The kids are now all out of school for summer break, and I love it! Yes, they bicker and get on each other’s (and my) nerves sometimes, and yes, I’ll shout at them to be quiet while I work at home full time sometimes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love summer vacation, and we’ve got a good one planned this year. Here we come, #summervacation2023!
Annual peonies for teachersLast night of K4 for us ever!Campout Day fun…… with s’mores!Last day of K4!True feelings shine through… 😉Best friends!Last day of school for the big kids!Summer fun has begun!
Morrison turned 8 a few weeks ago, and he was so excited that his birthday was on a school day so he could take little favors in for his classmates. It was also Spring Sing day at school, their big, year-end outdoor concert – doubly fun!
ETA – Here are his official 8-year-old stats:
Height: 4′ 6″ (94%)
Weight: 64 lbs. 6.4 oz. (77%)
BMI: 15.53 (44%)
Blood Pressure: 112/60
He is so ridiculously smart; loves math, reading, and all his intricate Minecraft builds; has loved starting baseball this spring and is improving by the day; is looking forward to taking his first coding class later this summer; loves riding his bike; and still gets the most satisfaction possible by helping. His kind heart remains front and center, and he constantly asks, “Can I have a hug?” My reply? “Always.”
Last night of 7!Last sleep as a 7 year old!
As has become an annual tradition, we celebrated his and his cousin’s birthday down at Grandma and Grandpa’s house over Memorial Day weekend, which is always a fantastic family occasion. Then the weekend after his birthday, Grandpa Frank came up for a visit, another fun time. You can’t beat multiple birthday celebrations!
Another exciting thing is happening for him this summer – he gets to participate in the track and field program through the Rec Department with his sisters! They opened it up to incoming 3rd graders this year, and he couldn’t be happier. He still loves running, sprinting everywhere any chance he gets. I can’t wait to see how much he enjoys it, because he loves running even more than he loves playing baseball. And gritty-ing. He loves gritty-ing, one of the dumbest “dances” ever invented. 😉
Happy 8th birthday, Morrison John! We love you so very much, with your giant heart, caring spirit, neverending questions, and fast feet. Have an absolutely wonderful year, my sweet boy, and here’s to so many more!
For a fun look back, here are his past birthday photos and posts, as well as his sisters’ 8-year old pictures. Always my favorites: