Twins 5 month stats

The twins turned 5 months on June 30. No checkup this month either, so this will be another photo post.

Avit is now rolling all over the place, and Nat is very close. He can get his whole lower body over, just gets stuck trying to get his head and shoulders to follow. He likes to stop twisted halfway and just look around, little goofball.

We switched them into a crib from the pack n play in our bedroom a few days ago because they’re getting so big, and Avit was totally steamrolling over Nat all night. He still does, but now at least little Natty Nat has slightly more room to get out of the way. This is very typical of their personalities – Nat is generally very calm and easygoing, whereas I like to describe Avit as a little more high maintenance. Definitely crabbier. And so many times I go into our room to find Avit screaming right in Nat’s face and Nat just lying there, totally asleep.

They love to blow spits to talk to everyone, and the fake coughs are in full effect, just like their big brother and sisters did. I took the arched playmats out of the living room and brought up the jumperoo and 2 bumbo chairs, and they both love being in both of those. A little more physical activity is what they want now instead of just lying around.

They did great on our family vacation up north. Despite sleeping like garbage, they really didn’t add much trouble or hassle to the trip at all. We made sure bottles were ready well before needed, planned enough stops for diaper changes as well as letting the big 3 go to the bathroom while driving, and made sure to be proactive with their needs instead of reactive. Major difference in resultant attitude and decibel level.

These little ones are getting big! They’ve been with us on the outside almost half a year now, and just like Della’s note to me said when I found out last summer that I was having twins – don’t worry, it’ll be fun!

Comparisons, as usual – Della, Lana, Morrison, twins. Seeing any resemblances getting stronger?

And now all twins. Pretty soon they’ll be big enough to each go on their own rug.