Della turned 12 earlier this month, and she’s turning into such a grown-up kid! Notice I say “grown-up kid” instead of just “grown up.” 😉 Plus she’s creeping closer to me in height daily, which is beyond weird.

She’s going to be in 7th grade this year, and I swear some days it seems like she could be about a junior in high school. Not because of an attitude, thankfully not yet!, but because of the level of responsibility and self-awareness she possesses. She is 100% the leader of the Rau pack of kids, and we could NOT be luckier that she is!

She loves playing outside with her siblings and the block friends, the little walking “field trips” that same group has gone on for the first time this summer, swimming, tubing, riding her bike, watching souped-up crafting shows with Lana and Morrison on YouTube, Harry Potter, Legos, reading, earrings, mystery nights at the museum, making quizzes for us on her tablet, Pete’s Pops, and sparkling water. Her favorite color is blue, and her favorite food is BLTs.

She’s looking forward to 7th grade, but not to anything in particular about it. She’s going to run cross country again this fall, which I know she’s excited about. I hope I can make it to her meets again with my new job, because I love watching her pride grow as she gets better and better.

Happy 12th birthday, our amazing, incredible, beautiful, smart, kind Della Jolee!! My little peanut sweet pea is getting so big! May you get everything you want and work for in life, my love, because you deserve it. We love you SO, so much!

ETA, we had her 12-year well check on Sept. 21, and here are her official 12-year stats:
Height: 5′ 3.5″ (90%)
Weight: 95 lbs. 3.2 oz. (54%)
BMI: 16.60 (25%)
Blood Pressure: 108/70
And a look back through the years with pictures and posts…