Morrison turned 7 last month, and I swear to you, every time I think of it, I keep thinking he just turned 5. WTF?! Seriously, my brain is swiss cheese.

But anyway, he’s 7! This kid is the biggest goofball with the biggest heart I’ve ever known. He is ridiculously athletic, and his dream is to be a track runner. I’m pretty sure we’ll make that one happen. He sprints like no kid I’ve ever seen, with his straight-hand arms going and everything. He’s currently in tennis lessons and doing great, and he passed level 2 of swim lessons just a few weeks ago. I wanted to get him into lacrosse with one of his best friends from school, but it was full. Hopefully we’ll be able to get him to run off a lot of his energy doing something or other this summer. If there was a parkour course near us, he’d be there constantly. Maybe he can just do his armpit farts and burps on demand for months on end. 😀
ETA: We had his 7-year well check on August 17, and here are his stats:
Height: 4′ 3.75″ (93%)
Weight: 59 lbs. 3.2 oz. (79%)
BMI: 15.54 (50%)
Blood Pressure: 96/58

He is constantly wanting to help, often doing things to clean up or put away or tidy unprompted. One of his favorite things in the world is helping his big sisters and winning their approval, and my heart about explodes out of my chest when I watch the 3 of them doing something together, each excited and happy to be working/playing with the others. Until someone starts bickering, then it can quickly go downhill, ha!

He is extraordinarily smart, especially when it comes to numbers. The nickname “stats” came to him a few years ago for his ability to recount scores, player stats, etc., with ease. He cherishes being part of whatever conversation is happening at the time so sometimes his information is a little off the mark, but I love that he still tries nonetheless. He really got into reading this year at school, too, and was in the top reading group in his class. He blew through chapter books like a pro. He loves Lego sets, video games, playing chess and other board games, and watching trick-shot stunts on his tablet. I started calling him “trick-shot boy,” because he’s constantly imitating all their moves, but he hated that. 😉

Happy 7th birthday, Morrison John! I can’t believe our first little boy is 7 already, but we could absolutely not be prouder. You are a friend to all, my sweetest sidekick, and I hope your desire to live right next door to me when you grow up never fades. Here’s to many, many more happy birthdays for you, my sweet boy!

Here are his past years’ posts, as well as his year-by-year pictures.