
Lana turned 5 last month, and 5 just sounds so much older than 4 to me! Even so, her antics sometimes could still pass for those of a 2 year old. 😉

She had a really fun birthday this year. It was her first ballet lesson of this session, which she loves; her birthday party fell on the same day as her actual birthday; almost all of her grandparents were at the party, another thing she loves; and our family from Colorado came in town for the weekend to surprise us. Plus the weather was amazingly warm, so all the kids ran and played themselves silly outside all day. It was quite the fete!

Grandpa Frank brought a special treat for the birthday girl this year – I ordered a huge, beautiful cake that she picked out herself from my absolute favorite bakery from my hometown. I have always loved their cake, and nowhere I’ve ever found has come anywhere close to matching their deliciousness. I think I was as happy about it as she was! Plus it saved me from having to make a character cake for the second time this year. Win win! We did make tiny cupcakes with Ls on them again, though, per her request.

This little girl surprises and amazes me daily with her insane creativity and wicked smarts. She still loves all things tiny, Hello Kitty, fairies, and of course Nigh-Night, her ever-constant companion. I hope she keeps him forever. She absolutely loves school, which makes me ridiculously happy. Every day I ask her what her favorite part was, and she says, “Everything!” She also loves to ask if it’s tomorrow yet, just so she can get back to school.

This little sparkler honestly makes every day brighter. Even the ones where I swear I shout at her half the day to either listen, pick up her crap, or both. But I can’t imagine life without her. It would definitely be a much duller place. We love you so very, very much, Lana Marie! Happy 5th birthday, and many, many, MANY more!!




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