Della turned 9 a few weeks ago, and life with her could not be more fine.

She is the kindest, most wonderful spirit and one of the smartest, most eager-to-learn kids I know. For all of her seriousness, it is absolutely hilarious when her goofball side comes out, which is more and more every day.

9 doesn’t sound that old to me, but to say she’s going into 4th grade does. She loves school, which makes my heart so happy. I just hope and pray that she continues to have friends as good as the ones she’s had so far. Kids can be cruel, and I hope Della never learns that lesson the hard way. Or any of our children, for that matter.

She loves to read and adores all things Harry Potter. She enjoys putting Lego sets together, drawing, learning about nature, swimming, gymnastics still even though she hasn’t taken them in a while, and learning to cook. She loves mermaids, fairies, and the wonderful world of childhood imaginary play.

Della is the most amazing sister, and all 4 of her siblings are lucky beyond measure to have her as their example. Her help has gotten me through many days with her twin baby brothers, that’s for sure!

She got to have the time of her life for her birthday this year and spent an entire long weekend at Grandma and Grandpa’s house all by herself. She had an all-day adventure in downtown Chicago, they went shopping at Target (a girl after my own heart!), got ice cream at the Plush Horse, and had a couple dinners out. She looked forward to that trip pretty much all year, and I know it did not disappoint!

Happy 9th birthday, our sweet Della Jolee! Squeaker, peanut, sweet pea. We love you more than words will ever be able to say, and I hope you had not only a fun and wonderful birthday but will have the best year ahead yet!