I am SO far behind on this blog, but no better way to catch up than to start catching up, eh?

Lana turned 9 in October, and I continue to be amazed daily by this wondrous creature.

ETA: We had her 9-year well check on February 24, 2022, and here are her official stats:
Height: 4′ 7.75″ (86%)
Weight: 68 lbs. 12.8 oz. (56%)
Blood pressure: 106/64
BMI: 15.56 (32%)
She still hates putting away her laundry, leaves her dirty clothes and pajamas all over the floor, and despises brushing her hair, but the creativity that exudes from her constantly is almost a force of nature.

She loves to bake, enjoys playing with the twins and teaching them games, tucks Nigh-Night into a comfy spot each morning before we go to school, gets into some of the most ridiculous arguments I’ve ever heard with Morrison, and often acts as crazy as a loon with Della.

I have, however, seen a level of maturity emerge from her this school year that I’ve never seen before. They were given an assignment notebook by her teacher at the beginning of the year, and since day 1, she has taken complete ownership of that task. She writes down her daily assignments and to-dos in it, checks each one off as she finishes them, and dog-ears each page as the week is completed. The pride and responsibility I saw from her when this little task began was incredible. I didn’t want to jinx it either, so I very nonchalantly told her how proud I was that she was taking her schoolwork and assignments so seriously this year a couple days in. No big deal, you’re just actually becoming a big kid.

She started taking piano lessons with Della this summer and will complain until the end of time about having to practice and do them, but she’s getting good. She also mastered diving during their swim lessons this summer, and she is now always called on to be the diving example in their weekly lessons. Della is still trying to catch up, much to her chagrin. And the year of schooling at home had nothing on this kid. Lana’s standardized test scores from the beginning of this school year in both reading and math were her highest yet at the top of the charts, and her percentile rankings were the highest of all the big 3. I was blown away. Especially because she always says how much she hates math.

This one. My little Lana Marie. My sweet baby girl. My fairy spirit. I will never be able to put into words how much I love you, but I hope you always know. Even when my body is dead and gone, my spirit will come out and bug you forever. Happy 9th birthday, Lana Marie! Our last year of having a daughter in the single digits! We could not be prouder of the wonderful big kid you’re becoming, with just enough goofiness of your little-kid self still fully intact. You are the beautiful definition of one of a kind, and we love you so very, very much. We are so lucky you’re ours!

Here are her annual birthday posts:
And here are the pictures. I just love this one!

Lana Marie & the Fiddlers Three – what a unique little person! Love, GrampaF