Twins 9 month stats

Nat and Avit turned 9 months old on Halloween, so this post will be super short since 10 months is just 2 days away. I just want to make sure I get their picture up here.

We did have a well check this time, so here are their official 9 month stats:


  • Height:  29″ (74%)
  • Weight:  19 lbs. 3 oz. (40%)
  • Head:  45 cm (48%)
  • BMI:  16 kg/m2 (19%)


  • Height:  29″ (74%)
  • Weight:  19 lbs. 14 oz. (53%)
  • Head:  45.5 cm (63%)
  • BMI:  16.6 kg/m2 (34%)

For comparison, here are the 9 month posts for the other 3:

And here are all the 9 month pictures – Della, Lana, Morrison, twins. Then the usual all-twins montage.