Lana turned 10 last month, and it marked the end of single digits for the girls in our house…

She is still one of the most amazing creatures I’ve ever known. Her level of artistic ability has always amazed me, and it just gets stronger by the day. She recently told me she didn’t want to study for science because artists don’t need science, so there’s a glimpse of the aura of attitude she can possess as well. 😉

She is so smart and loves school, she says because her siblings never bother her there, ha! She has a great group of friends this year, which I absolutely love to see because it took a long time for me to ever hear that she has a “best friend.” And of course they all act like crazy little 10 year olds when they get together.

Nigh-Night is still her third arm, her favorite colors are lavender and teal, her favorite foods are meatloaf/sushi/Thai beef and sticky rice, she would watch Moriah Elizabeth for days on end if we let her, and her dream is to go to space. I took her to the planetarium at our public museum a few weeks ago to hear an astronaut speak, and she was enthralled. It was one of the best presentations I’ve ever attended, and both she and I were in awe at what this man had accomplished in his career and how life in space really works.

She hates brushing her hair, getting in trouble (especially from Ryan) is her biggest fear, and she’s already told me that the “speeches” we give them when they all get in trouble do nothing because they never listen to them anyway. Well fantastic. Again, the ‘tude seeps out of this one sometimes. However, she asks for an extra hug almost every night when I tuck the big kids into bed. This one will always claim a very special piece of my heart.

Happy 10th birthday, my sweet baby girl Lana Marie! Daddy and I could not possibly love you more and are so proud of you, no matter how scared of him you may be. You are my one and only Shmee, and my life has been exponentially better just for having you in it. We love you to the stars and back, my space girl wonder!!
And for posterity, the past years’ birthday photos and posts: