting more – but I had no idea how she was going to get to sleep without those. Well, I would usually give her one before naps on weekends, too, so I guess *almost* only at night would be more accurate. Only at sleep time, we’ll say, that’s better.

I didn’t feel like she was ready to drop them completely, and if I’m perfectly honest, I didn’t really want her to drop them either. It’s almost like it was the last vestige of her really being a baby, and I didn’t want that tie to be broken just yet. I didn’t want to give up that bonding time we still had when I would rock her to sleep with her bedtime bottle.

I say we were successful in getting her down to just sleep time bottles – that was probably by December that the morning and random daytime bottles were totally gone (i’m talking bottles at home – she hasn’t had one at daycare since at least last summer). Then we went to Hawaii, and it turned into a bottle free-for-all. We took multiple ones in the diaper bag on the planes to calm her in flight if needed. We gave them to her in the mornings if she wanted them. We gave them to her at the pool before naps so she would snooze in the shade. We took them to restaurants when we went out to lunch and dinner to keep her calm if needed. And yes, we gave them to her at bedtime each night too.

So you see, we totally screwed ourselves there. How was she ever going to give them up now, after we’d just jacked her bottle quotient up higher than it had been in months? The poor girl was in bottle heaven!

We simply went cold turkey, that’s how she gave them up. The week after we got back from Hawaii, I conceded that she could still have 1 bottle, but only 1, and only right before bedtime. If she drank it then didn’t go to sleep, she wouldn’t get another when she finally did go down. That lasted a night or 2, before I realized that if we’re cutting her back down to this level, we may as well try to get rid of the whole shebang.

We started on a Saturday, and the first night sans bottle – terrible. I took her in to her room at bedtime and rocked her while reading a book, because I could tell she was really sleepy. She had her little burp cloth that she likes to hold at bedtime, and we were snuggled in tight in the glider in her room. Eventually she got very squirmy, and I could tell I was in for a struggle. Instead of putting her down, though, I held her in a cradle hold and stood up to bounce/rock her like I did to soothe her when she was really little. She wanted none of it, but I just kept her there, held snugly against my chest so her head was resting in the crook of my arm.

After about 15-20 minutes of the crying cradle hold rock, she was out like a light. R had come in at the start of the cries and told me to just give her a bottle, we’d try again tomorrow, but I insisted on not giving her any more. I knew how tired she was and that she’d eventually give in to sleep, and I was right. I knew you could do it, D.

The second night – cries again, but for a much shorter time. The third night – cries again, but even shorter still. By the middle of that first week of no bottles at bedtime, D knew the routine. We get her rag and book, then go in to rock before going night-night. Sometimes she’ll fall asleep on the couch in R’s lap while he’s watching tv, but most nights I read and rock her. I do usually read and rock her for nap time on weekends too, but she has gotten better about going down without that sometimes.

The first week after dropping the bottles D did wake up during the night a little more often than normal, but that has since diminished as well. This transition turned out to be much less frightening than I expected, which helped my mama heart. D was an absolute trooper, as usual. I figured if she never has bottles at daycare and simply lies down to sleep at nap time for them, she can do it at home too. She proved me right.

What are her favorite bedtime stories, you ask? Right now we like The Little Red Hen and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I usually have to read The Little Red Hen a couple times before she falls asleep, but so far I’ve only made it all the way through One Fish, Two Fish once. It’s amazing how quickly you can memorize a children’s book. “Not I! said the duck…”




One little blink, just one blink more…

You woke with fright, shaken to the core.


The world is dark at 2am.

But I’m your mommy; here I am.


Your cries pierce the air, are in earnest this night.

No little pats to calm down; this time needs the light.


Little hands knead, your eyes peek around.

Back and forth we rock, barely making a sound.


All the way this time, so you don’t start.

Be still, little one, you are my heart.


One little blink, just one blink more…

Before I lay you back in your crib and slip out the door.





