Morrison turned 4 at the end of May, and it’s so funny watching him become more and more of a real little person every day.

We don’t have his 4-year checkup for a couple weeks, but I’ll throw those stats in here once I have them.
ETA – here are the official 4-year stats:
- Height: 43.5″ (96%)
- Weight: 41 lbs. (83%)
- Head: 51.5 cm
- BMI: 15.2 kg/m2 (35%)
- Blood pressure: 95/68

He still loves all things dinosaurs, Star Wars, Cuphead, playing with his sisters and friends on the block, helping with the babies, and he’s recently started getting into Pokemon cards. The neighbor boys have been very cute and generous and given him a little stack of them that he treasures.

Four has also been particularly whiny for some reason, and he still loves to sneak out of their bedroom about 75,000 times at bedtime each night. However, his “good morning, Mama” each day after nap, random “Mama? I love you,” running hugs, and snuggles in my arms make up for it a million times over.

He’s starting K4 this fall, and I know he’ll have so much fun being at the same school as his sisters. He knows his ABCs, can count almost to 20 correctly, knows how to write his name, and can write all of his letters and numbers. I can’t wait to hear about the days when they see each other in the hallways.

Happy 4th birthday, my sweet Morrison John! We love you so very much, our first little boy, and we can’t wait to watch you grow!!