Week 10?? Double digits. We’ve been under the safer at home order, which just expired last night, for 10 weeks. Crazy. And to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure I’m ready to have everything open back up. I like being home, knowing we’re staying safe and not needing or really wanting to go anywhere. Like I said in the first week of all this, that’s kinda my thing.
I have a feeling all these extraordinarily smart, wise leaders of ours will be a little sorry rushing to open everything back up this soon, especially since new cases and deaths continue to rise even in our area, but hey, who am I to suggest anyone use common sense anymore? </sarcasm>
But anyway, back in the land of Rau… Last weekend brought us a whirlwind of weather, with Saturday keeping the sun of Friday but not quite the warmth, then the start of over 5″ of rain on Sunday. Thankfully I got the rest of the mulch and plants I needed on Saturday, got them all in, then mowed both yards next door and trimmed those front bushes before the rain fell down. The only thing I’m missing is a big hanging basket for the front shepherd’s hook. Now we just hope all the new grass seed in our yards didn’t drown.

During the deluge on Sunday, Ryan gave both the girls haircuts – Corona cuts. I’m planning on taking them to my stylist sometime this summer for a little “cleaning up,” but he actually did a pretty good job.

If anyone is still reading, here’s what you’ve been missing:
May 18, 2020
- Monday class video meetings. I love how they always get to say hi to everyone and share good news from the week or show some of their favorite things – they’re never about lessons or schoolwork, just camaraderie.
- Morrison’s class got to celebrate the wedding of Q and U (since words are always spelled with QU-, never just Q…), one of my favorite activities during their K4 year. Unfortunately it wasn’t in the classroom for him this year, but he was still excited to wear his bow tie anyway. And he got a piece of gum from Della as an extra piece of candy after dinner, since we didn’t have any wedding cake.

May 19, 2020
- I made my first mask today, and it turned out pretty well. I already have one cloth one and the kids have some nice felt ones with actual respirator valves that Ryan got them, but if they do go back to school in the fall and have to wear masks, I want them to have at least a couple to swap in and out. I designed the slider knot fastener cord in the back so they wouldn’t have to worry about tying anything behind their heads on their own or elastic ear loops chafing. Plus I don’t have any elastic, so I wanted to be able to use supplies I had on hand. Anybody need one?
- Lana made us an adorable pizza stand for our nightly movie tonight. And she paid us to take the pizzas – excellent!

May 20, 2020
- The rain finally stopped and the clouds cleared out, so I got to take my new running shoes for a spin. First new pair in 3 years! What the heck?? I think I should’ve tested them with only 3 miles instead of 4, though, because my feet were burning by the end!
- After my run I got the veggie garden cleared of most of the weeds. We just need to till up the front part to get all the bluebell roots out, but I got all the greens pulled anyway. With my new stone border, this is going to be great this year! And the raspberry bushes survived the winter and are spreading like crazy. I hope we get some good berries this summer.
- All 3 big kids helped me make dinner, which was a huge help since I detest chopping. They did 2 green peppers and an onion for me – awesome!
- The big 3 are taking turns sleeping in my bed for some reason, so tonight was Lana’s turn. Morrison was scared without his best bud in their room, so Della helped him out at bedtime. 😉
- My next bag – these fabrics go so well together!

May 21, 2020
- Happy birthday, Grandpa – 94, amazing!! I hope, someday!
- Morrison made me a train show tonight, complete with tickets. I watched it and rode all the way to the west coast then up to Alaska. It was so cute.
- Tonight was Morrison’s turn for sleeping. And Lana was scared, so into her bed Della went this time. She is such a great kid.

May 22, 2020
- Lana has been working so hard for weeks on her school report on bees, and they finally published them yesterday. She bound it and everything. Tonight we celebrated with dinner from Kopp’s and dessert from Dairy Queen, and she earned all of it! (And I wore my mask picking it all up!) I was so incredibly proud of her, especially since she did all the work 100% by herself. And it was adorable – she dedicated it to Morrison, her favorite brother. 😀 She presented the whole thing to us between the cheeseburger and Blizzard courses.
- Today was technically a half day for the girls, even though they had the same workload as usual, so Morrison had no school. I didn’t realize how nice that was going to be. Now they are all off Monday for Memorial Day. It seems very strange having a 3-day weekend when we’re not even going to school and most people aren’t currently going to offices for work, but I’ll take it for sure.
- Tonight is Della’s turn to sleep with me, so hopefully Lana and Morrison best buds survive.

So I guess we’re not technically in a shutdown anymore? The kids are finishing the school year at home, though, and I don’t know when Ryan goes back to work, so I think I’ll keep updating at least for these last couple weeks of school.
I hope I’m proven wrong in my premonition that we will regret ending our safer at home earlier than I think we should, but then again, I’ve been wrong before. Shocking, I know! So stick with me a little longer to see how this great shutdown of 2020 plays out…