
My sweet baby girl turned 6 last month, and the world is absolutely a better place because she’s in it.

Lana started full-day kindergarten this year, and even her teacher has said a number of times how ready she was for it. She loves school as much as Della always has, is thriving in her class, is a good friend to all her classmates, and has the most amazing teacher ever. Lana’s teacher is also the middle of 5 children, loves all things tiny, and just “gets” Lana better than I could have ever hoped a teacher could. I told her this is definitely a student-teacher match made in cosmic heaven.

Tinies still reign, Nigh-Night is a forever friend, and unicorns are the newest favorite. She loves playing by herself, yet adores her sister and brothers and would follow Della to the ends of the earth.

She is the perfect embodiment of the word “kid.” Her imagination is beyond any I have ever known. Her creativity overflows every second of the day. And her artistic ability amazes everyone.

I really can’t put into words how much I love this girl. I hope and pray that I never know life without her, because she makes every day so much better. Happy 6th birthday, sweet Lana Marie, and many, many, many more! We love you to the stars and back!!


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