The twins turned 7 last month, and they had literally been counting down to their birthday since Christmas. 😀

I recently reread their birthday post from last year, and honestly, not a whole lot has changed! Nat is still all about all things video games. Mario, Cuphead, Sonic, whatever. If it’s a video game, you name it, he can play it. He loves cats and the color red, mac and cheese and berries. He was the fastest kid in 1st grade in the fun run at school last fall, and he gives me 7 snuggles with his snuggies blanket and new stuffie cardinal every night when I tuck him into bed because they’re 7 years old.

Avit remains our in-house creator and builder. He still often says he wants to be an engineer when he grows up, and I think he’d be an amazing one. That, and working at Tommy’s in Canada and transforming it into Avit’s Burgers. He loves Minecraft and Pokemon, cocktail weenies and all fruit, the color yellow, and making games and projects for everyone daily. He will make friends with anyone and everyone, and nothing makes him happier than playing with all his siblings. He is and forever will be my little snug bug.

They’re doing great in 1st grade. They can read any book you give them, and they love library day at school. They both learned to ride their bikes last year, and they absolutely love going wherever those 2 wheels will take them. We’ve gone on a couple full-family bike rides, and it’s the best!

They have varying groups of friends they play with at recess at school, but they are and I feel always will be, each other’s immediate go-to for everything. They are equally happy playing by themselves and with the big kids. They are wild and crazy then serene and inquiring within a matter of seconds. They amaze me daily.

Happy 7th birthday, Nat Jennings and Avit Jerome!! Keep exploring and growing and just being you every day, because you two are more incredible than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. We love you forever and ever and ever, and I’m so excited to see where you go in this big, wide world! Just always remember to come home and tell me all about it! 😉

As you well know, these are my favorites – year-by-year comparison photos and posts…