9 times. Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Sound familiar? Yeah, here, too. I’m running out of catchy intros for these weekly updates. I haven’t blogged this much in years! So please bear with me – this one might be a little dry. Sorry, life is happening right now.
I did hear a rumor that we may not be going back to school as usual in the fall, at least not for the first semester. I’m sorry, WHAT DID YOU SAY??? I’m all for staying home, riding this thing out, keeping my family safe, yadda, yadda, but I was so hopeful that the kids would get to go back to our beloved school, sit in class with the teachers they adore and the friends they miss, and learn in a normal setting again. For as well as they are all doing here (thank heavens!!), this is not normal. I think Ryan would be back at work by then, though, so that would make things much easier. We love having him home, but the anxiety of having to keep the twins quiet, under control, and generally not destroying everything as they usually do while he’s on calls and in meetings all day long while the big 3 are in school half the day is getting a little… Tedious? Irksome? What’s a nice way of saying HARD?
But. It’s all just rumors right now. I also heard that the state Supreme Court struck down the Safer at Home order as unconstitutional. I’m sorry, what? We’re 9 weeks in and you’re just deciding this now? Seriously, what the hell is going on here? Has everyone lost their damn minds? See, I told you I was running out of my stunning wit and charm here. Emotions are coming to the surface, and I’m trying so very hard to keep everything under control. I succeed most of the time, but then there are those days like my birthday. Please read back a week for the details. 😉
I did have a fantastic birthday after my mind melt, though, and a truly wonderful, celebratory weekend since Mother’s Day was in there, too. We took a really long walk all together on Saturday for the first time in forever, then I enjoyed some delicious birthday bubbly from a friend and neighbor. Plus, Ryan let me sleep in both days, made me breakfasts and coffee, corralled the twins, generally did a lot of the things that I am primarily in charge of most days when it comes to the kids. So all became right with the world again. Then I got some devastating news from a dear friend a few days later that made me question the higher powers, but she and I decided there is a different underlying plan in action. Time and the universe have interesting ways of working things out sometimes.

If anyone is new here still, well what the hell, dude? Where have you been?? Kidding. Here’s the recap so you can pretend you know what I’m talking about:
Woah, that list is getting long! Let’s get going on the next one…
May 11, 2020
- Monday virtual class meetings for everyone, always a high point of the week
- Ryan had to go into the office for a bit, which allowed me time to FINALLY deep clean the couch and living room rugs with the professional cleaner. Hallelujah! It’s the little things, people. I have fully recognized and accepted the fact that messes and clutter are my triggers, so getting a deep clean like this completed that has been needed for literally months makes me happy. Yeah, I know most of you don’t get that, but I just don’t care. 😉
- Lana showed me the drawing and description she made of me on the computer last week for Mother’s Day – I loved it!
- Della had an assignment for which she needed to use measuring cups, so she wanted to bake chocolate chip cookies. Umm, yes you may!
- Lana wore her “comfy clothes” and declared she wanted to do yoga for an hour each day after she’s done with school. Absolutely, my love, great plan. (I never want to crush a child’s spirit, but that definitely won’t last, ha!)
- I found another little ghost in the house, just like I did when Della was a baby (click this link to read about that one). This time, his name is Nat. 😀
- A new bag tonight, one with a special place in my heart. It’s for Lana’s stick family! I used the indoor/outdoor canvas fabric I had leftover from the monster diaper bag project I made when I was pregnant with Morrison, so she chose which colors she wanted and I made it happen. I was tired of them lying all over the dining room table. 😉

May 12, 2020
- We were out of frozen pancakes for breakfast, which the twins love and everyone wanted, so I suggested cereal or frozen waffles or anything else that involved minimal effort on my part. Not good enough. Della made everyone pancakes before the 8:00 school start time! I’m loving this. Her enthusiasm for cooking and baking is stronger at age 9 than it has ever been in me. Keep it up, sweet girl!
- 2 bags made today! Who am I?? I made 1 during naps and 1 after the twins went to bed. So industrious of me. Actually, I just had them in mind for 2 people and wanted to get them off my list and into the mail while I had the chance. These are fabrics I’ve had since my first round of sewing years ago, I’ve always loved them, and I hope the recipients for whom I chose them do, too!
- Every spring, the rabbits are determined to destroy my beloved tulips. This year, I decided to rescue the fallen soldiers instead of just cursing all the vermin. It actually added a nice little bouquet to my table garden collection.

May 13, 2020
- Oh man, did Lana get in trouble today. My poor, sweet baby girl. I busted her for some inappropriate YouTube viewing, and I have never seen her so upset. You can read the full description of it on her page on here, The Life of L, because I don’t feel like typing it all out again. But I think the lesson was learned, and when I went back tonight and watched all of the videos she saw, there was nothing in them that crossed a major, scarring line. THANK FUCKING GOD!!! I’m not ready for that level of parenting just yet, thankyouverymuch.

May 14, 2020
- I finally decided what to do with the long garden I created last summer in the back yard next door. I originally thought wildflowers, but had zero luck with the seeds I planted last year. Then the thought of trying them again wasn’t really doing it for me this year. I toyed with the idea of hydrangeas, but I had bad luck with one of those in the front garden years ago. I already have lilacs in the front and lots of peonies in both back gardens, so I didn’t really want more of those. One of my good friends has a great gardening skill set and she recommended rhododendrons for the acidic soil under the pine tree back there, so I gave those a whirl. I got 2 of those, 1 for each end, that will have pink/lavender flowers (already bloomed for this year); 5 Karl Foerster feather reed grasses for the back row; 4 sedum plants for the front row; and I transplanted the last peony bush that was leftover in the vegetable garden area to the near front corner of the garden, because I felt like that end was more spread out than the other end once I got everything in the ground. Now I just need to mulch it and hope everything takes!
- It was warm and humid today, so all 5 ran around the big back yard like banshees before dinner. They needed that.

May 15, 2020
- Pretty easy school day for the kids, so we were done early in the day.
- The weather was gorgeous, so I went for a very warm run.
- I moved 2 of the new plants I put in yesterday a little to make my new garden look more evenly spaced to me, so now I’m really happy with it. I have mulch being delivered tomorrow, then it’ll be complete!