Yesterday was my 38th birthday, and although I’m not thrilled about the ever-looming age of 40, I will say that 38 is off to a great start.

The day wasn’t the warmest, but the sun was shining brightly and beautifully. I walked Della to school with the other 2 in the stroller, then went for a run when we got home. Then Lana helped me plant the flowers and plants we had picked up at Home Depot the day before – flowers for the pot I put on our front walk, flowers for their little playhouse window boxes, and raspberry and grapes plants for the back garden. Ryan and the kids got me a beautiful necklace that I wanted, and the kids all made me cards. Which I will of course save forever, since they are all going to be amazingly famous artists.

We walked back to school to pick up Della in the afternoon, enjoying the sunshine a little longer. I requested chicken marsala for my birthday dinner, and Chef Rau obliged. He also got me a brownie ice cream cake. It was all beyond delicious, as always! We all enjoyed the cake when Della got home from gymnastics, then watched The Voice, the girls’ and my favorite show. I had a couple glasses of dessert wine to toast to myself, and then we called it a night. It was a very good day.

This wonderful family of mine and and some great friends who know me well made this a fantastic, peaceful birthday, which is exactly what I wanted. Happy birthday to me!

I tried to find a comparison shot of me at 28, but we don’t have any pics from my birthday that year. So here’s a picture from our anniversary that year (the big #1!), which was a month before my 28th birthday. Ah, aging…


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