Nat and Avit just turned 4, and it’s hard to believe there’s only 1 more year until they’re a whole handful of fingers old!

ETA: We had their 4-year well check on February 24, and here are their official stats:
- Height: 3′ 6″ (83%)
- Weight: 38 lbs. 6.4 oz. (70%)
- BMI: 15.31 (39%)
- Height: 3′ 6″ (83%)
- Weight: 39 lbs. 3.2 oz. (75%)
- BMI: 15.62 (50%)
Life gets easier with them by the day, which is saying a lot for how hard the first 2 years with them were. They’re full-blown little kids now, no more babies. It’s so much easier to do things as a whole family now instead of Ryan taking the big kids to do something and me staying back with the twins. I absolutely loved the newborn and baby phase of all of our children, but having the last round be 2 at once makes growing out of each baby phase much less bittersweet. It was just so much harder!!

They are funny, smart, crazy, fast, energetic, loving, and I swear I can see them growing taller by the day. They got an extra-special week surrounding their birthday this year – Grandpa came to town for a couple days, then Grandma came right after him. Lots of grandparent fun for these guys!

Avit especially is kind of a whiz. He knows all his letters, can pretty much count to 20, and can read us The Very Hungry Caterpillar (i.e., he has it memorized 😉 ). He also gives excellent snuggles. Nat knows most of his letters, is also good at counting, and is a great artist. He has been coloring and drawing for years now, whereas Avit isn’t into that as much. We need to get them to start practicing writing their names. All 3 of the big kids were able to write their name when they went to K4, which is happening this fall for these 2!

I’m so happy they got into a morning session for K4, too. It was done by a lottery drawing this year because there’s always much more interest for morning than afternoon, and we got it. It just works so much better with our schedule, and hopefully they’ll keep napping until age 5 like the big kids did.

Nat loves Cuphead, Mario, his snuggies blanket and stuffed puppy Boo, being a kitty, and the color red. Avit loves Mugman, Luigi, his snuggies blanket, running around like a crazy person, and the colors yellow and blue. For their birthday dinner, Nat requested macaroni and cheese and Avit requested cocktail weinies and broccoli. They crack me up. They also live in their pj’s, just like Morrison used to before he started school. I love it.

Happy 4th birthday, Nat Jennings and Avit Jerome! We all love you so very, very much, and I can’t wait to see how our twins turn into big kids. You’re going to do great things, my littlest loves!

For a look back, here are their prior year posts:

And here are all the kids’ 4-year-old birthday pictures. I love these comparisons!