Last month I took all 5 kids to Tucson with my mom for this very reason.

My grandparents hadn’t met the twins yet, and, my grandma being a twin herself, it was very important to me to get them out there.

That part of the trip was wonderful. Gathering multiple generations under the same roof is pretty amazing, and it means a lot to do it as often as possible.

Watching my grandma get down on the floor, play with Avit and a slew of baby toys, let him crawl all over her and snuggle in her lap, and run his little hand along her face was one of the best things I’ll probably ever see in my life. My heart practically jumped out of my chest and swallowed them both up.

All of my grandparents are incredible people, and now watching them see and get to know my own children is awesome. I can literally feel the spirits of our family swirling when I see them all together. The greats and the littles.
So the family time was unforgettable. The rest of the time was… Hard and exhausting. It was the first time the twins were on an airplane, which, in itself, was a logistical nightmare. Avit spent almost the entire 4-hour flight on the way out crying, fussing, squirming, and being generally horribly annoying. Thankfully the big 3 were great and Nat was a little sleeping ray of sunshine. Of course he was on my mom’s lap.

Then while we were there, it was like jailbreak for the big 3. I swear every time I take them somewhere without Ryan, they feel like they no longer need to listen or remember their rules. And they adore their cousins, yet try to put on the worst behavior possible when they get together. Showing off? Who knows. But ugh. And wine.

So I was hugely relieved when we landed at O’Hare after our return flight. We had a great post-travel meal at Morton’s to let traffic clear and everyone decompress a little before hopping in the car to drive home.

It was a lot of work. But not much in life with 5 kids now isn’t. It was a really short trip, too, which also made it feel like such a whirlwind. Overall, though, I was so happy we went. Seeing my grandparents is always great, and there’s never a shortage of laughter when my sisters and I are together. I’m grateful that my mom took me and my gaggle of children, because the trip never would’ve happened without her.

Until next time, Tucson!

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