They’re three!

The twins just turned 3 and life with them is anything but dull, that’s for sure!

They had a really fun day to celebrate the big 0-3. Grandpa Frank came into town for the weekend since his birthday is the day before theirs, we got a huge snowstorm on their birthday, our great friend Miss Clara came over to sing happy birthday at lunch time, and they got 2 cakes! Della made them a fantastic Uni and Mickey funfetti cake by request, and I ordered an awesome Daniel Tiger cake from my favorite bakery in Peoria that Grandpa brought up.

We don’t have their 3-year well check for a couple weeks, so I’ll update their stats here once we’ve seen the doctor.

**ETA: We had their well check on February 17, so here are the official 3-year stats:


  • Height: 39.5″ (90%)
  • Weight: 34 lbs. (73%)
  • Head circumference: 51 cm
  • BMI: 15.3 kg/m2 (26%)
  • Blood pressure: 96/62


  • Height: 39.25″ (87%)
  • Weight: 35 lbs. (80%)
  • Head circumference: 53 cm
  • BMI: 16 kg/m2 (50%)
  • Blood pressure: 92/60

I tend to use the word “crazy” to describe them, but I don’t want to give them a complex. 😀 They are constantly running, jumping, wrestling each other, chasing after the big kids and doing anything they can to get on their school meetings, shouting and laughing as they tear through the house, and running some more.

They are incredibly smart, and it manifests itself differently in each of them. Avit has glommed onto Morrison’s electronic Lego Super Mario and instantly knew how to control it to earn coins, make the eyes light up different ways, talk, etc. He also figured out how to use all the functionality on the new little cameras they got for their birthdays within about 5 minutes of opening them. Anything with a button he figures out immediately. No tablet or remote is safe when he’s around. He also loves stop signs!

Nat is the artist. He loves to color and was staying in the lines almost perfectly months ago. He also commands the electronics, but his go-to is more often the bag of markers.

They both love to read through all the little board books we have, and they have become really good at puzzles, too. Their current overall favorites include Daniel Tiger, Cuphead and Mugman, Super Mario now thanks to Morrison’s Lego sets, Peppa Pig, and Little Angel and Cocomelon (shows very similar to Little Baby Bum, their first dose of baby mind control :)). They love to sing, know their ABCs, Avit can count to 20 and Nat can count to 10, and they each have their own bedtime song – Nat gets Mr. Sun and Avit gets Twinkle, Twinkle. Their words have increased and improved by leaps and bounds since last year, and they both speak in full sentences. I still have to translate often, but they are definitely understandable.

I have finally weaned them down to only using their pacifiers during naps and at night, and they still love all their “guys.” Nat has Uni, Llama Llama, Mr. Bear, Fluffy Nigh-Night, and snuggies; and Avit has Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Mr. Elly (elephant), and snuggies. No, we have not even begun potty training because neither of them shows any interest whatsoever and it’s absolutely impossible to potty train a kid who doesn’t want to, so don’t bother asking. 😉

For as loud and crazy and frustrating as they can be, they are some of the most loving, snuggly little boys in the world. Nat gives the biggest wraparound monkey hugs, and I wouldn’t trade Avit’s slobbery kisses for anything.

Life with twin little boys is definitely harder than anything I ever anticipated, but I still look at them in amazement every day. Their beautiful little personalities and spirits do bring so much joy to this house, even though it usually comes with a lot of volume and occasionally some headaches, too. I love them so much, and fortunately the heart-filling times far outnumber the times they send me fleeing into the basement to escape.

Happy 3rd birthday, Nat Jennings and Avit Jerome!! We love you two so very much, and watching you grow from newborns into kids together is an incredible journey.

And now for the 3-year comparison posts and photos!

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