Twins 8 month stats

Nat and Avit turned 8 months old just 3 days ago. And I’m already writing their monthly post! What?!? I know! (ok, so obviously september 30 wasn’t 3 days ago now, but i really did write this post when it was, so i’m sticking with my original punctuality)

Since I just got around to their 6 and 7 month post a few weeks ago, though, this one will be very short and sweet. Their next checkup isn’t until 9 months, so I have no new growth stats to share, and pretty much everything is exactly the same as that last post.

They still aren’t sleeping through the night. They still show minimal interest in solids, so I’m not wasting the time I don’t have trying to force them and then cleaning up more giant messes. I’ve tried Cheerios with both of them, too, and I’ve never seen babies do a worse job trying to get those tiny circles in their mouths. Avit seemed like he wanted to eat them, but he couldn’t actually get any in his mouth; Nat actually pressed his lips closed and pulled away when I tried to feed him one. Fine then, be that way! I loathe the spoon-fed baby food stage anyway, so I’m just going to wait until they can feed themselves better.

I do think this lack of food is contributing to their nighttime wakeups, though, so just yesterday I started giving them an extra bottle during the day. Nat has started throwing in this early nightly wakeup again that is enough to drive me insane. He clearly does NOT need to be waking and having another bottle anywhere between 8-11, because he used to sleep from 6:00 until at least 2 a.m. easily and consistently. So I’m just pumping them as full of milk as I can. I’ve switched their first 2 bottles of the day to be all breastmilk; I’ve added a third bottle that’s half milk, half formula; I’ve switched their last 2 bottles of the day to be all formula; and I’ve changed their bedtime bottle to be 8 oz. instead of 6 oz. like all the other bottles are. So we’ll see.

Avit still steamrolls all over everything, including Nat. He is literally 1 knee “step” away from crawling, and each day I am shocked that he still hasn’t fully figured it out. Don’t worry, he still squiggles and rolls his way all over the place, though. (update – he finally got that second knee going for a real crawl 2 days ago. look out!) Nat is still content to just lie on the floor and roll around. No sitting or crawling in sight.

So that’s about it. They still amaze me daily, and I still can’t believe we have twins. One big thing is that they have their first flight coming up at the end of this week – HEAVEN HELP ME! 4 hours on an airplane with all 5. Twice. Fun. I hope I survive. I will need coffee. And wine. Lots of both. (this has happened now also, but i will have an update on that later)

Here are all the monthly comparisons again:

Lana 8 month post; Morrison 8 month post

Photos – Della, Lana (combo of these 2 this month), Morrison, twins.

Now all twins. Until month 9 (pray for sleep!)…