Della turned 13 a few weeks ago, and it just sounds so crazy to say that we have a teenager in the house now! I always consider myself extremely lucky, though, because time still seems to be going just right. Like the day she was born doesn’t seem like yesterday to me. I don’t feel like life with her has rushed by to get to this point. It’s gone just right, and I cherish every day.

The little tiny girl with the biggest heart I’ve ever known is just growing into a bigger physical version of that self, which I absolutely adore. She is the most incredible oldest sister to this crew of Goonies, even with the bickering with one younger brother in particular that has become much more constant this summer. Ahem. Morrison.

ETA: We had her 13-year checkup on August 22, and here are her official stats, healthy again!
- Height: 5′ 6.54″ (96%)
- Weight: 111 lbs. 4 oz. (67%)
- BMI: 17.67 (34%)
- Blood pressure: 112/60
She’s smart, loves to read, wears the big chunky white Converse high-tops that all the teenage girls love right now, yet still plays with her siblings daily. They’ve invented a new game called “Whack and Capture” that sends them racing around our big back yard, chasing each other with a canvas reading pod that you hang from our swing, trying to bonk each other on the head with it then stuff each other inside the pod. Ridiculous, but it keeps them happy, laughing, and running for full evenings on end. My heart fills every time I see it, even though I constantly tell them to stop hurting each other.

She’ll be in 8th grade this year, her final year of middle school, and we were excited to learn that she got into Algebra for math. Her best friend made it in, too, so I know she’s happy to be in that class together. She’s going to run cross country again this fall, but I don’t know if she’ll run track in the spring again or not. She and Lana still take piano lessons together, but she is stopping band this year so Lana can take over the flute. She loves babysitting for the neighborhood kids, and their parents can’t say enough good things about her.

This one. Our beautiful first born, the leader of our pack. We love you to the stars and back, my little peanut. Squeaker. Happy 13th birthday, our amazing Della Jolee!!! May you celebrate SO many more. We are so fantastically proud of you, and I can’t wait to see all the wonder you’ll bring to this world!

These past pics and posts are starting to add up! Here are all 13 for this amazing little lady…

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- 2 years post
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- 12 years post