Morrison turned 5 last month, and we just wrapped up his final celebration this weekend. He got Grandma as a surprise visitor on his birthday (our first overnight guest and in-person family member sighting since the start of quarantine/shutdown!); cousins from Ryan’s side of the family came down that same afternoon to shower him with silly string, a bull horn song, and gifts; and this weekend, Grandpa came up for a belated birthday visit. Lucky kid!
Here are his official 5-year-old stats:
- Height: 46″ (94%)
- Weight: 46 lbs. 1 oz. (79%)
- BMI: 15.3 kg/m2 (46%)
- Blood Pressure: 98/57

I really could not ask for a sweeter, more pure-of-heart, first-born son. His incredible little smile lights up my life, and he is definitely my mama’s boy. I always start to worry when he talks about sometimes he’s sad for no reason or just feels sad some days or doesn’t like himself for whatever reason (always his eyelashes, oddly) since we have a lot of mental health issues on both sides of our family and I try to be ultra-wary of early warning signs, but thankfully that’s about 1% of his days. He truly is a happy little kid.

He made me so proud this entire K4 year, his first year of school. His teachers constantly told me how hard working and kind he was and how he was such a good friend to everyone in the class. There was one special-needs friend in particular who he kind of took under his wing – he always made sure this friend was involved in everything the class was doing, always made sure to help this friend when needed, always went out of his way to make sure the friend was doing ok. This side of him often brought me to tears with pride, because I’d never seen it in action before.

He loves to run, jump, skip, scooter, cannonball into the lake, make art projects like his sisters, play outside, play with the twins (especially chasing through the house, much to my chagrin!), play video games (one of his newfound loves), and ask questions. Constantly. I always try to answer, though, because I know one day they’ll be done. He still loves Cuphead, Star Wars, the color green, and dinosaurs, too.

I like to watch him do stuff, because I really could not possibly love him more. Even when he annoys the crap out of me with all-day chattering and questioning, ha! He is ridiculously smart and has an amazing mind for numbers. The speed with which he does some of his math problems has always astonished me, even before he started school this year. He loves to keep track of sports scores and numbers, which led me to give him the nickname “Stats.”

Happy 5th birthday, my sweet Morrison John! You are a magnificently joyful spirit that I hope never fades. I absolutely loved my half days with you this year with morning K4, and I will miss you dearly when you start all-day school with K5. Never stop questioning, never stop playing, never stop smiling, and I will never stop loving you. We are so proud of you, my lovebug, and we all love you so very, very much. I can’t wait to see you celebrate so many more happy birthdays!