The twins turned 5 last month – 2 hands full of fingers!

ETA: We FINALLY had their 5-year checkups in June, so here are their official 5-year-old stats:
- Height: 3′ 9.67″ (85%)
- Weight: 44 lbs. 3.2 oz. (63%)
- BMI: 14.90 (33%)
- Blood Pressure: 99/58
- Height: 3′ 10″ (88%)
- Weight: 43 lbs. 6.4 oz. (58%)
- BMI: 14.42 (18%)
- Blood Pressure: 100/62
It’s so funny watching these two grow up. I’ve said from the beginning that every baby and little-kid milestone that we pass is so much less bittersweet since we’re doing everything twice this time around, but it’s exactly what I needed. I hated growing out of phases and leaving the baby years behind with the big 3, because I always thought of myself as a baby and little-kid mom. But watching the twins go through all of those phases now, I think I’ll be a pretty good all-kid mom.

They are hilarious and 2 little balls of unrelenting energy. Nat always wants to be called Mario, his absolute favorite character. If he could actually BE Mario, he would. I think he might even be part Super Mario Brothers, because his gaming skills are ridiculously good for a newly 5 year old. Cuphead does come in a close second, though, and he’s a whiz at that game as well. His favorite color is still and I think always will be red, his favorite foods are mac and cheese and pizza, he hates to lose and loves to run (fast!), and his guys are still his snuggle go-to (snuggies blanket, Boo, and Cuphead).
Avit is the total sidekick to Nat’s Mario and Cuphead. He’s the perfect Luigi and Mugman, he’ll talk your ear off for days on end, and his gaming skills don’t even compare. However, he can kick your butt in Wii bowling. His crafting skills have EXPLODED recently, and he comes home from school every single morning and creates and creates and creates, until every single tape roll, piece of construction paper, and toilet paper tube in our house are gone. His imagination and creative eye have become serious forces to reckon with, and I could not be more impressed. Nat always used to be the artist of the two, loving to color and draw to his heart’s content, but Avit’s creating has taken over. The world’s greatest engineer has nothing on this kid’s Marble Run building. His favorite colors are yellow and blue, his favorite foods are cocktail weinies and tiny broccoli florets (at least that’s what he’s asked for for his birthday dinner the past 2 years in a row now), he can build every single Lego Mario set known to man and even those yet to be invented, and his guys still rule as snuggles supreme, too (snuggies blanket and Mugman).

They are in morning K4 this year, so half-day kindergarten. They have the same teacher as all the big kids had for K4, which is amazing. They are both so fastidious with their projects in class, often taking longer than everyone to finish up because they work so hard on them. They come home singing the songs from music class each week and they adore their P.E. teacher, who they see every morning after we drop Lana and Morrison in their lines because he’s holding one of the other doors open that we walk by to get to the twins’ lines. They love school, have made friends with everyone in their class, and their heads about exploded with excitement when they got to show me and the big kids around their classroom during Open House night last week. They just started speech class last week, too, so they’ll be doing that once a week now.

They run, they jump, they play, they’re learning to spell, they write really well, and they are starting to read the smaller words that they’re learning to spell all by themselves. I honestly don’t remember any of the big kids being able to read and spell as well in K4 as these guys are doing right now. They would count to a billion if they could, they’re constantly asking what’s this plus this plus that plus that minus this and that and on and on. I’ve spelled practically every word I know for Avit as he’s written letter after letter and card after card and note after note and made project after project. They are absolutely wondrous creatures, and watching 2 of them do all of this together is pretty spectacular. As they grow into the little humans they are, the similarities and sheer differences amaze me. Avit is often the sass and the mouth and the decibel volume, but the hilarity as well. Nat is much quieter and his naughty is always under the radar, but oh, it’s there, too. But the heart and soul and love that these two possess blows any of that out of the water every day.

Happy 5th birthday, Nat Jennings and Avit Jerome! I truly can’t put into words everything you two are and everything you mean to this family. Watching you grow through life is an incredible adventure, and I’m so glad we’re the ones who are on it with you. Daddy, the big kids, and I are so very, very proud of you guys, and we love you to infinity and beyond! Keep creating and running, my littlest loves – life will take you far!!

And my faves, the throwbacks… Posts and photos!

And the big kids’ 5-year-old pictures, too!