He’s Three!

This crazy little monkey turned 3 on May 31, and I seriously think I love him more by the day. And it just kills me that it took me so much of his infancy to really like him. That’s the sleep deprivation for ya…

We had his 3-year well check this week, but they forgot to give me the printout with all his stats on it, so I’ll update this with those as soon as I get them if you want to check back later. But all looked great, and our pediatrician was particularly impressed that he is not only potty trained but doesn’t wear diapers overnight anymore either and that he has no more pacifier. She said it was a dream checkup and wished all her patients were this easy. Go Morrison!

Here are his official 3-year stats:

  • Weight:  36.6 lbs. (89%)
  • Height:  39.75″ (92%)
  • BMI:  16.3 kg/m2 (60%)
  • Blood pressure:  97/61

He still loves all things dinosaurs, Thomas trains, cars, stinky green, Cuphead, and has recently become a huge Star Wars fan. Every time he wakes in the morning or up from a nap, he comes out of his room saying, “Good morning, Mama. Good morning, Mama. Good morning, Mama,” until he finds me. And I can never not bend down and give him the biggest hug ever when I see that sweet little face come out, fresh from sleep and still all warm and snuggly.

His laugh is infectious, and for as maddening as he can be, there is no one else on Earth who can melt my heart with his eyes like he can. His big, bright brown doe eyes are simply endearing.

He’s clever, he’s funny, he’s smart, and he loves drawing just like his sisters. Hearing the 3 of them playing together outside so far this summer makes my heart swell, and I know we’re doing something right by them. He loves running around with all the big kids on the block with the girls, too, and thankfully they all stay together and watch out for each other, even the little ones.

He’s honestly a great help with the babies, and they could not have ordered a better big brother. These 5 are pretty fascinating, and it makes me happy on a daily basis knowing that they’re mine and my main job right now is just to be with them. Then they’ll turn around and do something infuriating, and it makes me want to pull my hair out, ha! Fortunately the goods far outweigh the bads.

Happy 3rd birthday, sweet Morrison John! We love you so, so, so, so much, my little lovebug! I hope you always stay my sweet boy.


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