17 month stats

Seeing as we were landing in Denver then getting ready to fly back to Milwaukee on D’s 17 month birthday, her update post unfortunately got lost in the shuffle. So here it is, way overdue…

Well, actually, there isn’t much to update. Life is basically the same as in the 16 month stats, with just a few things to note:

  • She had hand, foot, and mouth disease in December, which manifested itself as a rash of tiny red spots on her torso and little blister-like sores on her hands and feet. There was no fever or general malaise, which are usually the first signs of it, and we only saw the very faint sores on the roof of her mouth when I took her to the doctor. Otherwise I would have thought it was something else, due to the apparent lack of mouth sores. Since it is a viral infection she didn’t get on any medicine for it, and fortunately it went away on its own right around Christmas with no real bother to D.
  • The eczema patches on the backs of her knees had flared up at the same time as the hand, foot, and mouth, so her doctor prescribed some hydrocortizone ointment for that. We noticed a few other rough patches, so we’ve been putting the ointment on all of those and it’s cleared things up nicely.
  • She was a better traveler to Hawaii than we could have possibly dreamed. Not really a peep on any of the flights, including the 6-7 hour ones to/from Maui. She had some vomiting in Denver on the first leg of our trip, which scared us for the duration of the ride out to Maui, but thankfully that subsided the night after we arrived at the Ritz. No idea what that was all about. We thought maybe a touch of altitude sickness, but it didn’t happen when we were back in Denver at the end of our trip. Plus she seemed fine other than the puking – no seeming overall illness related to it. Maybe some bad milk?
  • She can now tell you what the following things say: puppies, kitty cats (well according to her they just blink for some reason, not meow), snakes, bears, lions, monkeys, cows, cars, trucks, zippers, and Santa.
  • We have just recently begun the process of giving up bottles of milk completely. We had gotten down to only giving them to her at bedtime, but then in Hawaii she pretty much had them whenever she wanted. So it was kind of like starting from square one when we got home. This past weekend, though, we survived 2 bedtimes in a row with no bottle, and she only had 1 all weekend. Hopefully this will stick and the bottle era as we know it is over for her.
  • She’s getting really tall. Now hardly any 18 month pants fit her, although some 12 month tops are fine. Gonna have legs like Mommy, I guess.

We love you, Squeaker!




It’s official, she’s one of them…

And just who might those “them” be? Packers stock owners. Yes, you heard that correctly. My daughter is now the proud owner of 1 share of the Green Bay Packers. (so is R, but that’s really no big surprise. he’s wanted a share since the last time they sold stock.)

Now, as a Bears fan myself, it pains me to think that my sweet, sweet baby girl may one day grow into a full-blown Packers fan, sporting only the green and gold that runs so rampant ’round these parts. For up until now, she’s had a shared loyalty – Bears for Mommy and Packers for Daddy. Complete with a couple cute Bears onesies and a set of Bears pjs to go with the mini-Rodgers jersey and Packers onesie that Daddy had to buy.

I must admit, though, it’s fun to see the Packers playing so well this year. 13-1 can’t be denied. The Bears, on the other hand? Well, let’s just say their performance has been less-than-stellar lately. And I’ve never been a fan of Cutler, so I wasn’t too upset when he broke his thumb or whatever. Not that I want anyone to be hurt, I just don’t care if he’s playing or not. Unfortunately the lack of a good quarterback has always plagued the Bears.

But anyway. I hope D can still keep cheering for both teams. I’ve finally conceded and will cheer for the Packers when they’re not playing the Bears. I am not, however, an owner of the Green Bay Packers. 

Only 2 weeks late {pictures!!}

So here it is, FINALLY. My Thanksgiving recap post. In pictures. Exactly 2 weeks late. Ahem. It was awesome.


The table all nicely set and ready for food


R proudly displaying his poultry


Mmm, turkey


Mommy & D, enjoying the feast


Oo, this dish is tasty


My spoon - hilarious!


Wait, they're gone?




Straight into the tub


Happy Thanksgiving!


We had enough food for a family of 10 and proceeded to eat leftovers until this week. R said we should really have taken some to a shelter, to which I agreed, but unfortunately they have pretty strict rules about donated food and its preparation/handling. So we are still finishing up the pumpkin torte. It was a wonderful day at home, just the 3 of us – our little family. And yes, that is a mini Packers jersey D is wearing. R wouldn’t even let me put a cute little holiday outfit on her. Hmpf.


And since I made you wait so long for some pictures, here are a few bonus shots. Because no day is complete without an abundance of D.


D helping Mommy put her ornament on 1st


She's now ADDICTED to her chocolate advent calendars


Happy St. Nick's Day!