So I’m having a baby…

When I became pregnant with Della, this was pretty much my first thought, quickly followed by “… and NOW what??” Well, after a couple rounds of “OH MY GOD, I’M PREGNANT!!!!”, that is.

The first time around I’d heard and read so many “don’t do this”s and “don’t do that”s, that it was hard to keep everything straight in those first few weeks. But when I finally had that first appointment with my doctor, she assured me that most of the “rules” I’d heard were really nothing to worry about.

Want a sandwich with deli meat on it? Sure, go ahead. Want a hot dog? Yep, that’s fine. Just stay away from high-mercury fish, don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs. You know, essentially don’t be stupid… Continue reading “So I’m having a baby…”

Way to Well Health

Sounds good, right? Who doesn’t want well health? Well now Walgreens is partnering with AARP to bring well health right here to Milwaukee. Excellent!

You know those pink mammogram mobiles? This is very similar, except instead of squeezing your boobs in their fleet of customized vehicles, they provide free health tests to aid in the prevention and early detection of some of today’s leading diseases – heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Did you hear me? FREE! Continue reading “Way to Well Health”

Because I can’t cook, but I love COOL WHIP!

All right. Those of you who know me well (actually if you know me at all this will come as no surprise) know that cooking is definitely not my strong suit. In fact, I really don’t like it much at all.

Yes, I can follow a recipe and make a perfectly edible, if not even downright tasty, meal, but I just don’t like doing it. It’s time-consuming, I don’t know how to cook without a recipe or substitute measurements or ingredients in my head, and I always say if you want to torture me, make me chop something. Plus, if you can keep a secret, I’m actually kinda lazy. There, now you know.

BUT! Continue reading “Because I can’t cook, but I love COOL WHIP!”

(Semi-)Blacked out to stand against SOPA/PIPA

Why the black bars up in the corners today? you may be wondering. A day of mourning? Not exactly.

Without completely blacking out my site (i wanted you to still be able to see me! well, and to give a little explanation of what’s going on, too), I’m joining thousands of others to put the Internet on strike for a day in an act of protest against the proposed Internet censorship bills SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act in the House) and PIPA (Protect IP Act in the Senate). SO-what?

Essentially these 2 controversial pieces of legislation aim to put control of the Internet in the hands of the government and corporations, namely the entertainment industry. They claim it’s to try to crack down on rogue foreign websites and Internet theft, but a core goal of these bills is really to get people to maybe buy more Hollywood movies. What the what? Yeah, I know, that’s what I thought too.

There are, of course, many more intricacies to and repercussions of these bills, and my synopsis above barely scratches the surface. Please watch this video for an excellent recap of what may happen if this legislation does pass.

If you’d like to join me in the protest, head on over here and here for details and to email Congress to stop the bills. For the sake of retaining my freedom to keep my blog as I know it, thank you!


“Like” away…

**Warning: This post contains nothing but blatant self-promotion…**

I created a Facebook fan page for ScooterMarie a few weeks ago, but have really had no idea how to promote it or even make people aware that it’s there. I did send a recommendation for it out to friends on Facebook from my personal profile, but unfortunately a lot of you I don’t have in my friends list.

So I’m asking for a favor. Those of you who haven’t yet visited my page, or even known about it until just now, could you please jump over there when you have a quick second and give me a like? I know, I know – totally hawking my blog here, but I did warn you. Obnoxious self-promotion abounds.

You can link to my page through the Facebook button up there in the header, or else click right here:


And to those of you who “liked” me from the start, I truly appreciate it! Thank you!


Hang on tight!

I’ll be going through some tweaking and redesign here on the ol’ blog for a minute, so please just sit tight if things look screwy or don’t work quite right or are just generally off.

I hope to get you back to our regularly scheduled programming soon…




A birthday wish

May your day be filled with smiles and laughter.


May your cake be sweet and candles bright.


May your dreams be fulfilled and your expectations exceeded. Continue reading “A birthday wish”