So, guess what? No, I’m not pregnant again. I’m getting a job! After almost exactly a decade of being a full-time stay-at-home mom, I’m rejoining the workforce. I’ve been trying to figure out what to do to earn more money once the twins start school for a while now, and none of my possibilities or efforts were leading anywhere. Then suddenly, like manna from heaven, this literally fell into my lap.
I’m going to be in charge of the wine club responsibilities and helping with marketing for an amazing winery in Napa. I’ll work remotely from home (perfect!), I’ll still get to be present daily for the kids for school and everything (perfect!), I’ll get a yearly wine allotment (perfect!), and I’ll get to travel to Napa a couple times a year (perfect!). I’ve done all the editing and proofreading for this winery for a couple years now, and I’ve always wanted to play a bigger role for them whenever they needed it. They are really great people. So I was beyond shocked and honored when they tapped me for this, because never in a million years would I have pictured that any other role I’d play in the company would be as big as this one. I hope I do it well!
Unfortunately, that means I’ll have even less time for ye old blog here than I do now. It hasn’t been anywhere near as fruitful as it was when I started it for a very long time anyway, but now it’ll be even less so. The difference will be, however, that I’ll no longer feel guilty for not posting in as timely a manner as I feel I should. Or at all. This is going to be a full-time job that I’m starting, and I’m going to make it take the precedence it deserves. I’ll still try to post for the kids’ birthdays for posterity and update their individual pages when something notable happens, but that’ll probably be about it. If you follow me on social media, though, you’ll stay pretty up to date, since I post a lot of pictures there. They all feed into that Instagram area in the right sidebar here, too, so you can follow along that way as well if you just miss me too much.
Thank you for being such loyal fans all these years. I truly appreciate you making me feel like this little blog was even necessary at all, and I’m sure I’ll still see you around here from time to time. But wish me luck! I’m so excited about this opportunity, and I really hope I do a good job.
Like my grandma always told me, cherish the days, my friends. I’ll see you next time!